{ config, lib, pkgs, ... }: with lib; let cfg = config.services.graphite; writeTextOrNull = f: t: mapNullable (pkgs.writeTextDir f) t; dataDir = cfg.dataDir; staticDir = cfg.dataDir + "/static"; graphiteLocalSettingsDir = pkgs.runCommand "graphite_local_settings" {inherit graphiteLocalSettings;} '' mkdir -p $out ln -s $graphiteLocalSettings $out/graphite_local_settings.py ''; graphiteLocalSettings = pkgs.writeText "graphite_local_settings.py" ( "STATIC_ROOT = '${staticDir}'\n" + optionalString (! isNull config.time.timeZone) "TIME_ZONE = '${config.time.timeZone}'\n" + cfg.web.extraConfig ); graphiteApiConfig = pkgs.writeText "graphite-api.yaml" '' search_index: ${dataDir}/index ${optionalString (!isNull config.time.timeZone) ''time_zone: ${config.time.timeZone}''} ${optionalString (cfg.api.finders != []) ''finders:''} ${concatMapStringsSep "\n" (f: " - " + f.moduleName) cfg.api.finders} ${optionalString (cfg.api.functions != []) ''functions:''} ${concatMapStringsSep "\n" (f: " - " + f) cfg.api.functions} ${cfg.api.extraConfig} ''; seyrenConfig = { SEYREN_URL = cfg.seyren.seyrenUrl; MONGO_URL = cfg.seyren.mongoUrl; GRAPHITE_URL = cfg.seyren.graphiteUrl; } // cfg.seyren.extraConfig; pagerConfig = pkgs.writeText "alarms.yaml" cfg.pager.alerts; configDir = pkgs.buildEnv { name = "graphite-config"; paths = lists.filter (el: el != null) [ (writeTextOrNull "carbon.conf" cfg.carbon.config) (writeTextOrNull "storage-aggregation.conf" cfg.carbon.storageAggregation) (writeTextOrNull "storage-schemas.conf" cfg.carbon.storageSchemas) (writeTextOrNull "blacklist.conf" cfg.carbon.blacklist) (writeTextOrNull "whitelist.conf" cfg.carbon.whitelist) (writeTextOrNull "rewrite-rules.conf" cfg.carbon.rewriteRules) (writeTextOrNull "relay-rules.conf" cfg.carbon.relayRules) (writeTextOrNull "aggregation-rules.conf" cfg.carbon.aggregationRules) ]; }; carbonOpts = name: with config.ids; '' --nodaemon --syslog --prefix=${name} --pidfile /run/${name}/${name}.pid ${name} ''; carbonEnv = { PYTHONPATH = let cenv = pkgs.python.buildEnv.override { extraLibs = [ pkgs.python27Packages.carbon ]; }; cenvPack = "${cenv}/${pkgs.python.sitePackages}"; # opt/graphite/lib contains twisted.plugins.carbon-cache in "${cenvPack}/opt/graphite/lib:${cenvPack}"; GRAPHITE_ROOT = dataDir; GRAPHITE_CONF_DIR = configDir; GRAPHITE_STORAGE_DIR = dataDir; }; in { ###### interface options.services.graphite = { dataDir = mkOption { type = types.path; default = "/var/db/graphite"; description = '' Data directory for graphite. ''; }; web = { enable = mkOption { description = "Whether to enable graphite web frontend."; default = false; type = types.bool; }; listenAddress = mkOption { description = "Graphite web frontend listen address."; default = ""; type = types.str; }; port = mkOption { description = "Graphite web frontend port."; default = 8080; type = types.int; }; extraConfig = mkOption { type = types.str; default = ""; description = '' Graphite webapp settings. See: ''; }; }; api = { enable = mkOption { description = '' Whether to enable graphite api. Graphite api is lightweight alternative to graphite web, with api and without dashboard. It's advised to use grafana as alternative dashboard and influxdb as alternative to graphite carbon. For more information visit ''; default = false; type = types.bool; }; finders = mkOption { description = "List of finder plugins to load."; default = []; example = literalExample "[ pkgs.python27Packages.influxgraph ]"; type = types.listOf types.package; }; functions = mkOption { description = "List of functions to load."; default = [ "graphite_api.functions.SeriesFunctions" "graphite_api.functions.PieFunctions" ]; type = types.listOf types.str; }; listenAddress = mkOption { description = "Graphite web service listen address."; default = ""; type = types.str; }; port = mkOption { description = "Graphite api service port."; default = 8080; type = types.int; }; package = mkOption { description = "Package to use for graphite api."; default = pkgs.python27Packages.graphite_api; defaultText = "pkgs.python27Packages.graphite_api"; type = types.package; }; extraConfig = mkOption { description = "Extra configuration for graphite api."; default = '' whisper: directories: - ${dataDir}/whisper ''; example = '' allowed_origins: - dashboard.example.com cheat_times: true influxdb: host: localhost port: 8086 user: influxdb pass: influxdb db: metrics cache: CACHE_TYPE: 'filesystem' CACHE_DIR: '/tmp/graphite-api-cache' ''; type = types.lines; }; }; carbon = { config = mkOption { description = "Content of carbon configuration file."; default = '' [cache] # Listen on localhost by default for security reasons UDP_RECEIVER_INTERFACE = PICKLE_RECEIVER_INTERFACE = LINE_RECEIVER_INTERFACE = CACHE_QUERY_INTERFACE = # Do not log every update LOG_UPDATES = False LOG_CACHE_HITS = False ''; type = types.str; }; enableCache = mkOption { description = "Whether to enable carbon cache, the graphite storage daemon."; default = false; type = types.bool; }; storageAggregation = mkOption { description = "Defines how to aggregate data to lower-precision retentions."; default = null; type = types.uniq (types.nullOr types.string); example = '' [all_min] pattern = \.min$ xFilesFactor = 0.1 aggregationMethod = min ''; }; storageSchemas = mkOption { description = "Defines retention rates for storing metrics."; default = ""; type = types.uniq (types.nullOr types.string); example = '' [apache_busyWorkers] pattern = ^servers\.www.*\.workers\.busyWorkers$ retentions = 15s:7d,1m:21d,15m:5y ''; }; blacklist = mkOption { description = "Any metrics received which match one of the experssions will be dropped."; default = null; type = types.uniq (types.nullOr types.string); example = "^some\.noisy\.metric\.prefix\..*"; }; whitelist = mkOption { description = "Only metrics received which match one of the experssions will be persisted."; default = null; type = types.uniq (types.nullOr types.string); example = ".*"; }; rewriteRules = mkOption { description = '' Regular expression patterns that can be used to rewrite metric names in a search and replace fashion. ''; default = null; type = types.uniq (types.nullOr types.string); example = '' [post] _sum$ = _avg$ = ''; }; enableRelay = mkOption { description = "Whether to enable carbon relay, the carbon replication and sharding service."; default = false; type = types.bool; }; relayRules = mkOption { description = "Relay rules are used to send certain metrics to a certain backend."; default = null; type = types.uniq (types.nullOr types.string); example = '' [example] pattern = ^mydata\.foo\..+ servers =,, myserver.mydomain.com ''; }; enableAggregator = mkOption { description = "Whether to enable carbon aggregator, the carbon buffering service."; default = false; type = types.bool; }; aggregationRules = mkOption { description = "Defines if and how received metrics will be aggregated."; default = null; type = types.uniq (types.nullOr types.string); example = '' .applications..all.requests (60) = sum .applications..*.requests .applications..all.latency (60) = avg .applications..*.latency ''; }; }; seyren = { enable = mkOption { description = "Whether to enable seyren service."; default = false; type = types.bool; }; port = mkOption { description = "Seyren listening port."; default = 8081; type = types.int; }; seyrenUrl = mkOption { default = "http://localhost:${toString cfg.seyren.port}/"; description = "Host where seyren is accessible."; type = types.str; }; graphiteUrl = mkOption { default = "http://${cfg.web.listenAddress}:${toString cfg.web.port}"; description = "Host where graphite service runs."; type = types.str; }; mongoUrl = mkOption { default = "mongodb://${config.services.mongodb.bind_ip}:27017/seyren"; description = "Mongodb