{ nixpkgs ? { outPath = ./..; revCount = 56789; shortRev = "gfedcba"; } , stableBranch ? false , supportedSystems ? [ "x86_64-linux" ] }: with import ../lib; let version = fileContents ../.version; versionSuffix = (if stableBranch then "." else "pre") + "${toString nixpkgs.revCount}.${nixpkgs.shortRev}"; forAllSystems = genAttrs supportedSystems; importTest = fn: args: system: import fn ({ inherit system; } // args); callTest = fn: args: forAllSystems (system: hydraJob (importTest fn args system)); callSubTests = fn: args: let discover = attrs: let subTests = filterAttrs (const (hasAttr "test")) attrs; in mapAttrs (const (t: hydraJob t.test)) subTests; discoverForSystem = system: mapAttrs (_: test: { ${system} = test; }) (discover (importTest fn args system)); # If the test is only for a particular system, use only the specified # system instead of generating attributes for all available systems. in if args ? system then discover (import fn args) else foldAttrs mergeAttrs {} (map discoverForSystem supportedSystems); pkgs = import nixpkgs { system = "x86_64-linux"; }; versionModule = { system.nixosVersionSuffix = versionSuffix; system.nixosRevision = nixpkgs.rev or nixpkgs.shortRev; }; makeIso = { module, type, maintainers ? ["eelco"], system }: with import nixpkgs { inherit system; }; hydraJob ((import lib/eval-config.nix { inherit system; modules = [ module versionModule { isoImage.isoBaseName = "nixos-${type}"; } ]; }).config.system.build.isoImage); makeSystemTarball = { module, maintainers ? ["viric"], system }: with import nixpkgs { inherit system; }; let config = (import lib/eval-config.nix { inherit system; modules = [ module versionModule ]; }).config; tarball = config.system.build.tarball; in tarball // { meta = { description = "NixOS system tarball for ${system} - ${stdenv.platform.name}"; maintainers = map (x: lib.maintainers.${x}) maintainers; }; inherit config; }; makeClosure = module: buildFromConfig module (config: config.system.build.toplevel); buildFromConfig = module: sel: forAllSystems (system: hydraJob (sel (import ./lib/eval-config.nix { inherit system; modules = [ module versionModule ] ++ singleton ({ config, lib, ... }: { fileSystems."/".device = mkDefault "/dev/sda1"; boot.loader.grub.device = mkDefault "/dev/sda"; }); }).config)); in rec { channel = import lib/make-channel.nix { inherit pkgs nixpkgs version versionSuffix; }; manual = buildFromConfig ({ pkgs, ... }: { }) (config: config.system.build.manual.manual); manualEpub = (buildFromConfig ({ pkgs, ... }: { }) (config: config.system.build.manual.manualEpub)); manpages = buildFromConfig ({ pkgs, ... }: { }) (config: config.system.build.manual.manpages); options = (buildFromConfig ({ pkgs, ... }: { }) (config: config.system.build.manual.optionsJSON)).x86_64-linux; # Build the initial ramdisk so Hydra can keep track of its size over time. initialRamdisk = buildFromConfig ({ pkgs, ... }: { }) (config: config.system.build.initialRamdisk); netboot.x86_64-linux = let build = (import lib/eval-config.nix { system = "x86_64-linux"; modules = [ ./modules/installer/netboot/netboot-minimal.nix versionModule ]; }).config.system.build; in pkgs.symlinkJoin { name="netboot"; paths=[ build.netbootRamdisk build.kernel build.netbootIpxeScript ]; postBuild = '' mkdir -p $out/nix-support echo "file bzImage $out/bzImage" >> $out/nix-support/hydra-build-products echo "file initrd $out/initrd" >> $out/nix-support/hydra-build-products echo "file ipxe $out/netboot.ipxe" >> $out/nix-support/hydra-build-products ''; }; iso_minimal = forAllSystems (system: makeIso { module = ./modules/installer/cd-dvd/installation-cd-minimal.nix; type = "minimal"; inherit system; }); iso_graphical = genAttrs [ "x86_64-linux" ] (system: makeIso { module = ./modules/installer/cd-dvd/installation-cd-graphical-kde.nix; type = "graphical"; inherit system; }); # A variant with a more recent (but possibly less stable) kernel # that might support more hardware. iso_minimal_new_kernel = genAttrs [ "x86_64-linux" ] (system: makeIso { module = ./modules/installer/cd-dvd/installation-cd-minimal-new-kernel.nix; type = "minimal-new-kernel"; inherit system; }); # A bootable VirtualBox virtual appliance as an OVA file (i.e. packaged OVF). ova = genAttrs [ "x86_64-linux" ] (system: with import nixpkgs { inherit system; }; hydraJob ((import lib/eval-config.nix { inherit system; modules = [ versionModule ./modules/installer/virtualbox-demo.nix ]; }).config.system.build.virtualBoxOVA) ); # Ensure that all packages used by the minimal NixOS config end up in the channel. dummy = forAllSystems (system: pkgs.runCommand "dummy" { toplevel = (import lib/eval-config.nix { inherit system; modules = singleton ({ config, pkgs, ... }: { fileSystems."