# frozen_string_literal: true require "rouge" # Add more common shell commands Rouge::Lexers::Shell::BUILTINS << "|bin/rails|brew|bundle|gem|git|node|rails|rake|ruby|sqlite3|yarn" module RailsGuides class Markdown class Renderer < Redcarpet::Render::HTML cattr_accessor :edge, :version def block_code(code, language) formatter = Rouge::Formatters::HTML.new lexer = ::Rouge::Lexer.find_fancy(lexer_language(language)) formatted_code = formatter.format(lexer.lex(code)) <<~HTML
HTML end def link(url, title, content) if %r{https?://api\.rubyonrails\.org}.match?(url) %(#{content}) elsif title %(#{content}) else %(#{content}) end end def header(text, header_level) # Always increase the heading level by 1, so we can use h1, h2 heading in the document header_level += 1 header_with_id = text.scan(/(.*){#(.*)}/) unless header_with_id.empty? %(#{header_with_id[0][0].strip}) else %(#{text}) end end def paragraph(text) if text =~ %r{^NOTE:\s+Defined\s+in\s+(.*?)\.?$} %(

Defined in #{$1}.

) elsif /^(TIP|IMPORTANT|CAUTION|WARNING|NOTE|INFO|TODO)[.:]/.match?(text) convert_notes(text) elsif text.include?("DO NOT READ THIS FILE ON GITHUB") elsif text =~ /^\[(\d+)\]:<\/sup> (.+)$/ linkback = %(#{$1}) %(

#{linkback} #{$2}

) else text = convert_footnotes(text) "


" end end private def convert_footnotes(text) text.gsub(/\[(\d+)\]<\/sup>/i) do %() + %(#{$1}) end end def lexer_language(code_type) case code_type when "html+erb" "erb" when "bash" "console" when nil "plaintext" else ::Rouge::Lexer.find(code_type) ? code_type : "plaintext" end end def clipboard_content(code, language) prompt_regexp = case language when "bash" /^\$ / when "irb" /^irb.*?> / end if prompt_regexp code = code.lines.grep(prompt_regexp).join.gsub(prompt_regexp, "") end ERB::Util.html_escape(code) end def convert_notes(body) # The following regexp detects special labels followed by a # paragraph, perhaps at the end of the document. # # It is important that we do not eat more than one newline # because formatting may be wrong otherwise. For example, # if a bulleted list follows, the first item is not rendered # as a list item, but as a paragraph starting with a plain # asterisk. body.gsub(/^(TIP|IMPORTANT|CAUTION|WARNING|NOTE|INFO|TODO)[.:](.*?)(\n(?=\n)|\Z)/m) do css_class = \ case $1 when "CAUTION", "IMPORTANT" "warning" when "TIP" "info" else $1.downcase end %(


) end end def github_file_url(file_path) tree = version || edge root = file_path[%r{(\w+)/}, 1] path = \ case root when "abstract_controller", "action_controller", "action_dispatch" "actionpack/lib/#{file_path}" when /\A(action|active)_/ "#{root.sub("_", "")}/lib/#{file_path}" else file_path end "https://github.com/rails/rails/tree/#{tree}/#{path}" end def api_link(url) if %r{https?://api\.rubyonrails\.org/v\d+\.}.match?(url) url elsif edge url.sub("api", "edgeapi") else url.sub(/(?<=\.org)/, "/#{version}") end end end end end