# VTK-m User's Guide Source This directory contains the source for building the VTK-m User's Guide. The document is written for the [Sphinx](https://www.sphinx-doc.org/en/master/) document generator. ## Building the documentation To build the document, you will need the following installed on your system. * [Doxygen] - Processes source code to pull out documentation. * [Sphinx] - Processes [reStructuredText] to build HTML and LaTeX formatted documents. * [RTD Theme] - We use the Sphinx Read the Docs theme for formatting the generated HTML. The build will fail without this installed. * [Sphinx CMake Domain] Sphinx does not support documenting CMake elements out of the box. This extension provides that support. * [Breathe] - Forms a bridge betweein Doxygen and Sphinx to allow the Sphinx reStructuredTest to include documentation extracted by Doxygen. To enable document generation, you first must turn on the CMake option `VTKm_ENABLE_DOCUMENTATION`, which turns on the Doxygen documentation. With that on, you can then turn on the `VTKm_ENABLE_USERS_GUIDE` CMake option. The documentation will be built into HTML format in the `docs/users-guide/html` directory in the build. It will also build LaTeX files in `docs/users-guide/latex`. It will come with a `Makefile` that can be used to generate a pdf form (given the proper LaTeX compiler). ## Features of the documents The VTK-m User's Guide is built as a standard [Sphinx] project. However, there are some features that writers should be aware of. ### Writing credit Kenneth Moreland is the main author of this document. If you have made a contribution, you can credit yourself in the `Contributors` section of [acknowledgements.rst]. ### Provided substitutions The Sphinx configuration provides some convenient substitutions that can be used throughout the document. * `|VTKm|` This should be used whenever `VTK-m` is referenced. The substitution contains formatting for the word. ### Expanded directives This reStructuredText is build with some extended directives. #### Info boxes Two new "admonition" boxes are supported: `didyouknow` and `commonerrors`. It is encouraged to use these boxes to highlight interesting features or common gotchas. These are use like other tip boxes. ``` restructuredtext .. didyouknow:: In this guide we periodically use these **Did you know?** boxes to provide additional information related to the topic at hand. .. commonerrors:: **Common Errors** blocks are used to highlight some of the common problems or complications you might encounter when dealing with the topic of discussion. ``` ### Section references It is desired for the VTK-m User's Guide to be available both online as web pages and as a self-contained document (e.g. pdf). One issue is that traditional paper documents work best with numbered references to parts, chapters, and sections whereas html documents prefer descriptive links. To service both, this document has extensions to automatically provide references to document parts. Three roles are created: `:partref:`, `:chapref:`, and `:secref:` to create cross references to parts, chapters, and sections, respectively. They each take a label, and Sphinx is configured with numfig and autosection labels. These labels take the form : where <file> is the name of the file containing the section (without the `.rst` extension) and <title> is the full name of the section. Here are examples of cross references. ``` restructuredtext :partref:`part-getting-started:Getting Started` :chapref:`introduction:Introduction` :secref:`introduction:How to Use This Guide` ``` ### Example code The VTK-m User's Guide has numerous code examples. These code examples are pulled from source files that are compiled and run as part of VTK-m's regression tests. Although these "tests" are not meant to be thorough regression tests like the others, they ensure that the documentation stays up to date and correct. Examples are added to the `examples` directory more or less like any other unit test in VTK-m (except by convention we start the name with `GuideExample`). Each of these files can then be scanned to find excerpts to include as an example in the guide. #### Marking examples in the code A simple text scanner goes through the example code looking for lines containing a comment starting with 4 slashes, `////`. Any such line will not be included in the example. An example can be started with `//// BEGIN-EXAMPLE` and ended with `//// END-EXAMPLE`. Each of these must be given the name of the example. ``` cpp //// //// BEGIN-EXAMPLE EquilateralTriangle //// vtkm::Vec<vtkm::Vec2f_32, 3> equilateralTriangle = { { 0.0f, 0.0f }, { 1.0f, 0.0f }, { 0.5f, 0.8660254f } }; //// //// END-EXAMPLE EquilateralTriangle //// ``` #### Loading examples in the documentation An example can be loaded into the VTK-m User's Guide using the