Campbell Barton cdec2b3d15 BGE Python API
Use 'const char *' rather then the C++ 'STR_String' type for the attribute identifier of python attributes.

Each attribute and method access from python was allocating and freeing the string.
A simple test with getting an attribute a loop shows this speeds up attribute lookups a bit over 2x.
2009-02-19 13:42:07 +00:00

868 lines
23 KiB

* $Id$
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
* as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
* of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
* Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
* The Original Code is Copyright (C) 2001-2002 by NaN Holding BV.
* All rights reserved.
* The Original Code is: all of this file.
* Contributor(s): none yet.
* Camera in the gameengine. Cameras are also used for views.
#include "KX_Camera.h"
#include "KX_Scene.h"
#include "KX_PythonInit.h"
#include "KX_Python.h"
#include "KX_PyMath.h"
#include <config.h>
KX_Camera::KX_Camera(void* sgReplicationInfo,
SG_Callbacks callbacks,
const RAS_CameraData& camdata,
bool frustum_culling,
PyTypeObject *T)
m_frustum_culling(frustum_culling && camdata.m_perspective),
// setting a name would be nice...
m_name = "cam";
CValue* val = new CIntValue(1);
CValue* KX_Camera::GetReplica()
KX_Camera* replica = new KX_Camera(*this);
// this will copy properties and so on...
return replica;
void KX_Camera::ProcessReplica(KX_Camera* replica)
MT_Transform KX_Camera::GetWorldToCamera() const
MT_Transform camtrans;
camtrans.invert(MT_Transform(NodeGetWorldPosition(), NodeGetWorldOrientation()));
return camtrans;
MT_Transform KX_Camera::GetCameraToWorld() const
return MT_Transform(NodeGetWorldPosition(), NodeGetWorldOrientation());
void KX_Camera::CorrectLookUp(MT_Scalar speed)
const MT_Point3 KX_Camera::GetCameraLocation() const
/* this is the camera locatio in cam coords... */
//return m_trans1.getOrigin();
//return MT_Point3(0,0,0); <-----
/* .... I want it in world coords */
//MT_Transform trans;
return NodeGetWorldPosition();
/* I want the camera orientation as well. */
const MT_Quaternion KX_Camera::GetCameraOrientation() const
return NodeGetWorldOrientation().getRotation();
* Sets the projection matrix that is used by the rasterizer.
void KX_Camera::SetProjectionMatrix(const MT_Matrix4x4 & mat)
m_projection_matrix = mat;
m_dirty = true;
m_set_projection_matrix = true;
m_set_frustum_center = false;
* Sets the modelview matrix that is used by the rasterizer.
void KX_Camera::SetModelviewMatrix(const MT_Matrix4x4 & mat)
m_modelview_matrix = mat;
m_dirty = true;
m_set_frustum_center = false;
* Gets the projection matrix that is used by the rasterizer.
const MT_Matrix4x4& KX_Camera::GetProjectionMatrix() const
return m_projection_matrix;
* Gets the modelview matrix that is used by the rasterizer.
const MT_Matrix4x4& KX_Camera::GetModelviewMatrix() const
return m_modelview_matrix;
bool KX_Camera::hasValidProjectionMatrix() const
return m_set_projection_matrix;
void KX_Camera::InvalidateProjectionMatrix(bool valid)
m_set_projection_matrix = valid;
* These getters retrieve the clip data and the focal length
float KX_Camera::GetLens() const
return m_camdata.m_lens;
float KX_Camera::GetCameraNear() const
return m_camdata.m_clipstart;
float KX_Camera::GetCameraFar() const
return m_camdata.m_clipend;
float KX_Camera::GetFocalLength() const
return m_camdata.m_focallength;
RAS_CameraData* KX_Camera::GetCameraData()
return &m_camdata;
void KX_Camera::ExtractClipPlanes()
if (!m_dirty)
MT_Matrix4x4 m = m_projection_matrix * m_modelview_matrix;
// Left clip plane
m_planes[0] = m[3] + m[0];
// Right clip plane
m_planes[1] = m[3] - m[0];
// Top clip plane
m_planes[2] = m[3] - m[1];
// Bottom clip plane
m_planes[3] = m[3] + m[1];
// Near clip plane
m_planes[4] = m[3] + m[2];
// Far clip plane
m_planes[5] = m[3] - m[2];
m_dirty = false;
m_normalized = false;
void KX_Camera::NormalizeClipPlanes()
if (m_normalized)
for (unsigned int p = 0; p < 6; p++)
MT_Scalar factor = sqrt(m_planes[p][0]*m_planes[p][0] + m_planes[p][1]*m_planes[p][1] + m_planes[p][2]*m_planes[p][2]);
if (!MT_fuzzyZero(factor))
m_planes[p] /= factor;
m_normalized = true;
void KX_Camera::ExtractFrustumSphere()
if (m_set_frustum_center)
// compute sphere for the general case and not only symmetric frustum:
// the mirror code in ImageRender can use very asymmetric frustum.
