/* * Copyright 2011-2013 Blender Foundation * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #include "device.h" #include "image.h" #include "scene.h" #include "util_foreach.h" #include "util_path.h" #include "util_progress.h" #include "util_texture.h" #ifdef WITH_OSL #include #endif CCL_NAMESPACE_BEGIN ImageManager::ImageManager(const DeviceInfo& info) { need_update = true; pack_images = false; osl_texture_system = NULL; animation_frame = 0; /* Set image limits */ /* CPU */ if(info.type == DEVICE_CPU) { tex_num_images[IMAGE_DATA_TYPE_BYTE4] = TEX_NUM_BYTE4_IMAGES_CPU; tex_num_images[IMAGE_DATA_TYPE_FLOAT4] = TEX_NUM_FLOAT4_IMAGES_CPU; tex_num_images[IMAGE_DATA_TYPE_FLOAT] = TEX_NUM_FLOAT_IMAGES_CPU; tex_num_images[IMAGE_DATA_TYPE_BYTE] = TEX_NUM_BYTE_IMAGES_CPU; tex_image_byte4_start = TEX_IMAGE_BYTE4_START_CPU; tex_image_float_start = TEX_IMAGE_FLOAT_START_CPU; tex_image_byte_start = TEX_IMAGE_BYTE_START_CPU; } /* CUDA (Fermi) */ else if((info.type == DEVICE_CUDA || info.type == DEVICE_MULTI) && !info.extended_images) { tex_num_images[IMAGE_DATA_TYPE_BYTE4] = TEX_NUM_BYTE4_IMAGES_CUDA; tex_num_images[IMAGE_DATA_TYPE_FLOAT4] = TEX_NUM_FLOAT4_IMAGES_CUDA; tex_num_images[IMAGE_DATA_TYPE_FLOAT] = TEX_NUM_FLOAT_IMAGES_CUDA; tex_num_images[IMAGE_DATA_TYPE_BYTE] = TEX_NUM_BYTE_IMAGES_CUDA; tex_image_byte4_start = TEX_IMAGE_BYTE4_START_CUDA; tex_image_float_start = TEX_IMAGE_FLOAT_START_CUDA; tex_image_byte_start = TEX_IMAGE_BYTE_START_CUDA; } /* CUDA (Kepler and above) */ else if((info.type == DEVICE_CUDA || info.type == DEVICE_MULTI) && info.extended_images) { tex_num_images[IMAGE_DATA_TYPE_BYTE4] = TEX_NUM_BYTE4_IMAGES_CUDA_KEPLER; tex_num_images[IMAGE_DATA_TYPE_FLOAT4] = TEX_NUM_FLOAT4_IMAGES_CUDA_KEPLER; tex_num_images[IMAGE_DATA_TYPE_FLOAT] = TEX_NUM_FLOAT_IMAGES_CUDA_KEPLER; tex_num_images[IMAGE_DATA_TYPE_BYTE] = TEX_NUM_BYTE_IMAGES_CUDA_KEPLER; tex_image_byte4_start = TEX_IMAGE_BYTE4_START_CUDA_KEPLER; tex_image_float_start = TEX_IMAGE_FLOAT_START_CUDA_KEPLER; tex_image_byte_start = TEX_IMAGE_BYTE_START_CUDA_KEPLER; } /* OpenCL */ else if(info.pack_images) { tex_num_images[IMAGE_DATA_TYPE_BYTE4] = TEX_NUM_BYTE4_IMAGES_OPENCL; tex_num_images[IMAGE_DATA_TYPE_FLOAT4] = TEX_NUM_FLOAT4_IMAGES_OPENCL; tex_num_images[IMAGE_DATA_TYPE_FLOAT] = TEX_NUM_FLOAT_IMAGES_OPENCL; tex_num_images[IMAGE_DATA_TYPE_BYTE] = TEX_NUM_BYTE_IMAGES_OPENCL; tex_image_byte4_start = TEX_IMAGE_BYTE4_START_OPENCL; tex_image_float_start = TEX_IMAGE_FLOAT_START_OPENCL; tex_image_byte_start = TEX_IMAGE_BYTE_START_OPENCL; } /* Should never happen */ else { tex_num_images[IMAGE_DATA_TYPE_BYTE4] = 0; tex_num_images[IMAGE_DATA_TYPE_FLOAT4] = 0; tex_num_images[IMAGE_DATA_TYPE_FLOAT] = 0; tex_num_images[IMAGE_DATA_TYPE_BYTE] = 0; tex_image_byte4_start = 0; tex_image_float_start = 0; tex_image_byte_start = 0; assert(0); } } ImageManager::~ImageManager() { for(size_t type = 0; type < IMAGE_DATA_NUM_TYPES; type++) { for(size_t slot = 0; slot < images[type].size(); slot++) assert(!images[type][slot]); } } void ImageManager::set_pack_images(bool pack_images_) { pack_images = pack_images_; } void ImageManager::set_osl_texture_system(void *texture_system) { osl_texture_system = texture_system; } bool ImageManager::set_animation_frame_update(int frame) { if(frame != animation_frame) { animation_frame = frame; for(size_t