//============================================================================ // Copyright (c) Kitware, Inc. // All rights reserved. // See LICENSE.txt for details. // // This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even // the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR // PURPOSE. See the above copyright notice for more information. //============================================================================ #ifndef vtk_m_rendering_raytracing_MortonCodes_h #define vtk_m_rendering_raytracing_MortonCodes_h #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include namespace vtkm { namespace rendering { namespace raytracing { //Note: if this takes a long time. we could use a lookup table //expands 10-bit unsigned int into 30 bits VTKM_EXEC inline vtkm::UInt32 ExpandBits32(vtkm::UInt32 x32) { x32 = (x32 | (x32 << 16)) & 0x030000FF; x32 = (x32 | (x32 << 8)) & 0x0300F00F; x32 = (x32 | (x32 << 4)) & 0x030C30C3; x32 = (x32 | (x32 << 2)) & 0x09249249; return x32; } VTKM_EXEC inline vtkm::UInt64 ExpandBits64(vtkm::UInt32 x) { vtkm::UInt64 x64 = x & 0x1FFFFF; x64 = (x64 | x64 << 32) & 0x1F00000000FFFF; x64 = (x64 | x64 << 16) & 0x1F0000FF0000FF; x64 = (x64 | x64 << 8) & 0x100F00F00F00F00F; x64 = (x64 | x64 << 4) & 0x10c30c30c30c30c3; x64 = (x64 | x64 << 2) & 0x1249249249249249; return x64; } //Returns 30 bit morton code for coordinates for //coordinates in the unit cude VTKM_EXEC inline vtkm::UInt32 Morton3D(vtkm::Float32& x, vtkm::Float32& y, vtkm::Float32& z) { //take the first 10 bits x = vtkm::Min(vtkm::Max(x * 1024.0f, 0.0f), 1023.0f); y = vtkm::Min(vtkm::Max(y * 1024.0f, 0.0f), 1023.0f); z = vtkm::Min(vtkm::Max(z * 1024.0f, 0.0f), 1023.0f); //expand the 10 bits to 30 vtkm::UInt32 xx = ExpandBits32((vtkm::UInt32)x); vtkm::UInt32 yy = ExpandBits32((vtkm::UInt32)y); vtkm::UInt32 zz = ExpandBits32((vtkm::UInt32)z); //interleave coordinates return (zz << 2 | yy << 1 | xx); } //Returns 30 bit morton code for coordinates for //coordinates in the unit cude VTKM_EXEC inline vtkm::UInt64 Morton3D64(vtkm::Float32& x, vtkm::Float32& y, vtkm::Float32& z) { //take the first 21 bits x = vtkm::Min(vtkm::Max(x * 2097152.0f, 0.0f), 2097151.0f); y = vtkm::Min(vtkm::Max(y * 2097152.0f, 0.0f), 2097151.0f); z = vtkm::Min(vtkm::Max(z * 2097152.0f, 0.0f), 2097151.0f); //expand the 10 bits to 30 vtkm::UInt64 xx = ExpandBits64((vtkm::UInt32)x); vtkm::UInt64 yy = ExpandBits64((vtkm::UInt32)y); vtkm::UInt64 zz = ExpandBits64((vtkm::UInt32)z); //interleave coordinates return (zz << 2 | yy << 1 | xx); } class MortonCodeFace : public vtkm::worklet::WorkletVisitCellsWithPoints { private: // (1.f / dx),(1.f / dy), (1.f, / dz) vtkm::Vec3f_32 InverseExtent; vtkm::Vec3f_32 MinCoordinate; VTKM_EXEC inline void Normalize(vtkm::Vec3f_32& point) const { point = (point - MinCoordinate) * InverseExtent; } VTKM_EXEC inline void Sort4(vtkm::Id4& indices) const { if (indices[0] < indices[1]) { vtkm::Id temp = indices[1]; indices[1] = indices[0]; indices[0] = temp; } if (indices[2] < indices[3]) { vtkm::Id temp = indices[3]; indices[3] = indices[2]; indices[2] = temp; } if (indices[0] < indices[2]) { vtkm::Id temp = indices[2]; indices[2] = indices[0]; indices[0] = temp; } if (indices[1] < indices[3]) { vtkm::Id temp = indices[3]; indices[3] = indices[1]; indices[1] = temp; } if (indices[1] < indices[2]) { vtkm::Id temp = indices[2]; indices[2] = indices[1]; indices[1] = temp; } } public: VTKM_CONT MortonCodeFace(const vtkm::Vec3f_32& inverseExtent, const vtkm::Vec3f_32& minCoordinate) : InverseExtent(inverseExtent) , MinCoordinate(minCoordinate) { } using ControlSignature = void(CellSetIn cellset, WholeArrayIn, FieldInCell, WholeArrayOut, WholeArrayOut); using ExecutionSignature = void(CellShape, IncidentElementIndices, WorkIndex, _2, _3, _4, _5); template VTKM_EXEC inline void operator()(const CellShape& cellShape, const CellNodeVecType& cellIndices, const