# - Find ThreadingBuildingBlocks include dirs and libraries # Use this module by invoking find_package with the form: # find_package(TBB # [REQUIRED] # Fail with error if TBB is not found # ) # # Once done, this will define # # TBB_FOUND - system has TBB # TBB_INCLUDE_DIRS - the TBB include directories # TBB_LIBRARIES - TBB libraries to be lined, doesn't include malloc or # malloc proxy # # TBB_VERSION_MAJOR - Major Product Version Number # TBB_VERSION_MINOR - Minor Product Version Number # TBB_INTERFACE_VERSION - Engineering Focused Version Number # TBB_COMPATIBLE_INTERFACE_VERSION - The oldest major interface version # still supported. This uses the engineering # focused interface version numbers. # # TBB_MALLOC_FOUND - system has TBB malloc library # TBB_MALLOC_INCLUDE_DIRS - the TBB malloc include directories # TBB_MALLOC_LIBRARIES - The TBB malloc libraries to be lined # # TBB_MALLOC_PROXY_FOUND - system has TBB malloc proxy library # TBB_MALLOC_PROXY_INCLUDE_DIRS = the TBB malloc proxy include directories # TBB_MALLOC_PROXY_LIBRARIES - The TBB malloc proxy libraries to be lined # # # This module reads hints about search locations from variables: # ENV TBB_ARCH_PLATFORM - for eg. set it to "mic" for Xeon Phi builds # ENV TBB_ROOT or just TBB_ROOT - root directory of tbb installation # ENV TBB_BUILD_PREFIX - specifies the build prefix for user built tbb # libraries. Should be specified with ENV TBB_ROOT # and optionally... # ENV TBB_BUILD_DIR - if build directory is different than ${TBB_ROOT}/build # # # Modified by Robert Maynard from the original OGRE source # #------------------------------------------------------------------- # This file is part of the CMake build system for OGRE # (Object-oriented Graphics Rendering Engine) # For the latest info, see http://www.ogre3d.org/ # # The contents of this file are placed in the public domain. Feel # free to make use of it in any way you like. #------------------------------------------------------------------- # #============================================================================= # Copyright 2010-2012 Kitware, Inc. # Copyright 2012 Rolf Eike Beer # # Distributed under the OSI-approved BSD License (the "License"); # see accompanying file Copyright.txt for details. # # This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the # implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. # See the License for more information. #============================================================================= # (To distribute this file outside of CMake, substitute the full # License text for the above reference.) #============================================================================= # FindTBB helper functions and macros # #=============================================== # Do the final processing for the package find. #=============================================== macro(findpkg_finish PREFIX) # skip if already processed during this run if (NOT ${PREFIX}_FOUND) if (${PREFIX}_INCLUDE_DIR AND ${PREFIX}_LIBRARY) set(${PREFIX}_FOUND