##============================================================================ ## Copyright (c) Kitware, Inc. ## All rights reserved. ## See LICENSE.txt for details. ## This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even ## the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR ## PURPOSE. See the above copyright notice for more information. ## ## Copyright 2014 National Technology & Engineering Solutions of Sandia, LLC (NTESS). ## Copyright 2014 UT-Battelle, LLC. ## Copyright 2014 Los Alamos National Security. ## ## Under the terms of Contract DE-NA0003525 with NTESS, ## the U.S. Government retains certain rights in this software. ## ## Under the terms of Contract DE-AC52-06NA25396 with Los Alamos National ## Laboratory (LANL), the U.S. Government retains certain rights in ## this software. ##============================================================================ # When this file is run by CMake through the find_package command, the # following variables will be defined: # # vtkm Target that should be used to link to VTK-m # # vtkm_rendering Target that contains all the rendering code # # vtkm::tbb Target that contains tbb related link information # implicitly linked to by `vtkm` if tbb is enabled # # vtkm::cuda Target that contains cuda related link information # implicitly linked to by `vtkm` if cuda is enabled # cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.3 FATAL_ERROR) @PACKAGE_INIT@ # The VTKm version number set(VTKm_VERSION_MAJOR "@VTKm_VERSION_MAJOR@") set(VTKm_VERSION_MINOR "@VTKm_VERSION_MINOR@") set(VTKm_VERSION_PATCH "@VTKm_VERSION_PATCH@") set(VTKm_VERSION_FULL "@VTKm_VERSION_FULL@") set(VTKm_VERSION "@VTKm_VERSION@") # This is true when the package is still in the build directory (not installed) if(CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_DIR STREQUAL "@VTKm_BINARY_DIR@/@VTKm_INSTALL_CONFIG_DIR@") set(VTKm_PACKAGE_IN_BUILD TRUE) endif() if(VTKm_PACKAGE_IN_BUILD) set_and_check(VTKm_CMAKE_MODULE_PATH "@VTKm_SOURCE_DIR@/CMake") set_and_check(VTKm_INCLUDE_DIRS ${VTKm_INCLUDE_DIRS} "@VTKm_SOURCE_DIR@") else() set_and_check(VTKm_CMAKE_MODULE_PATH "@PACKAGE_VTKm_INSTALL_CMAKE_MODULE_DIR@") set_and_check(VTKm_INCLUDE_DIRS "@PACKAGE_VTKm_INSTALL_INCLUDE_DIR@") endif() set(VTKm_BUILD_SHARED_LIBS "@BUILD_SHARED_LIBS@") set(VTKm_ENABLE_CUDA "@VTKm_ENABLE_CUDA@") set(VTKm_ENABLE_TBB "@VTKm_ENABLE_TBB@") set(VTKm_ENABLE_RENDERING "@VTKm_ENABLE_RENDERING@") set(VTKm_RENDERING_BACKEND "@VTKm_RENDERING_BACKEND@") set(VTKm_ENABLE_MPI "@VTKm_ENABLE_MPI@") # Load the library exports, but only if not compiling VTK-m itself set_and_check(VTKm_CONFIG_DIR "@PACKAGE_VTKm_INSTALL_CONFIG_DIR@") if(NOT "${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}" STREQUAL "@VTKm_BINARY_DIR@") include(${VTKm_CONFIG_DIR}/VTKmTargets.cmake) endif() # VTKm requires some CMake Find modules not included with CMake, so # include the CMake modules distributed with VTKm. set(CMAKE_MODULE_PATH ${CMAKE_MODULE_PATH} ${VTKm_CMAKE_MODULE_PATH}) # This includes a host of functions used by VTK-m CMake. include(VTKmWrappers) if(VTKm_ENABLE_RENDERING) include(VTKmRenderingBackends) endif() check_required_components(vtkm)