//============================================================================ // Copyright (c) Kitware, Inc. // All rights reserved. // See LICENSE.txt for details. // This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even // the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR // PURPOSE. See the above copyright notice for more information. // // Copyright 2016 National Technology & Engineering Solutions of Sandia, LLC (NTESS). // Copyright 2016 UT-Battelle, LLC. // Copyright 2016 Los Alamos National Security. // // Under the terms of Contract DE-NA0003525 with NTESS, // the U.S. Government retains certain rights in this software. // // Under the terms of Contract DE-AC52-06NA25396 with Los Alamos National // Laboratory (LANL), the U.S. Government retains certain rights in // this software. //============================================================================ #ifndef vtk_m_rendering_Canvas_h #define vtk_m_rendering_Canvas_h #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #define VTKM_DEFAULT_CANVAS_DEPTH 1.001f namespace vtkm { namespace rendering { class WorldAnnotator; class VTKM_RENDERING_EXPORT Canvas { public: using ColorBufferType = vtkm::cont::ArrayHandle>; using DepthBufferType = vtkm::cont::ArrayHandle; using FontTextureType = vtkm::rendering::Texture2D<1>; Canvas(vtkm::Id width = 1024, vtkm::Id height = 1024); virtual ~Canvas(); virtual vtkm::rendering::Canvas* NewCopy() const; virtual void Initialize(); virtual void Activate(); virtual void Clear(); virtual void Finish(); virtual void BlendBackground(); VTKM_CONT vtkm::Id GetWidth() const; VTKM_CONT vtkm::Id GetHeight() const; VTKM_CONT const ColorBufferType& GetColorBuffer() const; VTKM_CONT ColorBufferType& GetColorBuffer(); VTKM_CONT const DepthBufferType& GetDepthBuffer() const; VTKM_CONT DepthBufferType& GetDepthBuffer(); VTKM_CONT void ResizeBuffers(vtkm::Id width, vtkm::Id height); VTKM_CONT const vtkm::rendering::Color& GetBackgroundColor() const; VTKM_CONT void SetBackgroundColor(const vtkm::rendering::Color& color); VTKM_CONT const vtkm::rendering::Color& GetForegroundColor() const; VTKM_CONT void SetForegroundColor(const vtkm::rendering::Color& color); VTKM_CONT vtkm::Id2 GetScreenPoint(vtkm::Float32 x, vtkm::Float32 y, vtkm::Float32 z, const vtkm::Matrix& transfor) const; // If a subclass uses a system that renderers to different buffers, then // these should be overridden to copy the data to the buffers. virtual void RefreshColorBuffer() const {} virtual void RefreshDepthBuffer() const {} virtual void SetViewToWorldSpace(const vtkm::rendering::Camera& camera, bool clip); virtual void SetViewToScreenSpace(const vtkm::rendering::Camera& camera, bool clip); virtual void SetViewportClipping(const vtkm::rendering::Camera&, bool) {} virtual void SaveAs(const std::string& fileName) const; /// Creates a WorldAnnotator of a type that is paired with this Canvas. Other /// types of world annotators might work, but this provides a default. /// /// The WorldAnnotator is created with the C++ new keyword (so it should be /// deleted with delete later). A pointer to the created WorldAnnotator is /// returned. /// virtual vtkm::rendering::WorldAnnotator* CreateWorldAnnotator() const; VTKM_CONT virtual void AddColorSwatch(const vtkm::Vec& point0, const vtkm::Vec& point1, const vtkm::Vec& point2, const vtkm::Vec& point3, const vtkm::rendering::Color& color) const; VTKM_CONT void AddColorSwatch(const vtkm::Float64 x0, const vtkm::Float64 y0, const vtkm::Float64 x1, const vtkm::Float64 y1, const vtkm::Float64 x2, const vtkm::Float64 y2, const vtkm::Float64 x3, const vtkm::Float64 y3, const vtkm::rendering::Color& color) const; VTKM_CONT virtual void AddLine(const vtkm::Vec& point0, const vtkm::Vec& point1, vtkm::Float32 linewidth, const vtkm::rendering::Color& color) const; VTKM_CONT void AddLine(vtkm::Float64 x0, vtkm::Float64 y0, vtkm::Float64 x1, vtkm::Float64 y1, vtkm::Float32 linewidth, const vtkm::rendering::Color& color) const; VTKM_CONT virtual void AddColorBar(const vtkm::Bounds& bounds, const vtkm::rendering::ColorTable& colorTable, bool horizontal) const; VTKM_CONT void AddColorBar(vtkm::Float32 x, vtkm::Float32 y, vtkm::Float32 width, vtkm::Float32 height, const vtkm::rendering::ColorTable& colorTable, bool horizontal) const; virtual void AddText(const vtkm::Vec& position, vtkm::Float32 scale, vtkm::Float32 angle, vtkm::Float32 windowAspect, const vtkm::Vec& anchor, const vtkm::rendering::Color& color, const std::string& text) const; VTKM_CONT void AddText(vtkm::Float32 x, vtkm::Float32 y, vtkm::Float32 scale, vtkm::Float32 angle, vtkm::Float32 windowAspect, vtkm::Float32 anchorX, vtkm::Float32 anchorY, const vtkm::rendering::Color& color, const std::string& text) const; VTKM_CONT void AddText(const vtkm::Matrix& transform, vtkm::Float32 scale, const vtkm::Vec& anchor, const vtkm::rendering::Color& color, const std::string& text, const vtkm::Float32& depth = 0) const; friend class AxisAnnotation2D; friend class ColorBarAnnotation; friend class ColorLegendAnnotation; friend class TextAnnotationScreen; friend class TextRenderer; friend class WorldAnnotator; private: bool LoadFont() const; const vtkm::Matrix& GetModelView() const; const vtkm::Matrix& GetProjection() const; struct CanvasInternals; std::shared_ptr Internals; }; } } //namespace vtkm::rendering #endif //vtk_m_rendering_Canvas_h