//============================================================================ // Copyright (c) Kitware, Inc. // All rights reserved. // See LICENSE.txt for details. // This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even // the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR // PURPOSE. See the above copyright notice for more information. // // Copyright 2019 National Technology & Engineering Solutions of Sandia, LLC (NTESS). // Copyright 2019 UT-Battelle, LLC. // Copyright 2019 Los Alamos National Security. // // Under the terms of Contract DE-NA0003525 with NTESS, // the U.S. Government retains certain rights in this software. // // Under the terms of Contract DE-AC52-06NA25396 with Los Alamos National // Laboratory (LANL), the U.S. Government retains certain rights in // this software. //============================================================================ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include using namespace vtkm::internal::cl_uniform_bins; namespace { struct BinsBBox { DimVec3 Min; DimVec3 Max; VTKM_EXEC bool Empty() const { return (this->Max[0] < this->Min[0]) || (this->Max[1] < this->Min[1]) || (this->Max[2] < this->Min[2]); } }; VTKM_EXEC_CONT static DimVec3 ComputeGridDimension(vtkm::Id numberOfCells, const FloatVec3& size, vtkm::FloatDefault density) { vtkm::FloatDefault nsides = 0.0f; vtkm::FloatDefault volume = 1.0f; vtkm::FloatDefault maxside = vtkm::Max(size[0], vtkm::Max(size[1], size[2])); for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i) { if (size[i] / maxside >= 1e-4f) { nsides += 1.0f; volume *= size[i]; } } auto r = vtkm::Pow((static_cast(numberOfCells) / (volume * density)), 1.0f / nsides); return vtkm::Max(DimVec3(1), DimVec3(static_cast(size[0] * r), static_cast(size[1] * r), static_cast(size[2] * r))); } VTKM_EXEC static BinsBBox ComputeIntersectingBins(const Bounds cellBounds, const Grid& grid) { auto minb = static_cast((cellBounds.Min - grid.Origin) / grid.BinSize); auto maxb = static_cast((cellBounds.Max - grid.Origin) / grid.BinSize); return { vtkm::Max(DimVec3(0), minb), vtkm::Min(grid.Dimensions - DimVec3(1), maxb) }; } VTKM_EXEC static vtkm::Id GetNumberOfBins(const BinsBBox& binsBBox) { return binsBBox.Empty() ? 0 : ((binsBBox.Max[0] - binsBBox.Min[0] + 1) * (binsBBox.Max[1] - binsBBox.Min[1] + 1) * (binsBBox.Max[2] - binsBBox.Min[2] + 1)); } class BBoxIterator { public: VTKM_EXEC_CONT BBoxIterator(const BinsBBox& bbox, const DimVec3& dim) : BBox(bbox) , Dim(dim) , StepY(dim[0] - (bbox.Max[0] - bbox.Min[0] + 1)) , StepZ((dim[0] * dim[1]) - ((bbox.Max[1] - bbox.Min[1] + 1) * dim[0])) { this->Init(); } VTKM_EXEC_CONT void Init() { this->Idx = this->BBox.Min; this->FlatIdx = ComputeFlatIndex(this->Idx, this->Dim); this->DoneFlag = this->BBox.Empty(); } VTKM_EXEC_CONT bool Done() const { return this->DoneFlag; } VTKM_EXEC_CONT void Next() { if (!this->DoneFlag) { ++this->Idx[0]; this->FlatIdx += 1; if (this->Idx[0] > this->BBox.Max[0]) { this->Idx[0] = this->BBox.Min[0]; ++this->Idx[1]; this->FlatIdx += this->StepY; if (this->Idx[1] > this->BBox.Max[1]) { this->Idx[1] = this->BBox.Min[1]; ++this->Idx[2]; this->FlatIdx += this->StepZ; if (this->Idx[2] > this->BBox.Max[2]) { this->DoneFlag = true; } } } } } VTKM_EXEC_CONT const DimVec3& GetIdx() const { return this->Idx; } VTKM_EXEC_CONT vtkm::Id GetFlatIdx() const { return this->FlatIdx; } private: const BinsBBox BBox; const DimVec3 Dim; const vtkm::Id StepY, StepZ; DimVec3 