##============================================================================ ## Copyright (c) Kitware, Inc. ## All rights reserved. ## See LICENSE.txt for details. ## This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even ## the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR ## PURPOSE. See the above copyright notice for more information. ## ## Copyright 2014 National Technology & Engineering Solutions of Sandia, LLC (NTESS). ## Copyright 2014 UT-Battelle, LLC. ## Copyright 2014 Los Alamos National Security. ## ## Under the terms of Contract DE-NA0003525 with NTESS, ## the U.S. Government retains certain rights in this software. ## ## Under the terms of Contract DE-AC52-06NA25396 with Los Alamos National ## Laboratory (LANL), the U.S. Government retains certain rights in ## this software. ##============================================================================ include(CMakeParseArguments) include(VTKmDeviceAdapters) include(VTKmCPUVectorization) #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Utility to build a kit name from the current directory. function(vtkm_get_kit_name kitvar) # Will this always work? It should if ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR} is # built from ${VTKm_SOURCE_DIR}. string(REPLACE "${VTKm_SOURCE_DIR}/" "" dir_prefix ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}) string(REPLACE "/" "_" kit "${dir_prefix}") set(${kitvar} "${kit}" PARENT_SCOPE) # Optional second argument to get dir_prefix. if (${ARGC} GREATER 1) set(${ARGV1} "${dir_prefix}" PARENT_SCOPE) endif (${ARGC} GREATER 1) endfunction(vtkm_get_kit_name) #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- function(vtkm_pyexpander_generated_file generated_file_name) # If pyexpander is available, add targets to build and check if(PYEXPANDER_FOUND AND PYTHONINTERP_FOUND) add_custom_command( OUTPUT ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/${generated_file_name}.checked COMMAND ${CMAKE_COMMAND} -DPYTHON_EXECUTABLE=${PYTHON_EXECUTABLE} -DPYEXPANDER_COMMAND=${PYEXPANDER_COMMAND} -DSOURCE_FILE=${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/${generated_file_name} -DGENERATED_FILE=${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/${generated_file_name} -P ${VTKm_CMAKE_MODULE_PATH}/VTKmCheckPyexpander.cmake MAIN_DEPENDENCY ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/${generated_file_name}.in DEPENDS ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/${generated_file_name} COMMENT "Checking validity of ${generated_file_name}" ) add_custom_target(check_${generated_file_name} ALL DEPENDS ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/${generated_file_name}.checked ) endif() endfunction(vtkm_pyexpander_generated_file) #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- function(vtkm_compile_as_cuda output) # We can't use set_source_files_properties(<> PROPERTIES LANGUAGE "CUDA") # for the following reasons: # # 1. As of CMake 3.10 MSBuild cuda language support has a bug where files # aren't passed to nvcc with the explicit '-x cu' flag which will cause # them to be compiled without CUDA actually enabled. # 2. If the source file is used by multiple targets(libraries/executable) # they will all see the source file marked as being CUDA. This will cause # tests / examples that reuse sources with different backends to use CUDA # by mistake # # The result of this is that instead we will use file(GENERATE ) to construct # a proxy cu file set(_cuda_srcs ) foreach(_to_be_cuda_file ${ARGN}) get_filename_component(_fname_ext "${_to_be_cuda_file}" EXT) if(_fname_ext STREQUAL ".cu") list(APPEND _cuda_srcs "${_to_be_cuda_file}") else() get_filename_component(_cuda_fname "${_to_be_cuda_file}" NAME_WE) get_filename_component(_not_cuda_fullpath "${_to_be_cuda_file}" ABSOLUTE) list(APPEND _cuda_srcs "${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/${_cuda_fname}.cu") file(GENERATE OUTPUT ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/${_cuda_fname}.cu CONTENT "#include \"${_not_cuda_fullpath}\"") endif() endforeach() set(${output} ${_cuda_srcs} PARENT_SCOPE) endfunction() #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- function(vtkm_add_header_build_test name dir_prefix use_cuda) set(hfiles ${ARGN}) #only attempt to add a test build executable if we have any headers to #test. this might not happen when everything depends on thrust. list(LENGTH hfiles num_srcs) if (${num_srcs} EQUAL 0) return() endif() set(ext "cxx") if(use_cuda) set(ext "cu") endif() set(srcs) foreach (header ${hfiles}) get_source_file_property(cant_be_tested ${header} VTKm_CANT_BE_HEADER_TESTED) if( NOT cant_be_tested ) string(REPLACE "/" "_" headername "${header}") string(REPLACE "." "_" headername "${headername}") set(src ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/TB_${headername}.${ext}) #By using file generate we will not trigger CMake execution when #a header gets touched file(GENERATE OUTPUT ${src} CONTENT " //mark that we are including headers as test for completeness. //This is used by headers that include thrust to properly define a proper //device backend / system #define VTKM_TEST_HEADER_BUILD #include <${dir_prefix}/${header}> int ${headername}_${headerextension}_testbuild_symbol;" ) list(APPEND srcs ${src}) endif() endforeach() set_source_files_properties(${hfiles} PROPERTIES HEADER_FILE_ONLY TRUE ) if(TARGET TestBuild_${name}) #If the target already exists just add more sources to it target_sources(TestBuild_${name} PRIVATE ${srcs}) else() add_library(TestBuild_${name} STATIC ${srcs} ${hfiles}) # Send the libraries created for test builds to their own directory so as to # not pollute the directory with useful libraries. set_property(TARGET TestBuild_${name} PROPERTY ARCHIVE_OUTPUT_DIRECTORY ${VTKm_LIBRARY_OUTPUT_PATH}/testbuilds) set_property(TARGET TestBuild_${name} PROPERTY LIBRARY_OUTPUT_DIRECTORY ${VTKm_LIBRARY_OUTPUT_PATH}/testbuilds) target_link_libraries(TestBuild_${name} PRIVATE $ vtkm_compiler_flags vtkm_taotuple ) if(TARGET vtkm::tbb) #make sure that we have the tbb include paths when tbb is enabled. target_link_libraries(TestBuild_${name} PRIVATE vtkm::tbb) endif() if(TARGET vtkm_diy) target_link_libraries(TestBuild_${name} PRIVATE vtkm_diy) endif() if(TARGET vtkm_rendering_gl_context) target_link_libraries(TestBuild_${name} PRIVATE vtkm_rendering_gl_context) endif() endif() endfunction() #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- function(vtkm_generate_export_header lib_name) # Get the location of this library in the directory structure # export headers work on the directory structure more than the lib_name vtkm_get_kit_name(kit_name dir_prefix) # Now generate a header that holds the macros needed to easily export # template classes. This string(TOUPPER ${kit_name} BASE_NAME_UPPER) set(EXPORT_MACRO_NAME "${BASE_NAME_UPPER}") set(EXPORT_IS_BUILT_STATIC 0) get_target_property(is_static ${lib_name} TYPE) if(${is_static} STREQUAL "STATIC_LIBRARY") #If we are building statically set the define symbol set(EXPORT_IS_BUILT_STATIC 1) endif() unset(is_static) get_target_property(EXPORT_IMPORT_CONDITION ${lib_name} DEFINE_SYMBOL) if(NOT EXPORT_IMPORT_CONDITION) #set EXPORT_IMPORT_CONDITION to what the DEFINE_SYMBOL would be when #building shared set(EXPORT_IMPORT_CONDITION ${kit_name}_EXPORTS) endif() configure_file( ${VTKm_SOURCE_DIR}/CMake/VTKmExportHeaderTemplate.h.in ${VTKm_BINARY_DIR}/include/${dir_prefix}/${kit_name}_export.h @ONLY) if(NOT VTKm_INSTALL_ONLY_LIBRARIES) install(FILES ${VTKm_BINARY_DIR}/include/${dir_prefix}/${kit_name}_export.h DESTINATION ${VTKm_INSTALL_INCLUDE_DIR}/${dir_prefix} ) endif() endfunction(vtkm_generate_export_header) #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- function(vtkm_install_headers dir_prefix) if(NOT VTKm_INSTALL_ONLY_LIBRARIES) set(hfiles ${ARGN}) install(FILES ${hfiles} DESTINATION ${VTKm_INSTALL_INCLUDE_DIR}/${dir_prefix} ) endif() endfunction(vtkm_install_headers) #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- function(vtkm_declare_headers) #TODO: look at the testable and cuda options set(options CUDA) set(oneValueArgs TESTABLE) set(multiValueArgs EXCLUDE_FROM_TESTING) cmake_parse_arguments(VTKm_DH "${options}" "${oneValueArgs}" "${multiValueArgs}" ${ARGN} ) #The testable keyword allows the caller to turn off the header testing, #mainly used so that backends can be installed even when they can't be #built on the machine. #Since this is an optional property not setting it means you do want testing if(NOT DEFINED VTKm_DH_TESTABLE) set(VTKm_DH_TESTABLE ON) endif() set(hfiles ${VTKm_DH_UNPARSED_ARGUMENTS} ${VTKm_DH_EXCLUDE_FROM_TESTING}) vtkm_get_kit_name(name dir_prefix) #only do header testing if enable testing is turned on if (VTKm_ENABLE_TESTING AND VTKm_DH_TESTABLE) set_source_files_properties(${VTKm_DH_EXCLUDE_FROM_TESTING} PROPERTIES VTKm_CANT_BE_HEADER_TESTED TRUE ) vtkm_add_header_build_test( "${name}" "${dir_prefix}" "${VTKm_DH_CUDA}" ${hfiles}) endif() vtkm_install_headers("${dir_prefix}" ${hfiles}) endfunction(vtkm_declare_headers) #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Add a VTK-m library. The name of the library will match the "kit" name # (e.g. vtkm_rendering) unless the NAME argument is given. # # vtkm_library( # [NAME ] # SOURCES # TEMPLATE_SOURCES <.hxx > # HEADERS
# [WRAP_FOR_CUDA ] # ) function(vtkm_library) set(options STATIC SHARED) set(oneValueArgs NAME) set(multiValueArgs SOURCES HEADERS TEMPLATE_SOURCES WRAP_FOR_CUDA) cmake_parse_arguments(VTKm_LIB "${options}" "${oneValueArgs}" "${multiValueArgs}" ${ARGN} ) if(NOT VTKm_LIB_NAME) message(FATAL_ERROR "vtkm library must have an explicit name") endif() set(lib_name ${VTKm_LIB_NAME}) if(TARGET vtkm::cuda) vtkm_compile_as_cuda(cu_srcs ${VTKm_LIB_WRAP_FOR_CUDA}) set(VTKm_LIB_WRAP_FOR_CUDA ${cu_srcs}) endif() if(VTKm_LIB_STATIC) set(VTKm_LIB_type STATIC) elseif(VTKm_LIB_SHARED) set(VTKm_LIB_type SHARED) endif() add_library(${lib_name} ${VTKm_LIB_type} ${VTKm_LIB_SOURCES} ${VTKm_LIB_HEADERS} ${VTKm_LIB_TEMPLATE_SOURCES} ${VTKm_LIB_WRAP_FOR_CUDA} ) #when building either static or shared we want pic code set_target_properties(${lib_name} PROPERTIES POSITION_INDEPENDENT_CODE ON) #specify when building with cuda we want separable compilation set_property(TARGET ${lib_name} PROPERTY CUDA_SEPARABLE_COMPILATION ON) #specify where to place the built library set_property(TARGET ${lib_name} PROPERTY ARCHIVE_OUTPUT_DIRECTORY ${VTKm_LIBRARY_OUTPUT_PATH}) set_property(TARGET ${lib_name} PROPERTY LIBRARY_OUTPUT_DIRECTORY ${VTKm_LIBRARY_OUTPUT_PATH}) set_property(TARGET ${lib_name} PROPERTY RUNTIME_OUTPUT_DIRECTORY ${VTKm_EXECUTABLE_OUTPUT_PATH}) if(NOT VTKm_USE_DEFAULT_SYMBOL_VISIBILITY) set_property(TARGET ${lib_name} PROPERTY CUDA_VISIBILITY_PRESET "hidden") set_property(TARGET ${lib_name} PROPERTY CXX_VISIBILITY_PRESET "hidden") endif() # allow the static cuda runtime find the driver (libcuda.dyllib) at runtime. if(APPLE) set_property(TARGET ${lib_name} PROPERTY BUILD_RPATH ${CMAKE_CUDA_IMPLICIT_LINK_DIRECTORIES}) endif() # Setup the SOVERSION and VERSION information for this vtkm library set_property(TARGET ${lib_name} PROPERTY VERSION 1) set_property(TARGET ${lib_name} PROPERTY SOVERSION 1) # Support custom library suffix names, for other projects wanting to inject # their own version numbers etc. if(DEFINED VTKm_CUSTOM_LIBRARY_SUFFIX) set(_lib_suffix "${VTKm_CUSTOM_LIBRARY_SUFFIX}") else() set(_lib_suffix "-${VTKm_VERSION_MAJOR}.