//============================================================================ // Copyright (c) Kitware, Inc. // All rights reserved. // See LICENSE.txt for details. // This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even // the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR // PURPOSE. See the above copyright notice for more information. // // Copyright 2016 National Technology & Engineering Solutions of Sandia, LLC (NTESS). // Copyright 2016 UT-Battelle, LLC. // Copyright 2016 Los Alamos National Security. // // Under the terms of Contract DE-NA0003525 with NTESS, // the U.S. Government retains certain rights in this software. // // Under the terms of Contract DE-AC52-06NA25396 with Los Alamos National // Laboratory (LANL), the U.S. Government retains certain rights in // this software. //============================================================================ #ifndef vtk_m_filter_NDHistogram_h #define vtk_m_filter_NDHistogram_h #include namespace vtkm { namespace filter { /// \brief Clean a mesh to an unstructured grid /// /// This filter takes a data set and essentially copies it into a new data set. /// The newly constructed data set will have the same cells as the input and /// the topology will be stored in a \c CellSetExplicit<>. The filter will also /// optionally remove all unused points. /// /// Note that the result of \c CleanGrid is not necessarily smaller than the /// input. For example, "cleaning" a data set with a \c CellSetStructured /// topology will actually result in a much larger data set. /// /// \todo Add a feature to merge points that are coincident or within a /// tolerance. /// class NDHistogram : public vtkm::filter::FilterDataSet { public: VTKM_CONT NDHistogram(); VTKM_CONT void AddFieldAndBin(const std::string& fieldName, vtkm::Id numOfBins); template VTKM_CONT vtkm::filter::Result DoExecute(const vtkm::cont::DataSet& inData, vtkm::filter::PolicyBase policy, Device); // This index is the field position in FieldNames // (or the input _fieldName string vector of SetFields() Function) VTKM_CONT vtkm::Float64 GetBinDelta(size_t fieldIdx); // This index is the field position in FieldNames // (or the input _fieldName string vector of SetFields() Function) VTKM_CONT vtkm::Range GetDataRange(size_t fieldIdx); template VTKM_CONT bool DoMapField(vtkm::filter::Result& result, const vtkm::cont::ArrayHandle& input, const vtkm::filter::FieldMetadata& fieldMeta, const vtkm::filter::PolicyBase& policy, DeviceAdapter tag); private: std::vector NumOfBins; std::vector FieldNames; std::vector BinDeltas; std::vector DataRanges; //Min Max of the field }; } } // namespace vtkm::filter #include #endif //vtk_m_filter_NDHistogram_h