type = 0; type < IMAGE_DATA_NUM_TYPES; type++) { for(size_t slot = 0; slot < images[type].size(); slot++) { if(images[type][slot] && images[type][slot]->animated) return true; } } } return false; } ImageManager::ImageDataType ImageManager::get_image_metadata(const string& filename, void *builtin_data, bool& is_linear) { bool is_float = false; is_linear = false; int channels = 4; if(builtin_data) { if(builtin_image_info_cb) { int width, height, depth; builtin_image_info_cb(filename, builtin_data, is_float, width, height, depth, channels); } if(is_float) { is_linear = true; if(channels > 1) return IMAGE_DATA_TYPE_FLOAT4; else return IMAGE_DATA_TYPE_FLOAT; } else { if(channels > 1) return IMAGE_DATA_TYPE_BYTE4; else return IMAGE_DATA_TYPE_BYTE; } } ImageInput *in = ImageInput::create(filename); if(in) { ImageSpec spec; if(in->open(filename, spec)) { /* check the main format, and channel formats; * if any take up more than one byte, we'll need a float texture slot */ if(spec.format.basesize() > 1) { is_float = true; is_linear = true; } for(size_t channel = 0; channel < spec.channelformats.size(); channel++) { if(spec.channelformats[channel].basesize() > 1) { is_float = true; is_linear = true; } } channels = spec.nchannels; /* basic color space detection, not great but better than nothing * before we do OpenColorIO integration */ if(is_float) { string colorspace = spec.get_string_attribute("oiio:ColorSpace"); is_linear = !(colorspace == "sRGB" || colorspace == "GammaCorrected" || (colorspace == "" && (strcmp(in->format_name(), "png") == 0 || strcmp(in->format_name(), "tiff") == 0 || strcmp(in->format_name(), "dpx") == 0 || strcmp(in->format_name(), "jpeg2000") == 0))); } else { is_linear = false; } in->close(); } delete in; } if(is_float) { if(channels > 1) return IMAGE_DATA_TYPE_FLOAT4; else return IMAGE_DATA_TYPE_FLOAT; } else { if(channels > 1) return IMAGE_DATA_TYPE_BYTE4; else return IMAGE_DATA_TYPE_BYTE; } } /* We use a consecutive slot counting scheme on the devices, in order * float4, byte4, float, byte. * These functions convert the slot ids from ImageManager "images" ones * to device ones and vice versa. */ int ImageManager::type_index_to_flattened_slot(int slot, ImageDataType type) { if(type == IMAGE_DATA_TYPE_BYTE4) return slot + tex_image_byte4_start; else if(type == IMAGE_DATA_TYPE_FLOAT) return slot + tex_image_float_start; else if(type == IMAGE_DATA_TYPE_BYTE) return slot + tex_image_byte_start; else return slot; } int ImageManager::flattened_slot_to_type_index(int flat_slot, ImageDataType *type) { if(flat_slot >= tex_image_byte_start) { *type = IMAGE_DATA_TYPE_BYTE; return flat_slot - tex_image_byte_start; } else if(flat_slot >= tex_image_float_start) { *type = IMAGE_DATA_TYPE_FLOAT; return flat_slot - tex_image_float_start; } else if(flat_slot >= tex_image_byte4_start) { *type = IMAGE_DATA_TYPE_BYTE4; return flat_slot - tex_image_byte4_start; } else { *type = IMAGE_DATA_TYPE_FLOAT4; return flat_slot; } } string ImageManager::name_from_type(int type) { if(type == IMAGE_DATA_TYPE_FLOAT4) return "float4"; else if(type == IMAGE_DATA_TYPE_FLOAT) return "float"; else if(type == IMAGE_DATA_TYPE_BYTE) return "byte"; else return "byte4"; } static bool image_equals(ImageManager::Image *image, const string& filename, void *builtin_data, InterpolationType