import type { Fund, Id, Md, Work } from "../../src/eid/typ.ts" import type { Pas, PasCode, Pos, PreUsr } from "../../src/pra/pos.ts" import type { DocC, DocD, DocU } from "../../src/db.ts" import * as Q from "../../src/pra/que.ts" import { is_aut, is_lim, is_md, lim_aud, lim_aut, lim_lit, lim_md, lim_md_pin, lim_ord_a, lim_sup, lim_url, lim_wsl } from "../../src/eid/is.ts" import { is_pre_usr, is_pro_usr, is_re, is_ref, is_rej, is_sec, is_uid } from "../../src/pra/can.ts" import { nav, navhash, navnid, navpas } from "./nav.ts" import { acct, btn, cover, goal, idnam, meta, putpro, putrel, re, rec as srec, rel, rolref, seladm, txt, ida, wsllit, label, qrcode } from "./section.ts" import { bind, main, pas_a, pos, PosB, que, utc_refresh } from "./template.ts" import { is_actid, is_goal, is_img, is_msg, is_nam, is_nbr, is_url, } from "../../src/eid/is.ts" import { utc_d, utc_date, utc_medium, utc_short } from "../../src/ont/utc.ts" export function pas( ) { if (nav.pas) { navhash(`${nav.pas.uid}`); return } if (navhash("pas")) return navnid() main.innerHTML = "" const t = bind("pas") const send = async () => { if (!is_nbr(t.nbr.value)) return alert("无效手机号") t.nbr.readOnly = t.send.disabled = true const sent = await pos("pas", { nbr: t.nbr.value, sms: location.hostname === "" }) if (sent) { const utc = sent.utc ? `\n上次发送:${utc_medium(sent.utc)}` : "" t.hint.innerText = `验证码已发送,可多次使用\n一小时内不再重复发送${utc}` t.pas.classList.remove("none") } else { t.hint.innerText = `手机号未注册\n输入居住地与注册激活码\n激活码只能使用一次,确认手机号无误` seladm(t) t.adm.classList.remove("none") t.pre.classList.remove("none") } } t.send.addEventListener("click", send) t.act.addEventListener("click", async () => { if (!is_actid(t.actid.value)) return alert("无效激活码") t.actid.readOnly = t.act.disabled = t.adm1.disabled = t.adm2.disabled = true const uid = await pos("pre", { actid: t.actid.value, nbr: t.nbr.value, adm1: t.adm1.value, adm2: t.adm2.value }) if (uid) { await send() t.pas.classList.remove("none") } else { t.actid.readOnly = t.act.disabled = t.adm1.disabled = t.adm2.disabled = false alert("无效激活码") } }) t.issue.addEventListener("click", async () => { if (!t.code.checkValidity()) return alert("无效验证码") t.code.readOnly = t.issue.disabled = true const p = await pos("pas", { nbr: t.nbr.value, code: parseInt(t.code.value) }) if (!p) { t.code.readOnly = t.issue.disabled = false return alert("无效验证码") } navpas(p) usr(p.uid) }) main.append(t.bind) } function doc( q: "soc" | "agd", adm: string, ) { const [a1, a2] = (adm).split("-") if (a2) { navnid(q, a1, a2) return que(`${q}?adm2=${a2}`) } else if (a1) { navnid(q, a1) return que(`${q}?adm1=${a1}`) } else { navnid(q) return que(q) } } export async function id( h: "agd" | "soc", adm?: string, ) { const idl = await doc<[Id["_id"], Id["nam"]]>(h, adm ?? "") main.innerHTML = "" await live() const t = bind("id") const c = h === "agd" ? "活动公示" : "同城小组" idnam(t, `${h}${adm ?? ""}`, c) t.meta.innerText = "网站本月将开启\"以太假说\"杯评选活动的投票通道\n请参赛小组将图片、视频、介绍添加至小组的活动页面" label(t.idl, `${adm ?? ""} 共 ${idl.length} 个(按注册时间排序)`) ida(t.idl, => [`${h.substring(0, 1)}${n[0]}`, n[1]]), "id") main.append(t.bind) } export type Usr = Omit, "unam" | "snam" | "anam"> & { unam: Map, snam: Map, anam: Map, } export async function usr( uid: number ) { if (navhash(`${uid}`)) return const q = await que(`usr?uid=${uid}`) if (!q) return idn(`${uid}`, "用户") const u: Usr = { ...q, unam: new Map(q.unam), snam: new Map(q.snam), anam: new Map(q.anam) } const froze = is_rej(u) && !