extended reStructuredText `load-example` directive. The directive takes the name of the example as its argument. `load-example` should also be given the `:file:` and `:caption:` options. ``` restructuredtext .. load-example:: EquilateralTriangle :file: GuideExampleCoreDataTypes.cxx :caption: Defining a triangle in the plane. ``` The following options are supported. * `:file:` The filename of the file containing the named example. The filename is relative to the `examples` directory. * `:caption:` The caption used for the example. * `:nolinenos:` Turn off line numbering. By default, line numbers are shown, but they are suppressed with this option. #### Referencing examples The example is registered as a `code-block` the named registered as the example named prepended with `ex:`. This name can then be referenced with the `:ref:` and `:numref:` roles as with figures, sections, and other cross references. The `:numref:` role is particularly useful for referencing each example. Using `:numref:` with just the name will be replaced with a link titled "Example #" with "#" being the number of the example. ``` restructuredtext :numref:`ex:EquilateralTriangle` shows how the :class:`Vec` class can be used to store several points in the same structure. ``` The `:numref:` role also supports custom text with number substitution as described in the [Sphinx documentation](https://www.sphinx-doc.org/en/master/usage/restructuredtext/roles.html#role-numref) ``` restructuredtext :numref:`Example %s representes an equilateral triangle<ex:EquilateralTriangle>` using the :class:`Vec` class. ``` #### Pausing and resuming capture Sometimes it is useful to insert code in the compiled test that is not included as part of the example. This is useful to, for example, insert a check for values, which can verify that the code is working correctly but is not necessary for the example. When a `//// PAUSE-EXAMPLE` is inserted into the code, the following lines will not be captured until the line `//// RESUME-EXAMPLE` is encountered. ``` cpp range.Include(2.0); // range is now [0.5 .. 2] bool b5 = range.Contains(0.5); // b3 is true bool b6 = range.Contains(0.6); // b4 is true range.Include(vtkm::Range(-1, 1)); // range is now [-1 .. 2] //// PAUSE-EXAMPLE VTKM_TEST_ASSERT(test_equal(range, vtkm::Range(-1, 2)), "Bad range"); //// RESUME-EXAMPLE ``` #### Referencing a specific line You apply a label to a specific line in the code by adding a `//// LABEL` comment right before it. The `LABEL` needs a text string used to reference the line. ``` cpp //// //// BEGIN-EXAMPLE VecCExample //// //// LABEL index-to-ijk VTKM_EXEC vtkm::VecCConst<vtkm::IdComponent> HexagonIndexToIJK(vtkm::IdComponent index) { static const vtkm::IdComponent HexagonIndexToIJKTable[8][3] = { { 0, 0, 0 }, { 1, 0, 0 }, { 1, 1, 0 }, { 0, 1, 0 }, { 0, 0, 1 }, { 1, 0, 1 }, { 1, 1, 1 }, { 0, 1, 1 } }; return vtkm::make_VecC(HexagonIndexToIJKTable[index], 3); } //// LABEL ijk-to-index VTKM_EXEC vtkm::IdComponent HexagonIJKToIndex(vtkm::VecCConst<vtkm::IdComponent> ijk) { static const vtkm::IdComponent HexagonIJKToIndexTable[2][2][2] = { { // i=0 { 0, 4 }, // j=0 { 3, 7 }, // j=1 }, { // i=1 { 1, 5 }, // j=0 { 2, 6 }, // j=1 } }; return HexagonIJKToIndexTable[ijk[0]][ijk[1]][ijk[2]]; } //// //// END-EXAMPLE VecCExample //// ``` This line can be referenced in the text using the extended reStructuredText `:exlineref:` role. The role takes references of the form "example-name:line-label". If given just this reference, the link text is "Example #, line #". ``` restructuredtext A function to convert a 3D index to a flat index starts on :exlineref:`VecCExample:ijk-to-index`. ``` `:exlineref:` also accepts a formatting string like the `:numref:` builtin role. `%s` and `{line}` will be replaced with the line number. `:exlineref:` also follows the [`:numref:` convention](https://www.sphinx-doc.org/en/master/usage/restructuredtext/roles.html#role-numref) of replacing `{number}` and `{name}` with the example number and caption, respectively. ``` restructuredtext You can convert a flat index to a 3D index (shown starting on :exlineref:`line {line} in Example {number}<VecCExample:index-to-ijk>`) and the inverse function (:exlineref:`line %s<VecCExample:ijk-to-index>`). ``` ### Ingesting Doxygen The VTK-m User's Guide is built with [Breathe], which allows it to pull in Doxygen documentation. Use [Breathe's directives](https://breathe.readthedocs.io/en/latest/directives.html#directives) to include the doxygen documentation. [Sphinx]: https://www.sphinx-doc.org/en/master/ [Doxygen]: https://www.doxygen.nl/ [RTD Theme]: https://sphinx-themes.org/sample-sites/sphinx-rtd-theme/ [Sphinx CMake Domain]: https://github.com/scikit-build/moderncmakedomain [Breathe]: https://www.breathe-doc.org/ [reStructuredText]: https://docutils.sourceforge.io/rst.html