interpolation, ExtensionType extension) { return image->filename == filename && image->builtin_data == builtin_data && image->interpolation == interpolation && image->extension == extension; } int ImageManager::add_image(const string& filename, void *builtin_data, bool animated, float frame, bool& is_float, bool& is_linear, InterpolationType interpolation, ExtensionType extension, bool use_alpha) { Image *img; size_t slot; ImageDataType type = get_image_metadata(filename, builtin_data, is_linear); /* Do we have a float? */ if(type == IMAGE_DATA_TYPE_FLOAT || type == IMAGE_DATA_TYPE_FLOAT4) is_float = true; /* No float and byte textures on GPU yet */ if(type == IMAGE_DATA_TYPE_FLOAT && tex_num_images[type] == 0) type = IMAGE_DATA_TYPE_FLOAT4; if(type == IMAGE_DATA_TYPE_BYTE && tex_num_images[type] == 0) type = IMAGE_DATA_TYPE_BYTE4; /* Fnd existing image. */ for(slot = 0; slot < images[type].size(); slot++) { img = images[type][slot]; if(img && image_equals(img, filename, builtin_data, interpolation, extension)) { if(img->frame != frame) { img->frame = frame; img->need_load = true; } if(img->use_alpha != use_alpha) { img->use_alpha = use_alpha; img->need_load = true; } img->users++; return type_index_to_flattened_slot(slot, type); } } /* Find free slot. */ for(slot = 0; slot < images[type].size(); slot++) { if(!images[type][slot]) break; } if(slot == images[type].size()) { /* Max images limit reached. */ if(images[type].size() == tex_num_images[type]) { printf("ImageManager::add_image: Reached %s image limit (%d), skipping '%s'\n", name_from_type(type).c_str(), tex_num_images[type], filename.c_str()); return -1; } images[type].resize(images[type].size() + 1); } /* Add new image. */ img = new Image(); img->filename = filename; img->builtin_data = builtin_data; img->need_load = true; img->animated = animated; img->frame = frame; img->interpolation = interpolation; img->extension = extension; img->users = 1; img->use_alpha = use_alpha; images[type][slot] = img; need_update = true; return type_index_to_flattened_slot(slot, type); } void ImageManager::remove_image(int flat_slot) { ImageDataType type; int slot = flattened_slot_to_type_index(flat_slot, &type); Image *image = images[type][slot]; assert(image && image->users >= 1); /* decrement user count */ image->users--; /* don't remove immediately, rather do it all together later on. one of * the reasons for this is that on shader changes we add and remove nodes * that use them, but we do not want to reload the image all the time. */ if(image->users == 0) need_update = true; } void ImageManager::remove_image(const string& filename, void *builtin_data, InterpolationType interpolation, ExtensionType extension) { size_t slot; for(int type = 0; type < IMAGE_DATA_NUM_TYPES; type++) { for(slot = 0; slot < images[type].size(); slot++) { if(images[type][slot] && image_equals(images[type][slot], filename, builtin_data, interpolation, extension)) { remove_image(type_index_to_flattened_slot(slot, (ImageDataType)type)); return; } } } } /* TODO(sergey): Deduplicate with the iteration above, but make it pretty, * without bunch of arguments passing around making code readability even * more cluttered. */ void ImageManager::tag_reload_image(const string& filename, void *builtin_data, InterpolationType interpolation, ExtensionType extension) { for(size_t