{ config, lib, hostPkgs, ... }: let inherit (lib) mkOption types literalMD mdDoc; # Reifies and correctly wraps the python test driver for # the respective qemu version and with or without ocr support testDriver = hostPkgs.callPackage ../test-driver { inherit (config) enableOCR extraPythonPackages; qemu_pkg = config.qemu.package; imagemagick_light = hostPkgs.imagemagick_light.override { inherit (hostPkgs) libtiff; }; tesseract4 = hostPkgs.tesseract4.override { enableLanguages = [ "eng" ]; }; }; vlans = map (m: m.virtualisation.vlans) (lib.attrValues config.nodes); vms = map (m: m.system.build.vm) (lib.attrValues config.nodes); nodeHostNames = let nodesList = map (c: c.system.name) (lib.attrValues config.nodes); in nodesList ++ lib.optional (lib.length nodesList == 1 && !lib.elem "machine" nodesList) "machine"; pythonizeName = name: let head = lib.substring 0 1 name; tail = lib.substring 1 (-1) name; in (if builtins.match "[A-z_]" head == null then "_" else head) + lib.stringAsChars (c: if builtins.match "[A-z0-9_]" c == null then "_" else c) tail; uniqueVlans = lib.unique (builtins.concatLists vlans); vlanNames = map (i: "vlan${toString i}: VLan;") uniqueVlans; pythonizedNames = map pythonizeName nodeHostNames; machineNames = map (name: "${name}: Machine;") pythonizedNames; withChecks = lib.warnIf config.skipLint "Linting is disabled"; driver = hostPkgs.runCommand "nixos-test-driver-${config.name}" { # inherit testName; TODO (roberth): need this? nativeBuildInputs = [ hostPkgs.makeWrapper ] ++ lib.optionals (!config.skipTypeCheck) [ hostPkgs.mypy ]; buildInputs = [ testDriver ]; testScript = config.testScriptString; preferLocalBuild = true; passthru = config.passthru; meta = config.meta // { mainProgram = "nixos-test-driver"; }; } '' mkdir -p $out/bin vmStartScripts=($(for i in ${toString vms}; do echo $i/bin/run-*-vm; done)) ${lib.optionalString (!config.skipTypeCheck) '' # prepend type hints so the test script can be type checked with mypy cat "${../test-script-prepend.py}" >> testScriptWithTypes echo "${builtins.toString machineNames}" >> testScriptWithTypes echo "${builtins.toString vlanNames}" >> testScriptWithTypes echo -n "$testScript" >> testScriptWithTypes cat -n testScriptWithTypes mypy --no-implicit-optional \ --pretty \ --no-color-output \ testScriptWithTypes ''} echo -n "$testScript" >> $out/test-script ln -s ${testDriver}/bin/nixos-test-driver $out/bin/nixos-test-driver ${testDriver}/bin/generate-driver-symbols ${lib.optionalString (!config.skipLint) '' PYFLAKES_BUILTINS="$( echo -n ${lib.escapeShellArg (lib.concatStringsSep "," pythonizedNames)}, < ${lib.escapeShellArg "driver-symbols"} )" ${hostPkgs.python3Packages.pyflakes}/bin/pyflakes $out/test-script ''} # set defaults through environment # see: ./test-driver/test-driver.py argparse implementation wrapProgram $out/bin/nixos-test-driver \ --set startScripts "''${vmStartScripts[*]}" \ --set testScript "$out/test-script" \ --set vlans '${toString vlans}' \ ${lib.escapeShellArgs (lib.concatMap (arg: ["--add-flags" arg]) config.extraDriverArgs)} ''; in { options = { driver = mkOption { description = mdDoc "Package containing a script that runs the test."; type = types.package; defaultText = literalMD "set by the test framework"; }; hostPkgs = mkOption { description = mdDoc "Nixpkgs attrset used outside the nodes."; type = types.raw; example = lib.literalExpression '' import nixpkgs { inherit system config overlays; } ''; }; qemu.package = mkOption { description = mdDoc "Which qemu package to use for the virtualisation of [{option}`nodes`](#test-opt-nodes)."; type = types.package; default = hostPkgs.qemu_test; defaultText = "hostPkgs.qemu_test"; }; enableOCR = mkOption { description = mdDoc '' Whether to enable Optical Character Recognition functionality for testing graphical programs. See [Machine objects](`ssec-machine-objects`). ''; type = types.bool; default = false; }; extraPythonPackages = mkOption { description = mdDoc '' Python packages to add to the test driver. The argument is a Python package set, similar to `pkgs.pythonPackages`. ''; example = lib.literalExpression '' p: [ p.numpy ] ''; type = types.functionTo (types.listOf types.package); default = ps: [ ]; }; extraDriverArgs = mkOption { description = mdDoc '' Extra arguments to pass to the test driver. They become part of [{option}`driver`](#test-opt-driver) via `wrapProgram`. ''; type = types.listOf types.str; default = []; }; skipLint = mkOption { type = types.bool; default = false; description = mdDoc '' Do not run the linters. This may speed up your iteration cycle, but it is not something you should commit. ''; }; skipTypeCheck = mkOption { type = types.bool; default = false; description = mdDoc '' Disable type checking. This must not be enabled for new NixOS tests. This may speed up your iteration cycle, unless you're working on the [{option}`testScript`](#test-opt-testScript). ''; }; }; config = { _module.args.hostPkgs = config.hostPkgs; driver = withChecks driver; # make available on the test runner passthru.driver = config.driver; }; }