##============================================================================ ## Copyright (c) Kitware, Inc. ## All rights reserved. ## See LICENSE.txt for details. ## This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even ## the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR ## PURPOSE. See the above copyright notice for more information. ## ## Copyright 2014 Sandia Corporation. ## Copyright 2014 UT-Battelle, LLC. ## Copyright 2014 Los Alamos National Security. ## ## Under the terms of Contract DE-AC04-94AL85000 with Sandia Corporation, ## the U.S. Government retains certain rights in this software. ## ## Under the terms of Contract DE-AC52-06NA25396 with Los Alamos National ## Laboratory (LANL), the U.S. Government retains certain rights in ## this software. ##============================================================================ include(CMakeParseArguments) # Utility to build a kit name from the current directory. function(vtkm_get_kit_name kitvar) # Will this always work? It should if ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR} is # built from ${VTKm_SOURCE_DIR}. string(REPLACE "${VTKm_SOURCE_DIR}/" "" dir_prefix ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}) string(REPLACE "/" "_" kit "${dir_prefix}") set(${kitvar} "${kit}" PARENT_SCOPE) # Optional second argument to get dir_prefix. if (${ARGC} GREATER 1) set(${ARGV1} "${dir_prefix}" PARENT_SCOPE) endif (${ARGC} GREATER 1) endfunction(vtkm_get_kit_name) #Utility to setup nvcc flags so that we properly work around issues inside FindCUDA. #if we are generating cu files need to setup four things. #1. Explicitly set the cuda device adapter as a define this is currently # done as a work around since the cuda executable ignores compile # definitions #2. Set BOOST_SP_DISABLE_THREADS to disable threading warnings #3. Disable unused function warnings # the FindCUDA module and helper methods don't read target level # properties so we have to modify CUDA_NVCC_FLAGS instead of using # target and source level COMPILE_FLAGS and COMPILE_DEFINITIONS #4. Set the compile option /bigobj when using VisualStudio generators. # While we have specified this as target compile flag, those aren't # currently loooked at by FindCUDA, so we have to manually add it ourselves function(vtkm_setup_nvcc_flags old_flags ) set(${old_flags} ${CUDA_NVCC_FLAGS} PARENT_SCOPE) set(new_flags ${CUDA_NVCC_FLAGS}) list(APPEND new_flags "-DVTKM_DEVICE_ADAPTER=VTKM_DEVICE_ADAPTER_CUDA") list(APPEND new_flags "-DBOOST_SP_DISABLE_THREADS") list(APPEND new_flags "-w") if(MSVC) list(APPEND new_flags "--compiler-options;/bigobj") endif() set(CUDA_NVCC_FLAGS ${new_flags} PARENT_SCOPE) endfunction(vtkm_setup_nvcc_flags) #Utility to set MSVC only COMPILE_DEFINITIONS and COMPILE_FLAGS needed to #reduce number of warnings and compile issues with Visual Studio function(vtkm_setup_msvc_properties target ) #disable MSVC CRT and SCL warnings as they recommend using non standard #c++ extensions set_property(TARGET ${target} APPEND PROPERTY COMPILE_DEFINITIONS "_SCL_SECURE_NO_WARNINGS" "_CRT_SECURE_NO_WARNINGS" ) #enable large object support so we can have 2^32 addressable sections set_property(TARGET ${target} APPEND PROPERTY COMPILE_FLAGS "/bigobj" ) endfunction(vtkm_setup_msvc_properties) # Builds a source file and an executable that does nothing other than # compile the given header files. function(vtkm_add_header_build_test name dir_prefix use_cuda) set(hfiles ${ARGN}) if (use_cuda) set(suffix ".cu") else (use_cuda) set(suffix ".cxx") endif (use_cuda) set(cxxfiles) foreach (header ${ARGN}) get_source_file_property(cant_be_tested ${header} VTKm_CANT_BE_HEADER_TESTED) if( NOT cant_be_tested ) string(REPLACE "${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}" "" header "${header}") get_filename_component(headername ${header} NAME_WE) set(src ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/TB_${headername}${suffix}) configure_file(${VTKm_SOURCE_DIR}/CMake/TestBuild.cxx.in ${src} @ONLY) list(APPEND cxxfiles ${src}) endif() endforeach (header) #only attempt to add a test build executable if we have any headers