export PATH=@wrapperDir@:/var/run/current-system/sw/bin:/var/run/current-system/sw/sbin export MODULE_DIR=@kernel@/lib/modules export NIX_CONF_DIR=/nix/etc/nix export NIXPKGS_CONFIG=/nix/etc/config.nix export PAGER=less export TZ=@timeZone@ export TZDIR=@glibc@/share/zoneinfo export FONTCONFIG_FILE=/etc/fonts/fonts.conf export LANG=@defaultLocale@ export EDITOR=nano # A nice prompt. PROMPT_COLOR="1;31m" PS1="\n\[\033[$PROMPT_COLOR\][\u@\h:\w]$\[\033[0m\] " if test "x$TERM" == "xxterm"; then PS1="\033]2;\h:\u:\w\007$PS1" fi # Set up secure multi-user builds: non-root users build through the # Nix daemon. if test "$USER" != root; then export NIX_REMOTE=daemon else export NIX_REMOTE= fi # Set up the per-user profile. NIX_USER_PROFILE_DIR=/nix/var/nix/profiles/per-user/$USER mkdir -m 0755 -p $NIX_USER_PROFILE_DIR if test "$(stat --printf '%u' $NIX_USER_PROFILE_DIR)" != "$(id -u)"; then echo "WARNING: bad ownership on $NIX_USER_PROFILE_DIR" >&2 fi if ! test -L $HOME/.nix-profile; then echo "creating $HOME/.nix-profile" >&2 if test "$USER" != root; then ln -s $NIX_USER_PROFILE_DIR/profile $HOME/.nix-profile else # Root installs in the system-wide profile by default. ln -s /nix/var/nix/profiles/default $HOME/.nix-profile fi fi NIX_PROFILES="/nix/var/nix/profiles/default $NIX_USER_PROFILE_DIR/profile" for i in $NIX_PROFILES; do # !!! reverse export PATH=$i/bin:$i/sbin:$PATH done export PATH=$HOME/bin:$PATH # Create the per-user garbage collector roots directory. NIX_USER_GCROOTS_DIR=/nix/var/nix/gcroots/per-user/$USER mkdir -m 0755 -p $NIX_USER_GCROOTS_DIR if test "$(stat --printf '%u' $NIX_USER_GCROOTS_DIR)" != "$(id -u)"; then echo "WARNING: bad ownership on $NIX_USER_GCROOTS_DIR" >&2 fi # Set up a default Nix expression from which to install stuff. if test ! -e $HOME/.nix-defexpr -o -L $HOME/.nix-defexpr; then echo "creating $HOME/.nix-defexpr" >&2 rm -f $HOME/.nix-defexpr mkdir $HOME/.nix-defexpr ln -s /etc/nixos/install-source.nix $HOME/.nix-defexpr/nixpkgs_sys ln -s /etc/nixos/nixos $HOME/.nix-defexpr/nixos if test "$USER" != root; then ln -s /nix/var/nix/gcroots/per-user/root/channels $HOME/.nix-defexpr/channels_root fi fi # Some aliases. alias ls="ls --color=tty" alias ll="ls -l" alias which="type -p" # Read system-wide modifications. if test -f /etc/profile.local; then source /etc/profile.local fi