# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2011-2023 Blender Authors # # SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later __all__ = ( "paths", "modules", "check", "check_extension", "enable", "disable", "disable_all", "reset_all", "module_bl_info", ) import bpy as _bpy _preferences = _bpy.context.preferences error_encoding = False # (name, file, path) error_duplicates = [] addons_fake_modules = {} # called only once at startup, avoids calling 'reset_all', correct but slower. def _initialize_once(): for path in paths(): _bpy.utils._sys_path_ensure_append(path) _initialize_extensions_repos_once() for addon in _preferences.addons: enable(addon.module) _initialize_ensure_extensions_addon() def paths(): import os paths = [] for i, p in enumerate(_bpy.utils.script_paths()): # Bundled add-ons are always first. # Since this isn't officially part of the API, print an error so this never silently fails. addon_dir = os.path.join(p, "addons_core" if i == 0 else "addons") if os.path.isdir(addon_dir): paths.append(addon_dir) elif i == 0: print("Internal error:", addon_dir, "was not found!") return paths # A version of `paths` that includes extension repositories returning a list `(path, package)` pairs. # # Notes on the ``package`` value. # # - For top-level modules (the "addons" directories, the value is an empty string) # because those add-ons can be imported directly. # - For extension repositories the value is a module string (which can be imported for example) # where any modules within the `path` can be imported as a sub-module. # So for example, given a list value of: `("/tmp/repo", "bl_ext.temp_repo")`. # # An add-on located at `/tmp/repo/my_handy_addon.py` will have a unique module path of: # `bl_ext.temp_repo.my_handy_addon`, which can be imported and will be the value of it's `Addon.module`. def _paths_with_extension_repos(): import os addon_paths = [(path, "") for path in paths()] for repo in _preferences.extensions.repos: if not repo.enabled: continue dirpath = repo.directory if not os.path.isdir(dirpath): continue addon_paths.append((dirpath, "{:s}.{:s}".format(_ext_base_pkg_idname, repo.module))) return addon_paths def _fake_module(mod_name, mod_path, speedy=True): global error_encoding import os if _bpy.app.debug_python: print("fake_module", mod_path, mod_name) if mod_name.startswith(_ext_base_pkg_idname_with_dot): return _fake_module_from_extension(mod_name, mod_path) import ast ModuleType = type(ast) try: file_mod = open(mod_path, "r", encoding='UTF-8') except OSError as ex: print("Error opening file:", mod_path, ex) return None with file_mod: if speedy: lines = [] line_iter = iter(file_mod) l = "" while not l.startswith("bl_info"): try: l = line_iter.readline() except UnicodeDecodeError as ex: if not error_encoding: error_encoding = True print("Error reading file as UTF-8:", mod_path, ex) return None if len(l) == 0: break while l.rstrip(): lines.append(l) try: l = line_iter.readline() except UnicodeDecodeError as ex: if not error_encoding: error_encoding = True print("Error reading file as UTF-8:", mod_path, ex) return None data = "".join(lines) else: data = file_mod.read() del file_mod try: ast_data = ast.parse(data, filename=mod_path) except BaseException: print("Syntax error 'ast.parse' can't read:", repr(mod_path)) import traceback traceback.print_exc() ast_data = None body_info = None if ast_data: for body in ast_data.body: if body.__class__ == ast.Assign: if len(body.targets) == 1: if getattr(body.targets[0], "id", "") == "bl_info": body_info = body break if body_info: try: mod = ModuleType(mod_name) mod.bl_info = ast.literal_eval(body.value) mod.__file__ = mod_path mod.__time__ = os.path.getmtime(mod_path) except: print("AST error parsing bl_info for:", repr(mod_path)) import traceback traceback.print_exc() return None return mod else: print("Warning: add-on missing 'bl_info', this can cause poor performance!:", repr(mod_path)) return None def modules_refresh(*, module_cache=addons_fake_modules): global error_encoding import os error_encoding = False error_duplicates.clear() modules_stale = set(module_cache.keys()) for path, pkg_id in _paths_with_extension_repos(): for mod_name, mod_path in _bpy.path.module_names(path, package=pkg_id): modules_stale.discard(mod_name) mod = module_cache.get(mod_name) if mod is not None: if mod.__file__ != mod_path: print( "multiple addons with the same name:\n" " {!r}\n" " {!r}".format(mod.__file__, mod_path) ) error_duplicates.append((mod.bl_info["name"], mod.__file__, mod_path)) elif ( (mod.__time__ != os.path.getmtime(metadata_path := mod_path)) if not pkg_id else # Check the manifest time as this is the source of the cache. (mod.