##============================================================================ ## Copyright (c) Kitware, Inc. ## All rights reserved. ## See LICENSE.txt for details. ## ## This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even ## the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR ## PURPOSE. See the above copyright notice for more information. ##============================================================================ if(CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER_ID STREQUAL "MSVC" OR CMAKE_CXX_SIMULATE_ID STREQUAL "MSVC") set(VTKM_COMPILER_IS_MSVC 1) elseif(CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER_ID STREQUAL "PGI") set(VTKM_COMPILER_IS_PGI 1) elseif(CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER_ID STREQUAL "Intel") set(VTKM_COMPILER_IS_ICC 1) elseif(CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER_ID STREQUAL "AppleClang") set(VTKM_COMPILER_IS_CLANG 1) set(VTKM_COMPILER_IS_APPLECLANG 1) elseif(CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER_ID STREQUAL "Clang") set(VTKM_COMPILER_IS_CLANG 1) elseif(CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER_ID STREQUAL "GNU") set(VTKM_COMPILER_IS_GNU 1) endif() #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # vtkm_compiler_flags is used by all the vtkm targets and consumers of VTK-m # The flags on vtkm_compiler_flags are needed when using/building vtk-m add_library(vtkm_compiler_flags INTERFACE) # When building libraries/tests that are part of the VTK-m repository # inherit the properties from vtkm_vectorization_flags. # The flags are intended only for VTK-m itself and are not needed by consumers. # We will export vtkm_vectorization_flags in general # so consumer can either enable vectorization or use VTK-m's build flags if # they so desire target_link_libraries(vtkm_compiler_flags INTERFACE $) # setup that we need C++11 support target_compile_features(vtkm_compiler_flags INTERFACE cxx_std_11) # Enable large object support so we can have 2^32 addressable sections if(VTKM_COMPILER_IS_MSVC) target_compile_options(vtkm_compiler_flags INTERFACE $<$:/bigobj>) if(TARGET vtkm::cuda) target_compile_options(vtkm_compiler_flags INTERFACE $<$:-Xcompiler="/bigobj">) endif() endif() # Setup the include directories that are needed for vtkm target_include_directories(vtkm_compiler_flags INTERFACE $ $ $ ) #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # vtkm_developer_flags is used ONLY BY libraries that are built as part of this # repository add_library(vtkm_developer_flags INTERFACE) # Additional warnings just for Clang 3.5+, and AppleClang 7+ # about failures to vectorize. if (VTKM_COMPILER_IS_CLANG AND CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER_VERSION VERSION_GREATER 3.4) target_compile_options(vtkm_developer_flags INTERFACE $<$:-Wno-pass-failed>) elseif(VTKM_COMPILER_IS_APPLECLANG AND CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER_VERSION VERSION_GREATER 6.99) target_compile_options(vtkm_developer_flags INTERFACE $<$:-Wno-pass-failed>) endif() if(VTKM_COMPILER_IS_MSVC) target_compile_definitions(vtkm_developer_flags INTERFACE "_SCL_SECURE_NO_WARNINGS" "_CRT_SECURE_NO_WARNINGS") #Setup MSVC warnings with CUDA and CXX target_compile_options(vtkm_developer_flags INTERFACE $<$:-wd4702 -wd4505>) if(TARGET vtkm::cuda) target_compile_options(vtkm_developer_flags INTERFACE $<$:-Xcompiler=-wd4702,-wd4505 -Xcudafe=--diag_suppress=1394,--diag_suppress=766>) endif() if(MSVC_VERSION LESS 1900) # In VS2013 the C4127 warning has a bug in the implementation and # generates false positive warnings for lots of template code target_compile_options(vtkm_developer_flags INTERFACE $<$:-wd4127>) if(TARGET vtkm::cuda) target_compile_options(vtkm_developer_flags INTERFACE $<$:-Xcompiler=-wd4127>) endif() endif() elseif(VTKM_COMPILER_IS_ICC) #Intel compiler offers header level suppression in the form of # #pragma warning(disable : 1478), but for warning 1478 it seems to not #work. Instead we add it as a definition # Likewise to suppress failures about being unable to apply vectorization # to loops, the #pragma warning(disable seems to not work so we add a # a compile define. target_compile_options(vtkm_developer_flags INTERFACE $<$:-wd1478 -wd13379>) elseif(VTKM_COMPILER_IS_GNU OR VTKM_COMPILER_IS_CLANG) set(cxx_flags -Wall -Wcast-align -Wchar-subscripts -Wextra -Wpointer-arith -Wformat -Wformat-security -Wshadow -Wunused-parameter -fno-common) set(cuda_flags -Xcompiler=-Wall,-Wno-unknown-pragmas,-Wno-unused-local-typedefs,-Wno-unused-local-typedefs,-Wno-unused-function,-Wcast-align,-Wchar-subscripts,-Wpointer-arith,-Wformat,-Wformat-security,-Wshadow,-Wunused-parameter,-fno-common) if (VTKM_COMPILER_IS_GNU AND CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER_VERSION VERSION_GREATER 4.99) list(APPEND cxx_flags -Wfloat-conversion) set(cuda_flags "${cuda_flags},-Wfloat-conversion") elseif (VTKM_COMPILER_IS_CLANG) list(APPEND cxx_flags -Wconversion) set(cuda_flags "${cuda_flags},-Wconversion") endif() #GCC 5, 6 don't properly handle strict-overflow suppression through pragma's. #Instead of suppressing around the location of the strict-overflow you #have to suppress around the entry point, or in vtk-m case the worklet #invocation site. This is incredibly tedious and has been fixed in gcc 7 # if(VTKM_COMPILER_IS_GNU AND (CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER_VERSION VERSION_GREATER 4.99) AND (CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER_VERSION VERSION_LESS 6.99) ) list(APPEND cxx_flags -Wno-strict-overflow) endif() target_compile_options(vtkm_developer_flags INTERFACE $<$:${cxx_flags}>) if(TARGET vtkm::cuda) target_compile_options(vtkm_developer_flags INTERFACE $<$:${cuda_flags}>) endif() endif() #common warnings for all platforms when building cuda if(TARGET vtkm::cuda) if(CMAKE_CUDA_COMPILER_ID STREQUAL "NVIDIA") #nvcc 9 introduced specific controls to disable the stack size warning #otherwise we let the warning occur. We have to set this in CMAKE_CUDA_FLAGS #as it is passed to the device link step, unlike compile_options set(CMAKE_CUDA_FLAGS "${CMAKE_CUDA_FLAGS} -Xnvlink=--suppress-stack-size-warning") endif() set(display_error_nums -Xcudafe=--display_error_number) target_compile_options(vtkm_developer_flags INTERFACE $<$:${display_error_nums}>) endif() if(NOT VTKm_INSTALL_ONLY_LIBRARIES) install(TARGETS vtkm_compiler_flags vtkm_developer_flags EXPORT ${VTKm_EXPORT_NAME}) endif()