type = 0; type < IMAGE_DATA_NUM_TYPES; type++) { for(size_t slot = 0; slot < images[type].size(); slot++) { if(images[type][slot] && image_equals(images[type][slot], filename, builtin_data, interpolation, extension)) { images[type][slot]->need_load = true; break; } } } } bool ImageManager::file_load_image_generic(Image *img, ImageInput **in, int &width, int &height, int &depth, int &components) { if(img->filename == "") return false; if(!img->builtin_data) { /* load image from file through OIIO */ *in = ImageInput::create(img->filename); if(!*in) return false; ImageSpec spec = ImageSpec(); ImageSpec config = ImageSpec(); if(img->use_alpha == false) config.attribute("oiio:UnassociatedAlpha", 1); if(!(*in)->open(img->filename, spec, config)) { delete *in; *in = NULL; return false; } width = spec.width; height = spec.height; depth = spec.depth; components = spec.nchannels; } else { /* load image using builtin images callbacks */ if(!builtin_image_info_cb || !builtin_image_pixels_cb) return false; bool is_float; builtin_image_info_cb(img->filename, img->builtin_data, is_float, width, height, depth, components); } /* we only handle certain number of components */ if(!(components >= 1 && components <= 4)) { if(*in) { (*in)->close(); delete *in; *in = NULL; } return false; } return true; } bool ImageManager::file_load_byte4_image(Image *img, device_vector& tex_img) { ImageInput *in = NULL; int width, height, depth, components; if(!file_load_image_generic(img, &in, width, height, depth, components)) return false; /* read RGBA pixels */ uchar *pixels = (uchar*)tex_img.resize(width, height, depth); if(pixels == NULL) { return false; } bool cmyk = false; if(in) { if(depth <= 1) { int scanlinesize = width*components*sizeof(uchar); in->read_image(TypeDesc::UINT8, (uchar*)pixels + (((size_t)height)-1)*scanlinesize, AutoStride, -scanlinesize, AutoStride); } else { in->read_image(TypeDesc::UINT8, (uchar*)pixels); } cmyk = strcmp(in->format_name(), "jpeg") == 0 && components == 4; in->close(); delete in; } else { builtin_image_pixels_cb(img->filename, img->builtin_data, pixels); } size_t num_pixels = ((size_t)width) * height * depth; if(cmyk) { /* CMYK */ for(size_t i = num_pixels-1, pixel = 0; pixel < num_pixels; pixel++, i--) { pixels[i*4+2] = (pixels[i*4+2]*pixels[i*4+3])/255; pixels[i*4+1] = (pixels[i*4+1]*pixels[i*4+3])/255; pixels[i*4+0] = (pixels[i*4+0]*pixels[i*4+3])/255; pixels[i*4+3] = 255; } } else if(components == 2) { /* grayscale + alpha */ for(size_t i = num_pixels-1, pixel = 0; pixel < num_pixels; pixel++, i--) { pixels[i*4+3] = pixels[i*2+1]; pixels[i*4+2] = pixels[i*2+0]; pixels[i*4+1] = pixels[i*2+0]; pixels[i*4+0] = pixels[i*2+0]; } } else if(components == 3) { /* RGB */ for(size_t i = num_pixels-1, pixel = 0; pixel < num_pixels; pixel++, i--) { pixels[i*4+3] = 255; pixels[i*4+2] = pixels[i*3+2]; pixels[i*4+1] = pixels[i*3+1]; pixels[i*4+0] = pixels[i*3+0]; } } else if(components == 1) { /* grayscale */ for(size_t i = num_pixels-1, pixel = 0; pixel < num_pixels; pixel++, i--) { pixels[i*4+3] = 255; pixels[i*4+2] = pixels[i]; pixels[i*4+1] = pixels[i]; pixels[i*4+0] = pixels[i]; } } if(img->use_alpha == false) { for(size_t i = num_pixels-1, pixel = 0; pixel < num_pixels; pixel++, i--) { pixels[i*4+3] = 255; } } return true; } bool ImageManager::file_load_byte_image(Image *img, device_vector& tex_img) { ImageInput *in = NULL; int width, height, depth, components; if(!file_load_image_generic(img, &in, width, height, depth, components)) return false; /* read BW pixels */ uchar *pixels = (uchar*)tex_img.resize(width, height, depth); if(pixels == NULL) { return false; } if(in) { if(depth <= 1) { int scanlinesize = width*components*sizeof(uchar); in->read_image(TypeDesc::UINT8, (uchar*)pixels + (((size_t)height)-1)*scanlinesize, AutoStride, -scanlinesize, AutoStride); } else { in->read_image(TypeDesc::UINT8, (uchar*)pixels); } in->close(); delete in; } else { builtin_image_pixels_cb(img->filename, img->builtin_data, pixels); } return true; } bool ImageManager::file_load_float4_image(Image *img, device_vector& tex_img) { ImageInput *in = NULL; int width, height, depth, components; if(!file_load_image_generic(img, &in, width, height, depth, components)) return false; /* read RGBA pixels */ float *pixels = (float*)tex_img.resize(width, height, depth); if(pixels == NULL) { return false; } bool cmyk = false; if(in) { float *readpixels = pixels; vector tmppixels; if(components > 4) { tmppixels.resize(((size_t)width)*height*components); readpixels = &tmppixels[0]; } if(depth <= 1) { int scanlinesize = width*components*sizeof(float); in->read_image(TypeDesc::FLOAT, (uchar*)readpixels + (height-1)*scanlinesize, AutoStride, -scanlinesize, AutoStride); } else { in->read_image(TypeDesc::FLOAT, (uchar*)readpixels); } if(components > 4) { size_t dimensions = ((size_t)width)*height; for(size_t i = dimensions-1, pixel = 0; pixel < dimensions; pixel++, i--) { pixels[i*4+3] = tmppixels[i*components+3]; pixels[i*4+2] = tmppixels[i*components+2]; pixels[i*4+1] = tmppixels[i*components+1]; pixels[i*4+0] = tmppixels[i*components+0]; } tmppixels.clear(); } cmyk = strcmp(in->format_name(), "jpeg") == 0 && components == 4; in->close(); delete in; } else { builtin_image_float_pixels_cb(img->filename, img->builtin_data, pixels); } size_t num_pixels = ((size_t)width) * height * depth; if(cmyk) { /* CMYK */ for(size_t i = num_pixels-1, pixel = 0; pixel < num_pixels; pixel++, i--) { pixels[i*4+3] = 255; pixels[i*4+2] = (pixels[i*4+2]*pixels[i*4+3])/255; pixels[i*4+1] = (pixels[i*4+1]*pixels[i*4+3])/255; pixels[i*4+0] = (pixels[i*4+0]*pixels[i*4+3])/255; } } else if(components == 2) { /* grayscale + alpha */ for(size_t i = num_pixels-1, pixel = 0; pixel < num_pixels; pixel++, i--) { pixels[i*4+3] = pixels[i*2+1]; pixels[i*4+2] = pixels[i*2+0]; pixels[i*4+1] = pixels[i*2+0]; pixels[i*4+0] = pixels[i*2+0]; } } else if(components == 3) { /* RGB */ for(size_t i = num_pixels-1, pixel = 0; pixel < num_pixels; pixel++, i--) { pixels[i*4+3] = 1.0f; pixels[i*4+2] = pixels[i*3+2]; pixels[i*4+1] = pixels[i*3+1]; pixels[i*4+0] = pixels[i*3+0]; } } else if(components == 1) { /* grayscale */ for(size_t i = num_pixels-1, pixel = 0; pixel < num_pixels; pixel++, i--) { pixels[i*4+3] = 1.0f; pixels[i*4+2] = pixels[i]; pixels[i*4+1] = pixels[i]; pixels[i*4+0] = pixels[i]; } } if(img->use_alpha == false) { for(size_t i = num_pixels-1, pixel = 0; pixel < num_pixels; pixel++, i--) { pixels[i*4+3] = 1.0f; } } return true; } bool ImageManager::file_load_float_image(Image *img, device_vector& tex_img) { ImageInput *in = NULL; int