${VTKm_VERSION_MINOR}") endif() set_property(TARGET ${lib_name} PROPERTY OUTPUT_NAME ${lib_name}${_lib_suffix}) #generate the export header and install it vtkm_generate_export_header(${lib_name}) #test and install the headers vtkm_declare_headers(${VTKm_LIB_HEADERS} EXCLUDE_FROM_TESTING ${VTKm_LIB_TEMPLATE_SOURCES} ) # When building libraries/tests that are part of the VTK-m repository inherit # the properties from vtkm_developer_flags. The flags are intended only for # VTK-m itself and are not needed by consumers. We will export # vtkm_developer_flags so consumer can use VTK-m's build flags if they so # desire if (VTKm_ENABLE_DEVELOPER_FLAGS) target_link_libraries(${lib_name} PUBLIC $) else() target_link_libraries(${lib_name} PRIVATE $) endif() #install the library itself install(TARGETS ${lib_name} EXPORT ${VTKm_EXPORT_NAME} ARCHIVE DESTINATION ${VTKm_INSTALL_LIB_DIR} LIBRARY DESTINATION ${VTKm_INSTALL_LIB_DIR} RUNTIME DESTINATION ${VTKm_INSTALL_BIN_DIR} ) endfunction(vtkm_library) #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Declare unit tests, which should be in the same directory as a kit # (package, module, whatever you call it). Usage: # # vtkm_unit_tests( # NAME # SOURCES # BACKEND # LIBRARIES # TEST_ARGS # MPI # ALL_BACKENDS # # ) # # [BACKEND]: mark all source files as being compiled with the proper defines # to make this backend the default backend # If the backend is specified as CUDA it will also imply all # sources should be treated as CUDA sources # The backend name will also be added to the executable name # so you can test multiple backends easily # # [LIBRARIES] : extra libraries that this set of tests need to link too # # [TEST_ARGS] : arguments that should be passed on the command line to the # test executable # # [MPI] : when specified, the tests should be run in parallel if # MPI is enabled. # [ALL_BACKENDS] : when specified, the tests would test against all enabled # backends. BACKEND argument would be ignored. # function(vtkm_unit_tests) if (NOT VTKm_ENABLE_TESTING) return() endif() set(options) set(global_options ${options} MPI ALL_BACKENDS) set(oneValueArgs BACKEND NAME) set(multiValueArgs SOURCES LIBRARIES TEST_ARGS) cmake_parse_arguments(VTKm_UT "${global_options}" "${oneValueArgs}" "${multiValueArgs}" ${ARGN} ) vtkm_parse_test_options(VTKm_UT_SOURCES "${options}" ${VTKm_UT_SOURCES}) set(test_prog) set(backend ${VTKm_UT_BACKEND}) set(enable_all_backends ${VTKm_UT_ALL_BACKENDS}) set(all_backends Serial) if (VTKm_ENABLE_CUDA) list(APPEND all_backends Cuda) endif() if (VTKm_ENABLE_TBB) list(APPEND all_backends TBB) endif() if (VTKm_ENABLE_OPENMP) list(APPEND all_backends OpenMP) endif() if(VTKm_UT_NAME) set(test_prog "${VTKm_UT_NAME}") else() vtkm_get_kit_name(kit) set(test_prog "UnitTests_${kit}") endif() if(backend) set(test_prog "${test_prog}_${backend}") set(all_backends ${backend}) elseif(NOT enable_all_backends) set (all_backends "NO_BACKEND") endif() if(VTKm_UT_MPI) # for MPI tests, suffix test name and add MPI_Init/MPI_Finalize calls. set(test_prog "${test_prog}_mpi") set(extraArgs EXTRA_INCLUDE "vtkm/cont/testing/Testing.h" FUNCTION "vtkm::cont::testing::Environment env") else() set(extraArgs) endif() #the creation of the test source list needs to occur before the