(nav.pas && (nav.pas.uid === u._id || is_pre_usr(nav.pas))) navnid() main.innerHTML = "" const t = bind("usr") idnam(t, `${uid}`, froze ? "" : u.nam, meta(t, u, u.aut)) rolref(t.rolref, u) re(t, u) srec(t, "uid", u, froze) if (froze) [t.nam, t.intro].forEach(el => el.classList.add("froze")) else t.intro.innerText = u.intro if (nav.pas) { if (nav.pas.uid === uid) { pas_a.innerText = u.nam t.put.addEventListener("click", () => putid("用户", u)) t.pas.addEventListener("click", async () => { if (nav.pas) await pos("pas", { uid: nav.pas.uid }) navpas(null) usr(uid) }) for (const a of ["aud", "aut"] as const) { const el = t[`pre${a}`] if (is_aut(nav.pas.aut, "sup")) el.addEventListener("click", () => put(`${uid}`, el.innerText, { nam: { p1: "用户名:" }, val: {}, p: "pre", b: p => p.p1 && is_nam(p.p1) ? { nam: p.p1, aut: a } : null, a: "无效用户名,或已达上限", r: async () => { await navpas(); aut() }, })); else el.remove() } if (is_aut(nav.pas.aut) || is_sec(nav.pas)) t.preusr.addEventListener("click", () => pre("用户")) else t.preusr.remove() if (is_aut(nav.pas.aut, "aut")) { t.presoc.addEventListener("click", () => pre("小组")) t.preagd.addEventListener("click", () => pre("活动")) } else[t.presoc, t.preagd].forEach(el => el.remove()) t.prefund.addEventListener("click", () => put(`${uid}`, t.prefund.innerText, { nam: { p1: `订单号:(6-${lim_url} 个字符)` }, val: {}, p: "pre", b: p => p.p1 && is_actid(p.p1) ? { actid: p.p1 } : null, a: "无效订单号,或订单号已被使用", r: () => usr(uid) })) wsllit(t) t.putpro.remove() } else { [t.pos, t.pre, t.wsllit].forEach(el => el.remove()) putpro(t, "uid", u, is_pro_usr(nav.pas, "rej", u._id) ? () => usr(u._id) : undefined) } } else[t.pos, t.pre, t.wsllit, t.putpro].forEach(el => el.remove()) main.append(t.bind) } export type Soc = Omit, "unam"> & { unam: Map, } export async function soc( sid: number ) { if (navhash(`s${sid}`)) return const ss: Q.Soc[] = [await que(`soc?sid=${sid}`)].filter(s => s) navnid() if (ss.length === 0) return idn(`s${sid}`, "小组") main.innerHTML = "" for (const d of ss) { if (!d) continue const s: Soc = { ...d, unam: new Map(d.unam) } const froze = s.rej.length > 0 && !(nav.pas && (is_sec(nav.pas, { sid: s._id }) || is_aut(nav.pas.aut))) const t = bind("soc") idnam(t, `s${s._id}`, s.nam, meta(t, s)) rel(t, s) srec(t, "sid", s, froze) if (froze) [t.nam, t.intro].forEach(el => el.classList.add("froze")) else t.intro.innerText = s.intro if (nav.pas) { if (is_aut(nav.pas.aut, "aut") || is_sec(nav.pas, { sid: s._id })) t.put.addEventListener("click", () => putid("小组", s)) else t.put.remove() putrel(t, "sid", s, async () => { await navpas(); soc(s._id) }) if (is_aut(nav.pas.aut, "aud")) putpro(t, "sid", s, () => soc(s._id)) else t.putpro.remove() } else { t.pos.remove() t.putrel.remove() t.putpro.remove() } main.append(t.bind) } } export type Agd = Omit, "unam"> & { unam: Map, } export async function agd( aid: number ) { if (navhash(`a${aid}`)) return const aa: Q.Agd[] = [await que(`agd?aid=${aid}`)].filter(a => a) navnid() if (aa.length === 0) return idn(`a${aid}`, "活动") main.innerHTML = "" await live() for (const d of aa) { if (!d) continue const a: Agd = { ...d, unam: new Map(d.unam) } const froze = a.rej.length > 0 && !(nav.pas && (is_sec(nav.pas, { aid: a._id }) || is_aut(nav.pas.aut))) const t = bind("agd") idnam(t, `a${a._id}`, a.nam, meta(t, a)) rel(t, a) cover(t, a) acct(t, a) goal(t.goal, a) srec(t, "aid", a, froze) if (froze) [t.nam, t.intro].forEach(el => el.classList.add("froze")) else t.intro.innerText = a.intro if (nav.pas) { if (is_sec(nav.pas, { aid: a._id }) || is_uid(nav.pas, { aid: a._id })) { t.ord.parentElement?.classList.remove("none") if (a.ordlim > 0 && - a.ordutc < utc_d) ida(t.ord, [[`ord${a._id}utc${a.ordutc}`, utc_date(a.ordutc)]]) } if (is_aut(nav.pas.aut, "aut") || is_sec(nav.pas, { aid: a._id })) t.put.addEventListener("click", () => putid("活动", a)) else t.put.remove() if (is_sec(nav.pas, { aid: a._id })) { t.putord.addEventListener("click", () => put(`a${a._id}`, t.putord.innerText, { nam: { p1: "今日份数:(0-128,编辑后重新计数)", p2: "单人单周份数:(周一起算)" }, val: { p1: `${a.ordlim}`, p2: `${a.ordlimw}` }, p: "put", b: p => { if (!p.p1 || !p.p2) return null return { aid: a._id, ordlim: parseInt(p.p1), ordlimw: parseInt(p.p2) } }, a: "无效输入", r: () => agd(a._id), })) t.putimg.addEventListener("click", () => put(`a${a._id}`, t.putimg.innerText, { nam: { p1: "图片名:(2-16 个中文字符)", p2: "图片外链:(最长 128 个字符,或留空以删除图片)" }, val: {}, p: "put", b: p => { if (!p.p1 || !is_nam(p.p1)) return null let img = a.img.filter(m => m.nam !== p.p1) if (p.p2 && p.p2.length > 0) img = [{ nam: p.p1, src: p.p2 }, ...img] return is_img(img) ? { aid: a._id, img } : null }, a: "无效输入,或图片数已达上限(9张)", r: () => agd(a._id), })) t.putgoal.addEventListener("click", () => put(`a${a._id}`, t.putgoal.innerText, { nam: { p1: "目标名:(2-16 个中文字符)", p2: "目标进度:(0- 100,或留空以删除目标)" }, val: {}, p: "put", b: p => { if (!p.p1 || !is_nam(p.p1)) return null let g = a.goal.filter(m => m.nam !== p.p1) if (p.p2 && p.p2.length > 0) g = [{ nam: p.p1, pct: parseInt(p.p2) }, ...g] return is_goal(g) ? { aid: a._id, goal: g } : null }, a: "无效输入,或目标数已达上限(9个)", r: () => agd(a._id), })) } else { t.putord.remove() t.putimg.remove() t.putgoal.remove() } if (is_uid(nav.pas, { aid: a._id })) { t.prelive.addEventListener("click", () => put(`a${a._id}`, t.prelive.innerText, { nam: { p1: "直播标题:(2-256 个字符)", p2: "直播外链:(最长 128 个字符)", p3: "开播时间:(如 2023-3-26 11:30)", p4: "结束时间:", }, val: {}, p: "pre", b: p => { const [utcs, utce] = [p.p3, p.p4].map(d => new Date(d!).getTime()) if (!p.p1 || !p.p2 || !is_msg(p.p1) || !is_url(p.p2) || isNaN(utcs) || isNaN(utce)) return null return { aid: a._id, nam: p.p1, src: p.p2, utcs, utce } }, a: "无效输入\n直播标题为 2-256 个字符\n直播外链最长 128 个字符\n时间格式为 2023-3-26 11:30", r: () => agd(a._id), })) t.prevideo.addEventListener("click", () => put(`a${a._id}`, t.prevideo.innerText, { nam: { p1: "视频标题:(2-256 个字符)", p2: "视频外链:(最长 128 个字符)" }, val: {}, p: "pre", b: p => { if (!p.p1 || !p.p2 || !is_msg(p.p1) || !is_url(p.p2)) return null return { aid: a._id, nam: p.p1, src: p.p2 } }, a: "无效输入\n视频标题为 2-256 个字符\n视频外链最长 128 个字符", r: () => agd(a._id), })) t.prework.addEventListener("click", () => put(`a${a._id}`, t.prework.innerText, { nam: { pa: "工作日志" }, val: {}, p: "pre", b: p => { if (! || !is_msg( return null return { aid: a._id, msg: } }, a: "无效输入\n工作日志为 2-256 个字符", r: () => agd(a._id), })) } else[t.prelive, t.prevideo, t.prework].forEach(el => el.remove()) putrel(t, "aid", a, async () => { await navpas(); agd(a._id) }) if (is_aut(nav.pas.aut, "aud")) putpro(t, "aid", a, () => agd(a._id)) else t.putpro.remove() } else { t.pos.remove() t.putrel.remove() t.putpro.remove() } main.append(t.bind) } } async function live( ) { const r = await que("live") const utc = const [unam, anam] = [new Map(r.unam), new Map(r.anam)] const live = { rec: => l.utcs < utc && utc < l.utce), unam, anam, } const livep = { rec: => utc < l.utcs), unam, anam } const t = bind("live") label(, `(${live.rec.length})`, true) label(t.livep, `(${livep.rec.length})`, true) for (const l of live.rec)"work", live, l)) for (const l of livep.rec) t.livep.prepend(rec("work", livep, l)); ( as HTMLDetailsElement).open = live.rec.length > 0 main.append(t.bind) } export type Ord = Omit, "anam"> & { anam: Map, } export async function ordl( aidutc: string ) { const [aid, utc] = aidutc.split("utc").map(parseFloat) const [a, orda] = await Promise.all([ que(`agd?aid=${aid}`), que(`ord?aid=${aid}`), ]) if (!a || a.ordutc !== utc || !orda) return idn(`ord${aid}`, "订单链接") const n = orda.ord.length main.innerHTML = "" const t = bind("ordl") if (nav.refresh === null) t.que.addEventListener("click", () => { nav.refresh = setInterval(() => ordl(aidutc), 15000) t.que.disabled = true }) else t.que.disabled = true if (is_lim(n + 1, a.ordlim)) t.pre.addEventListener("click", () => put(`a${a._id}`, t.pre.innerText, { nam: { p1: `手机号:(一周可下${a.ordlimw}单,周一起算)`, pa: "留言(选填)" }, val: {}, p: "pre", b: p => { if (!p.p1 || !is_nbr(p.p1)) return null return { nbr: p.p1, aid, msg:!.trim(), sms: location.hostname === "" } }, a: `下单失败\n无效手机号\n或今日订单已满\n或该手机号本周以达${a.ordlimw}单`, r: () => ordl(aidutc), })); else { t.pre.disabled = true t.pre.innerText = "订单已满" } for (const d of orda.ord.filter(d => d.ord).slice(0, lim_ord_a)) { const nbr = `${d._id.nbr.substring(0, 3)}****${d._id.nbr.substring(7)}` const msg = d.msg.length > 0 ? `\n\n留言:${d.msg}` : "" const msgs = d.msg.length > 0 ? `(${d.msg.substring(0, 5)})` : "" const b = t.orda.appendChild(document.createElement("button")) btn(b, `${d._id.nbr.substring(7)}${msgs}`, { confirm: `完成订单? \n\n${nbr}\n验证码:${d.code}${msg}`, pos: () => pos("put", { ordid: d._id, ord: false }), alert: `${nbr}\n验证码:${d.code}${msg}`, refresh: () => ordl(aidutc), }) if (!nav.pas || !is_uid(nav.pas, { aid })) b.disabled = true } label(t.ordl, `(今日 ${n}/${a.ordlim})`, true) let utrord = 0 const lord = async () => { const p = t.ordl if (utrord < 0 || p.scrollTop > 0) return const h = utrord === 0 ? 