diff --git a/do-release.sh b/do-release.sh
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000..9414d9e3ed
--- /dev/null
+++ b/do-release.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,299 @@
+# work around a maven-scm bug with git while releasing
+# this might also be necessary: git config --add status.displayCommentPrefix true
+# see https://jira.codehaus.org/browse/SCM-740
+export LANG=C
+export MAVEN_OPTS="-XX:MaxPermSize=1g"
+# check setup
+if [ "" = "$PMD_SF_USER" ]; then
+ echo "No env variable PMD_SF_USER specified. This is the sourceforge account name needed"
+ echo "during the release process to upload files via ssh/scp/rsync."
+ echo
+ echo "Please set the variable, e.g. in your ~/.bashrc:"
+ echo
+ echo "PMD_SF_USER=sfuser"
+ echo "export PMD_SF_USER"
+ echo
+ exit 1
+if [ "" = "$PMD_GPG_KEY" ]; then
+ echo "No env variable PMD_GPG_KEY specified. This is your gpg key, that will be used"
+ echo "to sign the created release artifacts before uploading to maven central."
+ echo
+ echo "Please set the variable, e.g. in your ~/.bashrc:"
+ echo
+ echo "PMD_GPG_KEY=AB123CDE"
+ echo "export PMD_GPG_KEY"
+ echo
+ exit 1
+# verify the current directory
+if [ ! -f pom.xml -o ! -d ../pmd.github.io ]; then
+ echo "You seem to be in the work working directory or you don't have pmd.github.io checked out..."
+ echo
+ echo "Expected:"
+ echo "* You are currently in the pmd repository"
+ echo "* ../pmd.github.io is the pmd.github.io repository"
+ echo
+ exit 1
+echo "-------------------------------------------"
+echo "Releasing PMD"
+echo "-------------------------------------------"
+MVN_VERSION=$(mvn --version | grep "Java version: 1.6")
+if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
+ echo "Wrong java version!"
+ echo "Expected 1.6, but was:"
+ mvn --version
+ exit 1
+if [ "" = "$RELEASE_VERSION" ]; then
+ echo -n "What is the release version of PMD? (e.g. 5.4.0) "
+if [ "" = "$DEVELOPMENT_VERSION" ]; then
+ echo -n "What is the next development version of PMD? (e.g. 5.5.0-SNAPSHOT) "
+if [ "" = "$CURRENT_BRANCH" ]; then
+ echo -n "What is the branch you wnat to release from? (e.g. master or pmd/5.3.x) "
+echo "* Update version/release info in **src/site/markdown/changelog.md**."
+echo " ## $(date -u +%d-%B-%Y) - ${RELEASE_VERSION}"
+echo "* Ensure all the new rules are listed in a the proper file:"
+echo " pmd-core/src/main/resources/rulesets/releases/${RELEASE_VERSION}.xml file."
+echo "* Update **../pmd.github.io/latest/index.html** of our website, to redirect to the new version"
+echo "redirect_to: https://pmd.github.io/pmd-${RELEASE_VERSION}/"
+echo "* Update **../pmd.github.io/index.html** to mention the new release"
+echo "Press enter to continue..."
+echo "first - running a test install..."
+mvn clean install
+if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
+ echo "Failure during test install...."
+ exit 1
+ cd pmd-dist/target
+ unzip pmd-bin-*.zip
+ cd pmd-bin-*
+ ./bin/run.sh pmd -d ../../../pmd-java/src/main/java -language java -f xml -R rulesets/java/unusedcode.xml
+echo "---- OK?"
+echo "Press enter to continue..."
+echo "Committing current changes (pmd)"
+git commit -a -m "Prepare pmd release ${RELEASE_VERSION}"
+ echo "Committing current changes (pmd.github.io)"
+ cd ../pmd.github.io
+ git commit -a -m "Prepare pmd release ${RELEASE_VERSION}"
+mvn -B release:clean release:prepare \
+ -Dtag=pmd_releases/${RELEASE_VERSION} \
+ -DreleaseVersion=${RELEASE_VERSION} \
+ -DdevelopmentVersion=${DEVELOPMENT_VERSION}
+mvn -B release:perform
+ cd target/checkout/
+ (
+ cd pmd-dist/target
+ unzip pmd-bin-${RELEASE_VERSION}.zip
+ cd pmd-bin-${RELEASE_VERSION}
+ ./bin/run.sh pmd -d ../../../pmd-java/src/main/java -language java -f xml -R rulesets/java/unusedcode.xml
+ )
+echo "Verify once again..."
+echo "---- OK?"
+echo "Press enter to continue..."
+echo "Generating site..."
+mvn site site:stage
+echo "Press enter to continue..."
+echo "* Login to "
+echo " Close and Release the staging repository"
+echo " Check here: "
+echo "Press enter to continue..."
+echo "Creating the pmd-doc-${RELEASE_VERSION}.zip archive..."
+ cd target
+ mv staging pmd-doc-${RELEASE_VERSION}
+ zip -r pmd-doc-${RELEASE_VERSION}.zip pmd-doc-${RELEASE_VERSION}/
+echo "Adding the site to pmd.github.io..."
+rsync -avhP target/pmd-doc-${RELEASE_VERSION}/ ../../../pmd.github.io/pmd-${RELEASE_VERSION}/
+ cd ../../../pmd.github.io
+ git add pmd-${RELEASE_VERSION}
+ git commit -m "Added pmd-${RELEASE_VERSION}"
+echo "Uploading the zip files..."
+rsync -avhP pmd-dist/target/pmd-*-${RELEASE_VERSION}.zip target/pmd-doc-${RELEASE_VERSION}.zip $SFUSER@web.sourceforge.net:/home/frs/project/pmd/pmd/${RELEASE_VERSION}/
+rsync -avhP src/site/markdown/overview/changelog.md $SFUSER@web.sourceforge.net:/home/frs/project/pmd/pmd/${RELEASE_VERSION}/ReadMe.md
+if [ ! "" = "$PMD_LOCAL_BINARIES" -a -d $PMD_LOCAL_BINARIES ]; then
+echo "Copying the files to local storage directory $PMD_LOCAL_BINARIES..."
+cp -av pmd-dist/target/pmd-*-${RELEASE_VERSION}.zip target/pmd-doc-${RELEASE_VERSION}.zip $PMD_LOCAL_BINARIES
+echo "Verify the md5sums: "
+md5sum pmd-dist/target/pmd-*-${RELEASE_VERSION}.zip target/pmd-doc-${RELEASE_VERSION}.zip
+echo "and make the new binary pmd zip file the default download for all platforms."
+echo "Press enter to continue..."
+echo "Submit news to SF on page. You can use"
+echo "the following template:"
+cat <"
+echo "Press enter to continue..."
+echo "Last step - next development version:"
+echo "* Move version/release info from **src/site/markdown/overview/changelog.md** to **src/site/markdown/overview/changelog-old.md**."
+echo "* Update version/release info in **src/site/markdown/overview/changelog.md**."
+echo "* Update pmd-{java8,ui}/pom.xml - the version is probably wrong - set it to the parent's=next development version: ${DEVELOPMENT_VERSION}."
+cat <"
+echo " * Set the title: PMD ${RELEASE_VERSION} ($(date -u +%d-%B-%Y))"
+echo " * copy/paste the changelog.md"
+echo " * Upload the binary zip file"
+echo " * Upload the doc zip file"
+echo "Press enter to continue..."
+echo "------------------------------------------"
+echo "Done."
+echo "------------------------------------------"