//============================================================================ // Copyright (c) Kitware, Inc. // All rights reserved. // See LICENSE.txt for details. // // This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even // the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR // PURPOSE. See the above copyright notice for more information. //============================================================================ #ifndef vtk_m_exec_PointLocatorSparseGrid_h #define vtk_m_exec_PointLocatorSparseGrid_h #include #include #include #include #include namespace vtkm { namespace exec { class VTKM_ALWAYS_EXPORT PointLocatorSparseGrid { public: using CoordPortalType = typename vtkm::cont::CoordinateSystem::MultiplexerArrayType::ReadPortalType; using IdPortalType = typename vtkm::cont::ArrayHandle::ReadPortalType; PointLocatorSparseGrid(const vtkm::Vec3f& min, const vtkm::Vec3f& max, const vtkm::Id3& dims, const CoordPortalType& coords, const IdPortalType& pointIds, const IdPortalType& cellLower, const IdPortalType& cellUpper) : Min(min) , Dims(dims) , Dxdydz((max - Min) / Dims) , Coords(coords) , PointIds(pointIds) , CellLower(cellLower) , CellUpper(cellUpper) { } /// \brief Nearest neighbor search using a Uniform Grid /// /// Parallel search of nearesat neighbor for each point in the \c queryPoints in the set of /// \c coords. Returns neareast neighbot in \c nearestNeighborIds and distances to nearest /// neighbor in \c distances. /// /// \param queryPoint Point coordinates to query for nearest neighbor. /// \param nearestNeighborId Neareast neighbor in the training dataset for each points in /// the test set /// \param distance2 Squared distance between query points and their nearest neighbors. VTKM_EXEC void FindNearestNeighbor(const vtkm::Vec3f& queryPoint, vtkm::Id& nearestNeighborId, vtkm::FloatDefault& distance2) const { //std::cout << "FindNeareastNeighbor: " << queryPoint << std::endl; vtkm::Id3 ijk = (queryPoint - this->Min) / this->Dxdydz; ijk = vtkm::Max(ijk, vtkm::Id3(0)); ijk = vtkm::Min(ijk, this->Dims - vtkm::Id3(1)); nearestNeighborId = -1; distance2 = vtkm::Infinity(); this->FindInCell(queryPoint, ijk, nearestNeighborId, distance2); // TODO: This might stop looking before the absolute nearest neighbor is found. vtkm::Id maxLevel = vtkm::Max(vtkm::Max(this->Dims[0], this->Dims[1]), this->Dims[2]); vtkm::Id level; for (level = 1; (nearestNeighborId < 0) && (level < maxLevel); ++level) { this->FindInBox(queryPoint, ijk, level, nearestNeighborId, distance2); } // Search one more level out. This is still not guaranteed to find the closest point // in all cases (past level 2), but it will catch most cases where the closest point // is just on the other side of a cell boundary. this->FindInBox(queryPoint, ijk, level, nearestNeighborId, distance2); } VTKM_DEPRECATED(1.6, "Locators are no longer pointers. Use . operator.") VTKM_EXEC PointLocatorSparseGrid* operator->() { return this; } VTKM_DEPRECATED(1.6, "Locators are no longer pointers. Use . operator.") VTKM_EXEC const PointLocatorSparseGrid* operator->() const { return this; } private: vtkm::Vec3f Min; vtkm::Id3 Dims; vtkm::Vec3f Dxdydz; CoordPortalType Coords; IdPortalType PointIds; IdPortalType CellLower; IdPortalType CellUpper; VTKM_EXEC void FindInCell(const vtkm::Vec3f& queryPoint, const vtkm::Id3& ijk, vtkm::Id& nearestNeighborId, vtkm::FloatDefault& nearestDistance2) const { vtkm::Id cellId = ijk[0] + (ijk[1] * this->Dims[0]) + (ijk[2] * this->Dims[0] * this->Dims[1]); vtkm::Id lower = this->CellLower.Get(cellId); vtkm::Id upper = this->CellUpper.Get(cellId); for (vtkm::Id index = lower; index < upper; index++) { vtkm::Id pointid = this->PointIds.Get(index); vtkm::Vec3f point = this->Coords.Get(pointid); vtkm::FloatDefault distance2 = vtkm::MagnitudeSquared(point - queryPoint); if (distance2 < nearestDistance2) { nearestNeighborId = pointid; nearestDistance2 = distance2; } } } VTKM_EXEC void FindInBox(const vtkm::Vec3f& queryPoint, const vtkm::Id3& boxCenter, vtkm::Id level, vtkm::Id& nearestNeighborId, vtkm::FloatDefault& nearestDistance2) const { if ((boxCenter[0] - level) >= 0) { this->FindInXPlane( queryPoint, boxCenter - vtkm::Id3(level, 0, 0), level, nearestNeighborId, nearestDistance2); } if ((boxCenter[0] + level) < this->Dims[0]) { this->FindInXPlane( queryPoint, boxCenter + vtkm::Id3(level, 0, 0), level, nearestNeighborId, nearestDistance2); } if ((boxCenter[1] - level) >= 0) { this->FindInYPlane( queryPoint, boxCenter - vtkm::Id3(0, level, 0), level, nearestNeighborId, nearestDistance2); } if ((boxCenter[1] + level) < this->Dims[1]) { this->FindInYPlane( queryPoint, boxCenter + vtkm::Id3(0, level, 0), level, nearestNeighborId, nearestDistance2); } if ((boxCenter[2] - level) >= 0) { this->FindInZPlane( queryPoint, boxCenter - vtkm::Id3(0, 0, level), level, nearestNeighborId, nearestDistance2); } if ((boxCenter[2] + level) < this->Dims[2]) { this->FindInZPlane( queryPoint, boxCenter + vtkm::Id3(0, 0, level), level, nearestNeighborId, nearestDistance2); } } VTKM_EXEC void FindInPlane(const vtkm::Vec3f& queryPoint, const vtkm::Id3& planeCenter, const vtkm::Id3& div, const vtkm::Id3& mod, const vtkm::Id3& origin, vtkm::Id numInPlane, vtkm::Id& nearestNeighborId, vtkm::FloatDefault& nearestDistance2) const { for (vtkm::Id index = 0; index < numInPlane; ++index) { vtkm::Id3 ijk = planeCenter + vtkm::Id3(index) / div + vtkm::Id3(index % mod[0], index % mod[1], index % mod[2]) + origin; if ((ijk[0] >= 0) && (ijk[0] < this->Dims[0]) && (ijk[1] >= 0) && (ijk[1] < this->Dims[1]) && (ijk[2] >= 0) && (ijk[2] < this->Dims[2])) { this->FindInCell(queryPoint, ijk, nearestNeighborId, nearestDistance2); } } } VTKM_EXEC void FindInXPlane(const vtkm::Vec3f& queryPoint, const vtkm::Id3& planeCenter, vtkm::Id level, vtkm::Id& nearestNeighborId, vtkm::FloatDefault& nearestDistance2) const { vtkm::Id yWidth = (2 * level) + 1; vtkm::Id zWidth = (2 * level) + 1; vtkm::Id3 div = { yWidth * zWidth, yWidth * zWidth, yWidth }; vtkm::Id3 mod = { 1, yWidth, 1 }; vtkm::Id3 origin = { 0, -level, -level }; vtkm::Id numInPlane = yWidth * zWidth; this->FindInPlane( queryPoint, planeCenter, div, mod, origin, numInPlane, nearestNeighborId, nearestDistance2); } VTKM_EXEC void FindInYPlane(const vtkm::Vec3f& queryPoint, vtkm::Id3 planeCenter, vtkm::Id level, vtkm::Id& nearestNeighborId, vtkm::FloatDefault& nearestDistance2) const { vtkm::Id xWidth = (2 * level) - 1; vtkm::Id zWidth = (2 * level) + 1; vtkm::Id3 div = { xWidth * zWidth, xWidth * zWidth, xWidth }; vtkm::Id3 mod = { xWidth, 1, 1 }; vtkm::Id3 origin = { -level + 1, 0, -level }; vtkm::Id numInPlane = xWidth * zWidth; this->FindInPlane( queryPoint, planeCenter, div, mod, origin, numInPlane, nearestNeighborId, nearestDistance2); } VTKM_EXEC void FindInZPlane(const vtkm::Vec3f& queryPoint, vtkm::Id3 planeCenter, vtkm::Id level, vtkm::Id& nearestNeighborId, vtkm::FloatDefault& nearestDistance2) const { vtkm::Id xWidth = (2 * level) - 1; vtkm::Id yWidth = (2 * level) - 1; vtkm::Id3 div = { xWidth * yWidth, xWidth, xWidth * yWidth }; vtkm::Id3 mod = { xWidth, 1, 1 }; vtkm::Id3 origin = { -level + 1, -level + 1, 0 }; vtkm::Id numInPlane = xWidth * yWidth; this->FindInPlane( queryPoint, planeCenter, div, mod, origin, numInPlane, nearestNeighborId, nearestDistance2); } }; } // vtkm::exec } // vtkm #endif // vtk_m_exec_PointLocatorSparseGrid_h