0 : p.scrollHeight const q = await que(`ord?aid=${aid}&utc=${utrord}`) if (!q || q.ord.length === 0) { utrord = -1; return } utrord = q.ord[q.ord.length - 1]._id.utc const l = { ...q, anam: new Map(q.anam) } for (const d of l.ord) p.prepend(ord(aidutc, l, d)) setTimeout(() => p.scrollTop = p.scrollHeight - h, 100) } lord() t.ordl.addEventListener("scroll", lord) qrcode(t, `ord${aidutc}`) main.append(t.bind) } function ord( aidutc: string, l: Ord, d: Ord["ord"][0], ): DocumentFragment { const t = bind("ord") const [aid, ordid] = [d._id.aid, d._id] const nbr = `${d._id.nbr.substring(0, 3)}****${d._id.nbr.substring(7)}` const msg = d.msg.length > 0 ? `\n\n留言:${d.msg}` : "" t.unam.innerText = `订单#${d.code}` t.anam.innerText = l.anam.get(aid)! t.anam.href = `#a${aid}` t.meta.innerText = utc_short(d._id.utc) t.msg.innerText = `${d.ord ? "准备中" : "已完成"}\n${nbr}${msg}` if (d.ord) [t.meta, t.msg].forEach(el => el.classList.add("pre")) if (nav.pas && is_uid(nav.pas, { aid })) { btn(t.putc, t.putc.innerText, { pos: () => d.ord ? pos("put", { ordid }) : pos("put", { ordid, ord: true }), confirm: "取消订单?", refresh: () => ordl(aidutc), }) if (d.ord) btn(t.puto, t.puto.innerText, { pos: () => pos("put", { ordid, ord: false }), refresh: () => ordl(aidutc), }); else t.puto.remove() } else t.put.remove() return t.bind } export type Rec = Omit, "unam" | "anam"> & { unam: Map, anam: Map, } export function rec( c: "work" | "fund", r: Rec, d: Rec["rec"][0], ): DocumentFragment { const t = bind("rec") const aid = d._id.aid t.unam.innerText = r.unam.get(d._id.uid)! t.unam.href = `#${d._id.uid}` t.anam.innerText = r.anam.get(aid)! t.anam.href = `#a${aid}` t.meta.innerText = utc_short(d._id.utc) if (c === "work") { const w = d as Work const froze = !is_re(w) && !(nav.pas && ( w._id.uid === nav.pas.uid || is_sec(nav.pas, { aid }) || is_uid(nav.pas, { aid }) || is_aut(nav.pas.aut, "aut") )) if (is_rej(w)) { t.meta.innerText += "(反对者达两名,不公示)"; [t.meta, t.msg].forEach(el => el.classList.add("rej2")) } else if (!is_ref(w)) { t.meta.innerText += "(推荐人未达两名,不公示)"; [t.meta, t.msg].forEach(el => el.classList.add("ref2")) } if (w.ref.length !== 0 && w._id.uid === nav.pas?.uid) t.meta.innerText += "(有推荐人,不可编辑)" if (!froze) switch ( { case "work": { t.msg.innerText = w.msg break } case "video": { t.msg.innerText = "发布了视频:" const a = t.msg.appendChild(document.createElement("a")) a.innerText = w.nam a.href = w.src break } case "live": { const utc = t.msg.innerText = `${utc < w.utcs ? "直播预告" : utc < w.utce ? "直播中" : "直播结束"}:` const a = t.msg.appendChild(document.createElement("a")) a.innerText = w.nam a.href = w.src t.msg.append(`\n开播时间:${utc_short(w.utcs)}\n结束时间:${utc_short(w.utce)}`) break } } ida(t.rej, => [`${uid}`, r.unam.get(uid)!])) ida(t.ref, => [`${uid}`, r.unam.get(uid)!])) if (nav.pas) { const refresh = async () => { const q = await que(`rec?c=work&uid=${w._id.uid}&aid=${w._id.aid}&utc=${w._id.utc}`) if (q) t.rec.replaceWith(rec(c, { ...q, unam: new Map(q.unam), anam: new Map(q.anam) }, q.rec[0])) } putpro(t, "workid", w, refresh) if (!is_uid(nav.pas, { aid })) t.putrej.remove() if (!is_sec(nav.pas, { aid })) t.putref.remove() if (w.ref.length === 0 && w._id.uid === nav.pas.uid) { const nam = { === "work" ? { pa: "工作日志" } : {}, === "video" ? { p1: "视频标题:(2-256 个字符)", p2: "视频外链:(最长 128 个字符)" } : {}, === "live" ? { p1: "直播标题:(2-256 个字符)", p2: "直播外链:(最长 128 个字符)", p3: "开播时间:(如 2023-3-26 11:30)", p4: "结束时间:" } : {}, } const val = === "work" ? { pa: w.msg } : === "video" ? { p1: w.nam, p2: w.src } : { p1: w.nam, p2: w.src, p3: utc_short(w.utcs), p4: utc_short(w.utce) } const b = === "work" ? (p: Put) => { if (! || !is_msg( return null return { workid: w._id, msg: } } : === "video" ? (p: Put) => { if (!p.p1 || !p.p2 || !is_msg(p.p1) || !is_url(p.p2)) return null return { workid: w._id, nam: p.p1, src: p.p2 } } : (p: Put) => { const [utcs, utce] = [p.p3, p.p4].map(d => new Date(d!).getTime()) if (!p.p1 || !p.p2 || !is_msg(p.p1) || !is_url(p.p2) || isNaN(utcs) || isNaN(utce)) return null return { workid: w._id, nam: p.p1, src: p.p2, utcs, utce } } const a = === "work" ? "无效输入\n工作日志为 2-256 个字符" : === "video" ? "无效输入\n视频标题为 2-256 个字符\n视频外链最长 128 个字符" : "无效输入\n直播标题为 2-256 个字符\n直播外链最长 128 个字符\n时间格式为 2023-3-26 11:30" t.put.addEventListener("click", () => put(`a${w._id.aid}`, r.anam.get(w._id.aid)!, { nam, val, p: "put", b, a, d: () => pos("put", { workid: w._id }), r: () => usr(w._id.uid) })) } else t.put.remove() } else t.putpro.remove() } else if (c === "fund") { const f = d as Fund const amount = > 0 ? `提供支持:+${}\n` : "" t.msg.innerText = `${amount}${f.msg}` } return t.bind } export async function aut( ) { if (navhash("aut")) return const d = await que("aut") const q = { ...d, unam: new Map(d.unam) } const ht = (uid?: Usr["_id"][]) => uid ? => [`${u}`, q.unam.get(u)!] as [string, string]) : [] navnid() main.innerHTML = "" const t = bind("aut") if (nav.pas && (["sup", "aud"] as const).some(a => is_aut(nav.pas!.aut, a))) { label(t.sup, `(${q.aut.sup?.length ?? 0}/${lim_sup},不公示)`, true); ida(t.sup, ht(q.aut.sup)) label(t.aud, `(${q.aut.aud?.length ?? 0}/${lim_aud},不公示)`, true); ida(t.aud, ht(q.aut.aud)) } else[t.sup, t.aud].forEach(el => el.parentElement?.remove()) label(t.aut, `(${q.aut.aut?.length ?? 0}/${lim_aut})`, true); ida(t.aut, ht(q.aut.aut)) label(t.wsl, `(${q.aut.wsl?.length ?? 0}/${lim_wsl})`, true); ida(t.wsl, ht(q.aut.wsl)) label(t.lit, `(${q.aut.lit?.length ?? 0}/${lim_lit})`, true); ida(t.lit, ht(q.aut.lit)) main.append(t.bind) } export async function md( c: "wsl" | "lit", id: Md["_id"], op: "one" | "many" | "continue", ) { nav.cont = null if (op === "one" && navhash(`${c}${id}`)) return if ((op === "many" || op === "continue") && navhash(c)) return const f = op === "one" ? "" : `&f` const q = await que(`md?${c}id=${id}${f}`) if (op === "one" && (!q || === 0)) return idn(`${c}${id}`, "文章") if (op !