#!/usr/bin/env bash # abort the script on the first failing sub command set -e # Make sure, everything is English... export LANG=en_US.UTF-8 # verify the current directory if [ ! -f pom.xml ] || [ ! -d ../pmd.github.io ]; then echo "You seem to be in the wrong working directory or you don't have pmd.github.io checked out..." echo echo "Expected:" echo "* You are currently in the pmd repository" echo "* ../pmd.github.io is the pmd.github.io repository" echo exit 1 fi # # Make sure, we have ruby and bundler available # set +e # don't stop for error "command not found" - it is handled ruby_version_full=$(ruby --version 2>&1) ruby_version=$(echo "${ruby_version_full}" | grep "ruby 3" | head -1 2>&1) if [ $? -eq 0 ] && [ -n "${ruby_version}" ]; then echo "Using ${ruby_version_full}" else echo "Wrong ruby version! Expected ruby 3" echo "${ruby_version_full}" exit 1 fi bundler_version=$(bundler --version 2>&1) if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then echo "Using ${bundler_version}" else echo "Missing bundler!" echo "${bundler_version}" exit 1 fi # abort the script on the first failing sub command set -e CURRENT_BRANCH= echo "-------------------------------------------" echo "Releasing PMD" echo "-------------------------------------------" # allow to override the release version, e.g. via "RELEASE_VERSION=7.0.0-rc1 ./do-release.sh" if [ "$RELEASE_VERSION" = "" ]; then CURRENT_VERSION=$(./mvnw org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-help-plugin:3.2.0:evaluate -Dexpression=project.version -q -DforceStdout) RELEASE_VERSION=${CURRENT_VERSION%-SNAPSHOT} fi MAJOR=$(echo "$RELEASE_VERSION" | cut -d . -f 1) MINOR=$(echo "$RELEASE_VERSION" | cut -d . -f 2) PATCH=$(echo "$RELEASE_VERSION" | cut -d . -f 3) if [ "$PATCH" == "0" ]; then NEXT_MINOR=$(("${MINOR}" + 1)) NEXT_PATCH="0" LAST_MINOR=$(("${MINOR}" - 1)) LAST_PATCH="0" else # this is a bugfixing release NEXT_MINOR="${MINOR}" NEXT_PATCH=$(("${PATCH}" + 1)) LAST_MINOR="${MINOR}" LAST_PATCH=$(("${PATCH}" - 1)) fi # allow to override the next version, e.g. via "DEVELOPMENT_VERSION=7.0.0-SNAPSHOT ./do-release.sh" if [ "$DEVELOPMENT_VERSION" = "" ]; then DEVELOPMENT_VERSION="$MAJOR.$NEXT_MINOR.$NEXT_PATCH-SNAPSHOT" fi # allow to override the last version, e.g. via "LAST_VERSION=6.55.0 ./do-release.sh" if [ "$LAST_VERSION" = "" ]; then LAST_VERSION="$MAJOR.$LAST_MINOR.$LAST_PATCH" fi # http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1593051/how-to-programmatically-determine-the-current-checked-out-git-branch CURRENT_BRANCH=$(git symbolic-ref -q HEAD) CURRENT_BRANCH=${CURRENT_BRANCH##refs/heads/} CURRENT_BRANCH=${CURRENT_BRANCH:-HEAD} echo "LAST_VERSION: ${LAST_VERSION}" echo "RELEASE_VERSION: ${RELEASE_VERSION} (this release)" echo "DEVELOPMENT_VERSION: ${DEVELOPMENT_VERSION} (the next version after the release)" echo "CURRENT_BRANCH: ${CURRENT_BRANCH}" echo echo "Is this correct?" echo echo "Press enter to continue... (or CTRL+C to cancel)" read -r export LAST_VERSION export RELEASE_VERSION export DEVELOPMENT_VERSION export CURRENT_BRANCH # check for SNAPSHOT version of pmd.build-tools.version BUILD_TOOLS_VERSION=$(./mvnw org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-help-plugin:3.2.0:evaluate -Dexpression=pmd.build-tools.version -q -DforceStdout) BUILD_TOOLS_VERSION_RELEASE=${BUILD_TOOLS_VERSION%-SNAPSHOT} if [ "${BUILD_TOOLS_VERSION}" != "${BUILD_TOOLS_VERSION_RELEASE}" ]; then echo "Error: version pmd.build-tools.version is ${BUILD_TOOLS_VERSION} - snapshot is not allowed" exit 1 fi echo "* Update date info in **docs/_config.yml**." echo " date: $(date -u +%d-%B-%Y)" echo echo "* Update version info in **docs/_config.yml**." echo " remove the SNAPSHOT from site.pmd.version" echo echo "* Update **pmd-apex/src/main/resources/rulesets/apex/quickstart.xml** and" echo " **pmd-java/src/main/resources/rulesets/java/quickstart.xml** with the new rules." echo echo "* Update **../pmd.github.io/_config.yml** to mention the new release" echo echo "* Update property \`pmd-designer.version\` in **pom.xml** to reference the version, that will be released" echo " later in this process." echo echo "Press enter to continue..." read -r # calculating stats for release notes STATS=$( echo "### 📈 Stats" echo "* $(git log pmd_releases/"${LAST_VERSION}"..HEAD --oneline --no-merges |wc -l) commits" echo "* $(curl -s "https://api.github.com/repos/pmd/pmd/milestones?state=all&direction=desc&per_page=5"|jq ".[] | select(.title == \"$RELEASE_VERSION\") | .closed_issues") closed tickets & PRs" echo "* Days since last release: $(( ( $(date +%s) - $(git log --max-count=1 --format="%at" pmd_releases/"${LAST_VERSION}") ) / 86400))" ) TEMP_RELEASE_NOTES=$(cat docs/pages/release_notes.md) TEMP_RELEASE_NOTES=${TEMP_RELEASE_NOTES/\{\% endtocmaker \%\}/${STATS//\&/\\\&}$'\n'$'\n'\{\% endtocmaker \%\}} echo "${TEMP_RELEASE_NOTES}" > docs/pages/release_notes.md echo echo "Updated stats in release notes:" echo "$STATS" echo echo "Please verify docs/pages/release_notes.md" echo echo "Press enter to continue..." read -r # install bundles needed for rendering release notes bundle config set --local path vendor/bundle bundle config set --local with release_notes_preprocessing bundle install RELEASE_NOTES_POST="_posts/$(date -u +%Y-%m-%d)-PMD-${RELEASE_VERSION}.md" export RELEASE_NOTES_POST echo "Generating ../pmd.github.io/${RELEASE_NOTES_POST}..." NEW_RELEASE_NOTES=$(bundle exec docs/render_release_notes.rb docs/pages/release_notes.md | tail -n +6) cat > "../pmd.github.io/${RELEASE_NOTES_POST}" </dev/null| grep -c -E "^[AMDRC]") if [ "$changes" -gt 0 ]; then echo "Committing current changes (pmd.github.io)" git commit -a -m "Prepare pmd release ${RELEASE_VERSION}" fi ) # check that there are no uncommitted changes UNCOMMITTED_CHANGES=$(git status --short --untracked-files=no) if [ -n "${UNCOMMITTED_CHANGES}" ]; then echo "There are uncommitted changes:" echo "${UNCOMMITTED_CHANGES}" exit 1 fi # check that there are no SNAPSHOT dependencies -> done by the enforcer plugin, see enforce-no-snapshots echo "Change version in the POMs to ${RELEASE_VERSION} and update build timestamp" ./mvnw --quiet versions:set -DnewVersion="${RELEASE_VERSION}" -DgenerateBackupPoms=false -DupdateBuildOutputTimestampPolicy=always echo "Transform the SCM information in the POM" sed -i "s|HEAD|pmd_releases/${RELEASE_VERSION}|" pom.xml echo "Run the project tests against the changed POMs to confirm everything is in running order (skipping cli and dist)" # note: skipping pmd in order to avoid failures due to #4757 ./mvnw clean verify -Dskip-cli-dist -Dpmd.skip=true -Dcpd.skip=true -Pgenerate-rule-docs echo "Commit and create tag" git commit -a -m "[release] prepare release pmd_releases/${RELEASE_VERSION}" git tag -m "[release] copy for tag pmd_releases/${RELEASE_VERSION}" "pmd_releases/${RELEASE_VERSION}" echo "Push tag pmd_releases/${RELEASE_VERSION}" git push origin tag "pmd_releases/${RELEASE_VERSION}" echo echo "Tag has been pushed.... now check github actions: " echo echo "Now wait, until first stage of the release is finished successfully..." echo "You don't need to wait until artefacts are in maven central, just the github action must be successful." echo echo "If it is failing, you can fix the code/scripts and force push the tag via" echo echo " git tag -d \"pmd_releases/${RELEASE_VERSION}\"" echo " git tag -m \"[release] copy for tag pmd_releases/${RELEASE_VERSION}\" \"pmd_releases/${RELEASE_VERSION}\"" echo " git push origin tag \"pmd_releases/${RELEASE_VERSION}\" --force" echo echo "However: This is only possible, if the artefacts have not been pushed to maven central yet..." echo