__time_manifest__ != os.path.getmtime(metadata_path := mod.__file_manifest__)) ): print("reloading addon meta-data:", mod_name, repr(metadata_path), "(time-stamp change detected)") del module_cache[mod_name] mod = None if mod is None: mod = _fake_module( mod_name, mod_path, ) if mod: module_cache[mod_name] = mod # just in case we get stale modules, not likely for mod_stale in modules_stale: del module_cache[mod_stale] del modules_stale def modules(*, module_cache=addons_fake_modules, refresh=True): if refresh or ((module_cache is addons_fake_modules) and modules._is_first): modules_refresh(module_cache=module_cache) modules._is_first = False mod_list = list(module_cache.values()) mod_list.sort( key=lambda mod: ( mod.bl_info.get("category", ""), mod.bl_info.get("name", ""), ) ) return mod_list modules._is_first = True def check(module_name): """ Returns the loaded state of the addon. :arg module_name: The name of the addon and module. :type module_name: string :return: (loaded_default, loaded_state) :rtype: tuple of booleans """ import sys loaded_default = module_name in _preferences.addons mod = sys.modules.get(module_name) loaded_state = ( (mod is not None) and getattr(mod, "__addon_enabled__", Ellipsis) ) if loaded_state is Ellipsis: print( "Warning: addon-module", module_name, "found module " "but without '__addon_enabled__' field, " "possible name collision from file:", repr(getattr(mod, "__file__", "")), ) loaded_state = False if mod and getattr(mod, "__addon_persistent__", False): loaded_default = True return loaded_default, loaded_state def check_extension(module_name): """ Return true if the module is an extension. """ return module_name.startswith(_ext_base_pkg_idname_with_dot) # utility functions def _addon_ensure(module_name): addons = _preferences.addons addon = addons.get(module_name) if not addon: addon = addons.new() addon.module = module_name def _addon_remove(module_name): addons = _preferences.addons while module_name in addons: addon = addons.get(module_name) if addon: addons.remove(addon) def enable(module_name, *, default_set=False, persistent=False, handle_error=None): """ Enables an addon by name. :arg module_name: the name of the addon and module. :type module_name: string :arg default_set: Set the user-preference. :type default_set: bool :arg persistent: Ensure the addon is enabled for the entire session (after loading new files). :type persistent: bool :arg handle_error: Called in the case of an error, taking an exception argument. :type handle_error: function :return: the loaded module or None on failure. :rtype: module """ import os import sys import importlib from bpy_restrict_state import RestrictBlend is_extension = module_name.startswith(_ext_base_pkg_idname_with_dot) if handle_error is None: def handle_error(ex): if isinstance(ex, ImportError): # NOTE: checking "Add-on " prefix is rather weak, # it's just a way to avoid the noise of a full trace-back when # an add-on is simply missing on the file-system. if (type(msg := ex.msg) is str) and msg.startswith("Add-on "): print(msg) return import traceback traceback.print_exc() # reload if the mtime changes mod = sys.modules.get(module_name) # chances of the file _not_ existing are low, but it could be removed # Set to `mod.__file__` or None. mod_file = None if ( (mod is not None) and (mod_file := mod.__file__) is not None and os.path.exists(mod_file) ): if getattr(mod, "__addon_enabled__", False): # This is an unlikely situation, # re-register if the module is enabled. # Note: the UI doesn't allow this to happen, # in most cases the caller should 'check()' first. try: mod.unregister() except BaseException as ex: print("Exception in module unregister():", (mod_file or module_name)) handle_error(ex) return None mod.__addon_enabled__ = False mtime_orig = getattr(mod, "__time__", 0) mtime_new = os.path.getmtime(mod_file) if mtime_orig != mtime_new: print("module changed on disk:", repr(mod_file), "reloading...") try: importlib.reload(mod) except BaseException as ex: handle_error(ex) del sys.modules[module_name] return None mod.__addon_enabled__ = False # add the addon first it may want to initialize its own preferences. # must remove on fail through. if default_set: _addon_ensure(module_name) # Split registering up into 3 steps so we can undo # if it fails par way through. # Disable the context: using the context at all # while loading an addon is really bad, don't do it! with RestrictBlend(): # 1) try import try: # Use instead of `__import__` so that sub-modules can eventually be supported. # This is also documented to be the preferred way to import modules. mod = importlib.import_module(module_name) if (mod_file := mod.