connection string."; type = types.str; }; extraConfig = mkOption { default = {}; description = '' Extra seyren configuration. See ''; type = types.attrsOf types.str; example = literalExample '' { GRAPHITE_USERNAME = "user"; GRAPHITE_PASSWORD = "pass"; } ''; }; }; pager = { enable = mkOption { description = '' Whether to enable graphite-pager service. For more information visit ''; default = false; type = types.bool; }; redisUrl = mkOption { description = "Redis connection string."; default = "redis://localhost:${toString config.services.redis.port}/"; type = types.str; }; graphiteUrl = mkOption { description = "URL to your graphite service."; default = "http://${cfg.web.listenAddress}:${toString cfg.web.port}"; type = types.str; }; alerts = mkOption { description = "Alerts configuration for graphite-pager."; default = '' alerts: - target: constantLine(100) warning: 90 critical: 200 name: Test ''; example = '' pushbullet_key: pushbullet_api_key alerts: - target: stats.seatgeek.app.deal_quality.venue_info_cache.hit warning: .5 critical: 1 name: Deal quality venue cache hits ''; type = types.lines; }; }; beacon = { enable = mkEnableOption "graphite beacon"; config = mkOption { description = "Graphite beacon configuration."; default = {}; type = types.attrs; }; }; }; ###### implementation config = mkMerge [ (mkIf cfg.carbon.enableCache { systemd.services.carbonCache = let name = "carbon-cache"; in { description = "Graphite Data Storage Backend"; wantedBy = [ "multi-user.target" ]; after = [ "network.target" ]; environment = carbonEnv; serviceConfig = { RuntimeDirectory = name; ExecStart = "${pkgs.pythonPackages.twisted}/bin/twistd ${carbonOpts name}"; User = "graphite"; Group = "graphite"; PermissionsStartOnly = true; PIDFile="/run/${name}/${name}.pid"; }; preStart = '' install -dm0700 -o graphite -g graphite ${cfg.dataDir} install -dm0700 -o graphite -g graphite ${cfg.dataDir}/whisper ''; }; }) (mkIf cfg.carbon.enableAggregator { systemd.services.carbonAggregator = let name = "carbon-aggregator"; in { enable = cfg.carbon.enableAggregator; description = "Carbon Data Aggregator"; wantedBy = [ "multi-user.target" ]; after = [ "network.target" ]; environment = carbonEnv; serviceConfig = { RuntimeDirectory = name; ExecStart = "${pkgs.pythonPackages.twisted}/bin/twistd ${carbonOpts name}"; User = "graphite"; Group = "graphite"; PIDFile="/run/${name}/${name}.pid"; }; }; }) (mkIf cfg.carbon.enableRelay { systemd.services.carbonRelay = let name = "carbon-relay"; in { description = "Carbon Data Relay"; wantedBy = [ "multi-user.target" ]; after = [ "network.target" ]; environment = carbonEnv; serviceConfig = { RuntimeDirectory = name; ExecStart = "${pkgs.pythonPackages.twisted}/bin/twistd ${carbonOpts name}"; User = "graphite"; Group = "graphite"; PIDFile="/run/${name}/${name}.pid"; }; }; }) (mkIf (cfg.carbon.enableCache || cfg.carbon.enableAggregator || cfg.carbon.enableRelay) { environment.systemPackages = [ pkgs.pythonPackages.carbon ]; }) (mkIf cfg.web.enable (let python27' = pkgs.python27.override { packageOverrides = self: super: { django = self.django_1_8; django_tagging = self.django_tagging_0_4_3; }; }; pythonPackages = python27'.pkgs; in { systemd.services.graphiteWeb = { description = "Graphite Web Interface"; wantedBy = [ "multi-user.target" ]; after = [ "network.target" ]; path = [ pkgs.perl ]; environment = { PYTHONPATH = let penv = pkgs.python.buildEnv.override { extraLibs = [ pythonPackages.graphite-web pythonPackages.pysqlite ]; }; penvPack = "${penv}/${pkgs.python.sitePackages}"; in concatStringsSep ":" [ "${graphiteLocalSettingsDir}" "${penvPack}/opt/graphite/webapp" "${penvPack}" # explicitly adding pycairo in path because it cannot be imported via buildEnv "${pkgs.pythonPackages.pycairo}/${pkgs.python.sitePackages}" ]; DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE = "graphite.settings"; GRAPHITE_CONF_DIR = configDir; GRAPHITE_STORAGE_DIR = dataDir; LD_LIBRARY_PATH = "${pkgs.cairo.out}/lib"; }; serviceConfig = { ExecStart = '' ${pkgs.python27Packages.waitress-django}/bin/waitress-serve-django \ --host=${cfg.web.listenAddress} --port=${toString cfg.web.port} ''; User = "graphite"; Group = "graphite"; PermissionsStartOnly = true; }; preStart = '' if ! test -e ${dataDir}/db-created; then mkdir -p ${dataDir}/{whisper/,log/webapp/} chmod 0700 ${dataDir}/{whisper/,log/webapp/} ${pkgs.pythonPackages.django_1_8}/bin/django-admin.py migrate --noinput chown -R graphite:graphite ${dataDir} touch ${dataDir}/db-created fi # Only collect static files when graphite_web changes. if ! [ "${dataDir}/current_graphite_web" -ef "${pythonPackages.graphite-web}" ]; then mkdir -p ${staticDir} ${pkgs.pythonPackages.django_1_8}/bin/django-admin.py collectstatic --noinput --clear chown -R graphite:graphite ${staticDir} ln -sfT "${pythonPackages.graphite-web}" "${dataDir}/current_graphite_web" fi ''; }; environment.systemPackages = [ pythonPackages.graphite-web ]; })) (mkIf cfg.api.enable { systemd.services.graphiteApi = { description = "Graphite Api Interface"; wantedBy = [ "multi-user.target" ]; after = [ "network.target" ]; environment = { PYTHONPATH = let aenv = pkgs.python.buildEnv.override { extraLibs = [ cfg.api.package pkgs.cairo pkgs.pythonPackages.cffi ] ++ cfg.api.finders; }; in "${aenv}/${pkgs.python.sitePackages}"; GRAPHITE_API_CONFIG = graphiteApiConfig; LD_LIBRARY_PATH = "${pkgs.cairo.out}/lib"; }; serviceConfig = { ExecStart = '' ${pkgs.python27Packages.waitress}/bin/waitress-serve \ --host=${cfg.api.listenAddress} --port=${toString cfg.api.port} \ graphite_api.app:app ''; User = "graphite"; Group = "graphite"; PermissionsStartOnly = true; }; preStart = '' if ! test -e ${dataDir}/db-created; then mkdir -p ${dataDir}/cache/ chmod 0700 ${dataDir}/cache/ chown graphite:graphite ${cfg.dataDir} chown -R graphite:graphite ${cfg.dataDir}/cache touch ${dataDir}/db-created fi ''; }; }) (mkIf cfg.seyren.enable { systemd.services.seyren = { description = "Graphite Alerting Dashboard"; wantedBy = [ "multi-user.target" ]; after = [ "network.target" "mongodb.service" ]; environment = seyrenConfig; serviceConfig = { ExecStart = "${pkgs.seyren}/bin/seyren -httpPort ${toString cfg.seyren.port}"; WorkingDirectory = dataDir; User = "graphite"; Group = "graphite"; }; preStart = '' if ! test -e ${dataDir}/db-created; then mkdir -p ${dataDir} chown graphite:graphite ${dataDir} fi ''; }; services.mongodb.enable = mkDefault true; }) (mkIf cfg.pager.enable { systemd.services.graphitePager = { description = "Graphite Pager Alerting Daemon"; wantedBy = [ "multi-user.target" ]; after = [ "network.target" "redis.service" ]; environment = { REDIS_URL = cfg.pager.redisUrl; GRAPHITE_URL = cfg.pager.graphiteUrl; }; serviceConfig = { ExecStart = "${pkgs.pythonPackages.graphitepager}/bin/graphite-pager --config ${pagerConfig}"; User = "graphite"; Group = "graphite"; }; }; services.redis.enable = mkDefault true; environment.systemPackages = [ pkgs.pythonPackages.graphitepager ]; }) (mkIf cfg.beacon.enable { systemd.services.graphite-beacon = { description = "Grpahite Beacon Alerting Daemon"; wantedBy = [ "multi-user.target" ]; serviceConfig = { ExecStart = '' ${pkgs.pythonPackages.graphite_beacon}/bin/graphite-beacon \ --config=${pkgs.writeText "graphite-beacon.json" (builtins.toJSON cfg.beacon.config)} ''; User = "graphite"; Group = "graphite"; }; }; }) (mkIf ( cfg.carbon.enableCache || cfg.carbon.enableAggregator || cfg.carbon.enableRelay || cfg.web.enable || cfg.api.enable || cfg.seyren.enable || cfg.pager.enable || cfg.beacon.enable ) { users.users = singleton { name = "graphite"; uid = config.ids.uids.graphite; description = "Graphite daemon user"; home = dataDir; }; users.groups.graphite.gid = config.ids.gids.graphite; }) ]; }