/* SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2011-2022 Blender Foundation * * SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 */ #pragma once #include "kernel/types.h" CCL_NAMESPACE_BEGIN struct GuidingParams { /* The subset of path guiding parameters that can trigger a creation/rebuild * of the guiding field. */ bool use = false; bool use_surface_guiding = false; bool use_volume_guiding = false; GuidingDistributionType type = GUIDING_TYPE_PARALLAX_AWARE_VMM; GuidingDirectionalSamplingType sampling_type = GUIDING_DIRECTIONAL_SAMPLING_TYPE_PRODUCT_MIS; float roughness_threshold = 0.05f; int training_samples = 128; bool deterministic = false; GuidingParams() = default; bool modified(const GuidingParams &other) const { return !((use == other.use) && (use_surface_guiding == other.use_surface_guiding) && (use_volume_guiding == other.use_volume_guiding) && (type == other.type) && (sampling_type == other.sampling_type) && (training_samples == other.training_samples) && (roughness_threshold == other.roughness_threshold) && (deterministic == other.deterministic)); } }; CCL_NAMESPACE_END