//============================================================================ // Copyright (c) Kitware, Inc. // All rights reserved. // See LICENSE.txt for details. // This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even // the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR // PURPOSE. See the above copyright notice for more information. // // Copyright 2014 Sandia Corporation. // Copyright 2014 UT-Battelle, LLC. // Copyright 2014 Los Alamos National Security. // // Under the terms of Contract DE-AC04-94AL85000 with Sandia Corporation, // the U.S. Government retains certain rights in this software. // // Under the terms of Contract DE-AC52-06NA25396 with Los Alamos National // Laboratory (LANL), the U.S. Government retains certain rights in // this software. //============================================================================ #ifndef vtk_m_worklet_wavelets_waveletbase_h #define vtk_m_worklet_wavelets_waveletbase_h #include #include #include #include namespace vtkm { namespace worklet { namespace wavelets { // Functionalities are similar to MatWaveBase in VAPoR. class WaveletBase { public: // Constructor WaveletBase( WaveletName name ) : wname ( name ), filter( name ) { if( wname == CDF9_7 || wname == BIOR4_4 || wname == CDF5_3 || wname == BIOR2_2 ) { this->wmode = SYMW; // Default extension mode, see MatWaveBase.cpp } else if( wname == HAAR || wname == BIOR1_1 || wname == CDF8_4 || wname == BIOR3_3 ) { this->wmode = SYMH; } } // Returns length of approximation coefficients from a decompostition pass. vtkm::Id GetApproxLength( vtkm::Id sigInLen ) { vtkm::Id filterLen = this->filter.GetFilterLength(); if (this->filter.isSymmetric()) { if ( (this->wmode == SYMW && (filterLen % 2 != 0)) || (this->wmode == SYMH && (filterLen % 2 == 0)) ) { if (sigInLen % 2 != 0) return((sigInLen+1) / 2); else return((sigInLen) / 2); } } return ((sigInLen + filterLen - 1) / 2); } // Returns length of detail coefficients from a decompostition pass vtkm::Id GetDetailLength( vtkm::Id sigInLen ) { vtkm::Id filterLen = this->filter.GetFilterLength(); if (this->filter.isSymmetric()) { if ( (this->wmode == SYMW && (filterLen % 2 != 0)) || (this->wmode == SYMH && (filterLen % 2 == 0)) ) { if (sigInLen % 2 != 0) return((sigInLen-1) / 2); else return((sigInLen) / 2); } } return static_cast( vtkm::Floor( static_cast(sigInLen + filterLen - 1) / 2.0 ) ); } // Returns length of coefficients generated in a decompostition pass vtkm::Id GetCoeffLength( vtkm::Id sigInLen ) { return( GetApproxLength( sigInLen ) + GetDetailLength( sigInLen ) ); } vtkm::Id GetCoeffLength2( vtkm::Id sigInX, vtkm::Id sigInY ) { return( GetCoeffLength( sigInX) * GetCoeffLength( sigInY ) ); } vtkm::Id GetCoeffLength3( vtkm::Id sigInX, vtkm::Id sigInY, vtkm::Id sigInZ) { return( GetCoeffLength( sigInX) * GetCoeffLength( sigInY ) * GetCoeffLength( sigInZ ) ); } // Returns maximum wavelet decompostion level vtkm::Id GetWaveletMaxLevel( vtkm::Id sigInLen ) { vtkm::Id filterLen = this->filter.GetFilterLength(); vtkm::Id level; this->WaveLengthValidate( sigInLen, filterLen, level ); return level; } // perform a device copy. The whole 1st array to a certain start location of the 2nd array template< typename ArrayType1, typename ArrayType2, typename DeviceTag > void DeviceCopyStartX( const ArrayType1 &srcArray, ArrayType2 &dstArray, vtkm::Id startIdx, DeviceTag ) { typedef vtkm::worklet::wavelets::CopyWorklet CopyType; CopyType cp( startIdx ); vtkm::worklet::DispatcherMapField< CopyType, DeviceTag > dispatcher( cp ); dispatcher.Invoke( srcArray, dstArray ); } // Assign zero value to a certain location of an array