============================== Building and Installing |VTKm| ============================== Before we begin describing how to develop with |VTKm|, we have a brief overview of how to build |VTKm|, optionally install it on your system, and start your own programs that use |VTKm|. ------------------------------ Getting |VTKm| ------------------------------ |VTKm| is an open source software product where the code is made freely available. To get the latest released version of |VTKm|, go to the |VTKm| releases page: https://gitlab.kitware.com/vtk/vtk-m/-/releases From there with your favorite browser you may download the source code from any of the recent |VTKm| releases in a variety of different archive files such as zip or tar gzip. For access to the most recent work, the |VTKm| development team provides public anonymous read access to their main source code repository. The main |VTKm| repository on a GitLab instance hosted at Kitware, Inc. The repository can be browsed from its project web page: https://gitlab.kitware.com/vtk/vtk-m We leave access to the :index:`git` hosted repository as an exercise for the user. Those interested in :command:`git` access for the purpose of contributing to |VTKm| should consult the `CONTRIBUTING `_ guidelines documented in the source code. .. %% \index{git|(} .. %% The source code in the |VTKm| repository is access through the \textfilename{git} version control tool. .. %% If you have not used \textfilename{git} before, there are several resources available to help you get familiar with it. .. %% Github has a nice setup guide (\url{https://help.github.com/articles/set-up-git}) to help you get up and running quickly. .. %% For more complete documentation, we recommend the \emph{Pro Git} book (\url{https://git-scm.com/book}). .. %% To get a copy of the |VTKm| repository, issue a git clone command. .. %% \begin{blankexample}{Cloning the main |VTKm| git repository.} .. %% git clone https://gitlab.kitware.com/vtk/vtk-m.git .. %% \end{blankexample} .. %% The git clone command will create a copy of all the source code to your local machine. .. %% As time passes and you want to get an update of changes in the repository, you can do that with the git pull command. .. %% \begin{blankexample}{Updating a git repository with the pull command.} .. %% git pull .. %% \end{blankexample} .. %% \begin{didyouknow} .. %% The proceeding examples for using git are based on the \textfilename{git} command line tool, which is particularly prevalent on Unix-based and Mac systems. .. %% There also exist several GUI tools for accessing git repositories. .. %% These tools each have their own interface and they can be quite different. .. %% However, they all should have roughly equivalent commands named ``clone'' to download a repository given a url and ``pull'' to update an existing repository. .. %% \end{didyouknow} .. %% \index{git|)} ------------------------------ Configuring |VTKm| ------------------------------ .. index:: single: CMake pair: CMake; configuration |VTKm| uses a cross-platform configuration tool named CMake to simplify the configuration and building across many supported platforms. CMake is available from many package distribution systems and can also be downloaded for many platforms from http://cmake.org. Most distributions of CMake come with a convenient GUI application (:command:`cmake-gui`) that allows you to browse all of the available configuration variables and run the configuration. Many distributions also come with an alternative terminal-based version (:command:`ccmake`), which is helpful when accessing remote systems where creating GUI windows is difficult. One helpful feature of CMake is that it allows you to establish a build directory separate from the source directory, and the |VTKm| project requires that separation. Thus, when you run CMake for the first time, you want to set the build directory to a new empty directory and the source to the downloaded or cloned files. The following example shows the steps for the case where the |VTKm| source is cloned from the git repository. (If you extracted files from an archive downloaded from the |VTKm| web page, the instructions are the same from the second line down.) .. code-block:: bash :caption: Running CMake on downloaded |VTKm| source (Unix commands). :name: ex:RunningCMake tar xvzf ~/Downloads/vtk-m-v2.1.0.tar.gz mkdir vtkm-build cd vtkm-build cmake-gui ../vtk-m-v2.1.0 .. _fig:CMakeGUI: .. figure:: images/CMakeGUIBoth.png :width: 100% :align: center The CMake GUI configuring the |VTKm| project. At left is the initial blank configuration. At right is the state after a configure pass. The first time the CMake GUI runs, it initially comes up blank as shown at left in :numref:`fig:CMakeGUI`. Verify that the source and build directories are correct (located at the top of the GUI) and then click the :guilabel:`Configure` button near the