PKG := # To update the version number in all the relevant places, update the VERSION # variable below and run `make update-version`. VERSION := 3.0-dev0 GITHASH := $(shell git describe --dirty --always) LDFLAGS := -X ${PKG}/internal/appinfo.ApplicationVersion=${VERSION} -X ${PKG}/internal/appinfo.ApplicationGitHash=${GITHASH} BUILD_FLAGS = -ldflags="${LDFLAGS}" # Package name of the generated Python/JavaScript code for the Flamenco API. PY_API_PKG_NAME=flamenco.manager JS_API_PKG_NAME=manager # The directory that will contain the built webapp files, and some other files # that will be served as static files by the Flamenco Manager web server. # # WARNING: THIS IS USED IN `rm -rf ${WEB_STATIC}`, DO NOT MAKE EMPTY OR SET TO # ANY ABSOLUTE PATH. WEB_STATIC=web/static # Prevent any dependency that requires a C compiler, i.e. only work with pure-Go libraries. export CGO_ENABLED=0 # FFmpeg version to bundle. FFMPEG_VERSION=5.0.1 TOOLS=./tools TOOLS_DOWNLOAD=./tools/download all: application # Install generators and build the software. with-deps: go install go install go install $(MAKE) application application: webapp flamenco-manager flamenco-worker flamenco-manager: $(MAKE) webapp-static go build -v ${BUILD_FLAGS} ${PKG}/cmd/flamenco-manager .PHONY: flamenco-manager-without-webapp flamenco-manager-without-webapp: go build -v ${BUILD_FLAGS} ${PKG}/cmd/flamenco-manager flamenco-worker: go build -v ${BUILD_FLAGS} ${PKG}/cmd/flamenco-worker .PHONY: stresser stresser: go build -v ${BUILD_FLAGS} ${PKG}/cmd/stresser addon-packer: cmd/addon-packer/addon-packer.go go build -v ${BUILD_FLAGS} ${PKG}/cmd/addon-packer flamenco-manager_race: CGO_ENABLED=1 go build -race -o $@ -v ${BUILD_FLAGS} ${PKG}/cmd/flamenco-manager flamenco-worker_race: CGO_ENABLED=1 go build -race -o $@ -v ${BUILD_FLAGS} ${PKG}/cmd/flamenco-worker webapp: yarn --cwd web/app install webapp-static: addon-packer $(MAKE) clean-webapp-static # When changing the base URL, also update the line # e.GET("/app/*", echo.WrapHandler(webAppHandler)) # in `cmd/flamenco-manager/main.go` yarn --cwd web/app build --outDir ../static --base=/app/ --logLevel warn # yarn --cwd web/app build --outDir ../static --base=/app/ --minify false ./addon-packer -filename ${WEB_STATIC}/ @echo "Web app has been installed into ${WEB_STATIC}" generate: $(MAKE) generate-go $(MAKE) generate-py $(MAKE) generate-js generate-go: go generate ./pkg/api/... go generate ./internal/... # The generators always produce UNIX line-ends. This creates false file # modifications with Git. Convert them to DOS line-ends to avoid this. ifeq ($(OS),Windows_NT) git status --porcelain | grep '^ M .*.gen.go' | cut -d' ' -f3 | xargs unix2dos --keepdate endif generate-py: # The generator doesn't consistently overwrite existing files, nor does it # remove no-longer-generated files. rm -rf addon/flamenco/manager # See for the options. java -jar addon/openapi-generator-cli.jar \ generate \ -i pkg/api/flamenco-openapi.yaml \ -g python \ -o addon/ \ --package-name "${PY_API_PKG_NAME}" \ --http-user-agent "Flamenco/${VERSION} (Blender add-on)" \ -p generateSourceCodeOnly=true \ -p projectName=Flamenco \ -p packageVersion="${VERSION}" > .openapi-generator-py.log # The generator outputs files so that we can write our