require 'abstract_unit' class SessionManagementTest < Test::Unit::TestCase class SessionOffController < ActionController::Base session :off def show render :text => "done" end def tell render :text => "done" end end class TestController < ActionController::Base session :off, :only => :show session :session_secure => true, :except => :show session :off, :only => :conditional, :if => { |r| r.parameters[:ws] } def show render :text => "done" end def tell render :text => "done" end def conditional render :text => ">>>#{params[:ws]}<<<" end end class SpecializedController < SessionOffController session :disabled => false, :only => :something def something render :text => "done" end def another render :text => "done" end end class AssociationCachingTestController < ActionController::Base class ObjectWithAssociationCache def initialize @cached_associations = false end def fetch_associations @cached_associations = true end def clear_association_cache @cached_associations = false end def has_cached_associations? @cached_associations end end def show session[:object] = session[:object].fetch_associations if session[:object].has_cached_associations? render :text => "has cached associations" else render :text => "does not have cached associations" end end def tell if session[:object] if session[:object].has_cached_associations? render :text => "has cached associations" else render :text => "does not have cached associations" end else render :text => "there is no object" end end end def setup @request, @response =, end def test_session_off_globally @controller = get :show assert_equal false, @request.session_options get :tell assert_equal false, @request.session_options end def test_session_off_conditionally @controller = get :show assert_equal false, @request.session_options get :tell assert_instance_of Hash, @request.session_options assert @request.session_options[:session_secure] end def test_controller_specialization_overrides_settings @controller = get :something assert_instance_of Hash, @request.session_options get :another assert_equal false, @request.session_options end def test_session_off_with_if @controller = get :conditional assert_instance_of Hash, @request.session_options get :conditional, :ws => "ws" assert_equal false, @request.session_options end def test_session_store_setting ActionController::Base.session_store = :drb_store assert_equal CGI::Session::DRbStore, ActionController::Base.session_store if Object.const_defined?(:ActiveRecord) ActionController::Base.session_store = :active_record_store assert_equal CGI::Session::ActiveRecordStore, ActionController::Base.session_store end end def test_process_cleanup_with_session_management_support @controller = get :show assert_equal "has cached associations", @response.body get :tell assert_equal "does not have cached associations", @response.body end def test_session_is_enabled @controller = get :show assert_nothing_raised do assert_equal false, @controller.session_enabled? end get :tell assert @controller.session_enabled? end end