bottom. The first time you run configure, CMake brings up a dialog box asking what generator you want for the project. This allows you to select what build system or IDE to use (e.g. make, ninja, Visual Studio). Once you click :guilabel:`Finish`, CMake will perform its first configuration. Don't worry if CMake gives an error about an error in this first configuration process. .. commonerrors:: Most options in CMake can be reconfigured at any time, but not the compiler and build system used. These must be set the first time configure is run and cannot be subsequently changed. If you want to change the compiler or the project file types, you will need to delete everything in the build directory and start over. After the first configuration, the CMake GUI will provide several configuration options as shown in :numref:`fig:CMakeGUI` on the right. You now have a chance to modify the configuration of |VTKm|, which allows you to modify both the behavior of the compiled |VTKm| code as well as find components on your system. Using the CMake GUI is usually an iterative process where you set configuration options and re-run :guilabel:`Configure`. Each time you configure, CMake might find new options, which are shown in red in the GUI. It is often the case during this iterative configuration process that configuration errors occur. This can occur after a new option is enabled but CMake does not automatically find the necessary libraries to make that feature possible. For example, to enable TBB support, you may have to first enable building TBB, configure for TBB support, and then tell CMake where the TBB include directories and libraries are. Once you have set all desired configuration variables and resolved any CMake errors, click the :guilabel:`Generate` button. This will create the build files (such as makefiles or project files depending on the generator chosen at the beginning). You can then close the CMake GUI. There are a great number of configuration parameters available when running CMake on |VTKm|. The following list contains the most common configuration parameters. .. cmake:variable:: BUILD_SHARED_LIBS Determines whether static or shared libraries are built. .. cmake:variable:: CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE Selects groups of compiler options from categories like :index:`Debug` and :index:`Release`. Debug builds are, obviously, easier to debug, but they run *much* slower than Release builds. Use Release builds whenever releasing production software or doing performance tests. .. cmake:variable:: CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX The root directory to place files when building the install target. .. cmake:variable:: VTKm_ENABLE_EXAMPLES The |VTKm| repository comes with an \textfilename{examples} directory. This macro determines whether they are built. .. cmake:variable:: VTKm_ENABLE_BENCHMARKS If on, the |VTKm| build includes several benchmark programs. The benchmarks are regression tests for performance. .. cmake:variable:: VTKm_ENABLE_CUDA Determines whether |VTKm| is built to run on :index:`CUDA` GPU devices. .. index:: kokkos .. cmake:variable:: VTKm_ENABLE_KOKKOS Determines whether |VTKm| is built using the `Kokkos `_ portable library. Kokkos, can be configured to support several backends that |VTKm| can leverage. .. cmake:variable:: VTKm_ENABLE_MPI Determines whether |VTKm| is built with :index:`MPI` suppoert for running on distributed memory clusters. .. cmake:variable:: VTKm_ENABLE_OPENMP Determines whether |VTKm| is built to run on multi-core devices using :index:`OpenMP` pragmas provided by the C++ compiler. .. cmake:variable:: VTKm_ENABLE_RENDERING Determines whether to build the rendering library. .. index:: see: Intel Threading Building Blocks; TBB .. index:: TBB .. cmake:variable:: VTKm_ENABLE_TBB Determines whether |VTKm| is built to run on multi-core x86 devices using the Intel Threading Building Blocks library. .. cmake:variable:: VTKm_ENABLE_TESTING If on, the |VTKm| build includes building many test programs. The |VTKm| source includes hundreds of regression tests to ensure quality during development. .. cmake:variable:: VTKm_ENABLE_TUTORIALS If on, several small example programes used for the |VTKm| tutorial are built. .. cmake:variable:: VTKm_USE_64BIT_IDS If on, then |VTKm| will be compiled to use 64-bit integers to index arrays and other lists. If off, then |VTKm| will use 32-bit integers. 