// We will put the sphere center on the line that goes from origin to the center of the far clipping plane
// This is the optimal position if the frustum is symmetric or very asymmetric and probably close
// to optimal for the general case. The sphere center position is computed so that the distance to
// the near and far extreme frustum points are equal.
// get the transformation matrix from device coordinate to camera coordinate
MT_Matrix4x4 clip_camcs_matrix = m_projection_matrix;
// detect which of the corner of the far clipping plane is the farthest to the origin
MT_Vector4 nfar; // far point in device normalized coordinate
MT_Point3 farpoint; // most extreme far point in camera coordinate
MT_Point3 nearpoint;// most extreme near point in camera coordinate
MT_Point3 farcenter(0.,0.,0.);// center of far cliping plane in camera coordinate
MT_Scalar F=1.0, N; // square distance of far and near point to origin
MT_Scalar f, n; // distance of far and near point to z axis. f is always > 0 but n can be < 0
MT_Scalar e, s; // far and near clipping distance (<0)
MT_Scalar c; // slope of center line = distance of far clipping center to z axis / far clipping distance
MT_Scalar z; // projection of sphere center on z axis (<0)
// tmp value
MT_Vector4 npoint(1., 1., 1., 1.);
MT_Vector4 hpoint;
MT_Point3 point;
MT_Scalar len;
for (int i=0; i<4; i++)
hpoint = clip_camcs_matrix*npoint;
point.setValue(hpoint[0]/hpoint[3], hpoint[1]/hpoint[3], hpoint[2]/hpoint[3]);
len =;
if (len > F)
nfar = npoint;
farpoint = point;
F = len;
// rotate by 90 degree along the z axis to walk through the 4 extreme points of the far clipping plane
len = npoint[0];
npoint[0] = -npoint[1];
npoint[1] = len;
farcenter += point;
// the far center is the average of the far clipping points
farcenter *= 0.25;
// the extreme near point is the opposite point on the near clipping plane
nfar.setValue(-nfar[0], -nfar[1], -1., 1.);
nfar = clip_camcs_matrix*nfar;
nearpoint.setValue(nfar[0]/nfar[3], nfar[1]/nfar[3], nfar[2]/nfar[3]);
N =;
e = farpoint[2];
s = nearpoint[2];
// projection on XY plane for distance to axis computation
MT_Point2 farxy(farpoint[0], farpoint[1]);
// f is forced positive by construction
f = farxy.length();
// get corresponding point on the near plane
farxy *= s/e;
// this formula preserve the sign of n
n = f*s/e - MT_Point2(nearpoint[0]-farxy[0], nearpoint[1]-farxy[1]).length();
c = MT_Point2(farcenter[0], farcenter[1]).length()/e;
// the big formula, it simplifies to (F-N)/(2(e-s)) for the symmetric case
z = (F-N)/(2.0*(e-s+c*(f-n)));
m_frustum_center = MT_Point3(farcenter[0]*z/e, farcenter[1]*z/e, z);
m_frustum_radius = m_frustum_center.distance(farpoint);
#if 0
// The most extreme points on the near and far plane. (normalized device coords)
MT_Vector4 hnear(1., 1., 0., 1.), hfar(1., 1., 1., 1.);
// Transform to hom camera local space
hnear = clip_camcs_matrix*hnear;
hfar = clip_camcs_matrix*hfar;
// Tranform to 3d camera local space.