__file__) is None: # This can happen when: # - The add-on has been removed but there are residual `.pyc` files left behind. # - An extension is a directory that doesn't contain an `__init__.py` file. # # Include a message otherwise the "cause:" for failing to load the module is left blank. # Include the `__path__` when available so there is a reference to the location that failed to load. raise ImportError( "module loaded with no associated file, __path__={!r}, aborting!".format( getattr(mod, "__path__", None) ), name=module_name, ) mod.__time__ = os.path.getmtime(mod_file) mod.__addon_enabled__ = False except BaseException as ex: # If the add-on doesn't exist, don't print full trace-back because the back-trace is in this case # is verbose without any useful details. A missing path is better communicated in a short message. # Account for `ImportError` & `ModuleNotFoundError`. if isinstance(ex, ImportError): if ex.name == module_name: ex.msg = "Add-on not loaded: \"{:s}\", cause: {:s}".format(module_name, str(ex)) # Issue with an add-on from an extension repository, report a useful message. elif is_extension and module_name.startswith(ex.name + "."): repo_id = module_name[len(_ext_base_pkg_idname_with_dot):].rpartition(".")[0] repo = next( (repo for repo in _preferences.extensions.repos if repo.module == repo_id), None, ) if repo is None: ex.msg = ( "Add-on not loaded: \"{:s}\", cause: extension repository \"{:s}\" doesn't exist".format( module_name, repo_id, ) ) elif not repo.enabled: ex.msg = ( "Add-on not loaded: \"{:s}\", cause: extension repository \"{:s}\" is disabled".format( module_name, repo_id, ) ) else: # The repository exists and is enabled, it should have imported. ex.msg = "Add-on not loaded: \"{:s}\", cause: {:s}".format(module_name, str(ex)) handle_error(ex) if default_set: _addon_remove(module_name) return None if is_extension: # Handle the case the an extension has `bl_info` (which is not used for extensions). # Note that internally a `bl_info` is added based on the extensions manifest - for compatibility. # So it's important not to use this one. bl_info = getattr(mod, "bl_info", None) if bl_info is not None: # Use `_init` to detect when `bl_info` was generated from the manifest, see: `_bl_info_from_extension`. if type(bl_info) is dict and "_init" not in bl_info: # This print is noisy, hide behind a debug flag. # Once `bl_info` is fully deprecated this should be changed to always print a warning. if _bpy.app.debug_python: print( "Add-on \"{:s}\" has a \"bl_info\" which will be ignored in favor of \"{:s}\"".format( module_name, _ext_manifest_filename_toml, ) ) # Always remove as this is not expected to exist and will be lazily initialized. del mod.bl_info # 2) Try register collected modules. # Removed register_module, addons need to handle their own registration now. from _bpy import _bl_owner_id_get, _bl_owner_id_set owner_id_prev = _bl_owner_id_get() _bl_owner_id_set(module_name) # 3) Try run the modules register function. try: mod.register() except BaseException as ex: print("Exception in module register():", (mod_file or module_name)) handle_error(ex) del sys.modules[module_name] if default_set: _addon_remove(module_name) return None finally: _bl_owner_id_set(owner_id_prev) # * OK loaded successfully! * mod.__addon_enabled__ = True mod.__addon_persistent__ = persistent if _bpy.app.debug_python: print("\taddon_utils.enable", mod.__name__) return mod def disable(module_name, *, default_set=False, handle_error=None): """ Disables an addon by name. :arg module_name: The name of the addon and module. :type module_name: string :arg default_set: Set the user-preference. :type default_set: bool :arg handle_error: Called in the case of an error, taking an exception argument. :type handle_error: function """ import sys if handle_error is None: def handle_error(_ex): import traceback traceback.print_exc() mod = sys.modules.get(module_name) # Possible this add-on is from a previous session and didn't load a # module this time. So even if the module is not found, still disable # the add-on in the user preferences. if mod and getattr(mod, "__addon_enabled__", False) is not False: mod.__addon_enabled__ = False mod.