//============================================================================ // Copyright (c) Kitware, Inc. // All rights reserved. // See LICENSE.txt for details. // This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even // the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR // PURPOSE. See the above copyright notice for more information. // // Copyright 2016 National Technology & Engineering Solutions of Sandia, LLC (NTESS). // Copyright 2016 UT-Battelle, LLC. // Copyright 2016 Los Alamos National Security. // // Under the terms of Contract DE-NA0003525 with NTESS, // the U.S. Government retains certain rights in this software. // // Under the terms of Contract DE-AC52-06NA25396 with Los Alamos National // Laboratory (LANL), the U.S. Government retains certain rights in // this software. //============================================================================ #include #include namespace vtkm { namespace rendering { namespace { inline vtkm::Float64 ffix(vtkm::Float64 value) { int ivalue = (int)(value); vtkm::Float64 v = (value - ivalue); if (v > 0.9999) { ivalue++; } return static_cast(ivalue); } } // anonymous namespace void AxisAnnotation::CalculateTicks(const vtkm::Range& range, bool minor, std::vector& positions, std::vector& proportions, int modifyTickQuantity) const { positions.clear(); proportions.clear(); if (!range.IsNonEmpty()) { return; } vtkm::Float64 length = range.Length(); // Find the integral points. vtkm::Float64 pow10 = log10(length); // Build in numerical tolerance vtkm::Float64 eps = 10.0e-10; pow10 += eps; // ffix moves you in the wrong direction if pow10 is negative. if (pow10 < 0.) { pow10 = pow10 - 1.; } vtkm::Float64 fxt = pow(10., ffix(pow10)); // Find the number of integral points in the interval. int numTicks = int(ffix(length / fxt) + 1); // We should get about major 10 ticks on a length that's near // the power of 10. (e.g. length=1000). If the length is small // enough we have less than 5 ticks (e.g. length=400), then // divide the step by 2, or if it's about 2 ticks (e.g. length=150) // or less, then divide the step by 5. That gets us back to // about 10 major ticks. // // But we might want more or less. To adjust this up by // approximately a factor of 2, instead of the default // 1/2/5 dividers, use 2/5/10, and to adjust it down by // about a factor of two, use .5/1/2 as the dividers. // (We constrain to 1s, 2s, and 5s, for the obvious reason // that only those values are factors of 10.....) vtkm::Float64 divs[5] = { 0.5, 1, 2, 5, 10 }; int divindex = (numTicks >= 5) ? 1 : (numTicks >= 3 ? 2 : 3); divindex += modifyTickQuantity; vtkm::Float64 div = divs[divindex]; // If there aren't enough major tick points in this decade, use the next // decade. vtkm::Float64 majorStep = fxt / div; vtkm::Float64 minorStep = (fxt / div) / 10.; // When we get too close, we lose the tickmarks. Run some special case code. if (numTicks <= 1) { if (minor) { // no minor ticks return; } else { positions.resize(3); proportions.resize(3); positions[0] = range.Min; positions[1] = range.Center(); positions[2] = range.Max; proportions[0] = 0.0; proportions[1] = 0.5; proportions[2] = 1.0; return; } } // Figure out the first major and minor tick locations, relative to the // start of the axis. vtkm::Float64 majorStart, minorStart; if (range.Min < 0.) { majorStart = majorStep * (ffix(range.Min * (1. / majorStep))); minorStart = minorStep * (ffix(range.Min * (1. / minorStep))); } else { majorStart = majorStep * (ffix(range.Min * (1. / majorStep) + .999)); minorStart = minorStep * (ffix(range.Min * (1. / minorStep) + .999)); } // Create all of the minor ticks const int max_count_cutoff = 1000; numTicks = 0; vtkm::Float64 location = minor ? minorStart : majorStart; vtkm::Float64 step = minor ? minorStep : majorStep; while (location <= range.Max && numTicks < max_count_cutoff) { positions.push_back(location); proportions.push_back((location - range.Min) / length); numTicks++; location += step; } } void AxisAnnotation::CalculateTicksLogarithmic(const vtkm::Range& range, bool minor, std::vector& positions, std::vector& proportions) const { positions.clear(); proportions.clear(); // Sort the min and max range to account for range modification due to log functions vtkm::Range sortedRange; sortedRange.Min = range.Min < range.Max ? range.Min : range.Max; sortedRange.Max = range.Min > range.Max ? range.Min : range.Max; if (!sortedRange.IsNonEmpty()) { return; } vtkm::Float64 first_log = ceil(sortedRange.Min); vtkm::Float64 last_log = floor(sortedRange.Max); if (last_log <= first_log) { last_log = first_log + 1; } vtkm::Float64 diff_log = last_log - first_log; vtkm::Int32 step = vtkm::Int32((diff_log + 9) / 10); if (minor) { first_log -= step; last_log += step; } for (vtkm::Int32 i = vtkm::Int32(first_log); i <= last_log; i += step) { vtkm::Float64 logpos = i; vtkm::Float64 pos = pow(10, logpos); if (minor) { // If we're showing major tickmarks for every power of 10, // then show 2x10^n, 3x10^n, ..., 9x10^n for minor ticks. // If we're skipping some powers of 10, then use the minor // ticks to show where those skipped ones are. (Beyond // a range of 100 orders of magnitude, we get more than 10 // minor ticks per major tick, but that's awfully rare.) if (step == 1) { for (vtkm::Int32 j = 1; j < 10; ++j) { vtkm::Float64 minor_pos = vtkm::Float64(j) * vtkm::Float64(pos); vtkm::Float64 minor_logpos = log10(minor_pos); if (minor_logpos < sortedRange.Min || minor_logpos > sortedRange.Max) { continue; } positions.push_back(minor_pos); proportions.push_back((minor_logpos - sortedRange.Min) / (sortedRange.Max - sortedRange.Max)); } } else { for (vtkm::Int32 j = 1; j < step; ++j) { vtkm::Float64 minor_logpos = logpos + j; vtkm::Float64 minor_pos = pow(10., minor_logpos); if (minor_logpos < sortedRange.Min || minor_logpos > sortedRange.Max) { continue; } positions.push_back(minor_pos); proportions.push_back((minor_logpos - sortedRange.Min) / (sortedRange.Max - sortedRange.Min)); } } } else { if (logpos > sortedRange.Max) { break; } positions.push_back(pos); proportions.push_back((logpos - sortedRange.Min) / (sortedRange.Max - sortedRange.Min)); } } } AxisAnnotation::AxisAnnotation() { } AxisAnnotation::~AxisAnnotation() { } } } // namespace vtkm::rendering