to #test. this might not happen when everything depends on thrust. list(LENGTH cxxfiles cxxfiles_len) if (use_cuda AND ${cxxfiles_len} GREATER 0) cuda_add_library(TestBuild_${name} ${cxxfiles} ${hfiles}) elseif (${cxxfiles_len} GREATER 0) add_library(TestBuild_${name} ${cxxfiles} ${hfiles}) if(VTKm_EXTRA_COMPILER_WARNINGS) set_property(TARGET ${test_prog} APPEND PROPERTY COMPILE_FLAGS ${CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS_WARN_EXTRA} ) endif(VTKm_EXTRA_COMPILER_WARNINGS) endif () set_source_files_properties(${hfiles} PROPERTIES HEADER_FILE_ONLY TRUE ) endfunction(vtkm_add_header_build_test) function(vtkm_install_headers dir_prefix) set(hfiles ${ARGN}) install(FILES ${hfiles} DESTINATION ${VTKm_INSTALL_INCLUDE_DIR}/${dir_prefix} ) endfunction(vtkm_install_headers) function(vtkm_install_template_sources) vtkm_get_kit_name(name dir_prefix) set(hfiles ${ARGN}) vtkm_install_headers("${dir_prefix}" ${hfiles}) # CMake does not add installed files as project files, and template sources # are not declared as source files anywhere, add a fake target here to let # an IDE know that these sources exist. add_custom_target(${name}_template_srcs SOURCES ${hfiles}) endfunction(vtkm_install_template_sources) # Declare a list of headers that require thrust to be enabled # for them to header tested. In cases of thrust version 1.5 or less # we have to make sure openMP is enabled, otherwise we are okay function(vtkm_requires_thrust_to_test) #determine the state of thrust and testing set(cant_be_tested FALSE) if(NOT VTKm_ENABLE_THRUST) #mark as not valid set(cant_be_tested TRUE) elseif(NOT VTKm_ENABLE_OPENMP) #mark also as not valid set(cant_be_tested TRUE) endif() foreach(header ${ARGN}) #set a property on the file that marks if we can header test it set_source_files_properties( ${header} PROPERTIES VTKm_CANT_BE_HEADER_TESTED ${cant_be_tested} ) endforeach(header) endfunction(vtkm_requires_thrust_to_test) # Declare a list of header files. Will make sure the header files get # compiled and show up in an IDE. function(vtkm_declare_headers) set(options CUDA) set(oneValueArgs TESTABLE) set(multiValueArgs) cmake_parse_arguments(VTKm_DH "${options}" "${oneValueArgs}" "${multiValueArgs}" ${ARGN} ) #The testable keyword allows the caller to turn off the header testing, #mainly used so that backends can be installed even when they can't be #built on the machine. #Since this is an optional property not setting it means you do want testing if(NOT DEFINED VTKm_DH_TESTABLE) set(VTKm_DH_TESTABLE ON) endif() set(hfiles ${VTKm_DH_UNPARSED_ARGUMENTS}) vtkm_get_kit_name(name dir_prefix) #only do header testing if enable testing is turned on if (VTKm_ENABLE_TESTING AND VTKm_DH_TESTABLE) vtkm_add_header_build_test( "${name}" "${dir_prefix}" "${VTKm_DH_CUDA}" ${hfiles}) endif() #always install headers vtkm_install_headers("${dir_prefix}" ${hfiles}) endfunction(vtkm_declare_headers) # Declare a list of worklet files. function(vtkm_declare_worklets) # Currently worklets are just really header files. vtkm_declare_headers(${ARGN}) endfunction(vtkm_declare_worklets) function(vtkm_pyexpander_generated_file generated_file_name) # If pyexpander is available, add targets to build and check if(PYEXPANDER_FOUND) add_custom_command( OUTPUT ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/${generated_file_name}.checked COMMAND ${CMAKE_COMMAND} -DPYEXPANDER_COMMAND=${PYEXPANDER_COMMAND} -DSOURCE_FILE=${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/${generated_file_name} -DGENERATED_FILE=${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/${generated_file_name} -P ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/CMake/VTKmCheckPyexpander.cmake MAIN_DEPENDENCY ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/${generated_file_name}.in DEPENDS ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/${generated_file_name} COMMENT "Checking validity of ${generated_file_name}" ) add_custom_target(check_${generated_file_name} ALL DEPENDS ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/${generated_file_name}.checked ) endif() endfunction(vtkm_pyexpander_generated_file) # Declare