__addon_persistent__ = False try: mod.unregister() except BaseException as ex: mod_path = getattr(mod, "__file__", module_name) print("Exception in module unregister():", repr(mod_path)) del mod_path handle_error(ex) else: print( "addon_utils.disable: {:s} not {:s}".format( module_name, "loaded" if mod is None else "enabled", ) ) # could be in more than once, unlikely but better do this just in case. if default_set: _addon_remove(module_name) if _bpy.app.debug_python: print("\taddon_utils.disable", module_name) def reset_all(*, reload_scripts=False): """ Sets the addon state based on the user preferences. """ import sys # Ensures stale `addons_fake_modules` isn't used. modules._is_first = True addons_fake_modules.clear() for path, pkg_id in _paths_with_extension_repos(): if not pkg_id: _bpy.utils._sys_path_ensure_append(path) for mod_name, _mod_path in _bpy.path.module_names(path, package=pkg_id): is_enabled, is_loaded = check(mod_name) # first check if reload is needed before changing state. if reload_scripts: import importlib mod = sys.modules.get(mod_name) if mod: importlib.reload(mod) if is_enabled == is_loaded: pass elif is_enabled: enable(mod_name) elif is_loaded: print("\taddon_utils.reset_all unloading", mod_name) disable(mod_name) def disable_all(): import sys # Collect modules to disable first because dict can be modified as we disable. # NOTE: don't use `getattr(item[1], "__addon_enabled__", False)` because this runs on all modules, # including 3rd party modules unrelated to Blender. # # Some modules may have their own `__getattr__` and either: # - Not raise an `AttributeError` (is they should), # causing `hasattr` & `getattr` to raise an exception instead of treating the attribute as missing. # - Generate modules dynamically, modifying `sys.modules` which is being iterated over, # causing a RuntimeError: "dictionary changed size during iteration". # # Either way, running 3rd party logic here can cause undefined behavior. # Use direct `__dict__` access to bypass `__getattr__`, see: #111649. modules = sys.modules.copy() addon_modules = [ item for item in modules.items() if type(mod_dict := getattr(item[1], "__dict__", None)) is dict if mod_dict.get("__addon_enabled__") ] # Check the enabled state again since it's possible the disable call # of one add-on disables others. for mod_name, mod in addon_modules: if getattr(mod, "__addon_enabled__", False): disable(mod_name) def _blender_manual_url_prefix(): return "https://docs.blender.org/manual/{:s}/{:d}.{:d}".format( _bpy.utils.manual_language_code(), *_bpy.app.version[:2], ) def _bl_info_basis(): return { "name": "", "author": "", "version": (), "blender": (), "location": "", "description": "", "doc_url": "", "support": 'COMMUNITY', "category": "", "warning": "", "show_expanded": False, } def module_bl_info(mod, *, info_basis=None): if info_basis is None: info_basis = _bl_info_basis() addon_info = getattr(mod, "bl_info", {}) # avoid re-initializing if "_init" in addon_info: return addon_info if not addon_info: if mod.__name__.startswith(_ext_base_pkg_idname_with_dot): addon_info, filepath_toml = _bl_info_from_extension(mod.__name__, mod.__file__) if addon_info is None: # Unexpected, this is a malformed extension if meta-data can't be loaded. print("module_bl_info: failed to extract meta-data from", filepath_toml) # Continue to initialize dummy data. addon_info = {} mod.bl_info = addon_info for key, value in info_basis.items(): addon_info.setdefault(key, value) if not addon_info["name"]: addon_info["name"] = mod.__name__ doc_url = addon_info["doc_url"] if doc_url: doc_url_prefix = "{BLENDER_MANUAL_URL}" if doc_url_prefix in doc_url: addon_info["doc_url"] = doc_url.replace( doc_url_prefix, _blender_manual_url_prefix(), ) addon_info["_init"] = None return addon_info # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Extension Utilities def _version_int_left_digits(x): # Parse as integer until the first non-digit. return int(x[:next((i for i, c in enumerate(x) if not c.isdigit()), len(x))] or "0") def _bl_info_from_extension(mod_name, mod_path): # Extract the `bl_info` from an extensions manifest. # This is returned as a module which has a `bl_info` variable. # When support for non-extension add-ons is dropped (Blender v5.0 perhaps) # this can be updated not to use a fake module. import os import tomllib bl_info = _bl_info_basis() filepath_toml = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(mod_path), _ext_manifest_filename_toml) try: with open(filepath_toml, "rb") as fh: data = tomllib.load(fh) except FileNotFoundError: print("Warning: add-on missing manifest, this can cause poor performance!:", repr(filepath_toml)) return None, filepath_toml except BaseException as ex: print("Error:", str(ex), "in", filepath_toml) return None, filepath_toml # This isn't a full validation which happens on package install/update. if (value := data.get("name", None)) is None: print("Error: missing \"name\" in", filepath_toml) return None, filepath_toml if type(value) is not str: print("Error: \"name\" is not a string in", filepath_toml) return