/".device = mkDefault "/dev/sda1"; boot.loader.grub.device = mkDefault "/dev/sda"; }); }).config.system.build.toplevel; preferLocalBuild = true; } "mkdir $out; ln -s $toplevel $out/dummy"); # Provide a tarball that can be unpacked into an SD card, and easily # boot that system from uboot (like for the sheevaplug). # The pc variant helps preparing the expression for the system tarball # in a machine faster than the sheevpalug /* system_tarball_pc = forAllSystems (system: makeSystemTarball { module = ./modules/installer/cd-dvd/system-tarball-pc.nix; inherit system; }); */ # Provide container tarball for lxc, libvirt-lxc, docker-lxc, ... containerTarball = forAllSystems (system: makeSystemTarball { module = ./modules/virtualisation/lxc-container.nix; inherit system; }); /* system_tarball_fuloong2f = assert builtins.currentSystem == "mips64-linux"; makeSystemTarball { module = ./modules/installer/cd-dvd/system-tarball-fuloong2f.nix; system = "mips64-linux"; }; system_tarball_sheevaplug = assert builtins.currentSystem == "armv5tel-linux"; makeSystemTarball { module = ./modules/installer/cd-dvd/system-tarball-sheevaplug.nix; system = "armv5tel-linux"; }; */ # Run the tests for each platform. You can run a test by doing # e.g. ‘nix-build -A tests.login.x86_64-linux’, or equivalently, # ‘nix-build tests/login.nix -A result’. tests.avahi = callTest tests/avahi.nix {}; tests.bittorrent = callTest tests/bittorrent.nix {}; tests.blivet = callTest tests/blivet.nix {}; tests.boot = callSubTests tests/boot.nix {}; tests.boot-stage1 = callTest tests/boot-stage1.nix {}; tests.cadvisor = hydraJob (import tests/cadvisor.nix { system = "x86_64-linux"; }); tests.chromium = (callSubTests tests/chromium.nix { system = "x86_64-linux"; }).stable; tests.cjdns = callTest tests/cjdns.nix {}; tests.cloud-init = callTest tests/cloud-init.nix {}; tests.containers-ipv4 = callTest tests/containers-ipv4.nix {}; tests.containers-ipv6 = callTest tests/containers-ipv6.nix {}; tests.containers-bridge = callTest tests/containers-bridge.nix {}; tests.containers-imperative = callTest tests/containers-imperative.nix {}; tests.containers-extra_veth = callTest tests/containers-extra_veth.nix {}; tests.containers-physical_interfaces = callTest tests/containers-physical_interfaces.nix {}; tests.containers-restart_networking = callTest tests/containers-restart_networking.nix {}; tests.containers-tmpfs = callTest tests/containers-tmpfs.nix {}; tests.containers-hosts = callTest tests/containers-hosts.nix {}; tests.containers-macvlans = callTest tests/containers-macvlans.nix {}; tests.docker = hydraJob (import tests/docker.nix { system = "x86_64-linux"; }); tests.docker-edge = hydraJob (import tests/docker-edge.nix { system = "x86_64-linux"; }); tests.dnscrypt-proxy = callTest tests/dnscrypt-proxy.nix { system = "x86_64-linux"; }; tests.ecryptfs = callTest tests/ecryptfs.nix {}; tests.etcd = hydraJob (import tests/etcd.nix { system = "x86_64-linux"; }); tests.ec2-nixops = hydraJob (import tests/ec2.nix { system = "x86_64-linux"; }).boot-ec2-nixops; tests.ec2-config = hydraJob (import tests/ec2.nix { system = "x86_64-linux"; }).boot-ec2-config; tests.elk = hydraJob (import tests/elk.nix { system = "x86_64-linux"; }); tests.env = callTest tests/env.nix {}; tests.ferm = callTest tests/ferm.nix {}; tests.firefox = callTest tests/firefox.nix {}; tests.firewall = callTest tests/firewall.nix {}; tests.fleet = hydraJob (import tests/fleet.nix { system = "x86_64-linux"; }); #tests.gitlab = callTest tests/gitlab.nix {}; tests.glance = callTest tests/glance.nix {}; tests.gocd-agent = callTest tests/gocd-agent.nix {}; tests.gocd-server = callTest tests/gocd-server.nix {}; tests.gnome3 = callTest tests/gnome3.nix {}; tests.gnome3-gdm = callTest tests/gnome3-gdm.nix {}; tests.hardened = callTest tests/hardened.nix { }; tests.hibernate = callTest tests/hibernate.nix {}; tests.hound = callTest tests/hound.nix {}; tests.i3wm = callTest tests/i3wm.nix {}; tests.installer = callSubTests tests/installer.nix {}; tests.influxdb = callTest tests/influxdb.nix {}; tests.ipv6 = callTest tests/ipv6.nix {}; tests.jenkins = callTest tests/jenkins.nix {}; tests.plasma5 = callTest tests/plasma5.nix {}; tests.keymap = callSubTests tests/keymap.nix {}; tests.initrdNetwork = callTest tests/initrd-network.nix {}; tests.kernel-copperhead = callTest tests/kernel-copperhead.nix {}; tests.kernel-latest = callTest tests/kernel-latest.nix {}; tests.kernel-lts = callTest tests/kernel-lts.nix {}; tests.kernel-params = callTest tests/kernel-params.nix {}; tests.keystone = callTest tests/keystone.nix {}; tests.kubernetes = hydraJob (import tests/kubernetes.nix { system = "x86_64-linux"; }); tests.latestKernel.login = callTest tests/login.nix { latestKernel = true; }; tests.ldap = callTest tests/ldap.nix {}; #tests.lightdm = callTest tests/lightdm.nix {}; tests.login = callTest tests/login.nix {}; #tests.logstash = callTest tests/logstash.nix {}; tests.mathics = callTest tests/mathics.nix {}; tests.misc = callTest tests/misc.nix {}; tests.mongodb = callTest tests/mongodb.nix {}; tests.mumble = callTest tests/mumble.nix {}; tests.munin = callTest tests/munin.nix {}; tests.mysql = callTest tests/mysql.nix {}; tests.mysqlReplication = callTest tests/mysql-replication.nix {}; tests.nat.firewall = callTest tests/nat.nix { withFirewall = true; }; tests.nat.firewall-conntrack = callTest tests/nat.nix { withFirewall = true; withConntrackHelpers = true; }; tests.nat.standalone = callTest tests/nat.nix { withFirewall = false; }; tests.networking.networkd = callSubTests tests/networking.nix { networkd = true; }; tests.networking.scripted = callSubTests tests/networking.nix { networkd = false; }; # TODO: put in networking.nix after the test becomes more complete tests.networkingProxy = callTest tests/networking-proxy.nix {}; tests.nfs3 = callTest tests/nfs.nix { version = 3; }; tests.nfs4 = callTest tests/nfs.nix { version = 4; }; tests.nginx = callTest tests/nginx.nix { }; tests.leaps = callTest tests/leaps.nix { }; tests.nsd = callTest tests/nsd.nix {}; tests.openssh = callTest tests/openssh.nix {}; tests.pam-oath-login = callTest tests/pam-oath-login.nix {}; #tests.panamax = hydraJob (import tests/panamax.nix { system = "x86_64-linux"; }); tests.peerflix = callTest tests/peerflix.nix {}; tests.postgresql = callSubTests tests/postgresql.nix {}; tests.pgjwt = callTest tests/pgjwt.nix {}; tests.printing = callTest tests/printing.nix {}; tests.proxy = callTest tests/proxy.nix {}; tests.pumpio = callTest tests/pump.io.nix {}; # tests.quagga = callTest tests/quagga.nix {}; tests.quake3 = callTest tests/quake3.nix {}; tests.radicale = callTest tests/radicale.nix {}; tests.runInMachine = callTest tests/run-in-machine.nix {}; tests.samba = callTest tests/samba.nix {}; tests.sddm = callSubTests tests/sddm.nix {}; tests.simple = callTest tests/simple.nix {}; tests.slim = callTest tests/slim.nix {}; tests.smokeping = callTest tests/smokeping.nix {}; tests.snapper = callTest tests/snapper.nix {}; tests.sysctl = callTest tests/sysctl.nix {}; tests.taskserver = callTest tests/taskserver.nix {}; tests.tomcat = callTest tests/tomcat.nix {}; tests.udisks2 = callTest tests/udisks2.nix {}; tests.virtualbox = callSubTests tests/virtualbox.nix { system = "x86_64-linux"; }; tests.wordpress = callTest tests/wordpress.nix {}; tests.xfce = callTest tests/xfce.nix {}; tests.xmonad = callTest tests/xmonad.nix {}; /* Build a bunch of typical closures so that Hydra can keep track of the evolution of closure sizes. */ closures = { smallContainer = makeClosure ({ pkgs, ... }: { boot.isContainer = true; services.openssh.enable = true; }); tinyContainer = makeClosure ({ pkgs, ... }: { boot.isContainer = true; imports = [ modules/profiles/minimal.nix ]; }); ec2 = makeClosure ({ pkgs, ... }: { imports = [ modules/virtualisation/amazon-image.nix ]; }); kde = makeClosure ({ pkgs, ... }: { services.xserver.enable = true; services.xserver.displayManager.sddm.enable = true; services.xserver.desktopManager.plasma5.enable = true; }); xfce = makeClosure ({ pkgs, ... }: { services.xserver.enable = true; services.xserver.desktopManager.xfce.enable = true; }); # Linux/Apache/PostgreSQL/PHP stack. lapp = makeClosure ({ pkgs, ... }: { services.httpd.enable = true; services.httpd.adminAddr = "foo@example.org"; services.postgresql.enable = true; services.postgresql.package = pkgs.postgresql93; environment.systemPackages = [ pkgs.php ]; }); }; }