unit tests, which should be in the same directory as a kit # (package, module, whatever you call it). Usage: # # vtkm_unit_tests( # SOURCES # LIBRARIES # ) function(vtkm_unit_tests) set(options CUDA) set(oneValueArgs) set(multiValueArgs SOURCES LIBRARIES) cmake_parse_arguments(VTKm_UT "${options}" "${oneValueArgs}" "${multiValueArgs}" ${ARGN} ) #set up what we possibly need to link too. list(APPEND VTKm_UT_LIBRARIES ${VTKm_LIBRARIES}) #set up storage for the include dirs set(VTKm_UT_INCLUDE_DIRS ) if(VTKm_ENABLE_OPENGL_INTEROP) list(APPEND VTKm_UT_INCLUDE_DIRS ${OPENGL_INCLUDE_DIR} ${GLEW_INCLUDE_DIR} ) list(APPEND VTKm_UT_LIBRARIES ${OPENGL_LIBRARIES} ${GLEW_LIBRARIES} ${CMAKE_THREAD_LIBS_INIT} ) endif() if(VTKm_ENABLE_OPENGL_TESTS) list(APPEND VTKm_UT_INCLUDE_DIRS ${GLUT_INCLUDE_DIR} ) list(APPEND VTKm_UT_LIBRARIES ${GLUT_LIBRARIES} ) endif() if (VTKm_ENABLE_TESTING) vtkm_get_kit_name(kit) #we use UnitTests_ so that it is an unique key to exclude from coverage set(test_prog UnitTests_${kit}) create_test_sourcelist(TestSources ${test_prog}.cxx ${VTKm_UT_SOURCES}) #determine the timeout for all the tests based on the backend. CUDA tests #generally require more time because of kernel generation. set(timeout 180) if (VTKm_UT_CUDA) set(timeout 1500) endif() if (VTKm_UT_CUDA) vtkm_setup_nvcc_flags( old_nvcc_flags ) cuda_add_executable(${test_prog} ${TestSources}) set(CUDA_NVCC_FLAGS ${old_nvcc_flags}) else (VTKm_UT_CUDA) add_executable(${test_prog} ${TestSources}) endif (VTKm_UT_CUDA) #do it as a property value so we don't pollute the include_directories #for any other targets set_property(TARGET ${test_prog} APPEND PROPERTY INCLUDE_DIRECTORIES ${VTKm_UT_INCLUDE_DIRS} ) target_link_libraries(${test_prog} ${VTKm_UT_LIBRARIES}) target_compile_options(${test_prog} PRIVATE ${VTKm_COMPILE_OPTIONS}) if(MSVC) vtkm_setup_msvc_properties(${test_prog}) endif() if(VTKm_EXTRA_COMPILER_WARNINGS) set_property(TARGET ${test_prog} APPEND PROPERTY COMPILE_FLAGS ${CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS_WARN_EXTRA} ) endif(VTKm_EXTRA_COMPILER_WARNINGS) foreach (test ${VTKm_UT_SOURCES}) get_filename_component(tname ${test} NAME_WE) add_test(NAME ${tname} COMMAND ${test_prog} ${tname} ) set_tests_properties("${tname}" PROPERTIES TIMEOUT ${timeout}) endforeach (test) endif (VTKm_ENABLE_TESTING) endfunction(vtkm_unit_tests) # Save the worklets to test with each device adapter # Usage: # # vtkm_save_worklet_unit_tests( sources ) # # notes: will save the sources absolute path as the # vtkm_source_worklet_unit_tests global property function(vtkm_save_worklet_unit_tests ) #create the test driver when we are called, since #the test driver expect the test files to be in the same #directory as the test driver create_test_sourcelist(test_sources WorkletTestDriver.cxx ${ARGN}) #store the absolute path for the test drive and all the test #files set(driver ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/WorkletTestDriver.cxx) set(cxx_sources) set(cu_sources) #we need to store the absolute source for the file so that #we can properly compile it into the test driver. At #the same time we want to configure each file into the build #directory as a .cu file so that we can compile it with cuda #if needed foreach(fname ${ARGN}) set(absPath) get_filename_component(absPath ${fname} ABSOLUTE) get_filename_component(file_name_only ${fname} NAME_WE) set(cuda_file_name "${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/${file_name_only}.cu") configure_file("${absPath}" "${cuda_file_name}" COPYONLY) list(APPEND cxx_sources ${absPath}) list(APPEND cu_sources ${cuda_file_name}) endforeach() #we create a property that holds all the worklets to test, #but don't actually attempt to create a unit test with the yet. #That is done by each device adapter set_property( GLOBAL APPEND PROPERTY vtkm_worklet_unit_tests_sources ${cxx_sources}) set_property( GLOBAL APPEND PROPERTY vtkm_worklet_unit_tests_cu_sources ${cu_sources}) set_property( GLOBAL APPEND PROPERTY vtkm_worklet_unit_tests_drivers ${driver}) endfunction(vtkm_save_worklet_unit_tests) # Call each worklet test for the given