32-bit integers take less memory but could cause failures on larger data. .. cmake:variable:: VTKm_USE_DOUBLE_PRECISION If on, then |VTKm| will use double precision (64-bit) floating point numbers for calculations where the precision type is not otherwise specified. If off, then single precision (32-bit) floating point numbers are used. Regardless of this setting, |VTKm|'s templates will accept either type. ------------------------------ Building |VTKm| ------------------------------ Once CMake successfully configures |VTKm| and generates the files for the build system, you are ready to build |VTKm|. As stated earlier, CMake supports generating configuration files for several different types of build tools. Make and ninja are common build tools, but CMake also supports building project files for several different types of integrated development environments such as Microsoft Visual Studio and Apple XCode. The |VTKm| libraries and test files are compiled when the default build is invoked. For example, if a :file:`Makefile` was generated, the build is invoked by calling \textfilename{make} in the build directory. Expanding on :numref:`ex:RunningCMake` .. code-block:: bash :caption: Using :command:`make` to build |VTKm|. :name: ex:RunningMake tar xvzf ~/Downloads/vtk-m-v2.1.0.tar.gz mkdir vtkm-build cd vtkm-build cmake-gui ../vtk-m-v2.1.0 make -j make install .. didyouknow:: :file:`Makefile` and other project files generated by CMake support parallel builds, which run multiple compile steps simultaneously. On computers that have multiple processing cores (as do almost all modern computers), this can significantly speed up the overall compile. Some build systems require a special flag to engage parallel compiles. For example, :command:`make` requires the ``-j`` flag to start parallel builds as demonstrated in :numref:`ex:RunningMake`. .. didyouknow:: :numref:`ex:RunningMake` assumes that a make build system was generated, which is the default on most system. However, CMake supports many more build systems, which use different commands to run the build. If you are not sure what the appropriate build command is, you can run ``cmake --build`` to allow CMake to start the build using whatever build system is being used. .. commonerrors:: CMake allows you to switch between several types of builds including default, Debug, and Release. Programs and libraries compiled as release builds can run *much* faster than those from other types of builds. Thus, it is important to perform Release builds of all software released for production or where runtime is a concern. Some integrated development environments such as Microsoft Visual Studio allow you to specify the different build types within the build system. But for other build programs, like :command:`make`, you have to specify the build type in the :cmake:variable:`CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE` CMake configuration variable, which is described in :secref:`building:Configuring |VTKm|`. CMake creates several build "targets" that specify the group of things to build. The default target builds all of |VTKm|'s libraries as well as tests, examples, and benchmarks if enabled. The ``test`` target executes each of the |VTKm| regression tests and verifies they complete successfully on the system. The ``install`` target copies the subset of files required to use |VTKm| to a common installation directory. The ``install`` target may need to be run as an administrator user if the installation directory is a system directory. .. didyouknow:: |VTKm| contains a significant amount of regression tests. If you are not concerned with testing a build on a given system, you can turn off building the testing, benchmarks, and examples using the CMake configuration variables described in :secref:`building:Configuring |VTKm|`. This can shorten the |VTKm| compile time. ------------------------------ Linking to |VTKm| ------------------------------ Ultimately, the value of |VTKm| is the ability to link it into external projects that you write. The header files and libraries installed with |VTKm| are typical, and thus you can link |VTKm| into a software project using any type of build system. However, |VTKm| comes with several CMake configuration files that simplify linking |VTKm| into another project that is also managed by CMake. Thus, the documentation in this section is specifically for finding and configuring |VTKm| for CMake projects. .. index:: pair: CMake; VTK-m package |VTKm| can be configured from an external project using the :cmake:command:`find_package` CMake function. The behavior and use of this function is well described in the CMake documentation. The first argument to :cmake:command:`find_package` is the name of the package, which in this case is ``VTKm``. CMake configures this package by looking for a file named :file:`VTKmConfig.cmake`, which will be located in the :file:`lib/cmake/vtkm-<\VTKm version>` directory of the install or build of |VTKm|. The configurable CMake variable :cmake:variable:`CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH` can be set to the build or install directory, the :cmake:envvar:`CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH` environment variable can likewise be set, or \cmakevar{VTKm_DIR} can be set to the directory that contains this file. .. code-block:: cmake :caption: Loading |VTKm| configuration from an external CMake project. find_package(VTKm REQUIRED) .. didyouknow:: The CMake :cmake:command:`find_package` function also supports several features not discussed here including specifying a minimum or exact version of |VTKm| and turning off some of the status messages. See the CMake documentation for more details. .. index:: triple: CMake ; VTK-m package ; libraries When you load the |VTKm| package in CMake, several libraries are defined. Projects building with |VTKm| components should link against one or more of these libraries as appropriate, typically with the :cmake:command:`target_link_libraries` command. .. code-block:: cmake :caption: Linking |VTKm| code into an external program. find_package(VTKm REQUIRED) add_executable(myprog myprog.cxx) target_link_libraries(myprog vtkm::filter) Several library targets are provided, but most projects will need to link in one or more of the following. .. Note that I am documenting the VTK-m targets as CMake variables. This is because the Sphinx extension for the CMake domain that I am using currently does not support documenting targets. .. cmake:variable:: vtkm::cont Contains the base objects used to control |VTKm|. .. cmake:variable:: vtkm::filter Contains |VTKm|'s pre-built filters. Applications that are looking to use VTK-m filters will need to link to this library. The filters are further broken up into several smaller library packages (such as :cmake:variable:`vtkm::filter_contour`, :cmake:variable`vtkm::filter_flow`, :cmake:variable:`vtkm::filter_field_transform`, and many more. :cmake:variable:`vtkm::filter` is actually a meta library that links all of these filter libraries to a CMake target. .. cmake:variable:: vtkm::io Contains |VTKm|'s facilities for interacting with files. For example, reading and writing png, NetBPM, and VTK files. .. cmake:variable:: vtkm::rendering Contains |VTKm|'s rendering components. This library is only available if :cmake:variable:`VTKm_ENABLE_RENDERING` is set to true. .. cmake:variable:: vtkm::source Contains |VTKm|'s pre-built dataset generators suchas Wavelet, Tangle, and Oscillator. Most applications will not need to link to this library. .. didyouknow:: The "libraries" made available in the |VTKm| do more than add a library to the linker line. These libraries are actually defined as external targets that establish several compiler flags, like include file directories. Many CMake packages require you to set up other target options to compile correctly, but for |VTKm| it is sufficient to simply link against the library. .. commonerrors:: Because the |VTKm| CMake libraries do more than set the link line, correcting the link libraries can do more than fix link problems. For example, if you are getting compile errors about not finding |VTKm| header files, then you probably need to link to one of |VTKm|'s libraries to fix the problem rather than try to add the include directories yourself. .. index:: triple: CMake; VTK-m package; variables The following is a list of all the CMake variables defined when the \textcode{find_package} function completes. .. cmake:variable:: VTKm_FOUND Set to true if the |VTKm| CMake package is successfully loaded. If :cmake:command:`find_package` was not called with the ``REQUIRED`` option, then this variable should be checked before attempting to use |VTKm|. .. cmake:variable:: VTKm_VERSION The version number of the loaded |VTKm| package. This is in the form "major.minor". .. cmake:variable:: VTKm_VERSION_FULL The extended version number of the |VTKm| package including patch and in-between-release information. This is in the form "major.minor.patch[.gitsha1]" where "gitsha" is only included if the source code is in between releases. .. cmake:variable:: VTKm_VERSION_MAJOR The major |VTKm| version number. .. cmake:variable:: VTKm_VERSION_MINOR The minor |VTKm| version number. .. cmake:variable:: VTKm_VERSION_PATCH The patch |VTKm| version number. .. cmake:variable:: VTKm_ENABLE_CUDA Set to true if |VTKm| was compiled for CUDA. .. cmake:variable:: VTKm_ENABLE_Kokkos Set to true if |VTKm| was compiled with Kokkos. .. cmake:variable:: VTKm_ENABLE_OPENMP Set to true if |VTKm| was compiled for OpenMP. .. cmake:variable:: VTKm_ENABLE_TBB Set to true if |VTKm| was compiled for TBB. .. cmake:variable:: VTKm_ENABLE_RENDERING Set to true if the |VTKm| rendering library was compiled. .. cmake:variable:: VTKm_ENABLE_MPI Set to true if |VTKm| was compiled with MPI support. These package variables can be used to query whether optional components are supported before they are used in your CMake configuration. .. code-block:: cmake :caption: Using an optional component of |VTKm|. find_package(VTKm REQUIRED) if (NOT VTKm::ENABLE::RENDERING) message(FATAL_ERROR "VTK-m must be built with rendering on.") endif() add_executable(myprog myprog.cxx) target_link_libraries(myprog vtkm::cont vtkm::rendering)