# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2023 Blender Authors # # SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later """ blender -b --factory-startup --python tests/python/bl_animation_armature.py """ import unittest import bpy class BoneCollectionTest(unittest.TestCase): arm_ob: bpy.types.Object arm: bpy.types.Armature def setUp(self): bpy.ops.wm.read_homefile(use_factory_startup=True) self.arm_ob, self.arm = self.create_armature() def create_armature(self) -> tuple[bpy.types.Object, bpy.types.Armature]: arm = bpy.data.armatures.new('Armature') arm_ob = bpy.data.objects.new('ArmObject', arm) # Link to the scene just for giggles. And ease of debugging when things # go bad. bpy.context.scene.collection.objects.link(arm_ob) return arm_ob, arm def add_bones(self, arm_ob: bpy.types.Object) -> dict[str, bpy.types.Bone]: """Add some test bones to the armature.""" # Switch to edit mode to add some bones. bpy.context.view_layer.objects.active = arm_ob bpy.ops.object.mode_set(mode='EDIT') self.assertEqual('EDIT', arm_ob.mode, 'Armature should be in edit mode now') arm = arm_ob.data bone_names = ('root', 'child_L', 'child_R', 'child_L_L', 'child_L_R', 'child_R_L', 'child_R_R') try: for bone_name in bone_names: ebone = arm.edit_bones.new(name=bone_name) # Bones have to have a length, or they will be removed when exiting edit mode. ebone.tail = (1, 0, 0) arm.edit_bones['child_L'].parent = arm.edit_bones['root'] arm.edit_bones['child_R'].parent = arm.edit_bones['root'] arm.edit_bones['child_L_L'].parent = arm.edit_bones['child_L'] arm.edit_bones['child_L_R'].parent = arm.edit_bones['child_L'] arm.edit_bones['child_R_L'].parent = arm.edit_bones['child_R'] arm.edit_bones['child_R_R'].parent = arm.edit_bones['child_R'] finally: bpy.ops.object.mode_set(mode='OBJECT') # Return the bones, not the editbones. return {bone_name: arm.bones[bone_name] for bone_name in bone_names} def test_bone_collection_api(self): # Just to keep the rest of the code shorter. bcolls = self.arm.collections bcolls_all = self.arm.collections_all self.assertEqual([], list(bcolls), "By default an Armature should have no collections") # Build a hierarchy. root1 = bcolls.new('root1') r1_child1 = bcolls.new('r1_child1', parent=root1) r1_child1_001 = bcolls.new('r1_child1', parent=root1) root2 = bcolls.new('root2') r2_child1 = bcolls.new('r2_child1', parent=root2) r2_child2 = bcolls.new('r2_child2', parent=root2) self.assertEqual('r1_child1.001', r1_child1_001.name, 'Names should be unique') # Check the hierarchy. self.assertEqual([root1, root2], list(bcolls), 'armature.collections should reflect only the roots') self.assertEqual([r1_child1, r1_child1_001], list(root1.children), 'root1.children should have its children') self.assertEqual([r2_child1, r2_child2], list(root2.children), 'root2.children should have its children') self.assertEqual([], list(r1_child1.children)) self.assertIsNone(root1.parent) self.assertEqual(root1, r1_child1.parent) # Check the array order. self.assertEqual([root1, root2, r1_child1, r1_child1_001, r2_child1, r2_child2], list(bcolls_all)) # Move root2 to become the child of r1_child1. root2.parent = r1_child1 # Check the hierarchy. self.assertEqual([root1], list(bcolls), 'armature.collections should reflect only the roots') self.assertEqual([root2], list(r1_child1.children)) self.assertEqual([r1_child1, r1_child1_001], list(root1.children), 'root1.children should have its children') self.assertEqual([r2_child1, r2_child2], list(root2.children), 'root2.children should have its children') self.assertEqual(r1_child1, root2.parent) # Check the array order. self.assertEqual([root1, r1_child1, r1_child1_001, r2_child1, r2_child2, root2], list(bcolls_all)) # Move root2 between r1_child1 and r1_child1_001. root2.parent = root1 root2.child_number = 1 # Check the hierarchy. self.assertEqual([root1], list(bcolls), 'armature.collections should reflect only the roots') self.assertEqual([r1_child1, root2, r1_child1_001], list( root1.children), 'root1.children should have its children') self.assertEqual([r2_child1, r2_child2], list(root2.children), 'root2.children should have its children') # Check the array order. self.assertEqual([root1, r1_child1, root2, r1_child1_001, r2_child1, r2_child2], list(bcolls_all)) def