Idx; vtkm::Id FlatIdx; bool DoneFlag; }; class CountBinsL1 : public vtkm::worklet::WorkletMapPointToCell { public: using ControlSignature = void(CellSetIn cellset, FieldInPoint coords, FieldOutCell bincount); using ExecutionSignature = void(_2, _3); CountBinsL1(const Grid& grid) : L1Grid(grid) { } template VTKM_EXEC void operator()(const PointsVecType& points, vtkm::Id& numBins) const { auto cellBounds = ComputeCellBounds(points); auto binsBBox = ComputeIntersectingBins(cellBounds, this->L1Grid); numBins = GetNumberOfBins(binsBBox); } private: Grid L1Grid; }; class FindBinsL1 : public vtkm::worklet::WorkletMapPointToCell { public: using ControlSignature = void(CellSetIn cellset, FieldInPoint coords, FieldInCell offsets, WholeArrayOut binIds); using ExecutionSignature = void(_2, _3, _4); FindBinsL1(const Grid& grid) : L1Grid(grid) { } template VTKM_EXEC void operator()(const PointsVecType& points, vtkm::Id offset, BinIdsPortalType& binIds) const { auto cellBounds = ComputeCellBounds(points); auto binsBBox = ComputeIntersectingBins(cellBounds, this->L1Grid); for (BBoxIterator i(binsBBox, this->L1Grid.Dimensions); !i.Done(); i.Next()) { binIds.Set(offset, i.GetFlatIdx()); ++offset; } } private: Grid L1Grid; }; class GenerateBinsL1 : public vtkm::worklet::WorkletMapField { public: using ControlSignature = void(FieldIn binIds, FieldIn cellCounts, WholeArrayOut dimensions); using ExecutionSignature = void(_1, _2, _3); using InputDomain = _1; GenerateBinsL1(FloatVec3 size, vtkm::FloatDefault density) : Size(size) , Density(density) { } template VTKM_EXEC void operator()(vtkm::Id binId, vtkm::Id numCells, OutputDimensionsPortal& dimensions) const { dimensions.Set(binId, ComputeGridDimension(numCells, this->Size, this->Density)); } private: FloatVec3 Size; vtkm::FloatDefault Density; }; class CountBinsL2 : public vtkm::worklet::WorkletMapPointToCell { public: using ControlSignature = void(CellSetIn cellset, FieldInPoint coords, WholeArrayIn binDimensions, FieldOutCell bincount); using ExecutionSignature = void(_2, _3, _4); CountBinsL2(const Grid& grid) : L1Grid(grid) { } template VTKM_EXEC void operator()(const PointsVecType& points, const BinDimensionsPortalType& binDimensions, vtkm::Id& numBins) const { auto cellBounds = ComputeCellBounds(points); auto binsBBox = ComputeIntersectingBins(cellBounds, this->L1Grid); numBins = 0; for (BBoxIterator i(binsBBox, this->L1Grid.Dimensions); !i.Done(); i.Next()) { Grid leaf = ComputeLeafGrid(i.GetIdx(), binDimensions.Get(i.GetFlatIdx()), this->L1Grid); auto binsBBoxL2 = ComputeIntersectingBins(cellBounds, leaf); numBins += GetNumberOfBins(binsBBoxL2); } } private: Grid L1Grid; }; class FindBinsL2 : public vtkm::worklet::WorkletMapPointToCell { public: using ControlSignature = void(CellSetIn cellset, FieldInPoint coords, WholeArrayIn binDimensions, WholeArrayIn binStarts, FieldInCell offsets, WholeArrayOut binIds, WholeArrayOut cellIds); using ExecutionSignature = void(InputIndex, _2, _3, _4, _5, _6, _7); FindBinsL2(const Grid& grid) : L1Grid(grid) { } template VTKM_EXEC void operator()(vtkm::Id cellId, const PointsVecType& points, const BinDimensionsPortalType& binDimensions, const BinStartsPortalType& binStarts, vtkm::Id offset, BinIdsPortalType binIds, CellIdsPortalType cellIds) const { auto cellBounds = ComputeCellBounds(points); auto binsBBox = ComputeIntersectingBins(cellBounds, this->L1Grid); for (BBoxIterator i(binsBBox, this->L1Grid.Dimensions); !i.Done(); i.Next()) { Grid