/** * This Matlab grammar is derived from MParser ANTLR grammar. (http://www.mit.edu/~wingated/code/mparser_0.1.tar.gz) * * The ' character is ambiguous, because it is the tranpose operator but can also denote the start of a string. * (see https://www.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/newsreader/view_thread/25108) * * Rule of the thumb: * * A single quotation character is a tranpose operator if it directly follows a right bracket ("]"), right parenthesis (")"), * right brace ("}"), letter, digit, underline ("_"), punctuation mark ("."), or another single quote character ("'"). * * * To implement this an extra lexical state 'TRANSPOSE' was introduced. In this state the single quote character "'" will always be parsed as the TRANSPOSE operator. */ options { BUILD_PARSER=false; CACHE_TOKENS=true; UNICODE_INPUT = true; } PARSER_BEGIN(MatlabParser) package net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.matlab.ast; import net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.ast.CharStream; import net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.ast.TokenMgrError; public class MatlabParser { } PARSER_END(MatlabParser) SKIP : { " " : DEFAULT | "\t" : DEFAULT | "\r\n" : DEFAULT | "\n" : DEFAULT } MORE: { "%{": IN_COMMENT } SPECIAL_TOKEN: { } SPECIAL_TOKEN: { : DEFAULT } MORE: { < ~[] > } TOKEN : /* SEPARATORS AND OTHER USEFULL LANGUAGE CONSTRUCTS*/ { < SEMI: ";" > : DEFAULT | < LPAREN: "(" > : DEFAULT | < RPAREN: ")" > : TRANSPOSE | < LBRACE: "{" > : DEFAULT | < RBRACE: "}" > : TRANSPOSE | < LSBRACE: "[" > : DEFAULT | < RSBRACE: "]" > : TRANSPOSE | < AT: "@" > : DEFAULT | < DOT: "." > : TRANSPOSE | < COMMA: "," > : DEFAULT } TOKEN : /* OPERATORS AND ASSIGNMENTS */ { < DOUBLE_EQ: "==" > : DEFAULT | < LOG_OR: "||" > : DEFAULT | < LOG_AND: "&&" > : DEFAULT | < LSTE: "<=" > : DEFAULT | < GRTE: ">=" > : DEFAULT | < NEQ: "~=" > : DEFAULT | < EL_TIMES: ".*" > : DEFAULT | < EL_LEFTDIV: "./" > : DEFAULT | < EL_RIGHTDIV: ".\\" > : DEFAULT | < EL_EXP: ".^" > : DEFAULT | < EL_CCT: ".'" > : DEFAULT | < EQ: "=" > : DEFAULT | < BIN_OR: "|" > : DEFAULT | < BIN_AND: "&" > : DEFAULT | < LST: "<" > : DEFAULT | < GRT: ">" > : DEFAULT | < COLON: ":" > : DEFAULT | < PLUS: "+" > : DEFAULT | < MINUS: "-" > : DEFAULT | < NEG: "~" > : DEFAULT | < TIMES: "*" > : DEFAULT | < LEFTDIV: "/" > : DEFAULT | < RIGHTDIV: "\\" > : DEFAULT | < EXP: "^" > : DEFAULT } TOKEN : /* KEYWORDS */ { < BREAK: "break" > : DEFAULT | < CASE: "case" > : DEFAULT | < CATCH: "catch" > : DEFAULT | < CONTINUE: "continue" > : DEFAULT | < ELSE: "else" > : DEFAULT | < ELSEIF: "elseif" > : DEFAULT | < END: "end" > : DEFAULT | < FOR: "for" > : DEFAULT | < FUNCTION: "function" > : DEFAULT | < GLOBAL: "global" > : DEFAULT | < IF: "if" > : DEFAULT | < OTHERWISE: "otherwise" > : DEFAULT | < PERSISTENT: "persistent" > : DEFAULT | < RETURN: "return" > : DEFAULT | < SWITCH: "switch" > : DEFAULT | < TRY: "try" > : DEFAULT | < VARARGIN: "varargin" > : DEFAULT | < WHILE: "while" > : DEFAULT | < CLEAR: "clear" > : DEFAULT } TOKEN : /* Matlab identifiers */ { < ID: ( | | "_" )* > : TRANSPOSE | < #LETTER: ["a"-"z", "A"-"Z"] > } TOKEN : { < INT: ( )+ > : DEFAULT | < FLOAT: "." ( )* ( )? | "." ( )+ ( )? | ( )+ > : DEFAULT | < #EXPONENT: ( "e" | "E" ) ( "+" | "-" )? > | < #DIGIT: ["0"-"9"] > } TOKEN : { < STRING: "'" ( | "'" "'" | ~["\\","'","\n"] )* "'" > | < #ESC_SEQ: "\\" ( "b" | "t" | "n" | "f" | "r" | "\"" | "'" | "\\" ) | | > | < #UNICODE_ESC: "\\" "u" > | < #OCTAL_ESC: "\\" ["0" - "3"] | "\\" | "\\" > | < #HEX_DIGIT: ["0"-"9", "a"-"f", "A"-"F"] > | < #OCTAL_DIGIT: ["0"-"7"] > } TOKEN : { < TR : "'" > : TRANSPOSE }