//========================================================================== // Copyright (c) Kitware, Inc. // All rights reserved. // See LICENSE.txt for details. // // This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even // the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR // PURPOSE. See the above copyright notice for more information. //========================================================================== #include "Benchmarker.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include namespace { const vtkm::Id DEFAULT_DATASET_DIM = 128; const vtkm::Id DEFAULT_IMAGE_SIZE = 1024; // Hold configuration state (e.g. active device): vtkm::cont::InitializeResult Config; // Input dataset dimensions: vtkm::Id DataSetDim; // Image size: vtkm::Id ImageSize; // The input datasets we'll use on the filters: vtkm::cont::DataSet InputDataSet; vtkm::cont::PartitionedDataSet PartitionedInputDataSet; // The point scalars to use: std::string PointScalarsName; // The point vectors to use: std::string PointVectorsName; // Global counters for number of cycles // These are globals because google benchmarks restarts the test for every // repetition when using --benchmark_repetitions // Additionlly, we need this global flag for when not doing repetitions, // as benchmark will repeatedly drop in and out of the measured function // and report the number of iterations for the last run of the function. // Thus, we'll have way more output images than what the iteration number // would lead you to believe (maybe fixed in > 1.7 with warmup time specifier) bool benchmark_repetitions = false; inline void hash_combine(std::size_t& vtkmNotUsed(seed)) {} template inline void hash_combine(std::size_t& seed, const T& v, Rest... rest) { std::hash hasher; seed ^= hasher(v) + 0x9e3779b9 + (seed << 6) + (seed >> 2); hash_combine(seed, rest...); } std::unordered_map bench_cycles; enum class RenderingMode { None = 0, Mesh = 1, RayTrace = 2, Volume = 3, }; std::vector ExtractDataSets(const vtkm::cont::PartitionedDataSet& partitions) { return partitions.GetPartitions(); } // Mirrors ExtractDataSet(ParitionedDataSet), to keep code simple at use sites std::vector ExtractDataSets(vtkm::cont::DataSet& dataSet) { return std::vector{ dataSet }; } void BuildInputDataSet(uint32_t cycle, bool isStructured, bool isMultiBlock, vtkm::Id dim) { vtkm::cont::PartitionedDataSet partitionedInputDataSet; vtkm::cont::DataSet inputDataSet; PointScalarsName = "perlinnoise"; PointVectorsName = "perlinnoisegrad"; // Generate uniform dataset(s) const vtkm::Id3 dims{ dim, dim, dim }; if (isMultiBlock) { for (auto i = 0; i < 2; ++i) { for (auto j = 0; j < 2; ++j) { for (auto k = 0; k < 2; ++k) { const vtkm::Vec3f origin{ static_cast(i), static_cast(j), static_cast(k) }; const vtkm::source::PerlinNoise noise{ dims, origin, static_cast(cycle) }; const auto dataset = noise.Execute(); partitionedInputDataSet.AppendPartition(dataset); } } } } else { const vtkm::source::PerlinNoise noise{ dims, static_cast(cycle) }; inputDataSet = noise.Execute(); } // Generate Perln Noise Gradient point vector field vtkm::filter::vector_analysis::Gradient gradientFilter; gradientFilter.SetActiveField(PointScalarsName, vtkm::cont::Field::Association::Points); gradientFilter.SetComputePointGradient(true); gradientFilter.SetOutputFieldName(PointVectorsName); gradientFilter.SetFieldsToPass( vtkm::filter::FieldSelection(vtkm::filter::FieldSelection::Mode::All)); if (isMultiBlock) { partitionedInputDataSet = gradientFilter.Execute(partitionedInputDataSet); } else { inputDataSet = gradientFilter.Execute(inputDataSet); } // Run Tetrahedralize filter to convert uniform dataset(s) into unstructured ones if (!isStructured) { vtkm::filter::geometry_refinement::Tetrahedralize destructizer; destructizer.SetFieldsToPass( vtkm::filter::FieldSelection(vtkm::filter::FieldSelection::Mode::All)); if (isMultiBlock) { partitionedInputDataSet = destructizer.Execute(partitionedInputDataSet); } else { inputDataSet = destructizer.Execute(inputDataSet); } } // Release execution resources to simulate in-situ workload, where the data is // not present in the execution environment std::vector dataSets = isMultiBlock ? ExtractDataSets(partitionedInputDataSet) : ExtractDataSets(inputDataSet); for (auto& dataSet : dataSets) { dataSet.GetCellSet().ReleaseResourcesExecution(); dataSet.GetCoordinateSystem().ReleaseResourcesExecution(); dataSet.GetField(PointScalarsName).ReleaseResourcesExecution(); dataSet.GetField(PointVectorsName).ReleaseResourcesExecution(); } PartitionedInputDataSet = partitionedInputDataSet; InputDataSet = inputDataSet; } vtkm::rendering::Canvas* RenderDataSets(const std::vector& dataSets, RenderingMode mode, std::string fieldName) { vtkm::rendering::Scene scene; vtkm::cont::ColorTable colorTable("inferno"); if (mode == RenderingMode::Volume) { colorTable.AddPointAlpha(0.0f, 0.03f); colorTable.AddPointAlpha(1.0f, 0.01f); } for (auto& dataSet : dataSets) { scene.AddActor(vtkm::rendering::Actor(dataSet.GetCellSet(), dataSet.GetCoordinateSystem(), dataSet.GetField(fieldName), colorTable)); } auto bounds = std::accumulate(dataSets.begin(), dataSets.end(), vtkm::Bounds(), [=](const vtkm::Bounds& val, const vtkm::cont::DataSet& partition) { return val + vtkm::cont::BoundsCompute(partition); }); vtkm::Vec3f_64 totalExtent(bounds.X.Length(), bounds.Y.Length(), bounds.Z.Length()); vtkm::Float64 mag = vtkm::Magnitude(totalExtent); vtkm::Normalize(totalExtent); // setup a camera and point it to towards the center of the input data vtkm::rendering::Camera camera; camera.SetFieldOfView(60.f); camera.ResetToBounds(bounds); camera.SetLookAt(totalExtent * (mag * .5f)); camera.SetViewUp(vtkm::make_Vec(0.f, 1.f, 0.f)); camera.SetPosition(totalExtent * (mag * 1.5f)); vtkm::rendering::CanvasRayTracer canvas(ImageSize, ImageSize); auto mapper = [=]() -> std::unique_ptr { switch (mode) { case RenderingMode::Mesh: { return std::unique_ptr(new vtkm::rendering::MapperWireframer()); } case RenderingMode::RayTrace: { return std::unique_ptr(new vtkm::rendering::MapperRayTracer()); } case RenderingMode::Volume: { return std::unique_ptr(new vtkm::rendering::MapperVolume()); } case RenderingMode::None: default: { return std::unique_ptr(new vtkm::rendering::MapperRayTracer()); } } }(); vtkm::rendering::View3D view(scene, *mapper, canvas, camera, vtkm::rendering::Color(0.8f, 0.8f, 0.6f), vtkm::rendering::Color(0.2f, 0.4f, 0.2f)); view.Paint(); return view.GetCanvas().NewCopy(); } void WriteToDisk(const vtkm::rendering::Canvas& canvas, RenderingMode mode, std::string bench, bool isStructured, bool isMultiBlock, uint32_t cycle) { std::ostringstream nameBuilder; nameBuilder << "insitu_" << bench << "_" << "cycle_" << cycle << "_" << (isStructured ? "structured_" : "unstructured_") << (isMultiBlock ? "multi_" : "single_") << (mode == RenderingMode::Mesh ? "mesh" : (mode == RenderingMode::Volume ? "volume" : "ray")) << ".png"; canvas.SaveAs(nameBuilder.str()); } template DataSetType RunContourHelper(vtkm::filter::contour::Contour& filter, vtkm::Id numIsoVals, const DataSetType& input) { // Set up some equally spaced