org.blender.Blender blender.desktop Blender Free and open source 3D creation suite CC0-1.0 GPL-3.0

Blender is the free and open source 3D creation suite. It supports the entirety of the 3D pipeline — modeling, rigging, animation, simulation, rendering, compositing, motion tracking, and video editing.

Blender is a public project, made by hundreds of people from around the world; by studios and individual artists, professionals and hobbyists, scientists, students, VFX experts, animators, game artists, modders, and the list goes on.

New features:

  • Simulation Nodes
  • New transparent Render Pass
  • Animation: A new Gaussian Smooth operator for keyframe data was added.


  • PLY I/O:About 4x-20x faster export, 8x-30x faster import
  • Improved UV packing
  • Python API: Custom script directories
  • USD Curves/Hair export
  • Major improvements to the Library Overrides resyncing process

New features:

  • Real-Time compositor
  • Vector displacement sculpting
  • Built-in hair node groups
  • Cycles many light sampling
  • Metal Viewport for macOS


  • Support for importing and exporting compressed .USDZ files
  • New Ease operator in the graph editor
  • New Geometry Nodes, like Image Info and Blur Attribute
  • Font previews now differentiate better between Korean, Japanese, Simplified and Traditional Chinese

New features:

  • Cycles Path Guiding
  • Sculpt geometry-based relax brush
  • Viewport overlay for Geometry Nodes Viewer Node
  • EEVEE headless rendering support on Linux


  • Many new Geometry Nodes for meshes, curves and more
  • NLA editor usability improvements
  • FFmpeg AV1 codec encoding
  • Improved font thumbnails
  • Blender as a Python Module

New features:

  • New hair system
  • Cycles Rendering on Intel Arc GPUs
  • Grease Pencil Light and Shadow calculations
  • Motion Tracker Image Plane Marker


  • Faster Line Art loading time
  • Library Overrides improvements
  • Massive performance gains importing large amounts of objects in USD, Alembic, and OBJ
  • UV improvements
  • Improved sculpting performance in EEVEE
  • Cycles GPU rendering improvements for AMD GPUs and Apple Silicon

New features:

  • Cycles Light Groups
  • Cycles Shadow Caustics using Manifold Next Event Estimation
  • New Tools and usability improvements for Polygon Painting
  • More Geometry Nodes, including Duplicate Elements
  • Asset Browser: Support for Asset Collections


  • Enhanced channels in the video sequencer
  • Support for WebP format
  • New experimental OBJ importer
  • Motion Paths improvements
  • Grease Pencil Envelope Modifier
  • New Curve Pen Tool

New features:

  • GPU acceleration for the Subdivision modifier
  • Cycles Metal GPU backend, contributed by Apple
  • Point Cloud rendering
  • More Geometry Nodes, including extrude mesh


  • Faster and less memory usage in geometry nodes
  • Grease Pencil Dilate/Contract fill
  • Vertex Creasing support
  • Faster .obj and .fbx export
  • Image editor is able to handle large images
  • Python 3.10
  • User Interface updates

New features:

  • Asset browser
  • Geometry nodes fields
  • Video editor thumbnail previews
  • Transformation tools for video strips
  • Virtual reality navigation
  • Quicker save and better compression


  • Cycles performance and quality improvements
  • About 100 new geometry nodes
  • EEVEE attribute support
  • User Interface updates
  • OpenImageDenoise upgraded to 1.4
  • Shadow terminator geometry offset
  • Shadow catcher indirect and environment light support

New features:

  • Mesh primitive nodes
  • Line Art
  • EEVEE Realistic depth of field and volumetrics
  • Spreadsheet editor


  • Geometry nodes 22 new nodes and improved attribute search
  • Mask loops, textures and patterns for sculpting
  • Grease pencil interpolate refactored and SVG and PDF support
  • Persistent Data rendering settings for Cycles
  • Video Sequencer Editor auto-proxy system

New features:

  • Geometry nodes
  • EEVEE AOV and Cryptomatte support
  • Grease pencil Bézier curves edit
  • APIC fluid simulation method
  • Add primitive tool


  • Silhouette, elastic snake and smearing for sculpting
  • Grease pencil tracing image sequences support
  • Sparse NanoVDB grid for volume
  • OptiX hybrid rendering and new AO and bevel
  • Viscosity settings for fluid simulation

New features:

  • Volume modifiers
  • Precise boolean
  • Cloth brush collision
  • Custom curve bevels
  • Grease Pencil image tracer
  • Property search and fuzzy search


  • Boundary and pose cloth brushes
  • Material holdout for Grease Pencil
  • Sculpting gestures
  • Overrides resync and transform support
  • Animation proxy conversion
  • Compound shape collision
  • Outliner collection colors
  • Snappier F-Curves and seamless keyframe insertion

New features:

  • Nishita sky texture for Cycles
  • EEVEE motion blur
  • Cloth filter
  • Ocean modifier spray
  • Correct face attributes modeling
  • OpenVDB fluid integration with mantaflow
  • Nuke lens distortion model for motion tracking


  • Intel Embree for faster motion blur in Cycles
  • Viewport Intel OpenImageDenoise
  • Shadow terminator offset setting
  • NVLink support for CUDA and Optix
  • Multires unsubdivide, rebuild and modes
  • Pose brush transformations
  • Correct face attributes modeling
  • User interface improvements: new search, modifiers, headings, stats

New features:

  • Volume object to import OpenVDB files
  • VR support for scene inspection through OpenXR
  • Cycles adaptive sampling and OptiX viewport denoising
  • Sculpt face sets and cloth brush
  • Video sequencer disk cache


  • Grease Pencil closer integration and improved performance
  • Eevee improved render passes, light cache and hair transparency
  • Faster undo system
  • Rewritten multiresolution modifier
  • Improved hair physics collisions

New features:

  • New Mantaflow fluid and smoke simulation system
  • UDIM textures for rendering and painting
  • USD scene export
  • Bevel custom profiles
  • Cycles custom shader AOVs
  • Cloth air pressure simulation
  • Weld modifier for meshes


  • New and improved sculpt tools
  • New grease pencil tools and modifiers
  • New bone and constraint settings for rigging

New features:

  • Many sculpt tools and poly build tool for retopology
  • Voxel remesh and quad remesh
  • Transform origins, new snapping, mirroring and auto merge options
  • Revamped shaders for texturing
  • Cycles denoising with OpenImageDenoise and NVIDIA RTX support
  • Library overrides to make local overrides to linked characters and other data


  • Eevee shadows, transparency and bump mapping redesigned
  • Viewport options for look development with Cycles and Eevee
  • Finer control over rotations and scale in bones, constraints and drivers
  • Outliner improvements, new file browser and batch rename

New features:

  • Revamped user interface
  • Toolbar with tools and gizmos
  • Eevee - physically based realtime renderer
  • Modern 3D viewport
  • Full 2D animation and drawing system
  • New shaders for hair, sss, volumes, bevel and AO
  • Cryptomatte compositing
  • Collections system for organizing objects
  • glTF import and export


  • Multi-object editing
  • Animation and rigging improvements
  • Cloth simulation improvements
  • More powerful unit system
  • ...And many more!

New features:

  • Denoiser
  • Filmic color management
  • PBR shader
  • Shadow catcher
  • Surface Deform modifier
  • More bundled add-ons


  • Faster OpenCL
  • Cycles improvements
  • Modeling tool improvements
  • Animation improvements
  • Grease Pencil improvements
  • Automatic scaling on high DPI displays
  • Alembic import and export improvements
  • ...And many more!