None, filepath_toml bl_info["name"] = value if (value := data.get("version", None)) is None: print("Error: missing \"version\" in", filepath_toml) return None, filepath_toml if type(value) is not str: print("Error: \"version\" is not a string in", filepath_toml) return None, filepath_toml try: value = tuple( (int if i < 2 else _version_int_left_digits)(x) for i, x in enumerate(value.split(".", 2)) ) except BaseException as ex: print("Error: \"version\" is not a semantic version (X.Y.Z) in ", filepath_toml) return None, filepath_toml bl_info["version"] = value if (value := data.get("blender_version_min", None)) is None: print("Error: missing \"blender_version_min\" in", filepath_toml) return None, filepath_toml if type(value) is not str: print("Error: \"blender_version_min\" is not a string in", filepath_toml) return None, filepath_toml try: value = tuple(int(x) for x in value.split(".")) except BaseException as ex: print("Error:", str(ex), "in \"blender_version_min\"", filepath_toml) return None, filepath_toml bl_info["blender"] = value # Only print warnings since description is not a mandatory field. if (value := data.get("tagline", None)) is None: print("Warning: missing \"tagline\" in", filepath_toml) elif type(value) is not str: print("Warning: \"tagline\" is not a string", filepath_toml) else: bl_info["description"] = value if (value := data.get("maintainer", None)) is None: print("Error: missing \"author\" in", filepath_toml) return None, filepath_toml if type(value) is not str: print("Error: \"maintainer\" is not a string", filepath_toml) return None, filepath_toml bl_info["author"] = value bl_info["category"] = "Development" # Dummy, will be removed. return bl_info, filepath_toml def _fake_module_from_extension(mod_name, mod_path): import os bl_info, filepath_toml = _bl_info_from_extension(mod_name, mod_path) if bl_info is None: return None ModuleType = type(os) mod = ModuleType(mod_name) mod.bl_info = bl_info mod.__file__ = mod_path mod.__time__ = os.path.getmtime(mod_path) # NOTE(@ideasman42): Add non-standard manifest variables to the "fake" module, # this isn't ideal as it moves further away from the return value being minimal fake-module # (where `__name__` and `__file__` are typically used). # A custom type could be used, however this needs to be done carefully # as all users of `addon_utils.modules(..)` need to be updated. mod.__file_manifest__ = filepath_toml mod.__time_manifest__ = os.path.getmtime(filepath_toml) return mod def _extension_sync_wheels( *, local_dir, # `str` wheel_list, # `List[WheelSource]` ): # `-> None` import os import sys from _bpy_internal.extensions.wheel_manager import apply_action local_dir_site_packages = os.path.join( local_dir, "lib", "python{:d}.{:d}".format(*sys.version_info[0:2]), "site-packages", ) apply_action( local_dir=local_dir, local_dir_site_packages=local_dir_site_packages, wheel_list=wheel_list, ) if os.path.exists(local_dir_site_packages): if local_dir_site_packages not in sys.path: sys.path.append(local_dir_site_packages) # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Extensions def _initialize_ensure_extensions_addon(): module_name = "bl_pkg" if module_name not in _preferences.addons: enable(module_name, default_set=True, persistent=True) # Module-like class, store singletons. class _ext_global: __slots__ = () # Store a map of `preferences.extensions.repos` -> `module_id`. # Only needed to detect renaming between `bpy.app.handlers.extension_repos_update_{pre & post}` events. # # The first dictionary is for enabled repositories, the second for disabled repositories # which can be ignored in most cases and is only needed for a module rename. idmap_pair = {}, {} # The base package created by `JunctionModuleHandle`. module_handle = None # The name (in `sys.modules`) keep this short because it's stored as part of add-on modules name. _ext_base_pkg_idname = "bl_ext" _ext_base_pkg_idname_with_dot = _ext_base_pkg_idname + "." _ext_manifest_filename_toml = "blender_manifest.toml" def _extension_module_name_decompose(package): """ Returns the repository module name and the extensions ID from an extensions module name (``__package__``). :arg module_name: The extensions module name. :type module_name: string :return: (repo_module_name, extension_id) :rtype: tuple of strings """ if not package.startswith(_ext_base_pkg_idname_with_dot): raise ValueError("The \"package\" does not name an extension") repo_module, pkg_idname = package[len(_ext_base_pkg_idname_with_dot):].partition(".")