contours, with the min/max slightly inside the // scalar range: const vtkm::Range scalarRange = vtkm::cont::FieldRangeCompute(input, PointScalarsName).ReadPortal().Get(0); const auto step = scalarRange.Length() / static_cast(numIsoVals + 1); const auto minIsoVal = scalarRange.Min + (step * 0.5f); filter.SetNumberOfIsoValues(numIsoVals); for (vtkm::Id i = 0; i < numIsoVals; ++i) { filter.SetIsoValue(i, minIsoVal + (step * static_cast(i))); } return filter.Execute(input); } void BenchContour(::benchmark::State& state) { const vtkm::cont::DeviceAdapterId device = Config.Device; const vtkm::Id numIsoVals = static_cast(state.range(0)); const bool isStructured = static_cast(state.range(1)); const bool isMultiBlock = static_cast(state.range(2)); const RenderingMode renderAlgo = static_cast(state.range(3)); vtkm::cont::Timer totalTimer{ device }; vtkm::cont::Timer filterTimer{ device }; vtkm::cont::Timer renderTimer{ device }; vtkm::cont::Timer writeTimer{ device }; size_t hash_val = 0; hash_combine(hash_val, std::string("BenchContour"), isStructured, isMultiBlock, renderAlgo); int* cycles = &(bench_cycles[hash_val]); if (!benchmark_repetitions) *cycles = 0; for (auto _ : state) { (void)_; totalTimer.Start(); // Disable the benchmark timers for the updating/creation of the datasets state.PauseTiming(); // Stop timers. vtkm::cont::Timer inputGenTimer{ device }; inputGenTimer.Start(); BuildInputDataSet(*cycles, isStructured, isMultiBlock, DataSetDim); inputGenTimer.Stop(); vtkm::filter::contour::Contour filter; filter.SetActiveField(PointScalarsName, vtkm::cont::Field::Association::Points); filter.SetMergeDuplicatePoints(true); filter.SetGenerateNormals(true); filter.SetComputeFastNormalsForStructured(true); filter.SetComputeFastNormalsForUnstructured(true); state.ResumeTiming(); // And resume timers. filterTimer.Start(); std::vector dataSets; if (isMultiBlock) { auto input = PartitionedInputDataSet; auto result = RunContourHelper(filter, numIsoVals, input); dataSets = ExtractDataSets(result); } else { auto input = InputDataSet; auto result = RunContourHelper(filter, numIsoVals, input); dataSets = ExtractDataSets(result); } filterTimer.Stop(); renderTimer.Start(); auto canvas = RenderDataSets(dataSets, renderAlgo, PointScalarsName); renderTimer.Stop(); writeTimer.Start(); WriteToDisk(*canvas, renderAlgo, "contour", isStructured, isMultiBlock, *cycles); writeTimer.Stop(); totalTimer.Stop(); (*cycles)++; state.SetIterationTime(totalTimer.GetElapsedTime()); state.counters.insert( { { "InputGenTime", static_cast(inputGenTimer.GetElapsedTime() * 1000) }, { "FilterTime", static_cast(filterTimer.GetElapsedTime() * 1000) }, { "RenderTime", static_cast(renderTimer.GetElapsedTime() * 1000) }, { "WriteTime", static_cast(writeTimer.GetElapsedTime() * 1000) } }); } } void BenchContourGenerator(::benchmark::internal::Benchmark* bm) { bm->ArgNames({ "NIsos", "IsStructured", "IsMultiBlock", "RenderingMode" }); std::vector isStructureds{ false, true }; std::vector isMultiBlocks{ false, true }; std::vector renderingModes{ RenderingMode::RayTrace }; for (auto& isStructured : isStructureds) { for (auto& isMultiBlock : isMultiBlocks) { for (auto& mode : renderingModes) { size_t hash_val = 0; hash_combine(hash_val, std::string("BenchContour"), isStructured, isMultiBlock, mode); auto search = bench_cycles.find(hash_val); // If we can't find the hash, or we're not doing repetitions, reset to 0 if (search == bench_cycles.end()) bench_cycles[hash_val] = 0; bm->Args({ 10, isStructured, isMultiBlock, static_cast(mode) }); } } } } VTKM_BENCHMARK_APPLY(BenchContour, BenchContourGenerator); void