labeling as #cuda. This is so that we get the correctly named entry points generated create_test_sourcelist(test_sources ${test_prog}.cxx ${VTKm_UT_SOURCES} ${extraArgs}) #if all backends are enabled, we can use cuda compiler to handle all possible backends. if(backend STREQUAL "Cuda" OR (enable_all_backends AND VTKm_ENABLE_CUDA)) vtkm_compile_as_cuda(cu_srcs ${VTKm_UT_SOURCES}) set(VTKm_UT_SOURCES ${cu_srcs}) endif() add_executable(${test_prog} ${test_prog}.cxx ${VTKm_UT_SOURCES}) set_property(TARGET ${test_prog} PROPERTY CUDA_SEPARABLE_COMPILATION ON) set_property(TARGET ${test_prog} PROPERTY ARCHIVE_OUTPUT_DIRECTORY ${VTKm_LIBRARY_OUTPUT_PATH}) set_property(TARGET ${test_prog} PROPERTY LIBRARY_OUTPUT_DIRECTORY ${VTKm_LIBRARY_OUTPUT_PATH}) set_property(TARGET ${test_prog} PROPERTY RUNTIME_OUTPUT_DIRECTORY ${VTKm_EXECUTABLE_OUTPUT_PATH}) #Starting in CMake 3.13, cmake will properly drop duplicate libraries #from the link line so this workaround can be dropped if (CMAKE_VERSION VERSION_LESS 3.13 AND "vtkm_rendering" IN_LIST VTKm_UT_LIBRARIES) list(REMOVE_ITEM VTKm_UT_LIBRARIES "vtkm_cont") target_link_libraries(${test_prog} PRIVATE ${VTKm_UT_LIBRARIES}) else() target_link_libraries(${test_prog} PRIVATE vtkm_cont ${VTKm_UT_LIBRARIES}) endif() foreach(current_backend ${all_backends}) set (device_command_line_argument --device=${current_backend}) if (current_backend STREQUAL "NO_BACKEND") set (current_backend "") set(device_command_line_argument "") endif() string(TOUPPER "${current_backend}" upper_backend) foreach (test ${VTKm_UT_SOURCES}) get_filename_component(tname ${test} NAME_WE) if(VTKm_UT_MPI AND VTKm_ENABLE_MPI) add_test(NAME ${tname}${upper_backend} COMMAND ${MPIEXEC} ${MPIEXEC_NUMPROC_FLAG} 3 ${MPIEXEC_PREFLAGS} $ ${tname} ${device_command_line_argument} ${VTKm_UT_TEST_ARGS} ${MPIEXEC_POSTFLAGS} ) else() add_test(NAME ${tname}${upper_backend} COMMAND ${test_prog} ${tname} ${device_command_line_argument} ${VTKm_UT_TEST_ARGS} ) endif() #determine the timeout for all the tests based on the backend. CUDA tests #generally require more time because of kernel generation. if (current_backend STREQUAL "Cuda") set(timeout 1500) else() set(timeout 180) endif() if(current_backend STREQUAL "OpenMP") #We need to have all OpenMP tests run serially as they #will uses all the system cores, and we will cause a N*N thread #explosion which causes the tests to run slower than when run #serially set(run_serial True) else() set(run_serial False) endif() set_tests_properties("${tname}${upper_backend}" PROPERTIES TIMEOUT ${timeout} RUN_SERIAL ${run_serial} ) endforeach (test) endforeach(current_backend) endfunction(vtkm_unit_tests) # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # vtkm_parse_test_options(varname options) # INTERNAL: Parse options specified for individual tests. # # Parses the arguments to separate out options specified after the test name # separated by a comma e.g. # # TestName,Option1,Option2 # # For every option in options, this will set _TestName_Option1, # _TestName_Option2, etc in the parent scope. # function(vtkm_parse_test_options varname options) set(names) foreach(arg IN LISTS ARGN) set(test_name ${arg}) set(test_options) if(test_name AND "x${test_name}" MATCHES "^x([^,]*),(.*)$") set(test_name "${CMAKE_MATCH_1}") string(REPLACE "," ";" test_options "${CMAKE_MATCH_2}") endif() foreach(opt IN LISTS test_options) list(FIND options "${opt}" index) if(index EQUAL -1) message(WARNING "Unknown option '${opt}' specified for test '${test_name}'") else() set(_${test_name}_${opt} TRUE PARENT_SCOPE) endif() endforeach() list(APPEND names ${test_name}) endforeach() set(${varname} ${names} PARENT_SCOPE) endfunction()