//============================================================================ // Copyright (c) Kitware, Inc. // All rights reserved. // See LICENSE.txt for details. // // This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even // the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR // PURPOSE. See the above copyright notice for more information. //============================================================================ #include "Benchmarker.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include namespace vtkm { namespace benchmarking { // This is 32x larger than the largest array size. static constexpr vtkm::Id NumWrites = 33554432; // 2^25 #define MAKE_ATOMIC_BENCHMARKS(Name, Class) \ VTKM_MAKE_BENCHMARK(Name##1, Class, 1); \ VTKM_MAKE_BENCHMARK(Name##8, Class, 8); \ VTKM_MAKE_BENCHMARK(Name##32, Class, 32); \ VTKM_MAKE_BENCHMARK(Name##512, Class, 512); \ VTKM_MAKE_BENCHMARK(Name##2048, Class, 2048); \ VTKM_MAKE_BENCHMARK(Name##32768, Class, 32768); \ VTKM_MAKE_BENCHMARK(Name##1048576, Class, 1048576) #define RUN_ATOMIC_BENCHMARKS(Name, id) \ VTKM_RUN_BENCHMARK(Name##1, vtkm::cont::AtomicArrayTypeListTag{}, id); \ VTKM_RUN_BENCHMARK(Name##8, vtkm::cont::AtomicArrayTypeListTag{}, id); \ VTKM_RUN_BENCHMARK(Name##32, vtkm::cont::AtomicArrayTypeListTag{}, id); \ VTKM_RUN_BENCHMARK(Name##512, vtkm::cont::AtomicArrayTypeListTag{}, id); \ VTKM_RUN_BENCHMARK(Name##2048, vtkm::cont::AtomicArrayTypeListTag{}, id); \ VTKM_RUN_BENCHMARK(Name##32768, vtkm::cont::AtomicArrayTypeListTag{}, id); \ VTKM_RUN_BENCHMARK(Name##1048576, vtkm::cont::AtomicArrayTypeListTag{}, id) class BenchmarkAtomicArray { public: using Algo = vtkm::cont::Algorithm; using Timer = vtkm::cont::Timer; // Benchmarks AtomicArray::Add such that each work index writes to adjacent // indices. template struct BenchAddSeq { vtkm::Id ArraySize; vtkm::cont::ArrayHandle Data; template struct Worker : public vtkm::exec::FunctorBase { vtkm::Id ArraySize; PortalType Portal; VTKM_CONT Worker(vtkm::Id arraySize, PortalType portal) : ArraySize(arraySize) , Portal(portal) { } VTKM_EXEC void operator()(vtkm::Id i) const { this->Portal.Add(i % this->ArraySize, 1); } }; BenchAddSeq(vtkm::Id arraySize) : ArraySize(arraySize) { this->Data.PrepareForOutput(this->ArraySize, DeviceAdapter()); } VTKM_CONT vtkm::Float64 operator()() { vtkm::cont::AtomicArray array(this->Data); auto portal = array.PrepareForExecution(DeviceAdapter()); Worker worker{ this->ArraySize, portal }; Timer timer{ DeviceAdapter() }; timer.Start(); Algo::Schedule(worker, NumWrites); return timer.GetElapsedTime(); } VTKM_CONT std::string Description() const { std::ostringstream desc; desc << "Add (Seq, Atomic, " << std::setw(7) << std::setfill('0') << this->ArraySize << ")"; return desc.str(); } }; MAKE_ATOMIC_BENCHMARKS(AddSeq, BenchAddSeq); // Provides a non-atomic baseline for BenchAddSeq template struct BenchAddSeqBaseline { vtkm::Id ArraySize; vtkm::cont::ArrayHandle Data; template struct Worker : public vtkm::exec::FunctorBase { vtkm::Id ArraySize; PortalType Portal; VTKM_CONT Worker(vtkm::Id arraySize, PortalType portal) : ArraySize(arraySize) , Portal(portal) { } VTKM_EXEC void operator()(vtkm::Id i) const { vtkm::Id idx = i % this->ArraySize; this->Portal.Set(idx, this->Portal.Get(idx) + 1); } }; BenchAddSeqBaseline(vtkm::Id arraySize) : ArraySize(arraySize) { } VTKM_CONT vtkm::Float64 operator()() { auto portal = this->Data.PrepareForOutput(this->ArraySize, DeviceAdapter()); Worker worker{ this->ArraySize, portal }; Timer timer{ DeviceAdapter() }; timer.Start(); Algo::Schedule(worker, NumWrites); return timer.GetElapsedTime(); } VTKM_CONT std::string Description() const { std::ostringstream desc; desc << "Add (Seq, Baseline, " << std::setw(7) << std::setfill('0') << this->ArraySize << ")"; return desc.str(); } }; MAKE_ATOMIC_BENCHMARKS(AddSeqBase, BenchAddSeqBaseline); // Benchmarks AtomicArray::Add such that each work index writes to a strided // index ( floor(i / stride) + stride * (i % stride) template struct BenchAddStride { vtkm::Id ArraySize; vtkm::Id Stride; vtkm::cont::ArrayHandle Data; template struct Worker : public vtkm::exec::FunctorBase { vtkm::Id ArraySize; vtkm::Id Stride; PortalType Portal; VTKM_CONT Worker(vtkm::Id arraySize, vtkm::Id stride, PortalType portal) : ArraySize(arraySize) , Stride(stride) , Portal(portal) { } VTKM_EXEC void operator()(vtkm::Id i) const { vtkm::Id idx = (i / this->Stride + this->Stride * (i % this->Stride)) % this->ArraySize; this->Portal.Add(idx % this->ArraySize, 1); } }; BenchAddStride(vtkm::Id arraySize, vtkm::Id stride = 32) : ArraySize(arraySize) , Stride(stride) { this->Data.PrepareForOutput(this->ArraySize, DeviceAdapter()); } VTKM_CONT vtkm::Float64 operator()() { vtkm::cont::AtomicArray array(this->Data); auto portal = array.PrepareForExecution(DeviceAdapter()); Worker worker{ this->ArraySize, this->Stride, portal }; Timer timer{ DeviceAdapter() }; timer.Start(); Algo::Schedule(worker, NumWrites); return timer.GetElapsedTime(); } VTKM_CONT std::string Description() const { std::ostringstream desc; desc << "Add (Stride=" << this->Stride << ", Atomic, " << std::setw(7) << std::setfill('0') << this->ArraySize << ")"; return desc.str(); } }; MAKE_ATOMIC_BENCHMARKS(AddStride, BenchAddStride); // Non-atomic baseline for AddStride template struct BenchAddStrideBaseline { vtkm::Id ArraySize; vtkm::Id Stride; vtkm::cont::ArrayHandle Data; template struct Worker : public vtkm::exec::FunctorBase { vtkm::Id ArraySize; vtkm::Id Stride; PortalType Portal; VTKM_CONT Worker(vtkm::Id arraySize, vtkm::Id stride, PortalType portal) : ArraySize(arraySize) , Stride(stride) , Portal(portal) { } VTKM_EXEC void operator()(vtkm::Id i) const { vtkm::Id idx = (i / this->Stride + this->Stride * (i % this->Stride)) % this->ArraySize; this->Portal.Set(idx, this->Portal.Get(idx) + 1); } }; BenchAddStrideBaseline(vtkm::Id arraySize, vtkm::Id stride = 32) : ArraySize(arraySize) , Stride(stride) { } VTKM_CONT vtkm::Float64 operator()() { auto portal = this->Data.PrepareForOutput(this->ArraySize, DeviceAdapter()); Worker worker{ this->ArraySize, this->Stride, portal }; Timer timer{ DeviceAdapter() }; timer.Start(); Algo::Schedule(worker, NumWrites); return timer.GetElapsedTime(); } VTKM_CONT std::string Description() const { std::ostringstream desc; desc << "Add (Stride=" << this->Stride << ", Baseline, " << std::setw(7) << std::setfill('0') << this->ArraySize << ")"; return desc.str(); } }; MAKE_ATOMIC_BENCHMARKS(AddStrideBase, BenchAddStrideBaseline); // Benchmarks AtomicArray::CompareAndSwap such that each work index writes to adjacent // indices. template struct BenchCASSeq { vtkm::Id ArraySize; vtkm::cont::ArrayHandle Data; template struct Worker : public vtkm::exec::FunctorBase { vtkm::Id ArraySize; PortalType Portal; VTKM_CONT Worker(vtkm::Id arraySize, PortalType portal) : ArraySize(arraySize) , Portal(portal) { } VTKM_EXEC void operator()(vtkm::Id i) const { vtkm::Id idx = i % this->ArraySize; ValueType val = static_cast(i); // Get the old val with a no-op ValueType oldVal = this->Portal.Add(idx, static_cast(0)); ValueType assumed = static_cast(0); do { assumed = oldVal; oldVal = this->Portal.CompareAndSwap(idx, assumed + val, assumed); } while (assumed != oldVal); } }; BenchCASSeq(vtkm::Id arraySize) : ArraySize(arraySize) { this->Data.PrepareForOutput(this->ArraySize, DeviceAdapter()); } VTKM_CONT vtkm::Float64 operator()() { vtkm::cont::AtomicArray array(this->Data); auto portal = array.PrepareForExecution(DeviceAdapter()); Worker worker{ this->ArraySize, portal }; Timer timer{ DeviceAdapter() }; timer.Start(); Algo::Schedule(worker, NumWrites); return timer.GetElapsedTime(); } VTKM_CONT std::string Description() const { std::ostringstream desc; desc << "CAS (Seq, Atomic, " << std::setw(7) << std::setfill('0') << this->ArraySize << ")"; return desc.str(); } }; MAKE_ATOMIC_BENCHMARKS(CASSeq, BenchCASSeq); // Provides a non-atomic baseline for BenchCASSeq template struct BenchCASSeqBaseline { vtkm::Id ArraySize; vtkm::cont::ArrayHandle Data; template struct Worker : public vtkm::exec::FunctorBase { vtkm::Id ArraySize; PortalType Portal; VTKM_CONT Worker(vtkm::Id arraySize, PortalType portal) : ArraySize(arraySize) , Portal(portal) { } VTKM_EXEC void operator()(vtkm::Id i) const { vtkm::Id idx = i % this->ArraySize; ValueType val = static_cast(i); ValueType oldVal = this->Portal.Get(idx); this->Portal.Set(idx, oldVal + val); } }; BenchCASSeqBaseline(vtkm::Id arraySize) : ArraySize(arraySize) { } VTKM_CONT vtkm::Float64 operator()() { auto portal = this->Data.PrepareForOutput(this->ArraySize, DeviceAdapter()); Worker worker{ this->ArraySize, portal }; Timer timer{ DeviceAdapter() }; timer.Start(); Algo::Schedule(worker, NumWrites); return timer.GetElapsedTime(); } VTKM_CONT std::string Description() const { std::ostringstream desc; desc << "CAS (Seq, Baseline, " << std::setw(7) << std::setfill('0') << this->ArraySize << ")"; return desc.str(); } }; MAKE_ATOMIC_BENCHMARKS(CASSeqBase, BenchCASSeqBaseline); // Benchmarks AtomicArray::CompareAndSwap such that each work index writes to // a strided index: // ( floor(i / stride) + stride * (i % stride) template struct BenchCASStride { vtkm::Id ArraySize; vtkm::Id Stride; vtkm::cont::ArrayHandle Data; template struct Worker : public vtkm::exec::FunctorBase { vtkm::Id ArraySize; vtkm::Id Stride; PortalType Portal; VTKM_CONT Worker(vtkm::Id arraySize, vtkm::Id stride, PortalType portal) : ArraySize(arraySize) , Stride(stride) , Portal(portal) { } VTKM_EXEC void operator()(vtkm::Id i) const { vtkm::Id idx = (i / this->Stride + this->Stride * (i % this->Stride)) % this->ArraySize; ValueType val = static_cast(i); // Get the old val with a no-op ValueType oldVal = this->Portal.Add(idx, static_cast(0)); ValueType assumed = static_cast(0); do { assumed = oldVal; oldVal = this->Portal.CompareAndSwap(idx, assumed + val, assumed); } while (assumed != oldVal); } }; BenchCASStride(vtkm::Id arraySize, vtkm::Id stride = 32) : ArraySize(arraySize) , Stride(stride) { this->Data.PrepareForOutput(this->ArraySize, DeviceAdapter()); } VTKM_CONT vtkm::Float64 operator()() { vtkm::cont::AtomicArray array(this->Data); auto portal = array.PrepareForExecution(DeviceAdapter()); Worker worker{ this->ArraySize, this->Stride, portal }; Timer timer{ DeviceAdapter() }; timer.Start(); Algo::Schedule(worker, NumWrites); return timer.GetElapsedTime(); } VTKM_CONT std::string Description() const { std::ostringstream desc; desc << "CAS (Stride=" << this->Stride << ", Atomic, " << std::setw(7) << std::setfill('0') << this->ArraySize << ")"; return desc.str(); } }; MAKE_ATOMIC_BENCHMARKS(CASStride, BenchCASStride); // Non-atomic baseline for CASStride template struct BenchCASStrideBaseline { vtkm::Id ArraySize; vtkm::Id Stride; vtkm::cont::ArrayHandle Data; template struct Worker : public vtkm::exec::FunctorBase { vtkm::Id ArraySize; vtkm::Id Stride; PortalType Portal; VTKM_CONT Worker(vtkm::Id arraySize, vtkm::Id stride, PortalType portal) : ArraySize(arraySize) , Stride(stride) , Portal(portal) { } VTKM_EXEC void operator()(vtkm::Id i) const { vtkm::Id idx = (i / this->Stride + this->Stride * (i % this->Stride)) % this->ArraySize; ValueType val = static_cast(i); ValueType oldVal = this->Portal.Get(idx); this->Portal.Set(idx, oldVal + val); } }; BenchCASStrideBaseline(vtkm::Id arraySize, vtkm::Id stride = 32) : ArraySize(arraySize) , Stride(stride) { } VTKM_CONT vtkm::Float64 operator()() { auto portal = this->Data.PrepareForOutput(this->ArraySize, DeviceAdapter()); Worker worker{ this->ArraySize, this->Stride, portal }; Timer timer{ DeviceAdapter() }; timer.Start(); Algo::Schedule(worker, NumWrites); return timer.GetElapsedTime(); } VTKM_CONT std::string Description() const { std::ostringstream desc; desc << "CAS (Stride=" << this->Stride << ", Baseline, " << std::setw(7) << std::setfill('0') << this->ArraySize << ")"; return desc.str(); } }; MAKE_ATOMIC_BENCHMARKS(CASStrideBase, BenchCASStrideBaseline); static void Run(vtkm::cont::DeviceAdapterId id) { RUN_ATOMIC_BENCHMARKS(AddSeq, id); RUN_ATOMIC_BENCHMARKS(AddSeqBase, id); RUN_ATOMIC_BENCHMARKS(AddStride, id); RUN_ATOMIC_BENCHMARKS(AddStrideBase, id); RUN_ATOMIC_BENCHMARKS(CASSeq, id); RUN_ATOMIC_BENCHMARKS(CASSeqBase, id); RUN_ATOMIC_BENCHMARKS(CASStride, id); RUN_ATOMIC_BENCHMARKS(CASStrideBase, id); } }; } } // end namespace vtkm::benchmarking int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { auto opts = vtkm::cont::InitializeOptions::DefaultAnyDevice | vtkm::cont::InitializeOptions::Strict; auto config = vtkm::cont::Initialize(argc, argv, opts); try { vtkm::benchmarking::BenchmarkAtomicArray::Run(config.Device); } catch (std::exception& e) { std::cerr << "Benchmark encountered an exception: " << e.what() << "\n"; return 1; } return 0; }