[0::2] if not (repo_module and pkg_idname): raise ValueError("The \"package\" is expected to be a module name containing 3 components") if "." in pkg_idname: raise ValueError("The \"package\" is expected to be a module name containing 3 components, found {:d}".format( pkg_idname.count(".") + 3 )) # Unlikely but possible. if not (repo_module.isidentifier() and pkg_idname.isidentifier()): raise ValueError("The \"package\" contains non-identifier characters") return repo_module, pkg_idname def _extension_preferences_idmap(): repos_idmap = {} repos_idmap_disabled = {} for repo in _preferences.extensions.repos: if repo.enabled: repos_idmap[repo.as_pointer()] = repo.module else: repos_idmap_disabled[repo.as_pointer()] = repo.module return repos_idmap, repos_idmap_disabled def _extension_dirpath_from_preferences(): repos_dict = {} for repo in _preferences.extensions.repos: if not repo.enabled: continue repos_dict[repo.module] = repo.directory return repos_dict def _extension_dirpath_from_handle(): repos_info = {} for module_id, module in _ext_global.module_handle.submodule_items(): # Account for it being unset although this should never happen unless script authors # meddle with the modules. try: dirpath = module.__path__[0] except BaseException: dirpath = "" repos_info[module_id] = dirpath return repos_info # Ensure the add-ons follow changes to repositories, enabling, disabling and module renaming. def _initialize_extension_repos_post_addons_prepare( module_handle, *, submodules_del, submodules_add, submodules_rename_module, submodules_del_disabled, submodules_rename_module_disabled, ): addons_to_enable = [] if not ( submodules_del or submodules_add or submodules_rename_module or submodules_del_disabled or submodules_rename_module_disabled ): return addons_to_enable # All preferences info. # Map: `repo_id -> {submodule_id -> addon, ...}`. addon_userdef_info = {} for addon in _preferences.addons: module = addon.module if not module.startswith(_ext_base_pkg_idname_with_dot): continue module_id, submodule_id = module[len(_ext_base_pkg_idname_with_dot):].partition(".")[0::2] try: addon_userdef_info[module_id][submodule_id] = addon except KeyError: addon_userdef_info[module_id] = {submodule_id: addon} # All run-time info. # Map: `module_id -> {submodule_id -> module, ...}`. addon_runtime_info = {} for module_id, repo_module in module_handle.submodule_items(): extensions_info = {} for submodule_id in dir(repo_module): if submodule_id.startswith("_"): continue mod = getattr(repo_module, submodule_id) # Filter out non add-on, non-modules. if not hasattr(mod, "__addon_enabled__"): continue extensions_info[submodule_id] = mod addon_runtime_info[module_id] = extensions_info del extensions_info # Apply changes to add-ons. if submodules_add: # Re-enable add-ons that exist in the user preferences, # this lets the add-ons state be restored when toggling a repository. for module_id, _dirpath in submodules_add: repo_userdef = addon_userdef_info.get(module_id, {}) repo_runtime = addon_runtime_info.get(module_id, {}) for submodule_id, addon in repo_userdef.items(): module_name_next = "{:s}.{:s}.{:s}".format(_ext_base_pkg_idname, module_id, submodule_id) # Only default & persistent add-ons are kept for re-activation. default_set = True persistent = True addons_to_enable.append((module_name_next, addon, default_set, persistent)) for module_id_prev, module_id_next in submodules_rename_module: repo_userdef = addon_userdef_info.get(module_id_prev, {}) repo_runtime = addon_runtime_info.get(module_id_prev, {}) for submodule_id, mod in repo_runtime.items(): if not getattr(mod, "__addon_enabled__", False): continue module_name_prev = "{:s}.{:s}.{:s}".format(_ext_base_pkg_idname, module_id_prev, submodule_id) module_name_next = "{:s}.{:s}.{:s}".format(_ext_base_pkg_idname, module_id_next, submodule_id) disable(module_name_prev, default_set=False) addon = repo_userdef.get(submodule_id) default_set = addon is not None persistent = getattr(mod, "__addon_persistent__", False) addons_to_enable.append((module_name_next, addon, default_set, persistent)) for module_id_prev, module_id_next in submodules_rename_module_disabled: repo_userdef = addon_userdef_info.get(module_id_prev, {}) repo_runtime = addon_runtime_info.get(module_id_prev, {}) for submodule_id, addon in repo_userdef.items(): mod = repo_runtime.get(submodule_id) if mod is not None and getattr(mod, "__addon_enabled__", False): continue # Either there is no run-time data or the module wasn't enabled. # Rename the add-on without enabling it so the next time it's enabled it's preferences are kept. module_name_next = "{:s}.{:s}.