TRUE) set (${PREFIX}_INCLUDE_DIRS ${${PREFIX}_INCLUDE_DIR}) set (${PREFIX}_LIBRARIES ${${PREFIX}_LIBRARY}) else () if (${PREFIX}_FIND_REQUIRED AND NOT ${PREFIX}_FIND_QUIETLY) message(FATAL_ERROR "Required library ${PREFIX} not found.") endif () endif () #mark the following variables as internal variables mark_as_advanced(${PREFIX}_INCLUDE_DIR ${PREFIX}_LIBRARY ${PREFIX}_LIBRARY_DEBUG ${PREFIX}_LIBRARY_RELEASE) endif () endmacro() #=============================================== # Generate debug names from given release names #=============================================== macro(get_debug_names PREFIX) foreach(i ${${PREFIX}}) set(${PREFIX}_DEBUG ${${PREFIX}_DEBUG} ${i}d ${i}D ${i}_d ${i}_D ${i}_debug ${i}) endforeach() endmacro() #=============================================== # See if we have env vars to help us find tbb #=============================================== macro(getenv_path VAR) set(ENV_${VAR} $ENV{${VAR}}) # replace won't work if var is blank if (ENV_${VAR}) string( REGEX REPLACE "\\\\" "/" ENV_${VAR} ${ENV_${VAR}} ) endif () endmacro() #=============================================== # Couple a set of release AND debug libraries #=============================================== macro(make_library_set PREFIX) if (${PREFIX}_RELEASE AND ${PREFIX}_DEBUG) set(${PREFIX} optimized ${${PREFIX}_RELEASE} debug ${${PREFIX}_DEBUG}) elseif (${PREFIX}_RELEASE) set(${PREFIX} ${${PREFIX}_RELEASE}) elseif (${PREFIX}_DEBUG) set(${PREFIX} ${${PREFIX}_DEBUG}) endif () endmacro() #============================================================================= # Now to actually find TBB # # Get path, convert backslashes as ${ENV_${var}} getenv_path(TBB_ROOT) # initialize search paths set(TBB_PREFIX_PATH ${TBB_ROOT} ${ENV_TBB_ROOT}) set(TBB_INC_SEARCH_PATH "") set(TBB_LIB_SEARCH_PATH "") # If we found parts of TBB in a previous pass, add the directories for those # components to the list of those we look for. if(TBB_INCLUDE_DIR) list(APPEND TBB_INC_SEARCH_PATH ${TBB_INCLUDE_DIR}) endif() if(TBB_LIBRARY_RELEASE) get_filename_component(dir ${TBB_LIBRARY_RELEASE} DIRECTORY) list(APPEND TBB_LIB_SEARCH_PATH ${dir}) elseif(TBB_LIBRARY_DEBUG) get_filename_component(dir ${TBB_LIBRARY_DEBUG} DIRECTORY) list(APPEND TBB_LIB_SEARCH_PATH ${dir}) endif() # If user built from sources set(TBB_BUILD_PREFIX $ENV{TBB_BUILD_PREFIX}) if (TBB_BUILD_PREFIX AND ENV_TBB_ROOT) getenv_path(TBB_BUILD_DIR) if (NOT ENV_TBB_BUILD_DIR) set(ENV_TBB_BUILD_DIR ${ENV_TBB_ROOT}/build) endif () # include directory under ${ENV_TBB_ROOT}/include list(APPEND TBB_LIB_SEARCH_PATH ${ENV_TBB_BUILD_DIR}/${TBB_BUILD_PREFIX}_release ${ENV_TBB_BUILD_DIR}/${TBB_BUILD_PREFIX}_debug) endif () # For Windows, let's assume that the user might be using the precompiled # TBB packages from the main website. These use a rather awkward directory # structure (at least for automatically finding the right files) depending # on platform and compiler, but we'll do our best to accommodate it. # Not adding the same effort for the precompiled linux builds, though. Those # have different versions for CC compiler versions and linux kernels which # will never adequately match the user's setup, so there is no feasible way # to detect the "best" version to use. The user will have to manually # select the right files. (Chances are the distributions are shipping their # custom version of tbb, anyway, so the problem is probably nonexistent.) if (WIN32 AND MSVC) set(COMPILER_PREFIX "vc7.1") if (MSVC_VERSION EQUAL 1400) set(COMPILER_PREFIX "vc8") elseif(MSVC_VERSION EQUAL 1500) set(COMPILER_PREFIX "vc9") elseif(MSVC_VERSION EQUAL 1600) set(COMPILER_PREFIX "vc10") elseif(MSVC_VERSION EQUAL 1700) set(COMPILER_PREFIX "vc11") elseif(MSVC_VERSION EQUAL 1800) set(COMPILER_PREFIX "vc12") elseif(MSVC_VERSION EQUAL 1900) set(COMPILER_PREFIX "vc14") endif () # for each prefix path, add ia32/64\${COMPILER_PREFIX}\lib to the lib search path foreach (dir IN LISTS TBB_PREFIX_PATH) if (CMAKE_CL_64) list(APPEND TBB_LIB_SEARCH_PATH ${dir}/ia64/${COMPILER_PREFIX}/lib) list(APPEND TBB_LIB_SEARCH_PATH ${dir}/lib/ia64/${COMPILER_PREFIX}) list(APPEND TBB_LIB_SEARCH_PATH ${dir}/intel64/${COMPILER_PREFIX}/lib) list(APPEND TBB_LIB_SEARCH_PATH ${dir}/lib/intel64/${COMPILER_PREFIX}) else () list(APPEND TBB_LIB_SEARCH_PATH ${dir}/ia32/${COMPILER_PREFIX}/lib) list(APPEND TBB_LIB_SEARCH_PATH ${dir}/lib/ia32/${COMPILER_PREFIX}) endif () endforeach () elseif(CMAKE_SYSTEM_NAME STREQUAL "Darwin" AND NOT CMAKE_SYSTEM_VERSION VERSION_LESS 13.0) set (USE_LIBCXX OFF) if (CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER_ID MATCHES "Clang") set (USE_LIBCXX ON) endif () if (USE_LIBCXX) foreach (dir IN LISTS TBB_PREFIX_PATH) list (APPEND TBB_LIB_SEARCH_PATH ${dir}/lib/libc++ ${dir}/libc++/lib) endforeach () endif () elseif (CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER_ID STREQUAL "GNU") # check compiler ABI set(COMPILER_PREFIX) if (NOT CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER_VERSION VERSION_LESS 4.7) list(APPEND COMPILER_PREFIX "gcc4.7") endif() if (NOT CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER_VERSION VERSION_LESS 4.4) list(APPEND COMPILER_PREFIX "gcc4.4") endif() list(APPEND COMPILER_PREFIX "gcc4.1") elseif(CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER_ID MATCHES "Clang") set(COMPILER_PREFIX) if (NOT CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER_VERSION VERSION_LESS 3.6) list(APPEND COMPILER_PREFIX "gcc4.7") endif() list(APPEND COMPILER_PREFIX "gcc4.4") else() # Assume compatibility with 4.4 for other compilers list(APPEND COMPILER_PREFIX "gcc4.4") endif () # if platform architecture is explicitly specified set(TBB_ARCH_PLATFORM $ENV{TBB_ARCH_PLATFORM}) if (TBB_ARCH_PLATFORM) foreach (dir IN LISTS TBB_PREFIX_PATH) list(APPEND TBB_LIB_SEARCH_PATH ${dir}/${TBB_ARCH_PLATFORM}/lib) list(APPEND TBB_LIB_SEARCH_PATH ${dir}/lib/${TBB_ARCH_PLATFORM}) endforeach () endif () foreach (dir IN LISTS TBB_PREFIX_PATH) foreach (prefix IN LISTS COMPILER_PREFIX) if (CMAKE_SIZEOF_VOID_P EQUAL 8) list(APPEND TBB_LIB_SEARCH_PATH ${dir}/lib/intel64) list(APPEND