MT_Point3 nearpoint(hnear[0]/hnear[3], hnear[1]/hnear[3], hnear[2]/hnear[3]);
MT_Point3 farpoint(hfar[0]/hfar[3], hfar[1]/hfar[3], hfar[2]/hfar[3]);
// Compute center
// don't use camera data in case the user specifies the matrix directly
m_frustum_center = MT_Point3(0., 0.,
( -*(nearpoint[2]-farpoint[2] /*m_camdata.m_clipend - m_camdata.m_clipstart*/)));
m_frustum_radius = m_frustum_center.distance(farpoint);
// Transform to world space.
m_frustum_center = GetCameraToWorld()(m_frustum_center);
m_frustum_radius /= fabs(NodeGetWorldScaling()[NodeGetWorldScaling().closestAxis()]);
m_set_frustum_center = true;
bool KX_Camera::PointInsideFrustum(const MT_Point3& x)
for( unsigned int i = 0; i < 6 ; i++ )
if (m_planes[i][0]*x[0] + m_planes[i][1]*x[1] + m_planes[i][2]*x[2] + m_planes[i][3] < 0.)
return false;
return true;
int KX_Camera::BoxInsideFrustum(const MT_Point3 *box)
unsigned int insideCount = 0;
// 6 view frustum planes
for( unsigned int p = 0; p < 6 ; p++ )
unsigned int behindCount = 0;
// 8 box verticies.
for (unsigned int v = 0; v < 8 ; v++)
if (m_planes[p][0]*box[v][0] + m_planes[p][1]*box[v][1] + m_planes[p][2]*box[v][2] + m_planes[p][3] < 0.)
// 8 points behind this plane
if (behindCount == 8)
return OUTSIDE;
// Every box vertex is on the front side of this plane
if (!behindCount)
// All box verticies are on the front side of all frustum planes.
if (insideCount == 6)
return INSIDE;
int KX_Camera::SphereInsideFrustum(const MT_Point3& center, const MT_Scalar &radius)
if (center.distance2(m_frustum_center) > (radius + m_frustum_radius)*(radius + m_frustum_radius))
return OUTSIDE;
unsigned int p;
MT_Scalar distance;
int intersect = INSIDE;
// distance: <-------- OUTSIDE -----|----- INTERSECT -----0----- INTERSECT -----|----- INSIDE -------->
// -radius radius
for (p = 0; p < 6; p++)
distance = m_planes[p][0]*center[0] + m_planes[p][1]*center[1] + m_planes[p][2]*center[2] + m_planes[p][3];
if (fabs(distance) <= radius)
intersect = INTERSECT;
else if (distance < -radius)
return OUTSIDE;
return intersect;
bool KX_Camera::GetFrustumCulling() const
return m_frustum_culling;
void KX_Camera::EnableViewport(bool viewport)
m_camdata.m_viewport = viewport;
void KX_Camera::SetViewport(int left, int bottom, int right, int top)
m_camdata.m_viewportleft = left;
m_camdata.m_viewportbottom = bottom;
m_camdata.m_viewportright = right;
m_camdata.m_viewporttop = top;
bool KX_Camera::GetViewport() const
return m_camdata.m_viewport;
int KX_Camera::GetViewportLeft() const
return m_camdata.m_viewportleft;
int KX_Camera::GetViewportBottom() const
return m_camdata.m_viewportbottom;
int KX_Camera::GetViewportRight() const
return m_camdata.m_viewportright;
int KX_Camera::GetViewportTop() const
return m_camdata.m_viewporttop;
PyMethodDef KX_Camera::Methods[] = {
KX_PYMETHODTABLE(KX_Camera, sphereInsideFrustum),
KX_PYMETHODTABLE(KX_Camera, boxInsideFrustum),
KX_PYMETHODTABLE(KX_Camera, pointInsideFrustum),
KX_PYMETHODTABLE(KX_Camera, getCameraToWorld),
KX_PYMETHODTABLE(KX_Camera, getWorldToCamera),
KX_PYMETHODTABLE(KX_Camera, getProjectionMatrix),
KX_PYMETHODTABLE(KX_Camera, setProjectionMatrix),
KX_PYMETHODTABLE(KX_Camera, enableViewport),