template< typename ArrayType, typename DeviceTag > void DeviceAssignZero( ArrayType &array, vtkm::Id index, DeviceTag ) { typedef vtkm::worklet::wavelets::AssignZeroWorklet ZeroWorklet; ZeroWorklet worklet( index ); vtkm::worklet::DispatcherMapField< ZeroWorklet, DeviceTag > dispatcher( worklet ); dispatcher.Invoke( array ); } // Assign zeros to a certain row to a matrix template< typename ArrayType, typename DeviceTag > void DeviceAssignZero2DRow( ArrayType &array, vtkm::Id dimX, vtkm::Id dimY, // input vtkm::Id rowIdx, DeviceTag ) { typedef vtkm::worklet::wavelets::AssignZero2DWorklet AssignZero2DType; AssignZero2DType zeroWorklet( dimX, dimY, -1, rowIdx ); vtkm::worklet::DispatcherMapField< AssignZero2DType, DeviceTag > dispatcher( zeroWorklet ); dispatcher.Invoke( array ); } // Assign zeros to a certain column to a matrix template< typename ArrayType, typename DeviceTag > void DeviceAssignZero2DColumn( ArrayType &array, vtkm::Id dimX, vtkm::Id dimY, // input vtkm::Id colIdx, DeviceTag ) { typedef vtkm::worklet::wavelets::AssignZero2DWorklet AssignZero2DType; AssignZero2DType zeroWorklet( dimX, dimY, colIdx, -1 ); vtkm::worklet::DispatcherMapField< AssignZero2DType, DeviceTag > dispatcher( zeroWorklet ); dispatcher.Invoke( array ); } // Sort by the absolute value on device struct SortLessAbsFunctor { template< typename T > VTKM_EXEC_EXPORT bool operator()(const T& x, const T& y) const { return vtkm::Abs(x) < vtkm::Abs(y); } }; template< typename ArrayType, typename DeviceTag > void DeviceSort( ArrayType &array, DeviceTag ) { vtkm::cont::DeviceAdapterAlgorithm< DeviceTag >::Sort ( array, SortLessAbsFunctor() ); } // Reduce to the sum of all values on device template< typename ArrayType, typename DeviceTag > typename ArrayType::ValueType DeviceSum( const ArrayType &array, DeviceTag ) { return vtkm::cont::DeviceAdapterAlgorithm< DeviceTag >::Reduce ( array, 0.0 ); } // Find the max and min of an array struct minFunctor { template< typename FieldType > VTKM_EXEC_EXPORT FieldType operator()(const FieldType &x, const FieldType &y) const { return Min(x, y); } }; struct maxFunctor { template< typename FieldType > VTKM_EXEC_EXPORT FieldType operator()(const FieldType& x, const FieldType& y) const { return vtkm::Max(x, y); } }; template< typename ArrayType, typename DeviceTag > typename ArrayType::ValueType DeviceMax( const ArrayType &array, DeviceTag ) { typename ArrayType::ValueType initVal = array.GetPortalConstControl().Get(0); return vtkm::cont::DeviceAdapterAlgorithm< DeviceTag >::Reduce ( array, initVal, maxFunctor() ); } template< typename ArrayType, typename DeviceTag > typename ArrayType::ValueType DeviceMin( const ArrayType &array, DeviceTag ) { typename ArrayType::ValueType initVal = array.GetPortalConstControl().Get(0); return vtkm::cont::DeviceAdapterAlgorithm< DeviceTag >::Reduce ( array, initVal, minFunctor() ); } // Max absolute value of an array struct maxAbsFunctor { template< typename FieldType > VTKM_EXEC_EXPORT FieldType operator()(const FieldType& x, const FieldType& y) const { return vtkm::Max( vtkm::Abs(x), vtkm::Abs(y) ); } }; template< typename ArrayType, typename DeviceTag > typename ArrayType::ValueType DeviceMaxAbs( const ArrayType &array, DeviceTag ) { typename ArrayType::ValueType initVal = array.GetPortalConstControl().Get(0); return vtkm::cont::DeviceAdapterAlgorithm< DeviceTag >::Reduce ( array, initVal, maxAbsFunctor() ); } // Calculate variance of an array template< typename ArrayType, typename DeviceTag > vtkm::Float64 DeviceCalculateVariance( ArrayType &array, DeviceTag ) { vtkm::Float64 mean = static_cast(this->DeviceSum( array, DeviceTag() )) / static_cast(array.GetNumberOfValues()); vtkm::cont::ArrayHandle< vtkm::Float64 > squaredDeviation; // Use a worklet typedef vtkm::worklet::wavelets::SquaredDeviation SDWorklet; SDWorklet sdw( mean ); vtkm::worklet::DispatcherMapField< SDWorklet, DeviceTag > dispatcher( sdw ); dispatcher.Invoke( array, squaredDeviation ); vtkm::Float64 sdMean = this->DeviceSum( squaredDeviation, DeviceTag() ) / static_cast( squaredDeviation.GetNumberOfValues() ); return sdMean; } // Transpose a matrix in an array template< typename InputArrayType, typename OutputArrayType, typename DeviceTag > void DeviceTranspose( const InputArrayType &inputArray, vtkm::Id inputDimX, vtkm::Id inputDimY, OutputArrayType &outputArray, vtkm::Id outputDimX, vtkm::Id outputDimY, vtkm::Id outputStartX, vtkm::Id outputStartY, DeviceTag ) { // use a worklet typedef vtkm::worklet::wavelets::TransposeWorklet TransposeType; TransposeType tw ( inputDimX, inputDimY, outputDimX, outputDimY, outputStartX, outputStartY ); vtkm::worklet::DispatcherMapField< TransposeType, DeviceTag > dispatcher( tw ); dispatcher.Invoke( inputArray, outputArray ); } // Copy a small rectangle to a big rectangle template< typename SmallArrayType, typename BigArrayType, typename DeviceTag> void DeviceRectangleCopyTo( const SmallArrayType &smallRect, vtkm::Id smallX, vtkm::Id smallY, BigArrayType &bigRect, vtkm::Id bigX, vtkm::Id bigY, vtkm::Id startX, vtkm::Id startY, DeviceTag ) { typedef vtkm::worklet::wavelets::RectangleCopyTo CopyToWorklet; CopyToWorklet cp( smallX, smallY, bigX, bigY, startX, startY ); vtkm::worklet::DispatcherMapField< CopyToWorklet, DeviceTag > dispatcher( cp ); dispatcher.Invoke(smallRect, bigRect); } // Fill a small rectangle from a portion of a big rectangle template< typename SmallArrayType, typename BigArrayType, typename DeviceTag > void DeviceRectangleCopyFrom( SmallArrayType &smallRect, vtkm::Id smallX, vtkm::Id smallY, const BigArrayType &bigRect, vtkm::Id bigX, vtkm::Id bigY, vtkm::Id startX, vtkm::Id startY, DeviceTag ) { smallRect.PrepareForOutput( smallX*smallY, DeviceTag() ); typedef vtkm::worklet::wavelets::RectangleCopyFrom CopyFromWorklet; CopyFromWorklet cpFrom( smallX, smallY, bigX, bigY, startX, startY ); vtkm::worklet::DispatcherMapField< CopyFromWorklet, DeviceTag > dispatcherFrom( cpFrom ); dispatcherFrom.Invoke( smallRect, bigRect ); } template< typename ArrayType > void Print2DArray( const std::string &str, const ArrayType &arr, vtkm::Id dimX ) { std::cerr << str << std::endl; for( vtkm::Id i = 0; i < arr.GetNumberOfValues(); i++ ) { std::cerr << arr.GetPortalConstControl().Get(i) << " "; if( i % dimX == dimX - 1 ) std::cerr << std::endl; } } template< typename ArrayType > void Print2DArrayTransposed( const std::string &str, const ArrayType &arr, vtkm::Id dimX, vtkm::Id dimY ) { std::cerr << str << std::endl; ArrayType arrTmp; arrTmp.PrepareForOutput( dimX * dimY, VTKM_DEFAULT_DEVICE_ADAPTER_TAG() ); this->DeviceTranspose( arr, dimX, dimY, arrTmp, dimY, dimX, 0, 0, VTKM_DEFAULT_DEVICE_ADAPTER_TAG() ); for( vtkm::Id i = 0; i < arrTmp.GetNumberOfValues(); i++ ) { std::cerr << arrTmp.GetPortalConstControl().Get(i) << " "; if( i % dimY == dimY - 1 ) std::cerr << std::endl; } } protected: WaveletName wname; DWTMode wmode; WaveletFilter filter; void WaveLengthValidate( vtkm::Id sigInLen, vtkm::Id filterLength, vtkm::Id &level) { if( sigInLen < filterLength ) level = 0; else level = static_cast( vtkm::Floor( vtkm::Log2( static_cast(sigInLen) / static_cast(filterLength) ) + 1.0 ) ); } }; // class WaveletBase. } // namespace wavelets } // namespace worklet } // namespace vtkm #endif