== "continue") { navnid(); main.innerHTML = "" } if (!q) return const { marked } = await import("") const unam = new Map(q.unam) for (const m of { const t = bind("md") idnam(t, `${c}${m._id}`, `${m.nam}${ ? "【置顶】" : ""}`) t.utc.innerText = utc_medium(m.utc) t.utcp.innerText = utc_medium(m.utcp) ida(t.unam, [[`${m.uid}`, unam.get(m.uid)!]]) = marked.parse( if (op === "one")"full") else setTimeout(() => { if ( > { += """click", () =>"full")) } else"full") }, 50) if (nav.pas && m.uid === nav.pas.uid && is_aut(nav.pas.aut, c)) { if (!is_rej(nav.pas)) { t.put.addEventListener("click", () => put( `${c}${m._id}`, "编辑文章", { nam: { p1: "标题:(2-16个中文字符)", pa: "正文 Markdown" }, val: { p1: m.nam, pa: }, lim_pa: lim_md, p: "put", b: p => { if (!p.p1 || ! || !is_nam(p.p1) || !is_md( return null return { [`${c}id`]: m._id, nam: p.p1, md: } }, a: `无效输入\n标题为 2-16 个中文字符\n正文最长 ${lim_md} 个字符`, d: () => pos("put", { [`${c}id`]: m._id }), r: r => r === undefined ? md(c, 0, "many") : md(c, m._id, "one"), })) btn(t.putpin, ? `取消置顶` : "置顶", { pos: () => pos("put", { [`${c}id`]: m._id, pin: ! }), refresh: () => md(c, 0, "many"), alert: `最多置顶 ${lim_md_pin} 篇文章`, }) } else[t.put, t.putpin].forEach(el => el.disabled = true) } else[t.put, t.putpin].forEach(el => el.remove()) main.append(t.bind) } if (op !== "one") setTimeout(() => { nav.cont = === 0 ? null : () => md(c,[ - 1]._id, "continue") }, 100) } function pre( nam: "用户" | "小组" | "活动", ) { if (!nav.pas) return navnid() main.innerHTML = "" const t = bind("pre") idnam(t, `${nav.pas.uid}`, `添加${nam}`) seladm(t) // deno-lint-ignore no-explicit-any let p: () => any let r: (id: Id["_id"]) => void switch (nam) { case "用户": { t.pnam.parentElement?.remove() p = () => ({ nbr: t.nbr.value, adm1: t.adm1.value, adm2: t.adm2.value }) r = usr break } case "小组": { t.nbr.parentElement?.remove() p = () => ({ snam: t.pnam.value, adm1: t.adm1.value, adm2: t.adm2.value }) r = soc break } case "活动": { t.nbr.parentElement?.remove() p = () => ({ anam: t.pnam.value, adm1: t.adm1.value, adm2: t.adm2.value }) r = agd break } } btn(t.pre, t.pre.innerText, { pos: () => pos>("pre", p()), alert: `无效输入\n或${nam === "用户" ? "手机号" : "名称"}已被占用`, refresh: r, }) t.cancel.addEventListener("click", () => usr(nav.pas!.uid)) main.append(t.bind) } export type Put = { p1?: string, p2?: string, p3?: string, p4?: string, pa?: string } export function put( id: string, nam: string, p: { nam: Put, val: Put, lim_pa?: number, p: Pos, b: (p: Put) => PosB | null, a: string, d?: () => Promise, // deno-lint-ignore no-explicit-any r: (r?: any) => void, } ) { main.innerHTML = "" const t = bind("put") idnam(t, id, nam) if (p.nam.p1) { label(t.p1, p.nam.p1); t.p1.value = p.val.p1 ?? "" } else t.p1.parentElement!.remove() if (p.nam.p2) { label(t.p2, p.nam.p2); t.p2.value = p.val.p2 ?? "" } else t.p2.parentElement!.remove() if (p.nam.p3) { label(t.p3, p.nam.p3); t.p3.value = p.val.p3 ?? "" } else t.p3.parentElement!.remove() if (p.nam.p4) { label(t.p4, p.nam.p4); t.p4.value = p.val.p4 ?? "" } else t.p4.parentElement!.remove() if (p.lim_pa) = p.lim_pa if ( txt(,, ?? ""); else!.remove() if (p.d) t.putn.addEventListener("click", async () => { if (!confirm("确认删除?")) return await p.d!