//============================================================================ // Copyright (c) Kitware, Inc. // All rights reserved. // See LICENSE.txt for details. // // This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even // the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR // PURPOSE. See the above copyright notice for more information. //============================================================================ #ifndef vtk_m_exec_Derivative_h #define vtk_m_exec_Derivative_h #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include namespace vtkm { namespace exec { //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- namespace internal { template VTKM_EXEC vtkm::ErrorCode CellDerivativeImpl( LclCellShapeTag tag, const FieldVecType& field, const WorldCoordType& wCoords, const ParametricCoordType& pcoords, vtkm::Vec& result) { result = { 0 }; if ((field.GetNumberOfComponents() != tag.numberOfPoints()) || (wCoords.GetNumberOfComponents() != tag.numberOfPoints())) { return vtkm::ErrorCode::InvalidNumberOfPoints; } using FieldType = typename FieldVecType::ComponentType; auto fieldNumComponents = vtkm::VecTraits::GetNumberOfComponents(field[0]); auto status = lcl::derivative(tag, lcl::makeFieldAccessorNestedSOA(wCoords, 3), lcl::makeFieldAccessorNestedSOA(field, fieldNumComponents), pcoords, result[0], result[1], result[2]); return vtkm::internal::LclErrorToVtkmError(status); } } // namespace internal template VTKM_EXEC vtkm::ErrorCode CellDerivative(const FieldVecType& field, const WorldCoordType& wCoords, const vtkm::Vec& pcoords, CellShapeTag shape, vtkm::Vec& result) { return internal::CellDerivativeImpl( vtkm::internal::make_LclCellShapeTag(shape), field, wCoords, pcoords, result); } template VTKM_EXEC vtkm::ErrorCode CellDerivative(const FieldVecType&, const WorldCoordType&, const vtkm::Vec&, vtkm::CellShapeTagEmpty, vtkm::Vec& result) { result = { 0 }; return vtkm::ErrorCode::OperationOnEmptyCell; } template VTKM_EXEC vtkm::ErrorCode CellDerivative(const FieldVecType& field, const WorldCoordType& wCoords, const vtkm::Vec& pcoords, vtkm::CellShapeTagPolyLine, vtkm::Vec& result) { vtkm::IdComponent numPoints = field.GetNumberOfComponents(); if (numPoints != wCoords.GetNumberOfComponents()) { result = { 0 }; return vtkm::ErrorCode::InvalidNumberOfPoints; } switch (numPoints) { case 1: return CellDerivative(field, wCoords, pcoords, vtkm::CellShapeTagVertex(), result); case 2: return CellDerivative(field, wCoords, pcoords, vtkm::CellShapeTagLine(), result); } auto dt = static_cast(1) / static_cast(numPoints - 1); auto idx = static_cast(vtkm::Ceil(pcoords[0] / dt)); if (idx == 0) { idx = 1; } if (idx > numPoints - 1) { idx = numPoints - 1; } auto lineField = vtkm::make_Vec(field[idx - 1], field[idx]); auto lineWCoords = vtkm::make_Vec(wCoords[idx - 1], wCoords[idx]); auto pc = (pcoords[0] - static_cast(idx) * dt) / dt; return internal::CellDerivativeImpl(lcl::Line{}, lineField, lineWCoords, &pc, result); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- template VTKM_EXEC vtkm::ErrorCode CellDerivative(const FieldVecType& field, const WorldCoordType& wCoords, const vtkm::Vec& pcoords, vtkm::CellShapeTagPolygon, vtkm::Vec& result) { const vtkm::IdComponent numPoints = field.GetNumberOfComponents(); if ((numPoints <= 0) || (numPoints != wCoords.GetNumberOfComponents())) { result = { 0 }; return vtkm::ErrorCode::InvalidNumberOfPoints; } switch (field.GetNumberOfComponents()) { case 1: return CellDerivative(field, wCoords, pcoords, vtkm::CellShapeTagVertex(), result); case 2: return CellDerivative(field, wCoords, pcoords, vtkm::CellShapeTagLine(), result); default: return internal::CellDerivativeImpl(lcl::Polygon(numPoints), field, wCoords, pcoords, result); } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- template VTKM_EXEC vtkm::ErrorCode CellDerivative(const FieldVecType& field, const vtkm::VecAxisAlignedPointCoordinates<2>& wCoords, const vtkm::Vec& pcoords, vtkm::CellShapeTagQuad, vtkm::Vec& result) { return internal::CellDerivativeImpl(lcl::Pixel{}, field, wCoords, pcoords, result); } template VTKM_EXEC vtkm::ErrorCode CellDerivative(const FieldVecType& field, const vtkm::VecAxisAlignedPointCoordinates<3>& wCoords, const vtkm::Vec& pcoords, vtkm::CellShapeTagHexahedron, vtkm::Vec& result) { return internal::CellDerivativeImpl(lcl::Voxel{}, field, wCoords, pcoords, result); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- /// \brief Take the derivative (get the gradient) of a point field in a cell. /// /// Given the point field values for each node and the parametric coordinates /// of a point within the cell, finds the derivative with respect to each /// coordinate (i.e. the gradient) at that point. The derivative is not always /// constant in some "linear" cells. /// template VTKM_EXEC vtkm::ErrorCode CellDerivative(const FieldVecType& pointFieldValues, const WorldCoordType& worldCoordinateValues, const vtkm::Vec& parametricCoords, vtkm::CellShapeTagGeneric shape, vtkm::Vec& result) { vtkm::ErrorCode status; switch (shape.Id) { vtkmGenericCellShapeMacro( status = CellDerivative( pointFieldValues, worldCoordinateValues, parametricCoords, CellShapeTag(), result)); default: result = { 0 }; status = vtkm::ErrorCode::InvalidShapeId; } return status; } template VTKM_DEPRECATED( 1.6, "Call signature has changed to CellDerivative(field, wCoords, pcoords, shape, result).") VTKM_EXEC vtkm::Vec CellDerivative( const FieldVecType& field, const WorldCoordType& wCoords, const vtkm::Vec& pcoords, CellShapeTag shape, const vtkm::exec::FunctorBase& worklet) { vtkm::Vec result; vtkm::ErrorCode status = CellDerivative(field, wCoords, pcoords, shape, result); if (status != vtkm::ErrorCode::Success) { worklet.RaiseError(vtkm::ErrorString(status)); } return result; } } } // namespace vtkm::exec #endif //vtk_m_exec_Derivative_h