#!/usr/bin/env ruby # Renders the release notes for Github releases, # and prints them to standard output # Doesn't trim the header, which is done in shell # Args: # $1 : location of the file to render require "liquid" require "yaml" # include some custom liquid extensions require_relative "../docs/_plugins/rule_tag" require_relative "../docs/_plugins/custom_filters" # this could be somewhere else module Logger def Logger.log_error(should_exit = true, message) log_col(COL_RED, :error, message) if should_exit exit 1 end end private def Logger.log_col(col, tag, message) puts "#{col}[#{tag.to_s.upcase}] In #{$0}: #{message}#{COL_RESET}" end COL_GREEN = "\e[32m" COL_YELLOW = "\e[33;1m" COL_RED = "\e[31m" COL_RESET = "\e[0m" end # START OF THE SCRIPT unless ARGV.length == 1 Logger::log_error "No file name provided" end unless File.exists?(ARGV[0]) Logger::log_error("The provided file must exist") end release_notes_file = ARGV[0] # wrap the config under a "site." namespace because that's how jekyll does it liquid_env = {'site' => YAML.load_file("docs/_config.yml")} to_render = File.read(release_notes_file) rendered = Liquid::Template.parse(to_render).render(liquid_env) print(rendered)