own tests. We don't, # though, so it's better to just remove those placeholders. rm -rf addon/flamenco/manager/test # The generators always produce UNIX line-ends. This creates false file # modifications with Git. Convert them to DOS line-ends to avoid this. ifeq ($(OS),Windows_NT) git status --porcelain | grep '^ M addon/flamenco/manager' | cut -d' ' -f3 | xargs unix2dos --keepdate endif generate-js: # The generator doesn't consistently overwrite existing files, nor does it # remove no-longer-generated files. rm -rf web/app/src/manager-api rm -rf web/_tmp-manager-api-javascript # See for the options. # Version '0.0.0' is used as NPM doesn't like Git hashes as versions. # # -p modelPropertyNaming=original is needed because otherwise the generator will # use original naming internally, but generate docs with camelCase, and then # things don't work properly. java -jar addon/openapi-generator-cli.jar \ generate \ -i pkg/api/flamenco-openapi.yaml \ -g javascript \ -o web/_tmp-manager-api-javascript \ --http-user-agent "Flamenco/${VERSION} / webbrowser" \ -p projectName=flamenco-manager \ -p projectVersion="0.0.0" \ -p apiPackage="${JS_API_PKG_NAME}" \ -p disallowAdditionalPropertiesIfNotPresent=false \ -p usePromises=true \ -p moduleName=flamencoManager > .openapi-generator-js.log # Cherry-pick the generated sources, and remove everything else. # The only relevant bit is that the generated code depends on `superagent`, # which is listed in our `. mv web/_tmp-manager-api-javascript/src web/app/src/manager-api rm -rf web/_tmp-manager-api-javascript # The generators always produce UNIX line-ends. This creates false file # modifications with Git. Convert them to DOS line-ends to avoid this. ifeq ($(OS),Windows_NT) git status --porcelain | grep '^ M web/app/src/manager-api' | cut -d' ' -f3 | xargs unix2dos --keepdate endif .PHONY: update-version: @echo "--- Updating Flamenco version to ${VERSION}" @echo "--- If this stops with exit status 42, it was already at that version." @echo go run ./cmd/update-version ${VERSION} $(MAKE) generate-py $(MAKE) generate-js @echo @echo 'File replacement done, commit with:' @echo @echo 'git commit -m "Bumped version to ${VERSION}" Makefile addon/flamenco/' @echo 'git tag -a -m "Tagged version ${VERSION}" v${VERSION}' version: @echo "Package : ${PKG}" @echo "Version : ${VERSION}" @echo "Git Hash : ${GITHASH}" @echo -n "GOOS : "; go env GOOS @echo -n "GOARCH : "; go env GOARCH @echo @env | grep GO list-embedded: @go list -f '{{printf "%10s" .Name}}: {{.EmbedFiles}}' ${PKG}/... swagger-ui: git clone --depth 1 tmp-swagger-ui rm -rf pkg/api/static/swagger-ui mv tmp-swagger-ui/dist pkg/api/static/swagger-ui rm -rf tmp-swagger-ui @echo @echo 'Now update pkg/api/static/swagger-ui/index.html to have url: "/api/openapi3.json",' test: # Ensure the web-static directory exists, so that `web/web_app.go` can embed something. mkdir -p ${WEB_STATIC} go test -short ./... clean: @go clean -i -x rm -f flamenco*-v* flamenco-manager flamenco-worker *.exe flamenco-*_race addon-packer stresser $(MAKE) clean-webapp-static clean-webapp-static: # Start with `./` to avoid horrors when WEB_STATIC is absolute (like / or /home/yourname). rm -rf ./${WEB_STATIC} # Make sure there is at least something to embed