#!/bin/sh extentions_to_change="cxx cpp cu h hxx hpp" tags_to_change=" \ FieldIn FieldOut FieldInOut FieldInTo FieldInFrom FieldInCell FieldOutCell FieldInOutCell FieldInPoint FieldInOutPoint FieldOutPoint FieldInNeighborhood ValuesIn ValuesInOut ValuesOut ReducedValuesIn ReducedValuesInOut ReducedValuesOut WholeArrayIn WholeArrayOut WholeArrayInOut AtomicArrayInOut " if [ $# -ne 1 ] then echo "USAGE: $0 " echo echo "This script seaches for C++ source files and removes the template" echo "arguments of select ControlSignature tags that have changed since" echo "VTK-m 1.3. This script searches through all subdirectories of the" echo "given directory. Files with the following extensions are processed:" echo echo " $extentions_to_change" exit 1 fi find_command="find '$1' -name 'not-a-name'" for extention in $extentions_to_change do find_command="$find_command -o -name '*.$extention'" done sed_command="sed" for tag in $tags_to_change do sed_command="$sed_command -e 's/\\([^a-zA-Z]\\)$tag<[^<>,]*>/\\1$tag/g'" sed_command="$sed_command -e 's/\\([^a-zA-Z]\\)$tag<[^<>,]*<[^<>]*>[^<>,]*>/\\1$tag/g'" sed_command="$sed_command -e 's/\\([^a-zA-Z]\\)$tag<[^<>,]*<[^<>]*<[^<>]*>[^<>]>[^<>,]*>/\\1$tag/g'" done echo -n "Converting files in `realpath $1`" for file in `eval $find_command` do eval $sed_command $file > $file._do_update_sig if diff $file $file._do_update_sig > /dev/null then rm $file._do_update_sig else rm $file mv $file._do_update_sig $file fi echo -n "." done echo done