#!/usr/bin/env python3 # SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2010-2023 Blender Authors # # SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later """ Module for accessing project file data for Blender. Before use, call init(cmake_build_dir). """ # TODO: Use CMAKE_EXPORT_COMPILE_COMMANDS (compile_commands.json) # Instead of Eclipse project format. __all__ = ( "SIMPLE_PROJECTFILE", "SOURCE_DIR", "CMAKE_DIR", "PROJECT_DIR", "source_list", "is_project_file", "is_c_header", "is_py", "cmake_advanced_info", "cmake_compiler_defines", "project_name_get", "init", ) from typing import ( Callable, Generator, List, Optional, Union, Tuple, ) import sys if sys.version_info.major < 3: print("\nPython3.x needed, found %s.\nAborting!\n" % sys.version.partition(" ")[0]) sys.exit(1) import subprocess import os from os.path import ( abspath, dirname, exists, join, normpath, splitext, ) SOURCE_DIR = join(dirname(__file__), "..", "..") SOURCE_DIR = normpath(SOURCE_DIR) SOURCE_DIR = abspath(SOURCE_DIR) SIMPLE_PROJECTFILE = False # must initialize from 'init' CMAKE_DIR = "" PROJECT_DIR = "" def init(cmake_path: str) -> bool: global CMAKE_DIR, PROJECT_DIR # get cmake path cmake_path = cmake_path or "" if (not cmake_path) or (not exists(join(cmake_path, "CMakeCache.txt"))): cmake_path = os.getcwd() if not exists(join(cmake_path, "CMakeCache.txt")): print("CMakeCache.txt not found in %r or %r\n" " Pass CMake build dir as an argument, or run from that dir, aborting" % (cmake_path, os.getcwd())) return False PROJECT_DIR = CMAKE_DIR = cmake_path return True def source_list( path: str, filename_check: Optional[Callable[[str], bool]] = None, ) -> Generator[str, None, None]: for dirpath, dirnames, filenames in os.walk(path): # skip '.git' dirnames[:] = [d for d in dirnames if not d.startswith(".")] for filename in filenames: filepath = join(dirpath, filename) if filename_check is None or filename_check(filepath): yield filepath # extension checking def is_cmake(filename: str) -> bool: ext = splitext(filename)[1] return (ext == ".cmake") or (filename.endswith("CMakeLists.txt")) def is_c_header(filename: str) -> bool: ext = splitext(filename)[1] return (ext in {".h", ".hpp", ".hxx", ".hh"}) def is_py(filename: str) -> bool: ext = splitext(filename)[1] return (ext == ".py") def is_glsl(filename: str) -> bool: ext = splitext(filename)[1] return (ext == ".glsl") def is_c(filename: str) -> bool: ext = splitext(filename)[1] return (ext in {".c", ".cpp", ".cxx", ".m", ".mm", ".rc", ".cc", ".inl", ".osl"}) def is_c_any(filename: str) -> bool: return is_c(filename) or is_c_header(filename) def is_svn_file(filename: str) -> bool: dn, fn = os.path.split(filename) filename_svn = join(dn, ".svn", "text-base", "%s.svn-base" % fn) return exists(filename_svn) def is_project_file(filename: str) -> bool: return (is_c_any(filename) or is_cmake(filename) or is_glsl(filename)) # and is_svn_file(filename) def cmake_advanced_info() -> Union[Tuple[List[str], List[Tuple[str, str]]], Tuple[None, None]]: """ Extract includes and defines from cmake. """ make_exe = cmake_cache_var("CMAKE_MAKE_PROGRAM") if make_exe is None: print("Make command not found: CMAKE_MAKE_PROGRAM") return None, None make_exe_basename = os.path.basename(make_exe) def create_eclipse_project() -> str: print("CMAKE_DIR %r" % CMAKE_DIR) if sys.platform == "win32": raise Exception("Error: win32 is not supported") else: if make_exe_basename.startswith(("make", "gmake")): cmd = ("cmake", CMAKE_DIR, "-GEclipse CDT4 - Unix Makefiles") elif make_exe_basename.startswith("ninja"): cmd = ("cmake", CMAKE_DIR, "-GEclipse CDT4 - Ninja") else: raise Exception("Unknown make program %r" % make_exe) subprocess.check_call(cmd) return join(CMAKE_DIR, ".cproject") includes = [] defines = [] project_path = create_eclipse_project() if not exists(project_path): print("Generating Eclipse Project File Failed: %r not found" % project_path) return None, None from xml.dom.minidom import parse tree = parse(project_path) # to check on nicer xml # f = open(".cproject_pretty", 'w') # f.write(tree.toprettyxml(indent=" ", newl="")) ELEMENT_NODE = tree.ELEMENT_NODE cproject, = tree.getElementsByTagName("cproject") for storage in cproject.childNodes: if storage.nodeType != ELEMENT_NODE: continue if storage.attributes["moduleId"].value == "org.eclipse.cdt.core.settings": cconfig = storage.getElementsByTagName("cconfiguration")[0] for substorage in cconfig.childNodes: if substorage.nodeType != ELEMENT_NODE: continue moduleId = substorage.attributes["moduleId"].value # org.eclipse.cdt.core.settings # org.eclipse.cdt.core.language.mapping # org.eclipse.cdt.core.externalSettings # org.eclipse.cdt.core.pathentry # org.eclipse.cdt.make.core.buildtargets if moduleId == "org.eclipse.cdt.core.pathentry": for path in substorage.childNodes: if path.nodeType != ELEMENT_NODE: continue kind = path.attributes["kind"].value if kind == "mac": # defines.append((path.attributes["name"].value, path.attributes["value"].value)) elif kind == "inc": # includes.append(path.attributes["include"].value) else: pass return includes, defines def cmake_cache_var(var: str) -> Optional[str]: with open(os.path.join(CMAKE_DIR, "CMakeCache.txt"), encoding='utf-8') as cache_file: lines = [ l_strip for l in cache_file if (l_strip := l.strip()) if not l_strip.startswith(("//", "#")) ] for l in lines: if l.split(":")[0] == var: return l.split("=", 1)[-1] return None def cmake_compiler_defines() -> Optional[List[str]]: compiler = cmake_cache_var("CMAKE_C_COMPILER") # could do CXX too if compiler is None: print("Couldn't find the compiler, os defines will be omitted...") return None import tempfile temp_c = tempfile.mkstemp(suffix=".c")[1] temp_def = tempfile.mkstemp(suffix=".def")[1] os.system("%s -dM -E %s > %s" % (compiler, temp_c, temp_def)) temp_def_file = open(temp_def) lines = [l.strip() for l in temp_def_file if l.strip()] temp_def_file.close() os.remove(temp_c) os.remove(temp_def) return lines def project_name_get() -> Optional[str]: return cmake_cache_var("CMAKE_PROJECT_NAME")