---@module 'luassert' local Icons = require("mini.icons") local Plugin = require("lazy.core.plugin") _G.LazyVim = require("lazyvim.util") describe("Extra", function() local Config = require("lazy.core.config") assert(vim.tbl_count(Config.plugins) > 0, "Lazy not properly setup") ---@type {modname:string, modpath:string}[] local extras = vim.tbl_map( ---@param path string function(path) local modname = path:sub(5):gsub("%.lua$", ""):gsub("/", ".") return { modname = modname, modpath = path } end, vim.fs.find(function(name) return name:match("%.lua$") end, { limit = math.huge, type = "file", path = "lua/lazyvim/plugins/extras" }) ) local ignore = { "lazyvim.plugins.extras.ui.treesitter-rewrite" } extras = vim.tbl_filter(function(extra) return not vim.tbl_contains(ignore, extra.modname) end, extras) local lsp_to_pkg = require("mason-lspconfig.mappings.server").lspconfig_to_package local tsspec = Plugin.Spec.new({ import = "lazyvim.plugins.treesitter", }, { optional = true }) local tsopts = Plugin.values(tsspec.plugins["nvim-treesitter"], "opts", false) local tsensure = tsopts.ensure_installed assert(type(tsensure) == "table", "No ensure_installed in nvim-treesitter spec") for _, extra in ipairs(extras) do local name = extra.modname:sub(#"lazyvim.plugins.extras" + 2) describe(name, function() it("spec is valid", function() local mod = require(extra.modname) assert.is_not_nil(mod) local spec = Plugin.Spec.new({ { "williamboman/mason.nvim", opts = { ensure_installed = {} } }, { "nvim-treesitter/nvim-treesitter", opts = { ensure_installed = {} } }, mod, }, { optional = true }) assert(#spec.notifs == 0, "Invalid spec: " .. vim.inspect(spec.notifs)) end) if extra.modname:find("%.lang%.") then it("has recommended set", function() local mod = require(extra.modname) assert(mod.recommended, "`recommended` not set for " .. extra.modname) end) end local mod = require(extra.modname) local spec = Plugin.Spec.new({ { "williamboman/mason.nvim", opts = { ensure_installed = {} } }, { "nvim-treesitter/nvim-treesitter", opts = { ensure_installed = {} } }, mod, }, { optional = true }) local lspconfig = spec.plugins["nvim-lspconfig"] if lspconfig then it("does not install LSP servers with mason.nvim", function() local lspconfig_opts = Plugin.values(lspconfig, "opts", false) local mason = spec.plugins["mason.nvim"] local mason_opts = Plugin.values(mason, "opts", false) for lsp in pairs(lspconfig_opts.servers or {}) do local lsp_pkg = lsp_to_pkg[lsp] assert( not (lsp_pkg and vim.tbl_contains(mason_opts.ensure_installed, lsp_pkg)), "LSP server " .. lsp .. " with pkg " .. (lsp_pkg or "foo") .. " is installed automatically. Please remove from the mason.nvim spec" ) end end) end local ts = spec.plugins["nvim-treesitter"] local opts = Plugin.values(ts, "opts", false) if not vim.tbl_isempty(opts.ensure_installed) then it("does not install default Treesitter langs", function() local invalid = vim.tbl_filter(function(v) return vim.tbl_contains(tsensure, v) end, opts.ensure_installed or {}) assert.same( {}, invalid, "These Treesitter langs are installed by default. Please remove them from the extra." ) end) end -- Icons local icons = spec.plugins["mini.icons"] if icons then local icon_opts = Plugin.values(icons, "opts", false) or {} local cats = { "directory", "file", "extension", "filetype", "lsp", "os" } for _, cat in ipairs(cats) do local cat_names = Icons.list(cat) if icon_opts[cat] then describe("does not set existing icons for " .. cat, function() for icon_name in pairs(icon_opts[cat]) do it(icon_name, function() assert.is_false( vim.tbl_contains(cat_names, icon_name), "Icon " .. icon_name .. " already exists:\n" .. vim.inspect({ Icons.get(cat, icon_name) }) ) end) end end) end end end end) end end)