() p.r() }); else t.putn.remove() t.put.addEventListener("click", async () => { const b = p.b({ ...p.nam.p1 ? { p1: t.p1.value } : {}, ...p.nam.p2 ? { p2: t.p2.value } : {}, ...p.nam.p3 ? { p3: t.p3.value } : {}, ...p.nam.p4 ? { p4: t.p4.value } : {}, ? { pa: } : {}, }) if (b === null) return alert(p.a) const r = await pos(p.p, b) if (r === null) return alert(p.a) setTimeout(() => p.r(r), utc_refresh) }) t.cancel.addEventListener("click", () => p.r()) main.append(t.bind) } function putid( nam: "用户" | "小组" | "活动", d: Usr | Soc | Agd, ) { if (!nav.pas) return navnid() main.innerHTML = "" const t = bind("putid") idnam(t, `${d._id}`, `编辑${nam}信息`) t.pnam.value = d.nam seladm(t, d.adm1, d.adm2) txt(t.intro, "简介", d.intro) const pid = () => ({ nam: t.pnam.value, adm1: t.adm1.value, adm2: t.adm2.value, }) const paut = () => ({ uidlim: parseInt(t.uidlim.value) }) const psoc = () => ({ intro: t.intro.value.trim(), reslim: parseInt(t.reslim.value) }) const pagd = () => ({ account: t.account.value.trim(), budget: parseInt(t.budget.value), fund: parseInt(, expense: parseInt(t.expense.value) }) // deno-lint-ignore no-explicit-any let p: () => any[] let r switch (nam) { case "用户": { [t.uidlim, t.reslim, t.account, t.budget,, t.expense].forEach(el => el.parentElement?.remove()) t.meta.remove() p = () => [{ uid: d._id,, intro: t.intro.value.trim() }] r = () => usr(d._id) break } case "小组": { [t.account, t.budget,, t.expense].forEach(el => el.parentElement?.remove()) const s = d as Soc t.uidlim.value = `${s.uidlim}` t.reslim.value = `${s.reslim}` const [isaut, issec] = [is_aut(nav.pas.aut, "aut"), is_sec(nav.pas, { sid: d._id })] t.pnam.readOnly = t.adm1.disabled = t.adm2.disabled = t.uidlim.readOnly = !isaut t.intro.readOnly = t.reslim.readOnly = !issec p = () => [ ...isaut ? [{ sid: d._id,, ...paut() }] : [], ...issec ? [{ sid: d._id, ...psoc() }] : [], ] r = () => soc(d._id) break } case "活动": { const a = d as Agd t.uidlim.value = `${a.uidlim}` t.reslim.value = `${a.reslim}` t.account.value = a.account t.budget.value = `${a.budget}` = `${}` t.expense.value = `${a.expense}` const [isaut, issec] = [is_aut(nav.pas.aut, "aut"), is_sec(nav.pas, { aid: d._id })] t.pnam.readOnly = t.adm1.disabled = t.adm2.disabled = t.uidlim.readOnly = !isaut; [t.intro, t.reslim, t.account, t.budget,, t.expense].forEach(el => el.readOnly = !issec) p = () => [ ...isaut ? [{ aid: d._id,, ...paut() }] : [], ...issec ? [{ aid: d._id, ...psoc(), ...pagd() }] : [], ] r = () => agd(d._id) break } } if (nam === "用户" || !is_aut(nav.pas.aut, "aut") || is_rej(nav.pas)) t.putn.remove() else btn(t.putn, `删除${nam}`, { confirm: `确认要删除${nam}?`, pos: () => pos("put", { [nam === "小组" ? "sid" : "aid"]: d._id }), alert: `${nam === "小组" ? "小组仍有志愿者" : "活动仍有工作日志或支持记录"}`, refresh: () => nam === "小组" ? id("soc") : id("agd"), }) btn(t.put, t.put.innerText, { pos: async () => { const rs = await Promise.all(p().map(b => pos("put", b))) return rs.some(r => r === null) ? null : 1 }, alert: "无效输入\n或名称已被占用", refresh: r, }) t.cancel.addEventListener("click", r) main.append(t.bind) } export function idn( id: string, nam: string ) { navnid() main.innerHTML = "" const t = bind("idn") = id t.meta.innerText = `ismist#${id} 是无效${nam}` main.append(t.bind) }