MakeRandomSeeds(vtkm::Id seedCount, vtkm::Bounds& bounds, vtkm::cont::ArrayHandle& seeds) { std::default_random_engine generator(static_cast(255)); vtkm::FloatDefault zero(0), one(1); std::uniform_real_distribution distribution(zero, one); std::vector points; points.resize(0); for (vtkm::Id i = 0; i < seedCount; i++) { vtkm::FloatDefault rx = distribution(generator); vtkm::FloatDefault ry = distribution(generator); vtkm::FloatDefault rz = distribution(generator); vtkm::Vec3f p; p[0] = static_cast(bounds.X.Min + rx * bounds.X.Length()); p[1] = static_cast(bounds.Y.Min + ry * bounds.Y.Length()); p[2] = static_cast(bounds.Z.Min + rz * bounds.Z.Length()); points.push_back(vtkm::Particle(p, static_cast(i))); } vtkm::cont::ArrayHandle tmp = vtkm::cont::make_ArrayHandle(points, vtkm::CopyFlag::Off); vtkm::cont::ArrayCopy(tmp, seeds); } vtkm::Id GetNumberOfPoints(const vtkm::cont::DataSet& input) { return input.GetCoordinateSystem().GetNumberOfPoints(); } vtkm::Id GetNumberOfPoints(const vtkm::cont::PartitionedDataSet& input) { return input.GetPartition(0).GetCoordinateSystem().GetNumberOfPoints(); } void AddField(vtkm::cont::DataSet& input, std::string fieldName, std::vector& field) { input.AddPointField(fieldName, field); } void AddField(vtkm::cont::PartitionedDataSet& input, std::string fieldName, std::vector& field) { for (auto i = 0; i < input.GetNumberOfPartitions(); ++i) { auto partition = input.GetPartition(i); AddField(partition, fieldName, field); input.ReplacePartition(i, partition); } } template DataSetType RunStreamlinesHelper(vtkm::filter::flow::Streamline& filter, const DataSetType& input) { auto dataSetBounds = vtkm::cont::BoundsCompute(input); vtkm::cont::ArrayHandle seedArray; MakeRandomSeeds(100, dataSetBounds, seedArray); filter.SetSeeds(seedArray); auto result = filter.Execute(input); auto numPoints = GetNumberOfPoints(result); std::vector colorMap( static_cast::size_type>(numPoints)); for (std::vector::size_type i = 0; i < colorMap.size(); i++) { colorMap[i] = static_cast(i); } AddField(result, "pointvar", colorMap); return result; } void BenchStreamlines(::benchmark::State& state) { const vtkm::cont::DeviceAdapterId device = Config.Device; const bool isStructured = static_cast(state.range(0)); const bool isMultiBlock = static_cast(state.range(1)); const RenderingMode renderAlgo = static_cast(state.range(2)); vtkm::cont::Timer totalTimer{ device }; vtkm::cont::Timer filterTimer{ device }; vtkm::cont::Timer renderTimer{ device }; vtkm::cont::Timer writeTimer{ device }; size_t hash_val = 0; hash_combine(hash_val, std::string("BenchStreamlines"), isStructured, isMultiBlock, renderAlgo); int* cycles = &(bench_cycles[hash_val]); if (!benchmark_repetitions) *cycles = 0; for (auto _ : state) { (void)_; totalTimer.Start(); // Disable the benchmark timers for the updating/creation of the datasets state.PauseTiming(); // Stop timers. vtkm::cont::Timer inputGenTimer{ device }; inputGenTimer.Start(); BuildInputDataSet(*cycles, isStructured, isMultiBlock, DataSetDim); inputGenTimer.Stop(); vtkm::filter::flow::Streamline streamline; streamline.SetStepSize(0.1f); streamline.SetNumberOfSteps(1000); streamline.SetActiveField(PointVectorsName); state.ResumeTiming(); // And resume timers. filterTimer.Start(); std::vector dataSets; if (isMultiBlock) { auto input = PartitionedInputDataSet; auto result = RunStreamlinesHelper(streamline, input); dataSets = ExtractDataSets(result); } else { auto input = InputDataSet; auto result = RunStreamlinesHelper(streamline, input); dataSets = ExtractDataSets(result); } filterTimer.Stop(); renderTimer.Start(); auto canvas = RenderDataSets(dataSets, renderAlgo, "pointvar"); renderTimer.Stop(); writeTimer.Start(); WriteToDisk(*canvas, renderAlgo, "streamlines", isStructured, isMultiBlock, *cycles); writeTimer.Stop(); totalTimer.Stop(); (*cycles)++; state.SetIterationTime(totalTimer.GetElapsedTime()); state.counters.insert( { { "InputGenTime", static_cast(inputGenTimer.GetElapsedTime() * 1000) }, { "FilterTime", static_cast(filterTimer.GetElapsedTime() * 1000) }, { "RenderTime", static_cast(renderTimer.GetElapsedTime() * 1000) }, { "WriteTime", static_cast(writeTimer.GetElapsedTime() * 1000) } }); } } void BenchStreamlinesGenerator(::benchmark::internal::Benchmark* bm) { bm->ArgNames({ "IsStructured", "IsMultiBlock", "RenderingMode" }); std::vector isStructureds{ false, true }; std::vector isMultiBlocks{ false, true }; std::vector renderingModes{ RenderingMode::Mesh }; for (auto& isStructured : isStructureds) { for (auto& isMultiBlock : isMultiBlocks) { for (auto& mode : renderingModes) { size_t hash_val = 0; hash_combine(hash_val, std::string("BenchStreamlines"), isStructured, isMultiBlock, mode); auto search = bench_cycles.find(hash_val); // If we can't find the hash, or we're not doing repetitions, reset to 0 if (search == bench_cycles.end()) bench_cycles[hash_val] = 0; bm->Args({ isStructured, isMultiBlock, static_cast(mode) }); } } } } VTKM_BENCHMARK_APPLY(BenchStreamlines, BenchStreamlinesGenerator); vtkm::Vec3f GetSlicePlaneOrigin(const bool isMultiBlock) { if (isMultiBlock) { auto data = PartitionedInputDataSet; vtkm::Bounds global; global = data.GetPartition(0).GetCoordinateSystem().GetBounds(); for (auto i = 1; i < data.GetNumberOfPartitions(); ++i) { auto dataset = data.GetPartition(i); vtkm::Bounds bounds = dataset.GetCoordinateSystem().GetBounds(); global.X.Min = vtkm::Min(global.X.Min, bounds.X.Min); global.Y.Min = vtkm::Min(global.Y.Min, bounds.Y.Min); global.Z.Min = vtkm::Min(global.Z.Min, bounds.Z.Min); global.X.Max = vtkm::Min(global.X.Max, bounds.X.Max); global.Y.Max = vtkm::Min(global.Y.Max, bounds.Y.Max); global.Z.Max = vtkm::Min(global.Z.Max, bounds.Z.Max); } return vtkm::Vec3f{ static_cast((global.X.Max - global.X.Min) / 2.), static_cast((global.Y.Max - global.Y.Min) / 2.), static_cast((global.Z.Max - global.Z.Min) / 2.) }; } else { auto data = InputDataSet; vtkm::Bounds bounds = data.GetCoordinateSystem().GetBounds(); return vtkm::Vec3f{ static_cast((bounds.X.Max - bounds.X.Min) / 2.), static_cast((bounds.Y.Max - bounds.Y.Min) / 2.), static_cast((bounds.Z.Max - bounds.Z.Min) / 2.) }; } } void BenchSlice(::benchmark::State& state) { const vtkm::cont::DeviceAdapterId device = Config.Device; const bool isStructured = static_cast(state.range(0)); const bool isMultiBlock = static_cast(state.range(1)); const RenderingMode renderAlgo = static_cast(state.range(2)); vtkm::filter::contour::Slice filter; vtkm::cont::Timer totalTimer{ device }; vtkm::cont::Timer filterTimer{ device }; vtkm::cont::Timer renderTimer{ device }; vtkm::cont::Timer writeTimer{ device }; size_t hash_val = 0; hash_combine(hash_val, std::string("BenchSlice"), isStructured, isMultiBlock, renderAlgo); int* cycles = &(bench_cycles[hash_val]); if (!benchmark_repetitions) *cycles = 0; for (auto _ : state) { (void)_; totalTimer.Start(); // Disable the benchmark timers for the updating/creation of the datasets state.PauseTiming(); // Stop timers. vtkm::cont::Timer inputGenTimer{ device }; inputGenTimer.Start(); BuildInputDataSet(*cycles, isStructured, isMultiBlock, DataSetDim); inputGenTimer.Stop(); state.ResumeTiming(); // And resume timers. filterTimer.Start(); std::vector dataSets; if (isMultiBlock) { auto input = PartitionedInputDataSet; vtkm::Vec3f origin = GetSlicePlaneOrigin(isMultiBlock); // Set-up implicit function vtkm::Plane plane(origin, vtkm::Plane::Vector{ 1, 1, 1 }); filter.SetImplicitFunction(plane); auto result = filter.Execute(input); dataSets = ExtractDataSets(result); } else { auto input = InputDataSet; vtkm::Vec3f origin = GetSlicePlaneOrigin(isMultiBlock); // Set-up implicit function vtkm::Plane plane(origin, vtkm::Plane::Vector{ 1, 1, 1 }); filter.SetImplicitFunction(plane); auto result = filter.Execute(input); dataSets = ExtractDataSets(result); } filterTimer.Stop(); renderTimer.Start(); auto canvas = RenderDataSets(dataSets, renderAlgo, PointScalarsName); renderTimer.Stop(); writeTimer.Start(); WriteToDisk(*canvas, renderAlgo, "slice", isStructured, isMultiBlock, *cycles); writeTimer.Stop(); totalTimer.Stop(); (*cycles)++; state.SetIterationTime(totalTimer.GetElapsedTime()); state.counters.insert( { { "InputGenTime", static_cast(inputGenTimer.GetElapsedTime() * 1000) }, { "FilterTime", static_cast(filterTimer.GetElapsedTime() * 1000) }, { "RenderTime", static_cast(renderTimer.GetElapsedTime() * 1000) }, { "WriteTime", static_cast(writeTimer.GetElapsedTime() * 1000) } }); } } void BenchSliceGenerator(::benchmark::internal::Benchmark* bm) { bm->ArgNames({ "IsStructured", "IsMultiBlock", "RenderingMode" }); std::vector isStructureds{ false, true }; std::vector isMultiBlocks{ false, true }; std::vector renderingModes{ RenderingMode::RayTrace }; for (auto& isStructured : isStructureds) { for (auto& isMultiBlock : isMultiBlocks) { for (auto& mode : renderingModes) { size_t hash_val = 0; hash_combine(hash_val, std::string("BenchSlice"), isStructured, isMultiBlock, mode); auto search = bench_cycles.find(hash_val); // If we can't find the hash, or we're not doing repetitions, reset to 0 if (search == bench_cycles.end()) bench_cycles[hash_val] = 0; bm->Args({ isStructured, isMultiBlock, static_cast(mode) }); } } } } VTKM_BENCHMARK_APPLY(BenchSlice, BenchSliceGenerator); void BenchMeshRendering(::benchmark::State& state) { const vtkm::cont::DeviceAdapterId device = Config.Device; const bool isStructured = static_cast(state.range(0)); const bool isMultiBlock = static_cast(state.range(1)); vtkm::cont::Timer inputGenTimer{ device }; vtkm::cont::Timer renderTimer{ device }; vtkm::cont::Timer writeTimer{ device }; vtkm::cont::Timer totalTimer{ device }; size_t hash_val = 0; hash_combine(hash_val, std::string("BenchMeshRendering"), isStructured, isMultiBlock); int* cycles = &(bench_cycles[hash_val]); if (!benchmark_repetitions) *cycles = 0; for (auto _ : state) { (void)_; totalTimer.Start(); // Disable the benchmark timers for the updating/creation of the datasets state.PauseTiming(); // Stop timers. inputGenTimer.Start(); BuildInputDataSet(*cycles, isStructured, isMultiBlock, DataSetDim); inputGenTimer.Stop(); state.ResumeTiming(); // And resume timers. std::vector dataSets = isMultiBlock ? ExtractDataSets(PartitionedInputDataSet) : ExtractDataSets(InputDataSet); renderTimer.Start(); auto canvas = RenderDataSets(dataSets, RenderingMode::Mesh, PointScalarsName); renderTimer.Stop(); writeTimer.Start(); WriteToDisk(*canvas, RenderingMode::Mesh, "mesh", isStructured, isMultiBlock, *cycles); writeTimer.Stop(); totalTimer.Stop(); (*cycles)++; state.SetIterationTime(totalTimer.GetElapsedTime()); state.counters.insert( { { "InputGenTime", static_cast(inputGenTimer.GetElapsedTime() * 