#!BPY """ Name: 'Save Mesh RVKs as MDD' Blender: 242 Group: 'Animation' Tooltip: 'baked vertex animation fromo selected model.' """ __author__ = "Bill L.Nieuwendorp" __bpydoc__ = """\ This script Exports Lightwaves MotionDesigner format. The .mdd format has become quite a popular Pipeline format
for moving animations from package to package. """ # mdd export # # # # Warning if the vertex order or vertex count differs from frame to frame # The script will fail because the resulting file would be an invalid mdd file. # # mdd files should only be applied to the the origonating model with the origonal vert order # #Please send any fixes,updates,bugs to Slow67_at_Gmail.com #Bill Niewuendorp import Blender from Blender import * import BPyMessages try: from struct import pack except: pack = None def mdd_export(filepath, ob, PREF_STARTFRAME, PREF_ENDFRAME, PREF_FPS): Window.EditMode(0) Blender.Window.WaitCursor(1) mesh_orig = ob.getData(mesh=1) #Flip y and z matrix mat_flip= Mathutils.Matrix(\ [1,0,0,0],\ [0,0,1,0],\ [0,-1,0,0],\ [0,0,0,1],\ ) me_tmp = Mesh.New() # container mesh numverts = len(mesh_orig.verts) numframes = PREF_ENDFRAME-PREF_STARTFRAME+1 PREF_FPS= float(PREF_FPS) f = open(filepath, 'wb') #no Errors yet:Safe to create file # Write the header f.write(pack(">2i", numframes-1, numverts)) # Write the frame times (should we use the time IPO??) f.write( pack(">%df" % (numframes-1), *[frame/PREF_FPS for frame in xrange(numframes-1)]) ) # seconds Blender.Set('curframe', PREF_STARTFRAME) for frame in xrange(numframes+1): Blender.Set('curframe', frame) # Blender.Window.RedrawAll() # not needed me_tmp.getFromObject(ob.name) if len(me_tmp.verts) != numverts: Blender.Draw.PupMenu('Error%t|Number of verts has changed during animation|cannot export') Blender.Window.WaitCursor(0) f.close() # should we zero? return me_tmp.transform(ob.matrixWorld * mat_flip) # Write the vertex data f.write(pack(">%df" % (numverts*3), *[axis for v in me_tmp.verts for axis in v.co])) me_tmp.verts= None f.close() print'MDD Exported: %s frames:%d\n'% (filepath, numframes-1) Blender.Window.WaitCursor(0) def mdd_export_ui(filepath): # Dont overwrite if not BPyMessages.Warning_SaveOver(filepath): return scn= Scene.GetCurrent() ob_act= scn.objects.active if not ob_act or ob_act.type != 'Mesh': BPyMessages.Error_NoMeshActive() ctx = scn.getRenderingContext() orig_frame = Blender.Get('curframe') PREF_STARTFRAME= Blender.Draw.Create(ctx.startFrame()) PREF_ENDFRAME= Blender.Draw.Create(ctx.endFrame()) PREF_FPS= Blender.Draw.Create(ctx.fps) block = [\ ("Start Frame: ", PREF_STARTFRAME, 1, 30000, "Start Bake from what frame?: Default 1"),\ ("End Frame: ", PREF_ENDFRAME, 1, 30000, "End Bake on what Frame?"),\ ("FPS: ", PREF_FPS, 1, 100, "Frames per second")\ ] PREF_STARTFRAME, PREF_ENDFRAME=\ min(PREF_STARTFRAME.val, PREF_ENDFRAME.val),\ max(PREF_STARTFRAME.val, PREF_ENDFRAME.val) if not Blender.Draw.PupBlock("Export MDD", block): return print (filepath, ob_act, PREF_STARTFRAME, PREF_ENDFRAME, PREF_FPS.val) mdd_export(filepath, ob_act, PREF_STARTFRAME, PREF_ENDFRAME, PREF_FPS.val) Blender.Set('curframe', orig_frame) if __name__=='__main__': if not pack: Draw.PupMenu('Error%t|This script requires a full python install') Blender.Window.FileSelector(mdd_export_ui, 'EXPORT MDD', sys.makename(ext='.mdd'))