width, height, depth, components; if(!file_load_image_generic(img, &in, width, height, depth, components)) return false; /* read BW pixels */ float *pixels = (float*)tex_img.resize(width, height, depth); if(pixels == NULL) { return false; } if(in) { float *readpixels = pixels; if(depth <= 1) { int scanlinesize = width*components*sizeof(float); in->read_image(TypeDesc::FLOAT, (uchar*)readpixels + (height-1)*scanlinesize, AutoStride, -scanlinesize, AutoStride); } else { in->read_image(TypeDesc::FLOAT, (uchar*)readpixels); } in->close(); delete in; } else { builtin_image_float_pixels_cb(img->filename, img->builtin_data, pixels); } return true; } void ImageManager::device_load_image(Device *device, DeviceScene *dscene, ImageDataType type, int slot, Progress *progress) { if(progress->get_cancel()) return; Image *img = images[type][slot]; if(osl_texture_system && !img->builtin_data) return; string filename = path_filename(images[type][slot]->filename); progress->set_status("Updating Images", "Loading " + filename); /* Slot assignment */ int flat_slot = type_index_to_flattened_slot(slot, type); string name; if(flat_slot >= 100) name = string_printf("__tex_image_%s_%d", name_from_type(type).c_str(), flat_slot); else if(flat_slot >= 10) name = string_printf("__tex_image_%s_0%d", name_from_type(type).c_str(), flat_slot); else name = string_printf("__tex_image_%s_00%d", name_from_type(type).c_str(), flat_slot); if(type == IMAGE_DATA_TYPE_FLOAT4) { device_vector& tex_img = dscene->tex_float4_image[slot]; if(tex_img.device_pointer) { thread_scoped_lock device_lock(device_mutex); device->tex_free(tex_img); } if(!file_load_float4_image(img, tex_img)) { /* on failure to load, we set a 1x1 pixels pink image */ float *pixels = (float*)tex_img.resize(1, 1); pixels[0] = TEX_IMAGE_MISSING_R; pixels[1] = TEX_IMAGE_MISSING_G; pixels[2] = TEX_IMAGE_MISSING_B; pixels[3] = TEX_IMAGE_MISSING_A; } if(!pack_images) { thread_scoped_lock device_lock(device_mutex); device->tex_alloc(name.c_str(), tex_img, img->interpolation, img->extension); } } else if(type == IMAGE_DATA_TYPE_FLOAT) { device_vector& tex_img = dscene->tex_float_image[slot]; if(tex_img.device_pointer) { thread_scoped_lock device_lock(device_mutex); device->tex_free(tex_img); } if(!file_load_float_image(img, tex_img)) { /* on failure to load, we set a 1x1 pixels pink image */ float *pixels = (float*)tex_img.resize(1, 1); pixels[0] = TEX_IMAGE_MISSING_R; } if(!pack_images) { thread_scoped_lock device_lock(device_mutex); device->tex_alloc(name.c_str(), tex_img, img->interpolation, img->extension); } } else if(type == IMAGE_DATA_TYPE_BYTE4){ device_vector& tex_img = dscene->tex_byte4_image[slot]; if(tex_img.device_pointer) { thread_scoped_lock device_lock(device_mutex); device->tex_free(tex_img); } if(!file_load_byte4_image(img, tex_img)) { /* on failure to load, we set a 1x1 pixels pink image */ uchar *pixels = (uchar*)tex_img.resize(1, 1); pixels[0] = (TEX_IMAGE_MISSING_R * 255); pixels[1] = (TEX_IMAGE_MISSING_G * 255); pixels[2] = (TEX_IMAGE_MISSING_B * 255); pixels[3] = (TEX_IMAGE_MISSING_A * 255); } if(!pack_images) { thread_scoped_lock device_lock(device_mutex); device->tex_alloc(name.c_str(), tex_img, img->interpolation, img->extension); } } else { device_vector& tex_img = dscene->tex_byte_image[slot]; if(tex_img.device_pointer) { thread_scoped_lock