1000) }, { "FilterTime", 0 }, { "RenderTime", static_cast(renderTimer.GetElapsedTime() * 1000) }, { "WriteTime", static_cast(writeTimer.GetElapsedTime() * 1000) } }); } } void BenchMeshRenderingGenerator(::benchmark::internal::Benchmark* bm) { bm->ArgNames({ "IsStructured", "IsMultiBlock" }); std::vector isStructureds{ false, true }; std::vector isMultiBlocks{ false, true }; for (auto& isStructured : isStructureds) { for (auto& isMultiBlock : isMultiBlocks) { size_t hash_val = 0; hash_combine(hash_val, std::string("BenchMeshRendering"), isStructured, isMultiBlock); auto search = bench_cycles.find(hash_val); // If we can't find the hash, or we're not doing repetitions, reset to 0 if (search == bench_cycles.end()) bench_cycles[hash_val] = 0; bm->Args({ isStructured, isMultiBlock }); } } } VTKM_BENCHMARK_APPLY(BenchMeshRendering, BenchMeshRenderingGenerator); void BenchVolumeRendering(::benchmark::State& state) { const vtkm::cont::DeviceAdapterId device = Config.Device; const bool isStructured = true; const bool isMultiBlock = static_cast(state.range(0)); vtkm::cont::Timer totalTimer{ device }; vtkm::cont::Timer renderTimer{ device }; vtkm::cont::Timer writeTimer{ device }; size_t hash_val = 0; hash_combine(hash_val, std::string("BenchVolumeRendering"), isMultiBlock); int* cycles = &(bench_cycles[hash_val]); if (!benchmark_repetitions) *cycles = 0; for (auto _ : state) { (void)_; totalTimer.Start(); // Disable the benchmark timers for the updating/creation of the datasets state.PauseTiming(); // Stop timers. vtkm::cont::Timer inputGenTimer{ device }; inputGenTimer.Start(); BuildInputDataSet(*cycles, isStructured, isMultiBlock, DataSetDim); inputGenTimer.Stop(); state.ResumeTiming(); // And resume timers. renderTimer.Start(); std::vector dataSets = isMultiBlock ? ExtractDataSets(PartitionedInputDataSet) : ExtractDataSets(InputDataSet); auto canvas = RenderDataSets(dataSets, RenderingMode::Volume, PointScalarsName); renderTimer.Stop(); writeTimer.Start(); WriteToDisk(*canvas, RenderingMode::Volume, "volume", isStructured, isMultiBlock, *cycles); writeTimer.Stop(); totalTimer.Stop(); (*cycles)++; state.SetIterationTime(totalTimer.GetElapsedTime()); state.counters.insert( { { "InputGenTime", static_cast(inputGenTimer.GetElapsedTime() * 1000) }, { "FilterTime", 0 }, { "RenderTime", static_cast(renderTimer.GetElapsedTime() * 1000) }, { "WriteTime", static_cast(writeTimer.GetElapsedTime() * 1000) } }); } } void BenchVolumeRenderingGenerator(::benchmark::internal::Benchmark* bm) { bm->ArgNames({ "IsMultiBlock" }); std::vector isMultiBlocks{ false }; for (auto& isMultiBlock : isMultiBlocks) { size_t hash_val = 0; hash_combine(hash_val, std::string("BenchVolumeRendering"), isMultiBlock); auto search = bench_cycles.find(hash_val); // If we can't find the hash, or we're not doing repetitions, reset to 0 if (search == bench_cycles.end()) bench_cycles[hash_val] = 0; bm->Args({ isMultiBlock }); } } VTKM_BENCHMARK_APPLY(BenchVolumeRendering, BenchVolumeRenderingGenerator); struct Arg : vtkm::cont::internal::option::Arg { static vtkm::cont::internal::option::ArgStatus Number( const vtkm::cont::internal::option::Option& option, bool msg) { bool argIsNum = ((option.arg != nullptr) && (option.arg[0] != '\0')); const char* c = option.arg; while (argIsNum && (*c != '\0')) { argIsNum &= static_cast(std::isdigit(*c)); ++c; } if (argIsNum) { return vtkm::cont::internal::option::ARG_OK; } else { if (msg) { std::cerr << "Option " << option.name << " requires a numeric argument." << std::endl; } return