#!/usr/bin/env python3 #============================================================================= # # Copyright (c) Kitware, Inc. # All rights reserved. # See LICENSE.txt for details. # # This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even # the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR # PURPOSE. See the above copyright notice for more information. # #=============== import enum import os import tempfile import string import subprocess import sys import platform import re import yaml def get_root_dir(): dir_path = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)) #find the where .gitlab-ci.yml is located try: src_root = subprocess.check_output(['git', 'rev-parse', '--show-toplevel'], cwd=dir_path) src_root = str(src_root, 'utf-8') src_root = src_root.rstrip('\n') # Corrections in case the filename is a funny Cygwin path src_root = re.sub(r'^/cygdrive/([a-z])/', r'\1:/', src_root) return src_root except subprocess.CalledProcessError: return None def extract_stage_job_from_cmdline(*args): if len(args) == 1: stage_and_job = str(args[0]).split(':') if len(stage_and_job) == 1: stage_and_job = ['build', stage_and_job[0]] return stage_and_job return args def load_ci_file(ci_file_path): ci_state = {} if ci_file_path: root_dir = os.path.dirname(ci_file_path) ci_state = yaml.safe_load(open(ci_file_path)) if 'include' in ci_state: for inc in ci_state['include']: if 'local' in inc: #the local paths can start with '/' include_path = inc['local'].lstrip('/') include_path = os.path.join(root_dir, include_path) ci_state.update(yaml.safe_load(open(include_path))) return ci_state # Recursively updates the target dictionary with the source dictionary. # By recursive, I mean that if source contains a sub-dictionary that # target also contains, the target sub-dictionary is updated rather than # replaced. Likewise for sub-sub-dictionaries and so on. This code is # taken from StackOverflow: # https://stackoverflow.com/questions/3232943/update-value-of-a-nested-dictionary-of-varying-depth def recursive_dictionary_update(target, source): import collections.abc for key, value in source.items(): if isinstance(value, collections.abc.Mapping): target[key] = recursive_dictionary_update(target.get(key, {}), value) else: target[key] = value return target def flattened_entry_copy(ci_state, name): import copy entry = copy.deepcopy(ci_state[name]) #Flatten 'extends' entries, only presume the first level of inheritance is #important if 'extends' in entry: if not isinstance(entry['extends'], list): entry['extends'] = [ entry['extends'] ] for e in entry['extends']: recursive_dictionary_update(entry, ci_state[e]) del entry['extends'] return entry def ci_stages_and_jobs(ci_state): stages = ci_state['stages'] jobs = dict((s,[]) for s in stages) for key in ci_state: entry = flattened_entry_copy(ci_state, key) is_job = False if 'stage' in entry: stage = entry['stage'] if stage in stages: is_job = True # if we have a job ( that isn't private ) if is_job and not key.startswith('.'): # clean up the name clean_name = key if ':' in key: clean_name = key.split(':')[1] jobs[stage].append(clean_name) return jobs def subset_yml(ci_state, stage, name): #given a stage and name generate a new yaml #file that only contains information for stage and name. #Does basic extend merging so that recreating the env is easier runner_yml = {} if stage+":"+name in ci_state: name = stage+":"+name runner_yml[name] = flattened_entry_copy(ci_state, name) return runner_yml class CallMode(enum.Enum): call = 1 output = 2 def subprocess_call_docker(cmd, cwd, mode=CallMode.call): system = platform.system() if (system == 'Windows') or (system == 'Darwin'): # Windows and MacOS run Docker in a VM, so they don't need sudo full_cmd = ['docker'] + cmd else: # Unix needs to run docker with root privileges full_cmd = ['sudo', 'docker'] + cmd print(" ".join(full_cmd), flush=True) if mode is CallMode.call: return subprocess.check_call(full_cmd, cwd=cwd) if mode is CallMode.output: return subprocess.check_output(full_cmd, cwd=cwd) ############################################################################### # # User Command: 'list' # ############################################################################### def list_jobs(ci_file_path, *args): ci_state = load_ci_file(ci_file_path) jobs = ci_stages_and_jobs(ci_state) for key,values in jobs.items(): print('Jobs for Stage:', key) for v in values: print('\t',v) print('') ############################################################################### # # User Command: 'build' | 'setup' # ############################################################################### def create_container(ci_file_path, *args): ci_state = load_ci_file(ci_file_path) ci_jobs = ci_stages_and_jobs(ci_state) stage,name = extract_stage_job_from_cmdline(*args) if not stage in ci_jobs: print('Unable to find stage: ', stage) print('Valid stages are:', list(ci_jobs.keys())) exit(1) if not name in ci_jobs[stage]: print('Unable to find job: ', name) print('Valid jobs are:', ci_jobs[stage]) exit(1) #we now have the relevant subset of the yml #fully expanded into a single definition subset = subset_yml(ci_state, stage, name) job_name = name if stage+":"+name in subset: job_name = stage+":"+name runner_name = stage+":"+name runner = subset[job_name] src_dir = get_root_dir() gitlab_env = [ k + '="' + v + '"' for k,v in runner['variables'].items()] # propagate any https/http proxy info if os.getenv('http_proxy'): gitlab_env = [ 'http_proxy=' + os.getenv('http_proxy') ] + gitlab_env if os.getenv('https_proxy'): gitlab_env = [ 'https_proxy=' + os.getenv('https_proxy') ] + gitlab_env # The script and before_script could be anywhere! script_search_locations = [ci_state, subset, runner] for loc in script_search_locations: if 'before_script' in loc: before_script = [command.strip() for command in loc['before_script']] if 'script' in loc: script = [command.strip() for command in loc['script']] docker_template = string.Template(''' FROM $image ENV GITLAB_CI=1 \ GITLAB_CI_EMULATION=1 \ CI_PROJECT_DIR=. \ CI_JOB_NAME=$job_name #Copy all of this project to the src directory COPY . /src ENV $gitlab_env WORKDIR /src RUN echo "$before_script" >> /setup-gitlab-env.sh && \ echo "$script" >> /run-gitlab-stage.sh && \ bash /setup-gitlab-env.sh ''') docker_content = docker_template.substitute(image=runner['image'], job_name='local-build'+runner_name, src_dir=src_dir, gitlab_env= " ".join(gitlab_env), before_script=" && ".join(before_script) .replace('\n', ' && ') .replace('"', '\\"'), script=" && ".join(script).replace('\n', ' && ') .replace('"', '\\"')) # Write out the file docker_file = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(delete=False) docker_file.write(bytes(docker_content, 'utf-8')) docker_file.close() # now we need to run docker and build this image with a name equal to the # ci name, and the docker context to be the current git repo root dir so # we can copy the current project src automagically try: subprocess_call_docker(['build', '-f', docker_file.name, '-t', runner_name, src_dir], cwd=src_dir) except subprocess.CalledProcessError: print('Unable to build the docker image for: ', runner_name) exit(1) finally: # remove the temp file os.remove(docker_file.name) ############################################################################### # # User Command: 'help' # ############################################################################### def run_container(ci_file_path, *args): # Exec/Run ( https://docs.docker.com/engine/reference/commandline/exec/#run-docker-exec-on-a-running-container ) src_dir = get_root_dir() stage,name = extract_stage_job_from_cmdline(*args) image_name = stage+':'+name try: cmd = ['run', '-itd', image_name] container_id = subprocess_call_docker(cmd, cwd=src_dir, mode=CallMode.output) container_id = str(container_id, 'utf-8') container_id= container_id.rstrip('\n') except subprocess.CalledProcessError: print('Unable to run the docker image for: ', image_name) exit(1) try: cmd = ['exec', '-it', container_id, 'bash'] subprocess_call_docker(cmd, cwd=src_dir) except subprocess.CalledProcessError: print('Unable to attach an iteractive shell to : ', container_id) pass try: cmd = ['container', 'stop', container_id] subprocess_call_docker(cmd, cwd=src_dir) except subprocess.CalledProcessError: print('Unable to stop container: ', container_id) pass ############################################################################### # # User Command: 'help' # ############################################################################### def help_usage(ci_file_path, *args): print('Setup gitlab-ci docker environments/state locally') print('Usage: reproduce_ci_env.py [command] [stage] ') print('\n') print('Commands:\n' + \ '\n'+\ ' list: List all stage and job names for gitlab-ci\n'+\ ' create: build a docker container for this gitlab-ci job.\n'+\ ' Will match the to docker repo, and to the tag. \n' +\ ' If no explicit is provided will default to `build` stage. \n' +\ ' run: Launch an interactive shell inside the docker image\n' +\ ' for a given stage:name with the correct environment and will automatically\n' +\ ' run the associated stage script.\n' ' If no explicit is provided will default to `build` stage. \n') print('Example:\n' + \ '\n'+\ ' reproduce_ci_env create centos7\n'+\ ' reproduce_ci_env run build:centos7\n') ############################################################################### def main(argv): ci_file_path = os.path.join(get_root_dir(), '.gitlab-ci.yml') if len(argv) == 0: help_usage( ci_file_path ) exit(1) if len(argv) > 3: help_usage( ci_file_path ) exit(1) #commands we want # - list # -- list all 'jobs' # - create | setup # -- create a docker image that represents a given stage:name # - run | exec # -- run the script for the stage:name inside the correct docker image # and provide an interactive shell # -- help #setup arg function table commands = { 'list': list_jobs, 'create': create_container, 'setup': create_container, 'exec': run_container, 'run': run_container, 'help': help_usage } if argv[0] in commands: #splat the subset of the vector so they are separate call parameters commands[argv[0]]( ci_file_path, *argv[1:3] ) else: commands['help']( ci_file_path ) exit(1) exit(0) if __name__ == '__main__': main(sys.argv[1:])