//============================================================================ // Copyright (c) Kitware, Inc. // All rights reserved. // See LICENSE.txt for details. // This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even // the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR // PURPOSE. See the above copyright notice for more information. // // Copyright 2014 National Technology & Engineering Solutions of Sandia, LLC (NTESS). // Copyright 2014 UT-Battelle, LLC. // Copyright 2014 Los Alamos National Security. // // Under the terms of Contract DE-NA0003525 with NTESS, // the U.S. Government retains certain rights in this software. // // Under the terms of Contract DE-AC52-06NA25396 with Los Alamos National // Laboratory (LANL), the U.S. Government retains certain rights in // this software. //============================================================================ #include #include #include #include #include /* #include "KernelBox.h" #include "KernelCusp.h" #include "KernelQuadratic.h" #include "KernelSpline5thOrder.h" #include "KernelWendland.h" */ using Vector = vtkm::Vec; // Simpson integradion rule double SimpsonIntegration(const std::vector& y, const std::vector& x) { std::size_t n = x.size() - 1; const double aux = 2. * (x[n] - x[0]) / (3. * static_cast(n)); double val = 0.5 * (y[0] * x[0] + y[n] * x[n]); for (std::size_t i = 2; i < n; i += 2) { val += 2 * y[i - 1] + y[i]; } val += 2 * y[n - 1]; return aux * val; } // Integrade a kernel in 3D template double IntegralOfKernel(const Kernel& ker) { const double supportlength = ker.maxDistance(); const int npoint = 15000; std::vector x; std::vector y; for (int i = 0; i < npoint; i++) { const double r = static_cast(i) * supportlength / static_cast(npoint); x.push_back(r); y.push_back(ker.w(r) * r * r); } return 4.0 * M_PI * SimpsonIntegration(y, x); } // Same integration, but using the variable smoothing length interface template double IntegralOfKernel(const Kernel& ker, double h) { const double supportlength = ker.maxDistance(); const int npoint = 15000; std::vector x; std::vector y; for (int i = 0; i < npoint; i++) { const double r = static_cast(i) * supportlength / static_cast(npoint); x.push_back(r); y.push_back(ker.w(h, r) * r * r); } return 4.0 * M_PI * SimpsonIntegration(y, x); } int TestSplatKernels() { const double eps = 1e-4; double s; double smoothinglength; std::cout << "Testing Gaussian 3D fixed h kernel integration \n"; for (int i = 0; i < 100; ++i) { smoothinglength = 0.01 + i * (10.0 / 100.0); s = IntegralOfKernel(vtkm::worklet::splatkernels::Gaussian<3>(smoothinglength)); VTKM_TEST_ASSERT(fabs(s - 1.0) < eps, "Gaussian 3D integration failure"); } std::cout << "Testing Gaussian 3D variable h kernel integration \n"; for (int i = 0; i < 100; ++i) { smoothinglength = 0.01 + i * (10.0 / 100.0); s = IntegralOfKernel(vtkm::worklet::splatkernels::Gaussian<3>(smoothinglength), smoothinglength); VTKM_TEST_ASSERT(fabs(s - 1.0) < eps, "Gaussian 3D integration failure"); } // s = IntegralOfKernel(vtkm::worklet::splatkernels::Gaussian<2>(smoothinglength)); // VTKM_TEST_ASSERT ( fabs(s - 1.0) < eps, "Gaussian 2D integration failure"); std::cout << "Testing Spline3rdOrder 3D kernel integration \n"; for (int i = 0; i < 100; ++i) { smoothinglength = 0.01 + i * (10.0 / 100.0); s = IntegralOfKernel(vtkm::worklet::splatkernels::Spline3rdOrder<3>(smoothinglength)); VTKM_TEST_ASSERT(fabs(s - 1.0) < eps, "Spline3rdOrder 3D integration failure"); } // s = IntegralOfKernel(vtkm::worklet::splatkernels::Spline3rdOrder<2>(smoothinglength)); // VTKM_TEST_ASSERT ( fabs(s - 1.0) < eps, "Spline3rdOrder 2D integration failure"); /* s = IntegralOfKernel(KernelBox(ndim, smoothinglength)); if ( fabs(s - 1.0) > eps) { return EXIT_FAILURE; } s = IntegralOfKernel(KernelCusp(ndim, smoothinglength)); if ( fabs(s - 1.0) > eps) { return EXIT_FAILURE; } s = IntegralOfKernel(KernelGaussian(ndim, smoothinglength)); if ( fabs(s - 1.0) > eps) { return EXIT_FAILURE; } s = IntegralOfKernel(KernelQuadratic(ndim, smoothinglength)); if ( fabs(s - 1.0) > eps) { return EXIT_FAILURE; } s = IntegralOfKernel(KernelSpline3rdOrder(ndim, smoothinglength)); if ( fabs(s - 1.0) > eps) { return EXIT_FAILURE; } s = IntegralOfKernel(KernelSpline5thOrder(ndim, smoothinglength)); if ( fabs(s - 1.0) > eps) { return EXIT_FAILURE; } s = IntegralOfKernel(KernelWendland(ndim, smoothinglength)); if ( fabs(s - 1.0) > eps) { return EXIT_FAILURE; } */ return EXIT_SUCCESS; } int UnitTestSplatKernels(int, char* []) { return vtkm::cont::testing::Testing::Run(TestSplatKernels); }