vtkm::Id& cellId, const PointPortalType& points, const vtkm::Id& offset, MortonPortalType& mortonCodes, CellFaceIdsPortalType& cellFaceIds) const { CellTables tables; vtkm::Int32 faceCount; vtkm::Int32 tableOffset; if (cellShape.Id == vtkm::CELL_SHAPE_TETRA) { faceCount = tables.FaceLookUp(1, 1); tableOffset = tables.FaceLookUp(1, 0); } else if (cellShape.Id == vtkm::CELL_SHAPE_HEXAHEDRON) { faceCount = tables.FaceLookUp(0, 1); tableOffset = tables.FaceLookUp(0, 0); } else if (cellShape.Id == vtkm::CELL_SHAPE_WEDGE) { faceCount = tables.FaceLookUp(2, 1); tableOffset = tables.FaceLookUp(2, 0); } else if (cellShape.Id == vtkm::CELL_SHAPE_PYRAMID) { faceCount = tables.FaceLookUp(3, 1); tableOffset = tables.FaceLookUp(3, 0); } else { printf("Unknown shape type %d\n", (int)cellShape.Id); return; } //calc the morton code at the center of each face for (vtkm::Int32 i = 0; i < faceCount; ++i) { vtkm::Vec3f_32 center; vtkm::UInt32 code; vtkm::Id3 cellFace; cellFace[0] = cellId; // We must be sure that this calculation is the same for all faces. If we didn't // then it is possible for the same face to end up in multiple morton "buckets" due to // the wonders of floating point math. This is bad. If we calculate in the same order // for all faces, then at worst, two different faces can enter the same bucket, which // we currently check for. vtkm::Id4 faceIndices(-1); //Number of indices this face has const vtkm::Int32 indiceCount = tables.ShapesFaceList(tableOffset + i, 0); for (vtkm::Int32 j = 1; j <= indiceCount; j++) { faceIndices[j - 1] = cellIndices[tables.ShapesFaceList(tableOffset + i, j)]; } //sort the indices in descending order Sort4(faceIndices); vtkm::Int32 count = 1; BOUNDS_CHECK(points, faceIndices[0]); center = points.Get(faceIndices[0]); for (int idx = 1; idx < indiceCount; ++idx) { BOUNDS_CHECK(points, faceIndices[idx]); center = center + points.Get(faceIndices[idx]); count++; } //TODO: we could make this a recipical, but this is not a bottleneck. center[0] = center[0] / vtkm::Float32(count); center[1] = center[1] / vtkm::Float32(count); center[2] = center[2] / vtkm::Float32(count); Normalize(center); code = Morton3D(center[0], center[1], center[2]); BOUNDS_CHECK(mortonCodes, offset + i); mortonCodes.Set(offset + i, code); cellFace[1] = i; cellFace[2] = -1; //Need to initialize this for the next step BOUNDS_CHECK(cellFaceIds, offset + i); cellFaceIds.Set(offset + i, cellFace); } } }; // class MortonCodeFace class MortonCodeAABB : public vtkm::worklet::WorkletMapField { private: // (1.f / dx),(1.f / dy), (1.f, / dz) vtkm::Vec3f_32 InverseExtent; vtkm::Vec3f_32 MinCoordinate; public: VTKM_CONT MortonCodeAABB(const vtkm::Vec3f_32& inverseExtent, const vtkm::Vec3f_32& minCoordinate) : InverseExtent(inverseExtent) , MinCoordinate(minCoordinate) { } using ControlSignature = void(FieldIn, FieldIn, FieldIn, FieldIn, FieldIn, FieldIn, FieldOut); using ExecutionSignature = void(_1, _2, _3, _4, _5, _6, _7); typedef _7 InputDomain; VTKM_EXEC void operator()(const vtkm::Float32& xmin, const vtkm::Float32& ymin, const vtkm::Float32& zmin, const vtkm::Float32& xmax, const vtkm::Float32& ymax, const vtkm::Float32& zmax, vtkm::UInt32& mortonCode) const { vtkm::Vec3f_32 direction(xmax - xmin, ymax - ymin, zmax - zmin); vtkm::Float32 halfDistance = sqrtf(vtkm::Dot(direction, direction)) * 0.5f; vtkm::Normalize(direction); vtkm::Float32 centroidx = xmin + halfDistance * direction[0] - MinCoordinate[0]; vtkm::Float32 centroidy = ymin + halfDistance * direction[1] - MinCoordinate[1]; vtkm::Float32 centroidz = zmin + halfDistance * direction[2] - MinCoordinate[2]; //normalize the centroid tp 10 bits centroidx *= InverseExtent[0]; centroidy *= InverseExtent[1]; centroidz *= InverseExtent[2]; mortonCode = Morton3D(centroidx, centroidy, centroidz); } }; // class MortonCodeAABB } } } //namespace vtkm::rendering::raytracing #endif