leaf = ComputeLeafGrid(i.GetIdx(), binDimensions.Get(i.GetFlatIdx()), this->L1Grid); auto binsBBoxL2 = ComputeIntersectingBins(cellBounds, leaf); vtkm::Id leafStart = binStarts.Get(i.GetFlatIdx()); for (BBoxIterator j(binsBBoxL2, leaf.Dimensions); !j.Done(); j.Next()) { binIds.Set(offset, leafStart + j.GetFlatIdx()); cellIds.Set(offset, cellId); ++offset; } } } private: Grid L1Grid; }; class GenerateBinsL2 : public vtkm::worklet::WorkletMapField { public: using ControlSignature = void(FieldIn binIds, FieldIn startsIn, FieldIn countsIn, WholeArrayOut startsOut, WholeArrayOut countsOut); using ExecutionSignature = void(_1, _2, _3, _4, _5); using InputDomain = _1; template VTKM_EXEC void operator()(vtkm::Id binIndex, vtkm::Id start, vtkm::Id count, CellStartsPortalType& cellStarts, CellCountsPortalType& cellCounts) const { cellStarts.Set(binIndex, start); cellCounts.Set(binIndex, count); } }; struct DimensionsToCount { VTKM_EXEC vtkm::Id operator()(const DimVec3& dim) const { return dim[0] * dim[1] * dim[2]; } }; } // anonymous namespace namespace vtkm { namespace cont { //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- /// Builds the cell locator lookup structure /// VTKM_CONT void CellLocatorUniformBins::Build() { vtkm::worklet::Invoker invoke; auto cellset = this->GetCellSet(); const auto& coords = this->GetCoordinates(); // 1: Compute the top level grid auto bounds = coords.GetBounds(); FloatVec3 bmin(static_cast(bounds.X.Min), static_cast(bounds.Y.Min), static_cast(bounds.Z.Min)); FloatVec3 bmax(static_cast(bounds.X.Max), static_cast(bounds.Y.Max), static_cast(bounds.Z.Max)); auto size = bmax - bmin; auto fudge = vtkm::Max(FloatVec3(1e-6f), size * 1e-4f); size += 2.0f * fudge; this->TopLevel.Dimensions = ComputeGridDimension(cellset.GetNumberOfCells(), size, this->DensityL1); this->TopLevel.Origin = bmin - fudge; this->TopLevel.BinSize = size / static_cast(this->TopLevel.Dimensions); // 2: For each cell, find the number of top level bins they intersect vtkm::cont::ArrayHandle binCounts; CountBinsL1 countL1(this->TopLevel); invoke(countL1, cellset, coords, binCounts); // 3: Total number of unique (cell, bin) pairs (for pre-allocating arrays) vtkm::Id numPairsL1 = vtkm::cont::Algorithm::ScanExclusive(binCounts, binCounts); // 4: For each cell find the top level bins that intersect it vtkm::cont::ArrayHandle binIds; binIds.Allocate(numPairsL1); FindBinsL1 findL1(this->TopLevel); invoke(findL1, cellset, coords, binCounts, binIds); binCounts.ReleaseResources(); // 5: From above, find the number of cells that intersect each top level bin vtkm::cont::Algorithm::Sort(binIds); vtkm::cont::ArrayHandle bins; vtkm::cont::ArrayHandle cellsPerBin; vtkm::cont::Algorithm::ReduceByKey(binIds, vtkm::cont::make_ArrayHandleConstant(vtkm::Id(1), numPairsL1), bins, cellsPerBin, vtkm::Sum()); binIds.ReleaseResources(); // 6: Compute level-2 dimensions vtkm::Id numberOfBins = this->TopLevel.Dimensions[0] * this->TopLevel.Dimensions[1] * this->TopLevel.Dimensions[2]; vtkm::cont::ArrayCopy(vtkm::cont::make_ArrayHandleConstant(DimVec3(0), numberOfBins), this->LeafDimensions); GenerateBinsL1 generateL1(this->TopLevel.BinSize, this->DensityL2); invoke(generateL1, bins, cellsPerBin, this->LeafDimensions); bins.ReleaseResources(); cellsPerBin.ReleaseResources(); // 7: Compute number of level-2 bins vtkm::Id numberOfLeaves = vtkm::cont::Algorithm::ScanExclusive( vtkm::cont::make_ArrayHandleTransform(this->LeafDimensions, DimensionsToCount()), this->LeafStartIndex); // 