# Provide scripts to build Gitlab-ci workers locally To simplify reproducing docker based CI workers locally, VTK-m has python program that handles all the work automatically for you. The program is located in `[Utilities/CI/reproduce_ci_env.py ]` and requires python3 and pyyaml. To use the program is really easy! The following two commands will create the `build:rhel8` gitlab-ci worker as a docker image and setup a container just as how gitlab-ci would be before the actual compilation of VTK-m. Instead of doing the compilation, instead you will be given an interactive shell. ``` ./reproduce_ci_env.py create rhel8 ./reproduce_ci_env.py run rhel8 ``` To compile VTK-m from the the interactive shell you would do the following: ``` > src]# cd build/ > build]# cmake --build . ```