##============================================================================= ## ## Copyright (c) Kitware, Inc. ## All rights reserved. ## See LICENSE.txt for details. ## ## This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even ## the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR ## PURPOSE. See the above copyright notice for more information. ## ##============================================================================= # Build on ubuntu1804 with TBB and OpenMP and test on ubuntu1804 # Uses gcc 9 # Uses MPICH2 build:ubuntu1804_gcc9: tags: - build - vtkm - docker - linux-x86_64 extends: - .ubuntu1804 - .cmake_build_linux - .run_automatically variables: CC: "gcc-9" CXX: "g++-9" CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE: Debug VTKM_SETTINGS: "benchmarks+tbb+openmp+mpi+shared+hdf5" test:ubuntu1804_gcc9: tags: - test - vtkm - docker - linux-x86_64 extends: - .ubuntu1804 - .cmake_test_linux - .run_automatically variables: #Restrict OpenMP number of threads since multiple test stages #execute on the same hardware concurrently OMP_NUM_THREADS: 4 dependencies: - build:ubuntu1804_gcc9 needs: - build:ubuntu1804_gcc9 # Build on ubuntu1804 with CUDA + MPI and test on ubuntu1804 # Uses gcc 7 # Uses MPICH2 build:ubuntu1804_gcc7: tags: - build - vtkm - docker - linux-x86_64 - large-memory extends: - .ubuntu1804_cuda - .cmake_build_linux - .run_automatically variables: CC: "gcc-7" CXX: "g++-7" CUDAHOSTCXX: "g++-7" VTKM_SETTINGS: "benchmarks+cuda+turing+mpi+64bit_floats+shared" test:ubuntu1804_gcc7: tags: - test - vtkm - docker - linux-x86_64 - cuda-rt - turing extends: - .ubuntu1804_cuda - .cmake_test_linux - .run_automatically dependencies: - build:ubuntu1804_gcc7 needs: - build:ubuntu1804_gcc7 # Build on ubuntu1804 with CUDA+TBB and test on ubuntu1804 # Uses clang as CUDA host compiler # Runs only on nightlies build:ubuntu1804_clang_cuda: tags: - build - vtkm - docker - linux-x86_64 - large-memory extends: - .ubuntu1804_cuda - .cmake_build_linux - .run_automatically # - .run_upstream_branches variables: CC: "clang-8" CXX: "clang++-8" CUDAHOSTCXX: "clang++-8" VTKM_SETTINGS: "cuda+pascal+tbb+examples+shared" test:ubuntu1804_clang_cuda: tags: - test - vtkm - docker - linux-x86_64 - cuda-rt - pascal extends: - .ubuntu1804_cuda - .cmake_test_linux - .run_automatically # - .run_upstream_branches dependencies: - build:ubuntu1804_clang_cuda needs: - build:ubuntu1804_clang_cuda # Build on ubuntu1804 with OpenMP and test on ubuntu1804 # Uses gcc 6.5 build:ubuntu1804_gcc6: tags: - build - vtkm - docker - linux-x86_64 extends: - .ubuntu1804 - .cmake_build_linux - .run_automatically variables: CC: "gcc-6" CXX: "g++-6" VTKM_SETTINGS: "openmp+shared+examples" test:ubuntu1804_gcc6: tags: - test - vtkm - docker - linux-x86_64 extends: - .ubuntu1804 - .cmake_test_linux - .run_automatically variables: #Restrict OpenMP number of threads since multiple test stages #execute on the same hardware concurrently OMP_NUM_THREADS: 3 dependencies: - build:ubuntu1804_gcc6 needs: - build:ubuntu1804_gcc6 # Build on ubuntu1804 with TBB and test on ubuntu1804 # Uses clang 8 build:ubuntu1804_clang8: tags: - build - vtkm - docker - linux-x86_64 extends: - .ubuntu1804 - .cmake_build_linux - .run_automatically variables: CC: "clang-8" CXX: "clang++-8" CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE: Debug VTKM_SETTINGS: "tbb+shared+examples" test:ubuntu1804_clang8: tags: - test - vtkm - docker - linux-x86_64 extends: - .ubuntu1804 - .cmake_test_linux - .run_automatically dependencies: - build:ubuntu1804_clang8 needs: - build:ubuntu1804_clang8 # Build on ubuntu1804 with kokkos and test on ubuntu1804 # Uses CUDA 11 build:ubuntu1804_kokkos: tags: - build - vtkm - docker - linux-x86_64 - large-memory extends: - .ubuntu1804_cuda_kokkos - .cmake_build_linux - .run_automatically variables: CMAKE_GENERATOR: "Ninja" CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE: Release VTKM_SETTINGS: "benchmarks+kokkos+turing+64bit_floats+shared" test:ubuntu1804_kokkos: tags: - test - vtkm - docker - linux-x86_64 - cuda-rt - turing extends: - .ubuntu1804_cuda_kokkos - .cmake_test_linux - .run_automatically dependencies: - build:ubuntu1804_kokkos needs: - build:ubuntu1804_kokkos build:ubuntu1804_cuda_perftest: tags: - build - vtkm - docker - linux-x86_64 extends: - .ubuntu1804_cuda - .cmake_build_linux - .run_automatically variables: CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE: Release VTKM_SETTINGS: "benchmarks+ampere+perftest+cuda+mpi+shared" test:ubuntu1804_cuda_perftest: tags: - benchmark - vtkm - docker - cuda-rt - linux-x86_64 extends: - .ubuntu1804_cuda - .cmake_test_linux - .run_automatically dependencies: - build:ubuntu1804_cuda_perftest needs: - build:ubuntu1804_cuda_perftest variables: TEST_INCLUSIONS: "PerformanceTest" VTKm_PERF_REMOTE_URL: "https://vbolea:$VTKM_BENCH_RECORDS_TOKEN@gitlab.kitware.com/vbolea/vtk-m-benchmark-records.git" VTKm_PERF_ALPHA: "0.05" VTKm_PERF_REPETITIONS: "10" VTKm_PERF_DIST: "t"