by Go, or it may cause some errors. mkdir -p ./${WEB_STATIC} touch ${WEB_STATIC}/emptyfile project-website: rm -rf web/project-website/public/ cd web/project-website; hugo --baseURL rsync web/project-website/public/ \ -va \ --exclude v2/ \ --exclude .well-known/ \ --exclude .htaccess \ --delete-after # Download & install FFmpeg in the 'tools' directory for supported platforms. .PHONY: tools tools: $(MAKE) -s tools-linux $(MAKE) -s tools-darwin $(MAKE) -s tools-windows FFMPEG_PACKAGE_LINUX=$(TOOLS_DOWNLOAD)/ffmpeg-$(FFMPEG_VERSION)-linux-amd64-static.tar.xz FFMPEG_PACKAGE_DARWIN=$(TOOLS_DOWNLOAD)/ffmpeg-$(FFMPEG_VERSION) FFMPEG_PACKAGE_WINDOWS=$(TOOLS_DOWNLOAD)/ffmpeg-$(FFMPEG_VERSION) .PHONY: tools-linux tools-linux: [ -e $(FFMPEG_PACKAGE_LINUX) ] || curl \ --create-dirs -o $(FFMPEG_PACKAGE_LINUX) \$(FFMPEG_VERSION)-amd64-static.tar.xz tar xvf \ $(FFMPEG_PACKAGE_LINUX) \ ffmpeg-$(FFMPEG_VERSION)-amd64-static/ffmpeg \ --strip-components=1 mv ffmpeg $(TOOLS)/ffmpeg-linux-amd64 .PHONY: tools-darwin tools-darwin: [ -e $(FFMPEG_PACKAGE_DARWIN) ] || curl \ --create-dirs -o $(FFMPEG_PACKAGE_DARWIN) \$(FFMPEG_VERSION).zip unzip $(FFMPEG_PACKAGE_DARWIN) mv ffmpeg $(TOOLS)/ffmpeg-darwin-amd64 .PHONY: tools-windows tools-windows: [ -e $(FFMPEG_PACKAGE_WINDOWS) ] || curl \ --create-dirs -o $(FFMPEG_PACKAGE_WINDOWS) \$(FFMPEG_VERSION) unzip -j $(FFMPEG_PACKAGE_WINDOWS) ffmpeg-5.0.1-essentials_build/bin/ffmpeg.exe -d . mv ffmpeg.exe $(TOOLS)/ffmpeg-windows-amd64.exe RELEASE_PACKAGE_LINUX := dist/flamenco-${VERSION}-linux-amd64.tar.gz RELEASE_PACKAGE_DARWIN := dist/flamenco-${VERSION}-macos-amd64.tar.gz RELEASE_PACKAGE_WINDOWS := dist/flamenco-${VERSION} .PHONY: release-package release-package: $(MAKE) -s release-package-linux $(MAKE) -s release-package-darwin $(MAKE) -s release-package-windows .PHONY: release-package-linux release-package-linux: $(MAKE) -s clean $(MAKE) -s webapp-static $(MAKE) -s flamenco-manager-without-webapp GOOS=linux GOARCH=amd64 $(MAKE) -s flamenco-worker GOOS=linux GOARCH=amd64 $(MAKE) -s tools-linux mkdir -p dist tar zcvf ${RELEASE_PACKAGE_LINUX} flamenco-manager flamenco-worker LICENSE tools/*-linux* @echo "Done! Created ${RELEASE_PACKAGE_LINUX}" .PHONY: release-package-darwin release-package-darwin: $(MAKE) -s clean $(MAKE) -s webapp-static $(MAKE) -s flamenco-manager-without-webapp GOOS=darwin GOARCH=amd64 $(MAKE) -s flamenco-worker GOOS=darwin GOARCH=amd64 $(MAKE) -s tools-darwin mkdir -p dist tar zcvf ${RELEASE_PACKAGE_DARWIN} flamenco-manager flamenco-worker LICENSE tools/*-darwin* @echo "Done! Created ${RELEASE_PACKAGE_DARWIN}" .PHONY: release-package-windows release-package-windows: $(MAKE) -s clean $(MAKE) -s webapp-static $(MAKE) -s flamenco-manager-without-webapp GOOS=windows GOARCH=amd64 $(MAKE) -s flamenco-worker GOOS=windows GOARCH=amd64 $(MAKE) -s tools-windows mkdir -p dist rm -f ${RELEASE_PACKAGE_WINDOWS} zip -r -9 ${RELEASE_PACKAGE_WINDOWS} flamenco-manager.exe flamenco-worker.exe LICENSE tools/*-windows* @echo "Done! Created ${RELEASE_PACKAGE_WINDOWS}" .PHONY: application version flamenco-manager flamenco-worker flamenco-manager_race flamenco-worker_race webapp webapp-static generate generate-go generate-py with-deps swagger-ui list-embedded test clean clean-webapp-static