8: For each cell, find the number of l2 bins they intersect CountBinsL2 countL2(this->TopLevel); invoke(countL2, cellset, coords, this->LeafDimensions, binCounts); // 9: Total number of unique (cell, bin) pairs (for pre-allocating arrays) vtkm::Id numPairsL2 = vtkm::cont::Algorithm::ScanExclusive(binCounts, binCounts); // 10: For each cell, find the l2 bins they intersect binIds.Allocate(numPairsL2); this->CellIds.Allocate(numPairsL2); FindBinsL2 findL2(this->TopLevel); invoke(findL2, cellset, coords, this->LeafDimensions, this->LeafStartIndex, binCounts, binIds, this->CellIds); binCounts.ReleaseResources(); // 11: From above, find the cells that each l2 bin intersects vtkm::cont::Algorithm::SortByKey(binIds, this->CellIds); vtkm::cont::Algorithm::ReduceByKey(binIds, vtkm::cont::make_ArrayHandleConstant(vtkm::Id(1), numPairsL2), bins, cellsPerBin, vtkm::Sum()); binIds.ReleaseResources(); // 12: Generate the leaf bin arrays vtkm::cont::ArrayHandle cellsStart; vtkm::cont::Algorithm::ScanExclusive(cellsPerBin, cellsStart); vtkm::cont::ArrayCopy(vtkm::cont::ArrayHandleConstant(0, numberOfLeaves), this->CellStartIndex); vtkm::cont::ArrayCopy(vtkm::cont::ArrayHandleConstant(0, numberOfLeaves), this->CellCount); invoke(GenerateBinsL2{}, bins, cellsStart, cellsPerBin, this->CellStartIndex, this->CellCount); } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- struct CellLocatorUniformBins::MakeExecObject { template VTKM_CONT void operator()(const CellSetType& cellSet, DeviceAdapter, const CellLocatorUniformBins& self) const { auto execObject = new vtkm::exec::CellLocatorUniformBins(self.TopLevel, self.LeafDimensions, self.LeafStartIndex, self.CellStartIndex, self.CellCount, self.CellIds, cellSet, self.GetCoordinates()); self.ExecutionObjectHandle.Reset(execObject); } }; struct CellLocatorUniformBins::PrepareForExecutionFunctor { template VTKM_CONT bool operator()(DeviceAdapter, const CellLocatorUniformBins& self) const { self.GetCellSet().CastAndCall(MakeExecObject{}, DeviceAdapter{}, self); return true; } }; VTKM_CONT const vtkm::exec::CellLocator* CellLocatorUniformBins::PrepareForExecution( vtkm::cont::DeviceAdapterId device) const { if (!vtkm::cont::TryExecuteOnDevice(device, PrepareForExecutionFunctor(), *this)) { throwFailedRuntimeDeviceTransfer("CellLocatorUniformBins", device); } return this->ExecutionObjectHandle.PrepareForExecution(device); } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CellLocatorUniformBins::PrintSummary(std::ostream& out) const { out << "DensityL1: " << this->DensityL1 << "\n"; out << "DensityL2: " << this->DensityL2 << "\n"; out << "Input CellSet: \n"; this->GetCellSet().PrintSummary(out); out << "Input Coordinates: \n"; this->GetCoordinates().PrintSummary(out); out << "LookupStructure:\n"; out << " TopLevelGrid\n"; out << " Dimensions: " << this->TopLevel.Dimensions << "\n"; out << " Origin: " << this->TopLevel.Origin << "\n"; out << " BinSize: " << this->TopLevel.BinSize << "\n"; out << " LeafDimensions:\n"; vtkm::cont::printSummary_ArrayHandle(this->LeafDimensions, out); out << " LeafStartIndex:\n"; vtkm::cont::printSummary_ArrayHandle(this->LeafStartIndex, out); out << " CellStartIndex:\n"; vtkm::cont::printSummary_ArrayHandle(this->CellStartIndex, out); out << " CellCount:\n"; vtkm::cont::printSummary_ArrayHandle(this->CellCount, out); out << " CellIds:\n"; vtkm::cont::printSummary_ArrayHandle(this->CellIds, out); } } } // vtkm::cont