# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2022-2023 Blender Authors # # SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later # ./blender.bin --background --python tests/python/bl_pyapi_bpy_driver_secure_eval.py -- --verbose import bpy import unittest import builtins # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Mock Environment expect_unreachable_msg = "This function should _NEVER_ run!" # Internal check, to ensure this actually runs as expected. expect_unreachable_count = 0 def expect_os_unreachable(): global expect_unreachable_count expect_unreachable_count += 1 raise Exception(expect_unreachable_msg) __import__("os").expect_os_unreachable = expect_os_unreachable expect_open_unreachable_count = 0 def open_expect_unreachable(*args, **kwargs): global expect_open_unreachable_count expect_open_unreachable_count += 1 raise Exception(expect_unreachable_msg) mock_builtins = {**builtins.__dict__, **{"open": open_expect_unreachable}} # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Utility Functions def is_expression_secure(expr_str, verbose): """ Return (ok, code) where ok is true if expr_str is considered secure. """ # Internal function only for testing (not part of the public API). from _bpy import _driver_secure_code_test expr_code = compile(expr_str, "", 'eval') ok = _driver_secure_code_test(expr_code, verbose=verbose) return ok, expr_code # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Tests (Accept) class _TestExprMixIn: """ Sub-classes must define: - expressions_expect_secure: boolean, the expected secure state. - expressions: A sequence of expressions that must evaluate in the driver name-space. Optionally: - expressions_expect_unreachable: A boolean, when true, it's expected each expression should call ``expect_os_unreachable`` or ``expect_open_unreachable``. """ # Sub-class may override. expressions_expect_unreachable = False def assertSecure(self, expect_secure, expr_str): is_secure, expr_code = is_expression_secure( expr_str, # Only verbose when secure as this is will result in an failure, # in that case it's useful to know which op-codes caused the test to unexpectedly fail. verbose=expect_secure, ) if is_secure != expect_secure: raise self.failureException( "Expression \"%s\" was expected to be %s" % (expr_str, "secure" if expect_secure else "insecure")) # NOTE: executing is not essential, it's just better to ensure the expressions make sense. try: exec( expr_code, {"__builtins__": mock_builtins}, {**bpy.app.driver_namespace, **{"__builtins__": mock_builtins}}, ) # exec(expr_code, {}, bpy.app.driver_namespace) ex = None except BaseException as ex_test: ex = ex_test if self.expressions_expect_unreachable: if ex and ex.args == (expect_unreachable_msg,): ex = None elif not ex: raise self.failureException("Expression \"%s\" failed to run `os.expect_os_unreachable`" % (expr_str,)) else: # An unknown exception was raised, use the exception below. pass if ex: raise self.failureException("Expression \"%s\" failed to evaluate with error: %r" % (expr_str, ex)) def test_expr(self): expect_secure = self.expressions_expect_secure for expr_str in self.expressions: self.assertSecure(expect_secure, expr_str) class TestExprMixIn_Accept(_TestExprMixIn): expressions_expect_secure = True class TestExprMixIn_Reject(_TestExprMixIn): expressions_expect_secure = False class TestAcceptLiteralNumbers(unittest.TestCase, TestExprMixIn_Accept): expressions = ("1", "1_1", "1.1", "1j", "0x1", "0o1", "0b1") class TestAcceptLiteralStrings(unittest.TestCase, TestExprMixIn_Accept): expressions = ("''", "'_'", "r''", "r'_'", "'''_'''") class TestAcceptSequencesEmpty(unittest.TestCase, TestExprMixIn_Accept): expressions = ("()", "[]", "{}", "[[]]", "(())") class TestAcceptSequencesSimple(unittest.TestCase, TestExprMixIn_Accept): expressions = ("('', '')", "['', '_']", "{'', '_'}", "{'': '_'}") class TestAcceptSequencesExpand(unittest.TestCase, TestExprMixIn_Accept): expressions = ("(*('', '_'),)", "[*(), *[]]", "{*{1, 2}}") class TestAcceptSequencesComplex(unittest.TestCase, TestExprMixIn_Accept): expressions = ("[1, 2, 3][-1:0:-1][0]", "1 in (1, 2)", "False if 1 in {1, 2} else True") class TestAcceptMathOperators(unittest.TestCase, TestExprMixIn_Accept): expressions = ("4 / 4", "4 * 4", "4 // 4", "2 ** 2", "4 ^ -1", "4 & 1", "4 % 1") class TestAcceptMathFunctionsSimple(unittest.TestCase, TestExprMixIn_Accept): expressions = ("sin(pi)", "degrees(pi / 2)", "clamp(4, 0, 1)") class TestAcceptMathFunctionsComplex(unittest.TestCase, TestExprMixIn_Accept): expressions = ("-(sin(pi) ** 2) / 2", "floor(22 / 7)", "ceil(pi + 1)") # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Tests (Reject) class TestRejectLiteralFStrings(unittest.TestCase, TestExprMixIn_Reject): # F-String's are not supported as `BUILD_STRING` op-code is disabled, # while it may be safe to enable that needs to be double-checked. # Further it doesn't seem useful for typical math expressions used in drivers. expressions = ("f''", "f'{1}'", "f'{\"_\"}'") class TestRejectModuleAccess(unittest.TestCase, TestExprMixIn_Reject): # Each of these commands _must_ run `expect_os_unreachable`, # and must also be rejected as insecure - otherwise we have problems. expressions_expect_unreachable = True expressions = ( "__import__('os').expect_os_unreachable()", "exec(\"__import__('os').expect_os_unreachable()\")", "(globals().update(__import__('os').__dict__), expect_os_unreachable())", "__builtins__['getattr'](__builtins__['__import__']('os'), 'expect_os_unreachable')()", ) # Ensure the functions are actually called. def setUp(self): self._count = expect_unreachable_count def tearDown(self): count_actual = expect_unreachable_count - self._count count_expect = len(self.expressions) if count_actual != count_expect: raise Exception( "Expected 'os.expect_os_unreachable' to be called %d times but was called %d times" % (count_expect, count_actual), ) class TestRejectOpenAccess(unittest.TestCase, TestExprMixIn_Reject): # Each of these commands _must_ run `expect_open_unreachable`, # and must also be rejected as insecure - otherwise we have problems. expressions_expect_unreachable = True expressions = ( "open('file.txt', 'r')", "exec(\"open('file.txt', 'r')\")", "(globals().update({'fake_open': __builtins__['open']}), fake_open())", ) # Ensure the functions are actually called. def setUp(self): self._count = expect_open_unreachable_count def tearDown(self): count_actual = expect_open_unreachable_count - self._count count_expect = len(self.expressions) if count_actual != count_expect: raise Exception( "Expected 'open' to be called %d times but was called %d times" % (count_expect, count_actual), ) if __name__ == '__main__': import sys sys.argv = [__file__] + (sys.argv[sys.argv.index("--") + 1:] if "--" in sys.argv else []) unittest.main()