{:s}".format(_ext_base_pkg_idname, module_id_next, submodule_id) addon.module = module_name_next if submodules_del: repo_module_map = {repo.module: repo for repo in _preferences.extensions.repos} for module_id in submodules_del: repo_userdef = addon_userdef_info.get(module_id, {}) repo_runtime = addon_runtime_info.get(module_id, {}) repo = repo_module_map.get(module_id) default_set = True if repo and not repo.enabled: # The repository exists but has been disabled, keep the add-on preferences # because the user may want to re-enable the repository temporarily. default_set = False for submodule_id, mod in repo_runtime.items(): module_name_prev = "{:s}.{:s}.{:s}".format(_ext_base_pkg_idname, module_id, submodule_id) disable(module_name_prev, default_set=default_set) del repo del repo_module_map if submodules_del_disabled: for module_id_prev in submodules_del_disabled: repo_userdef = addon_userdef_info.get(module_id_prev, {}) for submodule_id in repo_userdef.keys(): module_name_prev = "{:s}.{:s}.{:s}".format(_ext_base_pkg_idname, module_id_prev, submodule_id) disable(module_name_prev, default_set=True) return addons_to_enable # Enable add-ons after the modules have been manipulated. def _initialize_extension_repos_post_addons_restore(addons_to_enable): if not addons_to_enable: return for (module_name_next, addon, default_set, persistent) in addons_to_enable: # Ensure the preferences are kept. if addon is not None: addon.module = module_name_next enable(module_name_next, default_set=default_set, persistent=persistent) # Needed for module rename. modules._is_first = True # Use `bpy.app.handlers.extension_repos_update_{pre/post}` to track changes to extension repositories # and sync the changes to the Python module. @_bpy.app.handlers.persistent def _initialize_extension_repos_pre(*_): _ext_global.idmap_pair = _extension_preferences_idmap() @_bpy.app.handlers.persistent def _initialize_extension_repos_post(*_, is_first=False): # When enabling extensions for the first time, ensure the add-on is enabled. _initialize_ensure_extensions_addon() do_addons = not is_first # Map `module_id` -> `dirpath`. repos_info_prev = _extension_dirpath_from_handle() repos_info_next = _extension_dirpath_from_preferences() # Map `repo.as_pointer()` -> `module_id`. repos_idmap_prev, repos_idmap_prev_disabled = _ext_global.idmap_pair repos_idmap_next, repos_idmap_next_disabled = _extension_preferences_idmap() # Map `module_id` -> `repo.as_pointer()`. repos_idmap_next_reverse = {value: key for key, value in repos_idmap_next.items()} # Mainly needed when the state of repositories changes at run-time: # factory settings then load preferences for example. # # Filter `repos_idmap_prev` so only items which were also in the `repos_info_prev` are included. # This is an awkward situation, they should be in sync, however when enabling the experimental option # means the preferences wont have changed, but the module will not be in sync with the preferences. # Support this by removing items in `repos_idmap_prev` which aren't also initialized in the managed package. # # The only situation this would be useful to keep is if we want to support renaming a package # that manipulates all add-ons using it, when those add-ons are in the preferences but have not had # their package loaded. It's possible we want to do this but is also reasonably obscure. for repo_id_prev, module_id_prev in list(repos_idmap_prev.items()): if module_id_prev not in repos_info_prev: del repos_idmap_prev[repo_id_prev] submodules_add = [] # List of module names to add: `(module_id, dirpath)`. submodules_del = [] # List of module names to remove: `module_id`. submodules_rename_module = [] # List of module names: `(module_id_src, module_id_dst)`. submodules_rename_dirpath = [] # List of module names: `(module_id, dirpath)`. renamed_prev = set() renamed_next = set() # Detect rename modules & module directories. for module_id_next, dirpath_next in repos_info_next.items(): # Lookup never fails, as the "next" values use: `preferences.extensions.repos`. repo_id = repos_idmap_next_reverse[module_id_next] # Lookup may fail if this is a newly added module. # Don't attempt to setup `submodules_add` though as it's possible # the module name persists while the underlying `repo_id` changes. module_id_prev = repos_idmap_prev.get(repo_id) if module_id_prev is None: continue # Detect rename. if module_id_next != module_id_prev: submodules_rename_module.append((module_id_prev, module_id_next)) renamed_prev.add(module_id_prev) renamed_next.add(module_id_next) # Detect `dirpath` change. if dirpath_next != repos_info_prev[module_id_prev]: submodules_rename_dirpath.append((module_id_next, dirpath_next)) # Detect added modules. for module_id, dirpath in repos_info_next.items(): if (module_id not in repos_info_prev) and (module_id not in