echo "Press enter to continue..." read -r echo echo "Update POMs to set the new development version ${DEVELOPMENT_VERSION}" ./mvnw --quiet versions:set -DnewVersion="${DEVELOPMENT_VERSION}" -DgenerateBackupPoms=false -DupdateBuildOutputTimestampPolicy=never sed -i "s|pmd_releases/${RELEASE_VERSION}|HEAD|" pom.xml echo echo "Check the milestone on github:" echo "" echo " --> move any open issues to the next milestone, close the current milestone" echo echo echo "Prepare Next development version:" echo "* Update version/date info in **docs/_config.yml**." echo " move version to previous_version, increase version, make sure it is a SNAPSHOT version" echo " otherwise the javadoc links won't work during development" echo " also update the date, e.g. ??-month-year." echo echo echo "Press enter to continue..." read -r # update release_notes_old OLD_RELEASE_NOTES=$(tail -n +8 docs/pages/release_notes_old.md) OLD_RELEASE_NOTES_HEADER=$(head -n 7 docs/pages/release_notes_old.md) echo "${OLD_RELEASE_NOTES_HEADER} ${NEW_RELEASE_NOTES} ${OLD_RELEASE_NOTES}" > docs/pages/release_notes_old.md # reset release notes template cat > docs/pages/release_notes.md <." echo echo echo "Then proceed with releasing pmd-designer..." echo "" echo echo "Press enter to continue when pmd-designer is available in maven-central..." echo "." echo echo "Note: If there is no new pmd-designer release needed, you can directly proceed." read -r echo echo "Continuing with release of pmd-cli and pmd-dist..." echo "Before proceeding however, wait another 10 minutes, so that the freshly released artefacts" echo "are indeed available from maven central. The GitHub runners might not yet see them..." echo "If that happens, the build job needs to be started again, maybe the runner cache needs to be cleared as well." echo echo "Go to and manually trigger a new build" echo "from tag 'pmd_releases/${RELEASE_VERSION}' and with option 'Build only modules cli and dist' checked." echo echo "This triggers the second stage release and eventually publishes the release on GitHub." echo echo "Now check github actions: " echo echo echo "Verification: (see also )" echo "* Release on GitHub: " echo " * should contain release notes" echo " * should be published" echo " * should contain release assets (bin, src, doc, cyclondx.json, cyclondx.xml)" echo "* Release Assets on sourceforge: " echo " * Default download should be new version" echo " * All assets are there (bin, src, doc, cyclondx.json, cyclondx.xml, ReadMe.md)" echo "* News entry on sourceforge: " echo "* Latest documentation points to new release: " echo "* JavaDoc API Doc is available: " echo "* All artefacts are on maven central, especially pmd-cli" echo " * " echo " * " echo " * " echo " * " echo "* Regression Tester baseline has been created: " echo echo "* Send out an announcement mail to the mailing list:" echo echo "To: PMD Developers List " echo "Subject: [ANNOUNCE] PMD ${RELEASE_VERSION} released" echo echo " You can copy the same text from ." echo echo tweet="PMD ${RELEASE_VERSION} released: https://github.com/pmd/pmd/releases/tag/pmd_releases/${RELEASE_VERSION} #PMD" tweet="${tweet// /%20}" tweet="${tweet//:/%3A}" tweet="${tweet//#/%23}" tweet="${tweet//\//%2F}" tweet="${tweet//$'\r'/}" tweet="${tweet//$'\n'/%0A}" echo "* Tweet about this release on https://twitter.com/pmd_analyzer:" echo " " echo "* Post this also into :" echo " PMD ${RELEASE_VERSION} released: https://github.com/pmd/pmd/releases/tag/pmd_releases/${RELEASE_VERSION} #PMD" echo echo echo "Now waiting for the release to be finished..." echo "Press enter, to continue to push pmd.github.io changes" read -r echo "Pushing changes to ..." ( cd ../pmd.github.io git push ) echo "------------------------------------------" echo "Done." echo "------------------------------------------" echo