KX_PYMETHODTABLE(KX_Camera, setViewport),
{NULL,NULL} //Sentinel
char KX_Camera::doc[] = "Module KX_Camera\n\n"
"\tlens -> float\n"
"\t\tThe camera's lens value\n"
"\tnear -> float\n"
"\t\tThe camera's near clip distance\n"
"\tfar -> float\n"
"\t\tThe camera's far clip distance\n"
"\tfrustum_culling -> bool\n"
"\t\tNon zero if this camera is frustum culling.\n"
"\tprojection_matrix -> [[float]]\n"
"\t\tThis camera's projection matrix.\n"
"\tmodelview_matrix -> [[float]] (read only)\n"
"\t\tThis camera's model view matrix.\n"
"\t\tRegenerated every frame from the camera's position and orientation.\n"
"\tcamera_to_world -> [[float]] (read only)\n"
"\t\tThis camera's camera to world transform.\n"
"\t\tRegenerated every frame from the camera's position and orientation.\n"
"\tworld_to_camera -> [[float]] (read only)\n"
"\t\tThis camera's world to camera transform.\n"
"\t\tRegenerated every frame from the camera's position and orientation.\n"
"\t\tThis is camera_to_world inverted.\n";
PyTypeObject KX_Camera::Type = {
0, //&MyPyCompare,
0, //&cvalue_as_number,
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
PyParentObject KX_Camera::Parents[] = {
PyObject* KX_Camera::_getattr(const char *attr)
if (!strcmp(attr, "INSIDE"))
return PyInt_FromLong(INSIDE); /* new ref */
if (!strcmp(attr, "OUTSIDE"))
return PyInt_FromLong(OUTSIDE); /* new ref */
if (!strcmp(attr, "INTERSECT"))
return PyInt_FromLong(INTERSECT); /* new ref */
if (!strcmp(attr, "lens"))
return PyFloat_FromDouble(GetLens()); /* new ref */
if (!strcmp(attr, "near"))
return PyFloat_FromDouble(GetCameraNear()); /* new ref */
if (!strcmp(attr, "far"))
return PyFloat_FromDouble(GetCameraFar()); /* new ref */
if (!strcmp(attr, "frustum_culling"))
return PyInt_FromLong(m_frustum_culling); /* new ref */
if (!strcmp(attr, "perspective"))
return PyInt_FromLong(m_camdata.m_perspective); /* new ref */
if (!strcmp(attr, "projection_matrix"))
return PyObjectFrom(GetProjectionMatrix()); /* new ref */
if (!strcmp(attr, "modelview_matrix"))
return PyObjectFrom(GetModelviewMatrix()); /* new ref */
if (!strcmp(attr, "camera_to_world"))
return PyObjectFrom(GetCameraToWorld()); /* new ref */
if (!strcmp(attr, "world_to_camera"))
return PyObjectFrom(GetWorldToCamera()); /* new ref */
int KX_Camera::_setattr(const char *attr, PyObject *pyvalue)
if (PyInt_Check(pyvalue))
if (!strcmp(attr, "frustum_culling"))
m_frustum_culling = PyInt_AsLong(pyvalue);
return 0;
if (!strcmp(attr, "perspective"))
m_camdata.m_perspective = PyInt_AsLong(pyvalue);
return 0;
if (PyFloat_Check(pyvalue))
if (!strcmp(attr, "lens"))
m_camdata.m_lens = PyFloat_AsDouble(pyvalue);
m_set_projection_matrix = false;
return 0;
if (!strcmp(attr, "near"))
m_camdata.m_clipstart = PyFloat_AsDouble(pyvalue);
m_set_projection_matrix = false;
return 0;
if (!strcmp(attr, "far"))
m_camdata.m_clipend = PyFloat_AsDouble(pyvalue);
m_set_projection_matrix = false;
return 0;
if (PyObject_IsMT_Matrix(pyvalue, 4))
if (!strcmp(attr, "projection_matrix"))
MT_Matrix4x4 mat;
if (PyMatTo(pyvalue, mat))
return 0;
return 1;
return KX_GameObject::_setattr(attr, pyvalue);
KX_PYMETHODDEF_DOC(KX_Camera, sphereInsideFrustum,
