##============================================================================ ## Copyright (c) Kitware, Inc. ## All rights reserved. ## See LICENSE.txt for details. ## ## This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even ## the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR ## PURPOSE. See the above copyright notice for more information. ##============================================================================ ## This CMake script checks source files for the appropriate VTKM copyright ## statement, which is stored in VTKm_SOURCE_DIR/CMake/VTKmCopyrightStatement.txt. ## To run this script, execute CMake as follows: ## ## cmake -DVTKm_SOURCE_DIR= -P /CMake/VTKMCheckCopyright.cmake ## cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.12) set(FILES_TO_CHECK *.txt *.cmake *.h *.h.in *.hxx *.cxx *.cu *.py *.sh *.ps1 Dockerfile *.yaml *.yml ) set(EXCEPTIONS LICENSE.txt README.txt docs/users-guide/requirements.txt ) if (NOT VTKm_SOURCE_DIR) message(SEND_ERROR "VTKm_SOURCE_DIR not defined.") endif (NOT VTKm_SOURCE_DIR) set(copyright_file ${VTKm_SOURCE_DIR}/CMake/VTKmCopyrightStatement.txt) if (NOT EXISTS ${copyright_file}) message(SEND_ERROR "Cannot find VTKMCopyrightStatement.txt.") endif (NOT EXISTS ${copyright_file}) set(license_file ${VTKm_SOURCE_DIR}/LICENSE.txt) if (NOT EXISTS ${license_file}) message(SEND_ERROR "Cannot find LICENSE.txt.") endif (NOT EXISTS ${license_file}) # Get a list of third party files (with different copyrights) from the # license file. file(STRINGS ${license_file} license_lines) list(FIND license_lines "- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - do not remove this line" separator_index ) math(EXPR begin_index "${separator_index} + 1") list(LENGTH license_lines license_file_length) math(EXPR end_index "${license_file_length} - 1") foreach (index RANGE ${begin_index} ${end_index}) list(GET license_lines ${index} tpl_file) set(EXCEPTIONS ${EXCEPTIONS} ${tpl_file}) endforeach(index) # if the build directory is in the source directory, exclude generated build # files find_path(BUILD_DIR CMakeCache.txt .) get_filename_component(abs_build_dir ${BUILD_DIR} ABSOLUTE) get_filename_component(build_dir_name ${abs_build_dir} NAME) set(EXCEPTIONS ${EXCEPTIONS} ${build_dir_name}/*) message("Copyright Check Exceptions: ${EXCEPTIONS}") # Gets the current year (if possible). function (get_year var) string(TIMESTAMP result "%Y") set(${var} "${result}" PARENT_SCOPE) endfunction (get_year) set(copyright_file_year 2014) get_year(current_year) # Escapes ';' characters (list delimiters) and splits the given string into # a list of its lines without newlines. function (list_of_lines var string) string(REGEX REPLACE ";" "\\\\;" conditioned_string "${string}") string(REGEX REPLACE "\n" ";" conditioned_string "${conditioned_string}") set(${var} "${conditioned_string}" PARENT_SCOPE) endfunction (list_of_lines) # Read in copyright statement file. file(READ ${copyright_file} COPYRIGHT_STATEMENT) # Remove trailing whitespace and ending lines. They are sometimes hard to # see or remove in editors. string(REGEX REPLACE "[ \t]*\n" "\n" COPYRIGHT_STATEMENT "${COPYRIGHT_STATEMENT}") string(REGEX REPLACE "\n+$" "" COPYRIGHT_STATEMENT "${COPYRIGHT_STATEMENT}") # Get a list of lines in the copyright statement. list_of_lines(COPYRIGHT_LINE_LIST "${COPYRIGHT_STATEMENT}") # Comment regular expression characters that we want to match literally. string(REPLACE "." "\\." COPYRIGHT_LINE_LIST "${COPYRIGHT_LINE_LIST}") string(REPLACE "(" "\\(" COPYRIGHT_LINE_LIST "${COPYRIGHT_LINE_LIST}") string(REPLACE ")" "\\)" COPYRIGHT_LINE_LIST "${COPYRIGHT_LINE_LIST}") # Introduce regular expression for years we want