--- title: Documentation Index keywords: java permalink: index.html toc: false summary: > Welcome to the documentation site for PMD and CPD!

last_updated: August 2017 author: Jeff Jensen , Andreas Dangel , Clément Fournier additional_js: - assets/Shuffle-5.2.3/dist/shuffle.min.js - assets/jquery-ui-1.12.1/jquery-ui.min.js - js/shuffle.js --- ## 💡 Overview **PMD** is a static source code analyzer. It finds common programming flaws like unused variables, empty catch blocks, unnecessary object creation, and so forth. It's mainly concerned with **Java and Apex**, but **supports 14 other languages**. PMD features many **built-in checks** (in PMD lingo, *rules*), which are documented for each language in our [Rule references](#shuffle-panel-rule-references). We also support an extensive API to [**write your own rules**](#shuffle-panel-writing-rules), which you can do either in Java or as a self-contained XPath query. PMD is most useful when **integrated into your build process**. It can then be used as a quality gate, to enforce a coding standard for your codebase. Among other things, PMD can be run: * As a [Maven goal](pmd_userdocs_tools_maven.html) * As an [Ant task](pmd_userdocs_tools_ant.html) * As a [Gradle task](https://docs.gradle.org/current/userguide/pmd_plugin.html) * From [command-line](pmd_userdocs_installation.html#running-pmd-via-command-line) **CPD**, the **copy-paste detector**, is also distributed with PMD. You can also use it in a variety of ways, which are [documented here](pmd_userdocs_cpd.html). ## 💾 Download The latest release of PMD can be downloaded from our [Github releases page](https://github.com/pmd/pmd/releases/latest). The Logo is available from the [Logo Project Page](pmd_projectdocs_logo.html). ## 📖 Documentation The rest of this page exposes the contents of the documentation site thematically, which you can further scope down using the blue filter buttons. To navigate the site, you may also use the search bar in the top right, or the sidebar on the left. ## ✨ Contributors This project follows the [all-contributors](https://github.com/all-contributors/all-contributors) specification. Contributions of any kind welcome! See [credits](pmd_projectdocs_credits.html) for the complete list.
{% include custom/shuffle_panel.html title="Getting started" tags="getting_started" datagroups='["getting_started"]' description="These pages summarize the gist of PMD usage to get you started quickly." %} {% include custom/shuffle_panel.html title="Rule references" tags="rule_references" datagroups='["userdocs"]' description="Pick your language to find out about the rule it supports." fa-icon="fa-database" titlemaker="page.language_name" %} {% include custom/shuffle_panel.html title="Writing rules" tags="userdocs,extending" datagroups='["userdocs", "extending", "contributing"]' description="These pages document the process of writing and testing custom rules and metrics for PMD." %} {% include custom/shuffle_panel.html title="Usage and configuration" tags="userdocs" except_tags="extending,tools" datagroups='["userdocs"]' fa-icon="fa-cog" description="Learn how to build effective and versatile rulesets." %} {% include custom/shuffle_panel.html title="Contributing" tags="devdocs" except_tags="extending" datagroups='["contributing"]' fa-style="fab" fa-icon="fa-github" description="If you'd like to help us build PMD, these topics may interest you. See you around!" %} {% include custom/shuffle_panel.html title="Tools and integrations" tags="tools" datagroups='["userdocs"]' description="These pages describe solutions that integrate PMD within your build process." %} {% include custom/shuffle_panel.html title="Major contributions" tags="devdocs,extending" datagroups='["contributing","extending"]' description="" %}
{% include links.html %}