"sphereInsideFrustum(center, radius) -> Integer\n"
"\treturns INSIDE, OUTSIDE or INTERSECT if the given sphere is\n"
"\tinside/outside/intersects this camera's viewing frustum.\n\n"
"\tcenter = the center of the sphere (in world coordinates.)\n"
"\tradius = the radius of the sphere\n\n"
"\timport GameLogic\n\n"
"\tco = GameLogic.getCurrentController()\n"
"\tcam = co.GetOwner()\n\n"
"\t# A sphere of radius 4.0 located at [x, y, z] = [1.0, 1.0, 1.0]\n"
"\tif (cam.sphereInsideFrustum([1.0, 1.0, 1.0], 4) != cam.OUTSIDE):\n"
"\t\t# Sphere is inside frustum !\n"
"\t\t# Do something useful !\n"
"\t\t# Sphere is outside frustum\n"
PyObject *pycenter;
float radius;
if (PyArg_ParseTuple(args, "Of", &pycenter, &radius))
MT_Point3 center;
if (PyVecTo(pycenter, center))
return PyInt_FromLong(SphereInsideFrustum(center, radius)); /* new ref */
PyErr_SetString(PyExc_TypeError, "sphereInsideFrustum: Expected arguments: (center, radius)");
return NULL;
KX_PYMETHODDEF_DOC(KX_Camera, boxInsideFrustum,
"boxInsideFrustum(box) -> Integer\n"
"\treturns INSIDE, OUTSIDE or INTERSECT if the given box is\n"
"\tinside/outside/intersects this camera's viewing frustum.\n\n"
"\tbox = a list of the eight (8) corners of the box (in world coordinates.)\n\n"
"\timport GameLogic\n\n"
"\tco = GameLogic.getCurrentController()\n"
"\tcam = co.GetOwner()\n\n"
"\tbox = []\n"
"\tbox.append([-1.0, -1.0, -1.0])\n"
"\tbox.append([-1.0, -1.0, 1.0])\n"
"\tbox.append([-1.0, 1.0, -1.0])\n"
"\tbox.append([-1.0, 1.0, 1.0])\n"
"\tbox.append([ 1.0, -1.0, -1.0])\n"
"\tbox.append([ 1.0, -1.0, 1.0])\n"
"\tbox.append([ 1.0, 1.0, -1.0])\n"
"\tbox.append([ 1.0, 1.0, 1.0])\n\n"
"\tif (cam.boxInsideFrustum(box) != cam.OUTSIDE):\n"
"\t\t# Box is inside/intersects frustum !\n"
"\t\t# Do something useful !\n"
"\t\t# Box is outside the frustum !\n"
PyObject *pybox;
if (PyArg_ParseTuple(args, "O", &pybox))
unsigned int num_points = PySequence_Size(pybox);
if (num_points != 8)
PyErr_Format(PyExc_TypeError, "boxInsideFrustum: Expected eight (8) points, got %d", num_points);
return NULL;
MT_Point3 box[8];
for (unsigned int p = 0; p < 8 ; p++)
PyObject *item = PySequence_GetItem(pybox, p); /* new ref */
bool error = !PyVecTo(item, box[p]);
if (error)
return NULL;
return PyInt_FromLong(BoxInsideFrustum(box)); /* new ref */
PyErr_SetString(PyExc_TypeError, "boxInsideFrustum: Expected argument: list of points.");
return NULL;
KX_PYMETHODDEF_DOC(KX_Camera, pointInsideFrustum,
"pointInsideFrustum(point) -> Bool\n"
"\treturns 1 if the given point is inside this camera's viewing frustum.\n\n"
"\tpoint = The point to test (in world coordinates.)\n\n"
"\timport GameLogic\n\n"
"\tco = GameLogic.getCurrentController()\n"
"\tcam = co.GetOwner()\n\n"
"\t# Test point [0.0, 0.0, 0.0]"
"\tif (cam.pointInsideFrustum([0.0, 0.0, 0.0])):\n"
"\t\t# Point is inside frustum !\n"
"\t\t# Do something useful !\n"
"\t\t# Box is outside the frustum !\n"
MT_Point3 point;
if (PyVecArgTo(args, point))
return PyInt_FromLong(PointInsideFrustum(point)); /* new ref */
PyErr_SetString(PyExc_TypeError, "pointInsideFrustum: Expected point argument.");
return NULL;
KX_PYMETHODDEF_DOC(KX_Camera, getCameraToWorld,
"getCameraToWorld() -> Matrix4x4\n"