renamed_next): submodules_add.append((module_id, dirpath)) # Detect deleted modules. for module_id, _dirpath in repos_info_prev.items(): if (module_id not in repos_info_next) and (module_id not in renamed_prev): submodules_del.append(module_id) if do_addons: submodules_del_disabled = [] # A version of `submodules_del` for disabled repositories. submodules_rename_module_disabled = [] # A version of `submodules_rename_module` for disabled repositories. # Detect deleted modules. for repo_id_prev, module_id_prev in repos_idmap_prev_disabled.items(): if ( (repo_id_prev not in repos_idmap_next_disabled) and (repo_id_prev not in repos_idmap_next) ): submodules_del_disabled.append(module_id_prev) # Detect rename of disabled modules. for repo_id_next, module_id_next in repos_idmap_next_disabled.items(): module_id_prev = repos_idmap_prev_disabled.get(repo_id_next) if module_id_prev is None: continue # Detect rename. if module_id_next != module_id_prev: submodules_rename_module_disabled.append((module_id_prev, module_id_next)) addons_to_enable = _initialize_extension_repos_post_addons_prepare( _ext_global.module_handle, submodules_del=submodules_del, submodules_add=submodules_add, submodules_rename_module=submodules_rename_module, submodules_del_disabled=submodules_del_disabled, submodules_rename_module_disabled=submodules_rename_module_disabled, ) del submodules_del_disabled, submodules_rename_module_disabled # Apply changes to the `_ext_base_pkg_idname` named module so it matches extension data from the preferences. module_handle = _ext_global.module_handle for module_id in submodules_del: module_handle.unregister_submodule(module_id) for module_id, dirpath in submodules_add: module_handle.register_submodule(module_id, dirpath) for module_id_prev, module_id_next in submodules_rename_module: module_handle.rename_submodule(module_id_prev, module_id_next) for module_id, dirpath in submodules_rename_dirpath: module_handle.rename_directory(module_id, dirpath) _ext_global.idmap_pair[0].clear() _ext_global.idmap_pair[1].clear() if do_addons: _initialize_extension_repos_post_addons_restore(addons_to_enable) # Force refreshing if directory paths change. if submodules_del or submodules_add or submodules_rename_dirpath: modules._is_first = True def _initialize_extensions_site_packages(*, create=False): # Add extension site-packages to `sys.path` (if it exists). # Use for wheels. import os import sys # NOTE: follow the structure of `~/.local/lib/python#.##/site-packages` # because some wheels contain paths pointing to parent directories, # referencing `../../../bin` for example - to install binaries into `~/.local/bin`, # so this can't simply be treated as a module directory unless those files would be excluded # which may interfere with the wheels functionality. site_packages = os.path.join( _bpy.utils.user_resource('EXTENSIONS'), ".local", "lib", "python{:d}.{:d}".format(sys.version_info.major, sys.version_info.minor), "site-packages", ) if create: if not os.path.exists(site_packages): os.makedirs(site_packages) found = True else: found = os.path.exists(site_packages) if found: # Ensure the wheels `site-packages` are added before all other site-packages. # This is important for extensions modules get priority over system modules. # Without this, installing a module into the systems site-packages (`/usr/lib/python#.##/site-packages`) # could break an extension which already had a different version of this module installed locally. from site import getsitepackages index = None if builtin_site_packages := set(getsitepackages()): for i, dirpath in enumerate(sys.path): if dirpath in builtin_site_packages: index = i break if index is None: sys.path.append(site_packages) else: sys.path.insert(index, site_packages) else: try: sys.path.remove(site_packages) except ValueError: pass return site_packages if found else None def _initialize_extensions_repos_once(): from _bpy_internal.extensions.junction_module import JunctionModuleHandle module_handle = JunctionModuleHandle(_ext_base_pkg_idname) module_handle.register_module() _ext_global.module_handle = module_handle # Ensure extensions wheels can be loaded (when found). _initialize_extensions_site_packages() # Setup repositories for the first time. # Intentionally don't call `_initialize_extension_repos_pre` as this is the first time, # the previous state is not useful to read. _initialize_extension_repos_post(is_first=True) # Internal handlers intended for Blender's own handling of repositories. _bpy.app.handlers._extension_repos_update_pre.append(_initialize_extension_repos_pre) _bpy.app.handlers._extension_repos_update_post.append(_initialize_extension_repos_post)