device_lock(device_mutex); device->tex_free(tex_img); } if(!file_load_byte_image(img, tex_img)) { /* on failure to load, we set a 1x1 pixels pink image */ uchar *pixels = (uchar*)tex_img.resize(1, 1); pixels[0] = (TEX_IMAGE_MISSING_R * 255); } if(!pack_images) { thread_scoped_lock device_lock(device_mutex); device->tex_alloc(name.c_str(), tex_img, img->interpolation, img->extension); } } img->need_load = false; } void ImageManager::device_free_image(Device *device, DeviceScene *dscene, ImageDataType type, int slot) { Image *img = images[type][slot]; if(img) { if(osl_texture_system && !img->builtin_data) { #ifdef WITH_OSL ustring filename(images[type][slot]->filename); ((OSL::TextureSystem*)osl_texture_system)->invalidate(filename); #endif } else if(type == IMAGE_DATA_TYPE_FLOAT4) { device_vector& tex_img = dscene->tex_float4_image[slot]; if(tex_img.device_pointer) { thread_scoped_lock device_lock(device_mutex); device->tex_free(tex_img); } tex_img.clear(); } else if(type == IMAGE_DATA_TYPE_FLOAT) { device_vector& tex_img = dscene->tex_float_image[slot]; if(tex_img.device_pointer) { thread_scoped_lock device_lock(device_mutex); device->tex_free(tex_img); } tex_img.clear(); } else if(type == IMAGE_DATA_TYPE_BYTE4){ device_vector& tex_img = dscene->tex_byte4_image[slot]; if(tex_img.device_pointer) { thread_scoped_lock device_lock(device_mutex); device->tex_free(tex_img); } tex_img.clear(); } else { device_vector& tex_img = dscene->tex_byte_image[slot]; if(tex_img.device_pointer) { thread_scoped_lock device_lock(device_mutex); device->tex_free(tex_img); } tex_img.clear(); } delete images[type][slot]; images[type][slot] = NULL; } } void ImageManager::device_update(Device *device, DeviceScene *dscene, Progress& progress) { if(!need_update) return; TaskPool pool; for(int type = 0; type < IMAGE_DATA_NUM_TYPES; type++) { for(size_t slot = 0; slot < images[type].size(); slot++) { if(!images[type][slot]) continue; if(images[type][slot]->users == 0) { device_free_image(device, dscene, (ImageDataType)type, slot); } else if(images[type][slot]->need_load) { if(!osl_texture_system || images[type][slot]->builtin_data) pool.push(function_bind(&ImageManager::device_load_image, this, device, dscene, (ImageDataType)type, slot, &progress)); } } } pool.wait_work(); if(pack_images) device_pack_images(device, dscene, progress); need_update = false; } void ImageManager::device_update_slot(Device *device, DeviceScene *dscene, int flat_slot, Progress *progress) { ImageDataType type; int slot = flattened_slot_to_type_index(flat_slot, &type); Image *image = images[type][slot]; assert(image != NULL); if(image->users == 0) { device_free_image(device, dscene, type, slot); } else if(image->need_load) { if(!osl_texture_system || image->builtin_data) device_load_image(device, dscene, type, slot, progress); } } void ImageManager::device_pack_images(Device *device, DeviceScene *dscene, Progress& /*progess*/) { /* For OpenCL, we pack all image textures into a single large texture, and * do our own interpolation in the kernel. */ size_t size = 0, offset = 0; ImageDataType type; int info_size = tex_num_images[IMAGE_DATA_TYPE_FLOAT4] + tex_num_images[IMAGE_DATA_TYPE_BYTE4]; uint4 *info = dscene->tex_image_packed_info.resize(info_size); /* Byte Textures*/ type = IMAGE_DATA_TYPE_BYTE4; for(size_t slot = 0; slot < images[type].size(); slot++) { if(!images[type][slot]) continue; device_vector& tex_img = dscene->tex_byte4_image[slot]; size += tex_img.size(); } uchar4 *pixels_byte = dscene->tex_image_byte4_packed.resize(size); for(size_t slot = 0; slot < images[type].size(); slot++) { if(!images[type][slot]) continue; device_vector& tex_img = dscene->tex_byte4_image[slot]; /* The image options are packed bit 0 -> periodic bit 1 + 2 -> interpolation type */ uint8_t interpolation = (images[type][slot]->interpolation << 1) + 1; info[type_index_to_flattened_slot(slot, type)] = make_uint4(tex_img.data_width, tex_img.data_height, offset, interpolation); memcpy(pixels_byte+offset, (void*)tex_img.data_pointer, tex_img.memory_size()); offset += tex_img.size(); } /* Float Textures*/ type = IMAGE_DATA_TYPE_FLOAT4; size = 0, offset = 0; for(size_t slot = 0; slot < images[type].size(); slot++) { if(!images[type][slot]) continue; device_vector& tex_img = dscene->tex_float4_image[slot]; size += tex_img.size(); } float4 *pixels_float = dscene->tex_image_float4_packed.resize(size); for(size_t slot = 0; slot < images[type].size(); slot++) { if(!images[type][slot]) continue; device_vector& tex_img = dscene->tex_float4_image[slot]; /* todo: support 3D textures, only CPU for now */ /* The image options are packed bit 0 -> periodic bit 1 + 2 -> interpolation type */ uint8_t interpolation = (images[type][slot]->interpolation << 1) + 1; info[type_index_to_flattened_slot(slot, type)] = make_uint4(tex_img.data_width, tex_img.data_height, offset, interpolation); memcpy(pixels_float+offset, (void*)tex_img.data_pointer, tex_img.memory_size()); offset += tex_img.size(); } if(dscene->tex_image_byte4_packed.size()) { if(dscene->tex_image_byte4_packed.device_pointer) { thread_scoped_lock device_lock(device_mutex); device->tex_free(dscene->tex_image_byte4_packed); } device->tex_alloc("__tex_image_byte4_packed", dscene->tex_image_byte4_packed); } if(dscene->tex_image_float4_packed.size()) { if(dscene->tex_image_float4_packed.device_pointer) { thread_scoped_lock device_lock(device_mutex); device->tex_free(dscene->tex_image_float4_packed); } device->tex_alloc("__tex_image_float4_packed", dscene->tex_image_float4_packed); } if(dscene->tex_image_packed_info.size()) { if(dscene->tex_image_packed_info.device_pointer) { thread_scoped_lock device_lock(device_mutex); device->tex_free(dscene->tex_image_packed_info); } device->tex_alloc("__tex_image_packed_info", dscene->tex_image_packed_info); } } void ImageManager::device_free_builtin(Device *device, DeviceScene *dscene) { for(int type = 0; type < IMAGE_DATA_NUM_TYPES; type++) { for(size_t slot = 0; slot < images[type].size(); slot++) { if(images[type][slot] && images[type][slot]->builtin_data) device_free_image(device, dscene, (ImageDataType)type, slot); } } } void ImageManager::device_free(Device *device, DeviceScene *dscene) { for(int type = 0; type < IMAGE_DATA_NUM_TYPES; type++) { for(size_t slot = 0; slot < images[type].size(); slot++) { device_free_image(device, dscene, (ImageDataType)type, slot); } images[type].clear(); } device->tex_free(dscene->tex_image_byte4_packed); device->tex_free(dscene->tex_image_float4_packed); device->tex_free(dscene->tex_image_packed_info); dscene->tex_image_byte4_packed.clear(); dscene->tex_image_float4_packed.clear(); dscene->tex_image_packed_info.clear(); } CCL_NAMESPACE_END