* `HashWithIndifferentAccess#select working as intended` now returns a `HashWithIndifferentAccess` instance instead of a `Hash` instance. Fixes #10723 *Albert Llop* * Add `DateTime#usec` and `DateTime#nsec` so that `ActiveSupport::TimeWithZone` keeps sub-second resolution when wrapping a `DateTime` value. Fixes #10855 *Andrew White* * Fix `ActiveSupport::Dependencies::Loadable#load_dependency` calling `#blame_file!` on Exceptions that do not have the Blamable mixin *Andrew Kreiling* * Override `Time.at` to support the passing of Time-like values when called with a single argument. *Andrew White* * Prevent side effects to hashes inside arrays when `Hash#with_indifferent_access` is called. Fixes #10526 *Yves Senn* * Raise an error when multiple `included` blocks are defined for a Concern. The old behavior would silently discard previously defined blocks, running only the last one. *Mike Dillon* * Replace `multi_json` with `json`. Since Rails requires Ruby 1.9 and since Ruby 1.9 includes `json` in the standard library, `multi_json` is no longer necessary. *Erik Michaels-Ober* * Added escaping of U+2028 and U+2029 inside the json encoder. These characters are legal in JSON but break the Javascript interpreter. After escaping them, the JSON is still legal and can be parsed by Javascript. *Mario Caropreso + Viktor Kelemen + zackham* * Fix skipping object callbacks using metadata fetched via callback chain inspection methods (`_*_callbacks`) *Sean Walbran* * Add a `fetch_multi` method to the cache stores. The method provides an easy to use API for fetching multiple values from the cache. Example: # Calculating scores is expensive, so we only do it for posts # that have been updated. Cache keys are automatically extracted # from objects that define a #cache_key method. scores = Rails.cache.fetch_multi(*posts) do |post| calculate_score(post) end *Daniel Schierbeck* Please check [4-0-stable](https://github.com/rails/rails/blob/4-0-stable/activesupport/CHANGELOG.md) for previous changes.