device adapter # Usage: # # vtkm_worklet_unit_tests( device_adapter ) # # notes: will look for the vtkm_source_worklet_unit_tests global # property to find what are the worklet unit tests that need to be # compiled for the give device adapter function(vtkm_worklet_unit_tests device_adapter) set(unit_test_srcs) get_property(unit_test_srcs GLOBAL PROPERTY vtkm_worklet_unit_tests_sources ) set(unit_test_drivers) get_property(unit_test_drivers GLOBAL PROPERTY vtkm_worklet_unit_tests_drivers ) #detect if we are generating a .cu files set(is_cuda FALSE) if("${device_adapter}" STREQUAL "VTKM_DEVICE_ADAPTER_CUDA") set(is_cuda TRUE) endif() #determine the timeout for all the tests based on the backend. The first CUDA #worklet test requires way more time because of the overhead to allow the #driver to convert the kernel code from virtual arch to actual arch. # set(timeout 180) if(is_cuda) set(timeout 1500) endif() if(VTKm_ENABLE_TESTING) string(REPLACE "VTKM_DEVICE_ADAPTER_" "" device_type ${device_adapter}) vtkm_get_kit_name(kit) #inject the device adapter into the test program name so each one is unique set(test_prog WorkletTests_${device_type}) if(is_cuda) get_property(unit_test_srcs GLOBAL PROPERTY vtkm_worklet_unit_tests_cu_sources ) vtkm_setup_nvcc_flags( old_nvcc_flags ) cuda_add_executable(${test_prog} ${unit_test_drivers} ${unit_test_srcs}) set(CUDA_NVCC_FLAGS ${old_nvcc_flags} ) else() add_executable(${test_prog} ${unit_test_drivers} ${unit_test_srcs}) target_link_libraries(${test_prog} ${VTKm_LIBRARIES}) endif() #add the specific compile options for this executable target_compile_options(${test_prog} PRIVATE ${VTKm_COMPILE_OPTIONS}) #add a test for each worklet test file. We will inject the device #adapter type into the test name so that it is easier to see what #exact device a test is failing on. foreach (test ${unit_test_srcs}) get_filename_component(tname ${test} NAME_WE) add_test(NAME "${tname}${device_type}" COMMAND ${test_prog} ${tname} ) set_tests_properties("${tname}${device_type}" PROPERTIES TIMEOUT ${timeout}) endforeach (test) if(MSVC) vtkm_setup_msvc_properties(${test_prog}) endif() #increase warning level if needed, we are going to skip cuda here #to remove all the false positive unused function warnings that cuda #generates if(VTKm_EXTRA_COMPILER_WARNINGS) set_property(TARGET ${test_prog} APPEND PROPERTY COMPILE_FLAGS ${CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS_WARN_EXTRA} ) endif() #set the device adapter on the executable set_property(TARGET ${test_prog} APPEND PROPERTY COMPILE_DEFINITIONS "VTKM_DEVICE_ADAPTER=${device_adapter}" ) endif() endfunction(vtkm_worklet_unit_tests) # Save the benchmarks to run with each device adapter # This is based on vtkm_save_worklet_unit_tests # Usage: # # vtkm_save_benchmarks( [HEADERS ] ) # # # Each benchmark source file needs to implement main(int agrc, char *argv[]) # # notes: will save the sources absolute path as the # vtkm_benchmarks_sources global property function(vtkm_save_benchmarks) #store the absolute path for all the test files set(cxx_sources) set(cu_sources) cmake_parse_arguments(save_benchmarks "" "" "HEADERS" ${ARGN}) #we need to store the absolute source for the file so that #we can properly compile it into the benchmark driver. At #the same time we want to configure each file into the build #directory as a .cu file so that we can compile it with cuda #if needed foreach(fname ${save_benchmarks_UNPARSED_ARGUMENTS}) set(absPath) get_filename_component(absPath ${fname} ABSOLUTE) get_filename_component(file_name_only ${fname} NAME_WE) set(cuda_file_name "${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/${file_name_only}.cu") configure_file("${absPath}" "${cuda_file_name}" COPYONLY) list(APPEND cxx_sources ${absPath}) list(APPEND cu_sources ${cuda_file_name}) endforeach() #we create a property that holds all the worklets to test, #but don't actually attempt to create a unit test with the yet. #That is done by each device adapter set_property( GLOBAL APPEND PROPERTY vtkm_benchmarks_sources ${cxx_sources}) set_property( GLOBAL APPEND PROPERTY vtkm_benchmarks_cu_sources ${cu_sources}) set_property( GLOBAL APPEND PROPERTY vtkm_benchmarks_headers ${save_benchmarks_HEADERS}) endfunction(vtkm_save_benchmarks) # Call each benchmark for the given device adapter # Usage: # # vtkm_benchmark( device_adapter ) # # notes: will look for the vtkm_benchmarks_sources global # property to find what are the benchmarks that need to be # compiled for the give device adapter function(vtkm_benchmarks device_adapter) set(benchmark_srcs) get_property(benchmark_srcs GLOBAL PROPERTY vtkm_benchmarks_sources ) set(benchmark_headers) get_property(benchmark_headers GLOBAL PROPERTY vtkm_benchmarks_headers ) #detect if we are generating a .cu files set(is_cuda FALSE) set(old_nvcc_flags ${CUDA_NVCC_FLAGS}) if("${device_adapter}" STREQUAL "VTKM_DEVICE_ADAPTER_CUDA") set(is_cuda TRUE) endif() if(VTKm_ENABLE_BENCHMARKS AND VTKm_ENABLE_TESTING) string(REPLACE "VTKM_DEVICE_ADAPTER_" "" device_type ${device_adapter}) if(is_cuda) vtkm_setup_nvcc_flags( old_nvcc_flags ) get_property(benchmark_srcs GLOBAL PROPERTY vtkm_benchmarks_cu_sources ) endif() foreach( file ${benchmark_srcs}) #inject the device adapter into the benchmark program name so each one is unique get_filename_component(benchmark_prog ${file} NAME_WE) set(benchmark_prog "${benchmark_prog}_${device_type}") if(is_cuda) cuda_add_executable(${benchmark_prog} ${file} ${benchmark_headers}) else() add_executable(${benchmark_prog} ${file} ${benchmark_headers}) endif() set_source_files_properties(${benchmark_headers} PROPERTIES HEADER_FILE_ONLY TRUE) target_link_libraries(${benchmark_prog} ${VTKm_LIBRARIES}) if(MSVC) vtkm_setup_msvc_properties(${benchmark_prog}) endif() #add the specific compile options for this executable target_compile_options(${benchmark_prog} PRIVATE ${VTKm_COMPILE_OPTIONS}) #increase warning level if needed, we are going to skip cuda here #to remove all the false positive unused function warnings that cuda #generates if(VTKm_EXTRA_COMPILER_WARNINGS) set_property(TARGET ${benchmark_prog} APPEND PROPERTY COMPILE_FLAGS ${CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS_WARN_EXTRA} ) endif() #set the device adapter on the executable set_property(TARGET ${benchmark_prog} APPEND PROPERTY COMPILE_DEFINITIONS "VTKM_DEVICE_ADAPTER=${device_adapter}" ) endforeach() if(is_cuda) set(CUDA_NVCC_FLAGS ${old_nvcc_flags}) endif() endif() endfunction(vtkm_benchmarks) # The Thrust project is not as careful as the VTKm project in avoiding warnings # on shadow variables and unused arguments. With a real GCC compiler, you # can disable these warnings inline, but with something like nvcc, those # pragmas cause errors. Thus, this macro will disable the compiler warnings. macro(vtkm_disable_troublesome_thrust_warnings) vtkm_disable_troublesome_thrust_warnings_var(CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS_DEBUG) vtkm_disable_troublesome_thrust_warnings_var(CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS_MINSIZEREL) vtkm_disable_troublesome_thrust_warnings_var(CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS_RELEASE) vtkm_disable_troublesome_thrust_warnings_var(CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS_RELWITHDEBINFO) endmacro(vtkm_disable_troublesome_thrust_warnings) macro(vtkm_disable_troublesome_thrust_warnings_var flags_var) set(old_flags "${${flags_var}}") string(REPLACE "-Wshadow" "" new_flags "${old_flags}") string(REPLACE "-Wunused-parameter" "" new_flags "${new_flags}") string(REPLACE "-Wunused" "" new_flags "${new_flags}") string(REPLACE "-Wextra" "" new_flags "${new_flags}") string(REPLACE "-Wall" "" new_flags "${new_flags}") set(${flags_var} "${new_flags}") endmacro(vtkm_disable_troublesome_thrust_warnings_var) # Set up configuration for a given device. macro(vtkm_configure_device device) string(TOUPPER "${device}" device_uppercase) set(VTKm_ENABLE_${device_uppercase} ON) include("UseVTKm${device}") if(NOT VTKm_${device}_FOUND) if ("${ARGV1}" STREQUAL "REQUIRED") message(SEND_ERROR "Could not configure for using VTKm with ${device}") else() message(STATUS "Could not configure for using VTKm with ${device}") endif() endif() endmacro(vtkm_configure_device)