{ flutter , lib , llvmPackages_13 , cmake , ninja , pkg-config , wrapGAppsHook , autoPatchelfHook , util-linux , libselinux , libsepol , libthai , libdatrie , libxkbcommon , at-spi2-core , libsecret , jsoncpp , xorg , dbus , gtk3 , glib , pcre , libepoxy , stdenvNoCC , cacert , git , dart , nukeReferences , bash , curl , unzip , which , xz }: # absolutely no mac support for now args: let pl = n: "##FLUTTER_${n}_PLACEHOLDER_MARKER##"; placeholder_deps = pl "DEPS"; placeholder_flutter = pl "FLUTTER"; fetchAttrs = [ "src" "sourceRoot" "setSourceRoot" "unpackPhase" "patches" ]; getAttrsOrNull = names: attrs: lib.genAttrs names (name: if attrs ? ${name} then attrs.${name} else null); flutterDeps = [ # flutter deps flutter.unwrapped bash curl flutter.dart git unzip which xz ]; self = (self: llvmPackages_13.stdenv.mkDerivation (args // { deps = stdenvNoCC.mkDerivation (lib.recursiveUpdate (getAttrsOrNull fetchAttrs args) { name = "${self.name}-deps-flutter-v${flutter.unwrapped.version}-${stdenvNoCC.targetPlatform.system}.tar.gz"; nativeBuildInputs = flutterDeps ++ [ nukeReferences ]; # avoid pub phase dontBuild = true; installPhase = '' . ${../fetchgit/deterministic-git} TMP=$(mktemp -d) export HOME="$TMP" export PUB_CACHE=''${PUB_CACHE:-"$HOME/.pub-cache"} export ANDROID_EMULATOR_USE_SYSTEM_LIBS=1 flutter config --no-analytics &>/dev/null # mute first-run flutter config --enable-linux-desktop flutter packages get flutter build linux || true # so it downloads tools ${lib.optionalString (args ? flutterExtraFetchCommands) args.flutterExtraFetchCommands} RES="$TMP" mkdir -p "$RES/f" # so we can use lock, diff yaml cp "pubspec.yaml" "$RES" cp "pubspec.lock" "$RES" [[ -e .packages ]] && mv .packages "$RES/f" mv .dart_tool .flutter-plugins .flutter-plugins-dependencies "$RES/f" # replace paths with placeholders find "$RES" -type f -exec sed -i \ -e s,$TMP,${placeholder_deps},g \ -e s,${flutter.unwrapped},${placeholder_flutter},g \ {} + remove_line_matching() { replace_line_matching "$1" "$2" "" } replace_line_matching() { sed "s|.*$2.*|$3|g" -r -i "$1" } # nuke nondeterminism # clientId is random remove_line_matching "$RES/.flutter" clientId # deterministic git repos find "$RES" -iname .git -type d | while read -r repoGit; do make_deterministic_repo "$(dirname "$repoGit")" done # dart _fetchedAt, etc DART_DATE=$(date --date="@$SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH" -In | sed "s|,|.|g" | sed "s|+.*||g") find "$RES/.pub-cache" -iname "*.json" -exec sed -r 's|.*_fetchedAt.*| "_fetchedAt": "'"$DART_DATE"'",|g' -i {} + replace_line_matching "$RES/f/.dart_tool/package_config.json" '"generated"' '"generated": "'"$DART_DATE"'",' replace_line_matching "$RES/f/.flutter-plugins-dependencies" '"date_created"' '"date_created": "'"$DART_DATE"'",' [[ -e "$RES/f/.packages" ]] && remove_line_matching "$RES/f/.packages" "Generated by pub" # nuke refs find "$RES" -type f -exec nuke-refs {} + # Build a reproducible tar, per instructions at https://reproducible-builds.org/docs/archives/ tar --owner=0 --group=0 --numeric-owner --format=gnu \ --sort=name --mtime="@$SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH" \ -czf "$out" -C "$RES" . ''; GIT_SSL_CAINFO = "${cacert}/etc/ssl/certs/ca-bundle.crt"; SSL_CERT_FILE = "${cacert}/etc/ssl/certs/ca-bundle.crt"; impureEnvVars = lib.fetchers.proxyImpureEnvVars ++ [ "GIT_PROXY_COMMAND" "NIX_GIT_SSL_CAINFO" "SOCKS_SERVER" ]; # unnecesarry dontFixup = true; outputHashAlgo = if self ? vendorHash then null else "sha256"; # outputHashMode = "recursive"; outputHash = if self ? vendorHash then self.vendorHash else if self ? vendorSha256 then self.vendorSha256 else lib.fakeSha256; }); nativeBuildInputs = flutterDeps ++ [ # flutter dev tools cmake ninja pkg-config wrapGAppsHook # flutter likes dynamic linking autoPatchelfHook ] ++ lib.optionals (args ? nativeBuildInputs) args.nativeBuildInputs; buildInputs = [ # cmake deps gtk3 glib pcre util-linux # also required by cmake, not sure if really needed or dep of all packages libselinux libsepol libthai libdatrie xorg.libXdmcp xorg.libXtst libxkbcommon dbus at-spi2-core libsecret jsoncpp # build deps xorg.libX11 # directly required by build libepoxy ] ++ lib.optionals (args ? buildInputs) args.buildInputs; # TODO: do we need this? NIX_LDFLAGS = "-rpath ${lib.makeLibraryPath self.buildInputs}"; NIX_CFLAGS_COMPILE = "-I${xorg.libX11}/include"; LD_LIBRARY_PATH = lib.makeLibraryPath self.buildInputs; configurePhase = '' runHook preConfigure # for some reason fluffychat build breaks without this - seems file gets overriden by some tool cp pubspec.yaml pubspec-backup # we get this from $depsFolder so disabled for now, but we might need it again once deps are fetched properly # flutter config --no-analytics >/dev/null 2>/dev/null # mute first-run # flutter config --enable-linux-desktop # extract deps depsFolder=$(mktemp -d) tar xzf "$deps" -C "$depsFolder" # after extracting update paths to point to real paths find "$depsFolder" -type f -exec sed -i \ -e s,${placeholder_deps},$depsFolder,g \ -e s,${placeholder_flutter},${flutter.unwrapped},g \ {} + # ensure we're using a lockfile for the right package version if [ -e pubspec.lock ]; then # FIXME: currently this is broken. in theory this should not break, but flutter has it's own way of doing things. # diff -u pubspec.lock $depsFolder/pubspec.lock true else cp -v "$depsFolder/pubspec.lock" . fi diff -u pubspec.yaml $depsFolder/pubspec.yaml mv -v $(find $depsFolder/f -type f) . # prepare export HOME=$depsFolder export PUB_CACHE=''${PUB_CACHE:-"$HOME/.pub-cache"} export ANDROID_EMULATOR_USE_SYSTEM_LIBS=1 # binaries need to be patched autoPatchelf -- "$depsFolder" runHook postConfigure ''; buildPhase = '' runHook preBuild # for some reason fluffychat build breaks without this - seems file gets overriden by some tool mv pubspec-backup pubspec.yaml mkdir -p build/flutter_assets/fonts flutter packages get --offline -v flutter build linux --release -v runHook postBuild ''; installPhase = '' runHook preInstall built=build/linux/*/release/bundle mkdir -p $out/bin mv $built $out/app for f in $(find $out/app -iname "*.desktop" -type f); do install -D $f $out/share/applications/$(basename $f) done for f in $(find $out/app -maxdepth 1 -type f); do ln -s $f $out/bin/$(basename $f) done # this confuses autopatchelf hook otherwise rm -rf "$depsFolder" # make *.so executable find $out/app -iname "*.so" -type f -exec chmod +x {} + # remove stuff like /build/source/packages/ubuntu_desktop_installer/linux/flutter/ephemeral for f in $(find $out/app -executable -type f); do if patchelf --print-rpath "$f" | grep /build; then # this ignores static libs (e,g. libapp.so) also echo "strip RPath of $f" newrp=$(patchelf --print-rpath $f | sed -r "s|/build.*ephemeral:||g" | sed -r "s|/build.*profile:||g") patchelf --set-rpath "$newrp" "$f" fi done runHook postInstall ''; })) self; in self