test_parent_property(self): # Just to keep the rest of the code shorter. bcolls = self.arm.collections self.assertEqual([], list(bcolls), "By default an Armature should have no collections") # Build a hierarchy. root1 = bcolls.new('root1') r1_child1 = bcolls.new('r1_child1', parent=root1) r1_child2 = bcolls.new('r1_child2', parent=root1) root2 = bcolls.new('root2') r2_child1 = bcolls.new('r2_child1', parent=root2) r2_child2 = bcolls.new('r2_child2', parent=root2) # Check getting the parent. self.assertEqual(root1, r1_child1.parent) self.assertEqual(root1, r1_child2.parent) self.assertEqual(root2, r2_child1.parent) self.assertEqual(root2, r2_child2.parent) # Move r1_child1 to be a child of root2 by assigning the parent. r1_child1.parent = root2 self.assertEqual(root2, r1_child1.parent) # Check the sibling order. self.assertEqual([r2_child1, r2_child2, r1_child1], list(root2.children)) # Make r1_child1 a root. r1_child1.parent = None self.assertIsNone(r1_child1.parent) def test_bone_collection_bones(self): # Build a hierarchy on the armature. bcolls = self.arm.collections bcoll_root = bcolls.new('root') bcoll_child1 = bcolls.new('child1', parent=bcoll_root) bcoll_child2 = bcolls.new('child2', parent=bcoll_child1) # Add bones to the armature & assign to collections. bone_dict = self.add_bones(self.arm_ob) bcoll_root.assign(bone_dict['root']) bcoll_child1_bone_names = {'child_L', 'child_L_L', 'child_L_R'} for bone_name in bcoll_child1_bone_names: bcoll_child1.assign(bone_dict[bone_name]) bcoll_child2_bone_names = {'child_R', 'child_R_L', 'child_R_R'} for bone_name in bcoll_child2_bone_names: bcoll_child2.assign(bone_dict[bone_name]) # Check that the `.bones` property returns the expected ones. self.assertEqual([self.arm.bones['root']], list(bcoll_root.bones)) self.assertEqual(bcoll_child1_bone_names, {b.name for b in bcoll_child1.bones}) self.assertEqual(bcoll_child2_bone_names, {b.name for b in bcoll_child2.bones}) # Check that the `.bones_recursive` property returns the expected bones. all_bones = set(self.arm.bones) self.assertEqual(all_bones, set(bcoll_root.bones_recursive), 'All bones should have been assigned to at least one bone collection') self.assertEqual(bcoll_child1_bone_names | bcoll_child2_bone_names, {b.name for b in bcoll_child1.bones_recursive}, "All bones of child1 and child2 should be in child1.bones_recursive") self.assertEqual(bcoll_child2_bone_names, {b.name for b in bcoll_child2.bones_recursive}) def test_bone_collection_armature_join(self): other_arm_ob, other_arm = self.create_armature() # Build a hierarchy on the main armature. main_bcolls = self.arm.collections main_root = main_bcolls.new('root') main_child1 = main_bcolls.new('child1', parent=main_root) main_child2 = main_bcolls.new('child2', parent=main_root) # Build a hierarchy on the other armature. other_bcolls = other_arm.collections other_root = other_bcolls.new('root') other_child1 = other_bcolls.new('child1', parent=other_root) other_child3 = other_bcolls.new('child3', parent=other_root) # Create some custom properties on the collections. main_root['float'] = 0.2 main_child1['string'] = 'main_string' main_child2['dict'] = {'agent': 47} other_root['float'] = 0.42 other_child1['strange'] = 'other_string' other_child3['dict'] = {'agent': 327} # Join the two armatures together. self.assertEqual({'FINISHED'}, bpy.ops.object.select_all(action='DESELECT')) bpy.context.view_layer.objects.active = self.arm_ob self.arm_ob.select_set(True) other_arm_ob.select_set(True) self.assertEqual({'FINISHED'}, bpy.ops.object.join()) # Check the custom properties. bcolls_all = self.arm.collections_all self.assertEqual(0.2, bcolls_all['root']['float']) self.assertEqual('main_string', bcolls_all['child1']['string']) self.assertEqual({'agent': 47}, bcolls_all['child2']['dict'].to_dict()) self.assertNotIn( 'strange', bcolls_all['child1'], 'Bone collections that already existed in the active armature are not expected to be updated') self.assertEqual({'agent': 327}, bcolls_all['child3']['dict'].to_dict()) def main(): import sys if '--' in sys.argv: argv = [sys.argv[0]] + sys.argv[sys.argv.index('--') + 1:] else: # Avoid passing all of Blender's arguments to unittest.main() argv = [sys.argv[0]] unittest.main(argv=argv) if __name__ == "__main__": main()