@echo off REM This batch file does an out-of-source CMake build in ../build_windows REM This is for users who like to configure & build Blender with a single command. setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion setlocal ENABLEEXTENSIONS set BLENDER_DIR=%~dp0 call "%BLENDER_DIR%\build_files\windows\reset_variables.cmd" call "%BLENDER_DIR%\build_files\windows\check_spaces_in_path.cmd" if errorlevel 1 goto EOF call "%BLENDER_DIR%\build_files\windows\parse_arguments.cmd" %* if errorlevel 1 goto EOF call "%BLENDER_DIR%\build_files\windows\find_dependencies.cmd" if errorlevel 1 goto EOF REM if it is one of the convenience targets and BLENDER_BIN is set REM skip compiler detection if "%ICONS%%ICONS_GEOM%%DOC_PY%" == "1" ( if EXIST "%BLENDER_BIN%" ( goto convenience_targets ) ) if "%BUILD_SHOW_HASHES%" == "1" ( call "%BLENDER_DIR%\build_files\windows\show_hashes.cmd" goto EOF ) if "%SHOW_HELP%" == "1" ( call "%BLENDER_DIR%\build_files\windows\show_help.cmd" goto EOF ) if "%FORMAT%" == "1" ( call "%BLENDER_DIR%\build_files\windows\format.cmd" goto EOF ) call "%BLENDER_DIR%\build_files\windows\detect_architecture.cmd" if errorlevel 1 goto EOF if "%BUILD_VS_YEAR%" == "" ( call "%BLENDER_DIR%\build_files\windows\autodetect_msvc.cmd" if errorlevel 1 ( echo Visual Studio not found ^(try with the 'verbose' switch for more information^) goto EOF ) ) else ( call "%BLENDER_DIR%\build_files\windows\detect_msvc%BUILD_VS_YEAR%.cmd" if errorlevel 1 ( echo Visual Studio %BUILD_VS_YEAR% not found ^(try with the 'verbose' switch for more information^) goto EOF ) ) if "%SVN_FIX%" == "1" ( call "%BLENDER_DIR%\build_files\windows\svn_fix.cmd" goto EOF ) if "%BUILD_UPDATE%" == "1" ( REM First see if the SVN libs are there and check them out if they are not. call "%BLENDER_DIR%\build_files\windows\check_libraries.cmd" if errorlevel 1 goto EOF if "%BUILD_UPDATE_SVN%" == "1" ( REM Then update SVN platform libraries, since updating python while python is REM running tends to be problematic. The python script that update_sources REM calls later on may still try to switch branches and run into trouble, REM but for *most* people this will side step the problem. call "%BLENDER_DIR%\build_files\windows\svn_update.cmd" ) REM Finally call the python script shared between all platforms that updates git REM and does any other SVN work like update the tests or branch switches REM if required. call "%BLENDER_DIR%\build_files\windows\update_sources.cmd" goto EOF ) call "%BLENDER_DIR%\build_files\windows\set_build_dir.cmd" :convenience_targets if "%ICONS%" == "1" ( call "%BLENDER_DIR%\build_files\windows\icons.cmd" goto EOF ) if "%ICONS_GEOM%" == "1" ( call "%BLENDER_DIR%\build_files\windows\icons_geom.cmd" goto EOF ) if "%DOC_PY%" == "1" ( call "%BLENDER_DIR%\build_files\windows\doc_py.cmd" goto EOF ) if "%CMAKE%" == "" ( echo Cmake not found in path, required for building, exiting... exit /b 1 ) echo Building blender with VS%BUILD_VS_YEAR% for %BUILD_ARCH% in %BUILD_DIR% call "%BLENDER_DIR%\build_files\windows\check_libraries.cmd" if errorlevel 1 goto EOF if "%TEST%" == "1" ( call "%BLENDER_DIR%\build_files\windows\test.cmd" goto EOF ) if "%BUILD_WITH_NINJA%" == "" ( call "%BLENDER_DIR%\build_files\windows\configure_msbuild.cmd" if errorlevel 1 goto EOF call "%BLENDER_DIR%\build_files\windows\build_msbuild.cmd" if errorlevel 1 goto EOF ) else ( call "%BLENDER_DIR%\build_files\windows\configure_ninja.cmd" if errorlevel 1 goto EOF call "%BLENDER_DIR%\build_files\windows\build_ninja.cmd" if errorlevel 1 goto EOF ) :EOF