require 'pmdtester' require 'time' require 'logger' @logger = def run_pmdtester Dir.chdir('..') do branch_name = "#{ENV['PMD_CI_BRANCH']}" argv = ['--local-git-repo', './pmd', '--list-of-project', './pmd/.ci/files/project-list.xml', '--base-branch', branch_name, '--patch-branch', 'HEAD', '--patch-config', './pmd/.ci/files/all-java.xml', '--mode', 'online', '--auto-gen-config', # '--debug', ] begin download_baseline(branch_name) runner = @new_errors, @removed_errors, @new_violations, @removed_violations, @new_configerrors, @removed_configerrors = upload_report rescue StandardError => e warn("Running pmdtester failed, this message is mainly used to remind the maintainers of PMD.") @logger.error "Running pmdtester failed: #{e.inspect}" end end end def download_baseline(branch_name) branch_filename = branch_name&.tr('/', '_') url = "{branch_filename}" cmd = "mkdir -p target/reports; cd target/reports; wget #{url}" "Downloading baseline for branch #{branch_name}: cmd=#{cmd}" system(cmd) end def upload_report Dir.chdir('target/reports') do tar_filename = "pr-#{ENV['PMD_CI_PULL_REQUEST_NUMBER']}-diff-report-#{"%Y-%m-%dT%H-%M-%SZ")}.tar" unless Dir.exist?('diff/') message("No java rules are changed!", sticky: true) return end `tar -cf #{tar_filename} diff/` report_url = `curl -u #{ENV['PMD_CI_CHUNK_TOKEN']} -T #{tar_filename}` if $?.success? "Successfully uploaded #{tar_filename} to" # set value of sticky to true and the message is kept after new commits are submited to the PR message("This changeset introduces #{@new_violations} new violations, #{@new_errors} new errors and " + "#{@new_configerrors} new configuration errors,\n" + "removes #{@removed_violations} violations, #{@removed_errors} errors and " + "#{@removed_configerrors} configuration errors.\n" + "[Full report](#{report_url.chomp}/diff/index.html)", sticky: true) else @logger.error "Error while uploading #{tar_filename} to #{report_url}" warn("Uploading the diff report failed, this message is mainly used to remind the maintainers of PMD.") end end end # Perform regression testing run_pmdtester # vim: syntax=ruby