vtkm::cont::internal::option::ARG_ILLEGAL; } } }; enum OptionIndex { UNKNOWN, HELP, DATASET_DIM, IMAGE_SIZE, }; void ParseBenchmarkOptions(int& argc, char** argv) { namespace option = vtkm::cont::internal::option; std::vector usage; std::string usageHeader{ "Usage: " }; usageHeader.append(argv[0]); usageHeader.append("[input data options] [benchmark options]"); usage.push_back({ UNKNOWN, 0, "", "", Arg::None, usageHeader.c_str() }); usage.push_back({ UNKNOWN, 0, "", "", Arg::None, "Input data options are:" }); usage.push_back({ HELP, 0, "h", "help", Arg::None, " -h, --help\tDisplay this help." }); usage.push_back({ UNKNOWN, 0, "", "", Arg::None, Config.Usage.c_str() }); usage.push_back({ DATASET_DIM, 0, "s", "size", Arg::Number, " -s, --size \tSpecify dataset dimension and " "dataset with NxNxN dimensions is created. " "If not specified, N=128" }); usage.push_back({ IMAGE_SIZE, 0, "i", "image-size", Arg::Number, " -i, --image-size \tSpecify size of the rendered image." " The image is rendered as a square of size NxN. " "If not specified, N=1024" }); usage.push_back({ 0, 0, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr }); option::Stats stats(usage.data(), argc - 1, argv + 1); std::unique_ptr options{ new option::Option[stats.options_max] }; std::unique_ptr buffer{ new option::Option[stats.buffer_max] }; option::Parser commandLineParse(usage.data(), argc - 1, argv + 1, options.get(), buffer.get()); if (options[HELP]) { option::printUsage(std::cout, usage.data()); // Print google benchmark usage too const char* helpstr = "--help"; char* tmpargv[] = { argv[0], const_cast(helpstr), nullptr }; int tmpargc = 2; VTKM_EXECUTE_BENCHMARKS(tmpargc, tmpargv); exit(0); } if (options[DATASET_DIM]) { std::istringstream parse(options[DATASET_DIM].arg); parse >> DataSetDim; } else { DataSetDim = DEFAULT_DATASET_DIM; } if (options[IMAGE_SIZE]) { std::istringstream parse(options[IMAGE_SIZE].arg); parse >> ImageSize; } else { ImageSize = DEFAULT_IMAGE_SIZE; } std::cerr << "Using data set dimensions = " << DataSetDim << std::endl; std::cerr << "Using image size = " << ImageSize << "x" << ImageSize << std::endl; } } // end anon namespace int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { auto opts = vtkm::cont::InitializeOptions::RequireDevice; std::vector args(argv, argv + argc); vtkm::bench::detail::InitializeArgs(&argc, args, opts); // Parse VTK-m options Config = vtkm::cont::Initialize(argc, args.data(), opts); ParseBenchmarkOptions(argc, args.data()); // This opts chances when it is help if (opts != vtkm::cont::InitializeOptions::None) { vtkm::cont::GetRuntimeDeviceTracker().ForceDevice(Config.Device); } bool benchmark_min_time = false; bool benchmark_report_aggregates_only = false; for (auto i = 0; i <= argc; i++) if (!strncmp(args[i], "--benchmark_repetitions", 23)) benchmark_repetitions = true; else if (!strncmp(args[i], "--benchmark_min_time", 20)) benchmark_min_time = true; else if (!strncmp(args[i], "--benchmark_report_aggregates_only", 34)) benchmark_report_aggregates_only = true; // If repetitions are explicitly set without also specifying a minimum_time, // force the minimum time to be fairly small so that in all likelyhood, benchmarks // will only run 1 iteration for each test // // And, for good measure, only output the accumulated statistics if (benchmark_repetitions) { if (!benchmark_min_time) args[argc++] = strdup("--benchmark_min_time=0.00000001"); if (!benchmark_report_aggregates_only) args[argc++] = strdup("--benchmark_report_aggregates_only=true"); } VTKM_EXECUTE_BENCHMARKS(argc, args.data()); }