"\treturns the camera to world transformation matrix, as a list of four lists of four values.\n\n"
"\tie: [[1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0], [0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0], [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0]])\n"
return PyObjectFrom(GetCameraToWorld()); /* new ref */
KX_PYMETHODDEF_DOC(KX_Camera, getWorldToCamera,
"getWorldToCamera() -> Matrix4x4\n"
"\treturns the world to camera transformation matrix, as a list of four lists of four values.\n\n"
"\tie: [[1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0], [0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0], [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0]])\n"
return PyObjectFrom(GetWorldToCamera()); /* new ref */
KX_PYMETHODDEF_DOC(KX_Camera, getProjectionMatrix,
"getProjectionMatrix() -> Matrix4x4\n"
"\treturns this camera's projection matrix, as a list of four lists of four values.\n\n"
"\tie: [[1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0], [0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0], [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0]])\n"
return PyObjectFrom(GetProjectionMatrix()); /* new ref */
KX_PYMETHODDEF_DOC(KX_Camera, setProjectionMatrix,
"setProjectionMatrix(MT_Matrix4x4 m) -> None\n"
"\tSets this camera's projection matrix\n"
"\timport GameLogic\n"
"\t# Set a perspective projection matrix\n"
"\tdef Perspective(left, right, bottom, top, near, far):\n"
"\t\tm = MT_Matrix4x4()\n"
"\t\tm[0][0] = m[0][2] = right - left\n"
"\t\tm[1][1] = m[1][2] = top - bottom\n"
"\t\tm[2][2] = m[2][3] = -far - near\n"
"\t\tm[3][2] = -1\n"
"\t\tm[3][3] = 0\n"
"\t\treturn m\n"
"\t# Set an orthographic projection matrix\n"
"\tdef Orthographic(left, right, bottom, top, near, far):\n"
"\t\tm = MT_Matrix4x4()\n"
"\t\tm[0][0] = right - left\n"
"\t\tm[0][3] = -right - left\n"
"\t\tm[1][1] = top - bottom\n"
"\t\tm[1][3] = -top - bottom\n"
"\t\tm[2][2] = far - near\n"
"\t\tm[2][3] = -far - near\n"
"\t\tm[3][3] = 1\n"
"\t\treturn m\n"
"\t# Set an isometric projection matrix\n"
"\tdef Isometric(left, right, bottom, top, near, far):\n"
"\t\tm = MT_Matrix4x4()\n"
"\t\tm[0][0] = m[0][2] = m[1][1] = 0.8660254037844386\n"
"\t\tm[1][0] = 0.25\n"
"\t\tm[1][2] = -0.25\n"
"\t\tm[3][3] = 1\n"
"\t\treturn m\n"
"\tco = GameLogic.getCurrentController()\n"
"\tcam = co.getOwner()\n"
"\tcam.setProjectionMatrix(Perspective(-1.0, 1.0, -1.0, 1.0, 0.1, 1))\n")
PyObject *pymat;
if (PyArg_ParseTuple(args, "O", &pymat))
MT_Matrix4x4 mat;
if (PyMatTo(pymat, mat))
PyErr_SetString(PyExc_TypeError, "setProjectionMatrix: Expected 4x4 list as matrix argument.");
return NULL;
KX_PYMETHODDEF_DOC(KX_Camera, enableViewport,
"Sets this camera's viewport status\n"
int viewport;
if (PyArg_ParseTuple(args,"i",&viewport))
else {
return NULL;
KX_PYMETHODDEF_DOC(KX_Camera, setViewport,
"setViewport(left, bottom, right, top)\n"
"Sets this camera's viewport\n")
int left, bottom, right, top;
if (PyArg_ParseTuple(args,"iiii",&left, &bottom, &right, &top))
SetViewport(left, bottom, right, top);
} else {
return NULL;
"Sets this camera's viewport on top\n")
class KX_Scene* scene;
scene = KX_GetActiveScene();