to be generic. string(REPLACE "${copyright_file_year}" "20[0-9][0-9]" COPYRIGHT_LINE_LIST "${COPYRIGHT_LINE_LIST}" ) # Replace year in COPYRIGHT_STATEMENT with current year. string(REPLACE "${copyright_file_year}" "${current_year}" COPYRIGHT_STATEMENT "${COPYRIGHT_STATEMENT}" ) # Print an error concerning the missing copyright in the given file. function(missing_copyright filename comment_prefix) message("${filename} does not have the appropriate copyright statement:\n") # Condition the copyright statement string(REPLACE "\n" "\n${comment_prefix} " comment_copyright "${COPYRIGHT_STATEMENT}" ) set(comment_copyright "${comment_prefix} ${comment_copyright}") string(REPLACE "\n${comment_prefix} \n" "\n${comment_prefix}\n" comment_copyright "${comment_copyright}" ) message("${comment_prefix}=============================================================================") message("${comment_prefix}") message("${comment_copyright}") message("${comment_prefix}") message("${comment_prefix}=============================================================================\n") message(SEND_ERROR "Please add the previous statement to the beginning of ${filename}" ) endfunction(missing_copyright) # Get an appropriate beginning line comment for the given filename. function(get_comment_prefix var filename) get_filename_component(name "${filename}" NAME) if(name MATCHES "\\.(cmake|py|sh|ps1|yaml|yml)$" OR name STREQUAL "CMakeLists.txt" OR name STREQUAL "Dockerfile" ) set(${var} "##" PARENT_SCOPE) elseif (name MATCHES "\\.(h|h\\.in|hxx|cxx|cu)$") set(${var} "//" PARENT_SCOPE) elseif (name MATCHES "\\.txt$") set(${var} "" PARENT_SCOPE) else () message(FATAL_ERROR "Could not identify file type of `${name}`.") endif () endfunction(get_comment_prefix) # Check the given file for the appropriate copyright statement. function(check_copyright filename) get_comment_prefix(comment_prefix "${filename}") # Read in the first 2000 characters of the file and split into lines. # This is roughly equivalent to the file STRINGS command except that we # also escape semicolons (list separators) in the input, which the file # STRINGS command does not currently do. file(READ "${filename}" header_contents LIMIT 2000) list_of_lines(header_lines "${header_contents}") set(printed) # Check each copyright line. foreach (copyright_line IN LISTS COPYRIGHT_LINE_LIST) set(match) # My original algorithm tried to check the order by removing items from # header_lines as they were encountered. Unfortunately, CMake 2.8's # list REMOVE_AT command removed the escaping on the ; in one of the # header_line's items and cause the compare to fail. foreach (header_line IN LISTS header_lines) if (copyright_line) string(REGEX MATCH "^${comment_prefix}[ \t]*${copyright_line}[ \t]*$" match "${header_line}" ) else (copyright_line) if (NOT header_line) set(match TRUE) endif (NOT header_line) endif (copyright_line) if (match) break() endif (match) endforeach (header_line) if (NOT match AND NOT printed) message(STATUS "Could not find match for `${copyright_line}'") missing_copyright("${filename}" "${comment_prefix}") set(printed TRUE) endif (NOT match AND NOT printed) endforeach (copyright_line) endfunction(check_copyright) foreach (glob_expression ${FILES_TO_CHECK}) file(GLOB_RECURSE file_list RELATIVE "${VTKm_SOURCE_DIR}" "${VTKm_SOURCE_DIR}/${glob_expression}" ) foreach (file ${file_list}) set(skip) foreach(exception ${EXCEPTIONS}) if(file MATCHES "^${exception}(/.*)?$") # This file is an exception set(skip TRUE) endif(file MATCHES "^${exception}(/.*)?$") endforeach(exception) if (NOT skip) check_copyright("${VTKm_SOURCE_DIR}/${file}") endif (NOT skip) endforeach (file) endforeach (glob_expression)