TBB_LIB_SEARCH_PATH ${dir}/lib/intel64/${prefix}) list(APPEND TBB_LIB_SEARCH_PATH ${dir}/intel64/lib) list(APPEND TBB_LIB_SEARCH_PATH ${dir}/intel64/${prefix}/lib) else () list(APPEND TBB_LIB_SEARCH_PATH ${dir}/lib/ia32) list(APPEND TBB_LIB_SEARCH_PATH ${dir}/lib/ia32/${prefix}) list(APPEND TBB_LIB_SEARCH_PATH ${dir}/ia32/lib) list(APPEND TBB_LIB_SEARCH_PATH ${dir}/ia32/${prefix}/lib) endif () endforeach() endforeach () # add general search paths foreach (dir IN LISTS TBB_PREFIX_PATH) list(APPEND TBB_LIB_SEARCH_PATH ${dir}/lib ${dir}/Lib ${dir}/lib/tbb ${dir}/Libs) list(APPEND TBB_INC_SEARCH_PATH ${dir}/include ${dir}/Include ${dir}/include/tbb) endforeach () set(TBB_LIBRARY_NAMES tbb) get_debug_names(TBB_LIBRARY_NAMES) find_path(TBB_INCLUDE_DIR NAMES tbb/tbb.h PATHS ${TBB_INC_SEARCH_PATH}) find_library(TBB_LIBRARY_RELEASE NAMES ${TBB_LIBRARY_NAMES} PATHS ${TBB_LIB_SEARCH_PATH}) find_library(TBB_LIBRARY_DEBUG NAMES ${TBB_LIBRARY_NAMES_DEBUG} PATHS ${TBB_LIB_SEARCH_PATH}) make_library_set(TBB_LIBRARY) findpkg_finish(TBB) #if we haven't found TBB no point on going any further if (NOT TBB_FOUND) return() endif () #============================================================================= # Look for TBB's malloc package set(TBB_MALLOC_LIBRARY_NAMES tbbmalloc) get_debug_names(TBB_MALLOC_LIBRARY_NAMES) find_path(TBB_MALLOC_INCLUDE_DIR NAMES tbb/tbb.h PATHS ${TBB_INC_SEARCH_PATH}) find_library(TBB_MALLOC_LIBRARY_RELEASE NAMES ${TBB_MALLOC_LIBRARY_NAMES} PATHS ${TBB_LIB_SEARCH_PATH}) find_library(TBB_MALLOC_LIBRARY_DEBUG NAMES ${TBB_MALLOC_LIBRARY_NAMES_DEBUG} PATHS ${TBB_LIB_SEARCH_PATH}) make_library_set(TBB_MALLOC_LIBRARY) findpkg_finish(TBB_MALLOC) #============================================================================= # Look for TBB's malloc proxy package set(TBB_MALLOC_PROXY_LIBRARY_NAMES tbbmalloc_proxy) get_debug_names(TBB_MALLOC_PROXY_LIBRARY_NAMES) find_path(TBB_MALLOC_PROXY_INCLUDE_DIR NAMES tbb/tbbmalloc_proxy.h PATHS ${TBB_INC_SEARCH_PATH}) find_library(TBB_MALLOC_PROXY_LIBRARY_RELEASE NAMES ${TBB_MALLOC_PROXY_LIBRARY_NAMES} PATHS ${TBB_LIB_SEARCH_PATH}) find_library(TBB_MALLOC_PROXY_LIBRARY_DEBUG NAMES ${TBB_MALLOC_PROXY_LIBRARY_NAMES_DEBUG} PATHS ${TBB_LIB_SEARCH_PATH}) make_library_set(TBB_MALLOC_PROXY_LIBRARY) findpkg_finish(TBB_MALLOC_PROXY) #============================================================================= #parse all the version numbers from tbb if(NOT TBB_VERSION) #only read the start of the file file(READ "${TBB_INCLUDE_DIR}/tbb/tbb_stddef.h" TBB_VERSION_CONTENTS LIMIT 2048) string(REGEX REPLACE ".*#define TBB_VERSION_MAJOR ([0-9]+).*" "\\1" TBB_VERSION_MAJOR "${TBB_VERSION_CONTENTS}") string(REGEX REPLACE ".*#define TBB_VERSION_MINOR ([0-9]+).*" "\\1" TBB_VERSION_MINOR "${TBB_VERSION_CONTENTS}") string(REGEX REPLACE ".*#define TBB_INTERFACE_VERSION ([0-9]+).*" "\\1" TBB_INTERFACE_VERSION "${TBB_VERSION_CONTENTS}") string(REGEX REPLACE ".*#define TBB_COMPATIBLE_INTERFACE_VERSION ([0-9]+).*" "\\1" TBB_COMPATIBLE_INTERFACE_VERSION "${TBB_VERSION_CONTENTS}") endif()